Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules – Scoring

Last Updated on May 13, 2020

Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Scoring


A total of 100 points can be earned in The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge.

(101 if using a handicap) (103 if using the Parenthood Pack) (106 if using the Seasons Pack) (107 if using Get Famous) (108 with Discover University)

The scoring categories are as follows:

Family: 10 total points

The Family point category is the most simple of all. You gain 1 point per generation to have an eligible heir reach young adulthood.

The scoring goes as follows:

  • One point per generation
  • The point is gained when the current heir reaches young adulthood
  • The challenge ends the moment the 10th generation child is born, since this child does not become a young adult, the 10th point needs to be earned by doing the following:
    • The 10th point is obtained by having/adopting 10 children in a single generation

Creative: 10 total points

Documenting and honoring one’s fallen ancestors is paramount to keeping the family Legacy strong. While family members live and die, they die happy knowing that they will not be forgotten.

  • Founder/heir and their primary spouse must be memorialized per generation. 1 point each generation.
  • Ways to memorialize are:
    • Write a song for a Sim (Sim writing the song must have Piano, Violin, OR Guitar skill must be 8+)
    • Comedy routine (Sim doing the routine must have Comedy skill of 8+), routine must be done at least once during a party.
    • Paint a portrait by choosing “Paint from Reference” with a Sim with a painting skill level 8 or higher.
    • Write a biography about a Sim (Sim writing the biography must have writing skill of 10).
    • Create a Video Game in honor of a sim. (Video Games require a level 9+ Programming Skill)
    • Take a photo of a Sim. (Must be done by a Sim with photography skill level 5)
  • This will earn you 9 points since challenge ends as soon as 10th generation baby is born
  • 10th point is earned by having a single Sim complete two out of the three creative aspirations in their lifetime.

Fortune: 10 total points

While the founder starts off on an empty grass lot with pocket change to their name, a Legacy Family is expected to grow in wealth as more and more Sims succeed in life and bring in riches for the family to share and pass along to future generations. With the addition of The Sims 4 Get to Work funds from a business owned by the Legacy family now counts towards the family net worth. Funds from Veterinary Clinics in The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs will also count towards family net worth.

  • Points are earned by meeting the specific household worth thresholds as follows:
    • $75,000 = 1 point
    • $120,000 = 2 points
    • $200,000 = 3 points
    • $320,000 = 4 points
    • $510,000 = 5 points
    • $830,000 = 6 points
    • $1,300,000 = 7 points
    • $2,100,000 = 8 points
    • $3,500,000 = 9 points
    • $5,700,000 = 10 points (this MAY be replaced with having ALL Business Perks if your family owns a business)

Love: 10 total points

While the Legacy Family is the star of the show, one cannot deny the unique outsider perspective that the spouses bring in. A family with a deep and diverse array of lovers helps the Legacy Family grow both literally and in wisdom.

  • For every 3 unique traits that the Primary spouse (see the spouses section of the Gameplay Rules for more information on Primary spouses) brings into the family you gain 1 point for a total of 9 points by the end of the challenge. In order to receive the 10th point you must complete the entire Legacy Challenge. Once the 10th generation heir is born, this point will be earned.

Note: If playing with Seasons and using the Re-Traiting Potion only count the traits AFTER the re-roll of traits. Not the originals.

Knowledge: 10 points

Being skilled is one thing, but being a master at something is completely different. To demonstrate their mastery of many subjects, a Legacy Family must devote themselves to a life of study and practice if they ever want to be known for their skills.

  • You gain points according to the total number of skills that reach max level (either 5 or 10 depending on the skill) according to the following chart:
    • 3 skills reaching max level = 1 point
    • 6 skills reaching max level = 2 points
    • 9 skills reaching max level = 3 points
    • 12 skills reaching max level = 4 points
    • 15 skills reaching max level = 5 points
    • 18 skills reaching max level = 6 points
    • 21 skills reaching max level = 7 points
    • 24 skills reaching max level = 8 points
    • 27 skills reaching max level = 9 points
  • Toddler & childhood skills count for the above totals just as much as adult skills do.
  • The 10th point is earned by having every skill reach max level at some point during the challenge. (Including toddler & childhood skills, can be done by different Sims in different generations). This does not have to be done by one Sim.

