Apocalypse Challenge

Weekly Stories List – Week of 2/9/2015


Hello everyone! Below are this week’s most recently updated Legacy Challenge & Wonder Child Stories for the week of 2/9/2015!

Please note: I’ve renamed this series as we have now added the Apocalypse Challenge to the list and that would make the title too long. This list still only reflects challenges created by us, and no other challenges.

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Posted by Mystic in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 2 Stories, Sims 4 Stories, Wonder Child Challenge

Weekly Let’s Play List – Week of 2/9/2015


Hello everyone and welcome to another Weekly Let’s Play List! Each week we will post a list of new Let’s Plays and chapters in separate posts so that you can check out what others are doing and stay up to date with them. I will be posting the Let’s Play list today and the written story list tomorrow (which means that the Let’s Play list will be posted each Monday and the writers list each Tuesday).

Please note, with the release of the Apocalypse Challenge, I have changed the name of this series to simply say “Weekly Let’s Play List” as the title would have been too long otherwise. This list is still only for challenges that Pinstar and I have created. We will not be including Let’s Plays of other challenges.

Here are the new episodes for the week of February 9, 2015:

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Posted by Mystic in Featured, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Sims 2 Stories, Sims 3 Stories, Sims 4 Stories

1.01 Rules update for the Apocalypse Challenge

02-05-15_11-14 AM

After some feedback from the community and some additional playtesting on my part, I have some updates to the rules. The changes are as follows:


  • All TVs are now restricted under the eSport gamer restrictions. If you have been using a TV up until this point, you don’t need to restart just stick it in your family inventory.
  • Rocket Ships are exempt from the “Must be under a roof” rule in the Space Ranger restriction. They must still be within your house’s 8X8 area if Villain hasn’t been lifted, but see the screen shot above to see how you can pull that off without lifting Villain first.
  • Items in the family inventory (regardless of size) are now restricted, tied to the bodybuilder restriction. You may place items INTO family inventory, but may not take anything out of it until bodybuilder is lifted. For those of you with active challenges, you may pull out any items from inventory on a one-time basis before this rule takes effect so you can ‘rescue’ important items that you thought were previously accessible.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Other Challenges, Sims 4 News

Weekly Stories List – Week of 2/2/2015



Hello everyone! Below are this week’s most recently updated Legacy Challenge & Wonder Child Stories for the week of 1/26/2015!

Please note: I’ve renamed this series as we have now added the Apocalypse Challenge to the list and that would make the title too long. This list still only reflects challenges created by us, and no other challenges.

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Posted by Mystic in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, Legacy Challenge Stories, Other Challenges, Sims 2 Stories, Sims 3 Stories, Sims 4 Stories, Wonder Child Challenge

Weekly Let’s Play List – Week of 2/2/2015


Hello everyone and welcome to another Weekly Let’s Play List! Each week we will post a list of new Let’s Plays and chapters in separate posts so that you can check out what others are doing and stay up to date with them. I will be posting the Let’s Play list today and the written story list tomorrow (which means that the Let’s Play list will be posted each Monday and the writers list each Tuesday).

Please note, with the release of the Apocalypse Challenge, I have changed the name of this series to simply say “Weekly Let’s Play List” as the title would have been too long otherwise. This list is still only for challenges that Pinstar and I have created. We will not be including Let’s Plays of other challenges.

Here are the new episodes for the week of February 2, 2015:

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Posted by Mystic in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Other Challenges, Sims 2 Stories, Sims 3 Stories, Sims 4 Stories, Wonder Child Challenge

The Sims 4 Apocalypse Challenge is Live!

Sims 4 Apocalypse Challenge

Hey everyone! The time has come! It’s the end of the world as we know it! The Sims 4 Apocalypse Challenge has been released!

You can find the rules here. We also have a FAQ sheet and scorecard for you to check out.

Not sure how to get started on Pinstar’s latest challenge? Check out his getting started video below.

Finally, I will be streaming the Apocalypse Challenge tomorrow morning at 10 am EST on my Twitch channel, for those of you interested in seeing it live! (Mistakes will be made I’m sure!)

Posted by Mystic in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Other Challenges

The Sims 4 Apocalypse Challenge is Coming

Inspired by the Boston Scenario of the original Sim City, The Apocalypse Challenge starts things with a bang!

Inspired by the Boston Scenario of the original Sim City, The Apocalypse Challenge starts things with a bang!


Originally created in The Sims 2, the Apocalypse Challenge challenged your Sim to move in to a region devastated by a nuclear disaster and rebuild it from within. This challenge is getting a full update for The Sims 4 that will be released before the end of the month.

The challenge features a laundry list of restrictions that make life difficult for your Sims, but with a catch. While most challenges that you play have rules and restrictions that apply for the whole challenge, the Apocalypse Challenge’s restrictions are temporary. Through in-game actions you are able to remove various restrictions from your sims, making life a little easier as you play. However, this challenge introduces strategic elements to it. Lifting one restriction means NOT lifting another until later, thus you must plan out carefully your family’s plan of action.

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Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Sims 4 News

Merry Christmas from The Sims Legacy Challenge! We Have a Present For You!

12-24-14_4-30 PMHello everyone! We hope you all have an amazing holiday season! We just wanted to take a moment and thank you all for the amazing support that you showed Pinstar and I this year. We had a bit of a rough year in real life, but being able to interact with all of you and share our love of Sims with you has been amazing and has helped us get through the tough times.

As a bit of a Christmas present we wanted to let you in on a little (ok, it’s not really that little) secret project that Pinstar has been working on. He is working on bringing the popular Apocalypse Challenge from the Sims 2 over to the Sims 4! We know a lot of you have been clamoring for this challenge since The Sims 4 was released. This challenge is huge in scope, moreso than even the Legacy Challenge, so it takes some time to get written up and playtested, but it SHOULD be up in the next month or two. So keep and eye out, I will try to update you on Pinstar’s progress with it when I can!

In the meantime, if you want to play the Apocalypse Challenge for the Sims 2, check out the rules here.

As an aside, if you don’t already own the Sims 4, it is currently on sale on Amazon for $20 off the regular retail price. So get it while you can!


Posted by Mystic in General News, Sims 4 News