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The Sims 4 Apocalypse Challenge is Coming

Inspired by the Boston Scenario of the original Sim City, The Apocalypse Challenge starts things with a bang!

Inspired by the Boston Scenario of the original Sim City, The Apocalypse Challenge starts things with a bang!


Originally created in The Sims 2, the Apocalypse Challenge challenged your Sim to move in to a region devastated by a nuclear disaster and rebuild it from within. This challenge is getting a full update for The Sims 4 that will be released before the end of the month.

The challenge features a laundry list of restrictions that make life difficult for your Sims, but with a catch. While most challenges that you play have rules and restrictions that apply for the whole challenge, the Apocalypse Challenge’s restrictions are temporary. Through in-game actions you are able to remove various restrictions from your sims, making life a little easier as you play. However, this challenge introduces strategic elements to it. Lifting one restriction means NOT lifting another until later, thus you must plan out carefully your family’s plan of action.

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Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Sims 4 News