Athletic: 10 points

It is the goal of every athlete to push themselves. To hunker down and through the pain and sweat and push themselves the extra mile in order to achieve greatness. This category is about pushing your Sims to greatness through the fulfillment of their aspirations.

  • For every four (4) aspirations completed you will earn 1 point. A single Sim can complete multiple aspirations. Childhood aspirations count.
    • 4 aspirations completed = 1 point
    • 8 aspirations completed = 2 points
    • 12 aspirations completed = 3 points
    • 16 aspirations completed = 4 points
    • 20 aspirations completed = 5 points
    • 24 aspirations completed = 6 points
    • 28 aspirations completed = 7 points
    • 32 aspirations completed = 8 points
    • 36 aspirations completed = 9 points
  • The 10th point is earned by completing every unique aspiration in the game across the entire family.

Nature: 10 points

All nature Sims love their collections, but a Legacy Family gets REALLY into collecting, and more than just rocks and frogs and such. Complete these 10 collections and be the envy of all collectors out there. You earn one point for each collection you complete. No partial points are given for partial collections. With the December update adding Business and Athletic, those careers are now needed to fulfill the career points in this category.

Complete 13 out of the 26 possible collections.

  • Have somebody die on the family lot in one of each of the 10 different ways to die = 1 point
  • There are 13 collections (out of 30 possible collections in the game) to complete to earn you points in Nature they are the following (these can be earned throughout the course of the game, NOT by a single Sim or generation) this will earn you a total of 5 points:
    • 1 collection completed = 1 point
    • 2 collections completed = 2 points
    • 5 collections completed = 3 points
    • 9 collections completed = 4 points
    • 13 collections completed = 5 points
  • Have Sims within the household reach the top level of each career track = 1 point
  • Have Sims within the household reach the top level of both branches of every career track = 1 point
  • Collect every single emotional painting type (Angry, Sad, Playful, Flirty, Confident, Focused) = 1 point
  • Collect and store on the family lot every single consumable aspiration reward = 1 point

Food: 10 points

The food category is a buffet of tasks for your Sims to perform. Some easy, some difficult, but all related to food.

Earn one point for completing each of the following:

  • Purchase the most expensive fridge and stove and fully upgrade both of them = 1 point
  • Have a Sim make a highest quality version of Baked Alaska, the most difficult to make dish = 1 point (NOTE: Baking the highest level baking dish can be done in lieu of gourmet cooking to satisfy the ‘Highest Quality version of Baked Alaska’ point.)
  • Have a single Sim max the cooking, baking (if you have Sims 4 Get to Work) gourmet cooking, and mixology skills = 1 point
  • Have Sims complete both food aspirations in a single generation, they can be done by two different Sims = 1 point
  • Have a Sim get fat from your family’s cooking = 1 point
  • Have at least six Sims (family members or guests) all sitting at the table eating at the same time = 1 point
  • Reach the top of both food career branches = 1 point
  • Cook a meal with at least two fresh ingredients that are of the highest quality = 1 point
  • Have a Sim make their date a max-quality meal or mix a max-quality drink during a single date = 1 point
  • Serve a max-quality party-sized meal and mix a max-quality drink and serve both during a single party = 1 point

Popularity: 10 points

The only thing more legendary than a well-developed Legacy Family house is a Legacy Family house party! Making your home party central for the region will have everyone wanting to make friends with the family in hopes of securing an invite.

Points earned depending on the medals you earn from parties and dates. (This includes Toddler Playdates if you have the Toddler Stuff Pack)

Gold medal = 3 points – Silver Medal = 2 points and Bronze Medal = 1 point

You will need to keep track of how many medals you earn in each date or party in order to tally the totals up correctly. These medal points are tracked throughout the entire Legacy

  • 9 Medal Points = 1 point
  • 18 Medal Points = 2 points
  • 27 Medal Points = 3 points
  • 36 Medal Points = 4 points
  • 45 Medal Points = 5 points
  • 54 Medal Points = 6 points
  • 63 Medal Points = 7 points
  • 72 Medal Points = 8 points
  • 81 Medal Points = 9 points
  • The 10th point is earned by having a single Sim get a gold medal in all the different types of parties AND a gold medal on a date. (This can be replaced by having earned all possible club perks in your Legacy club instead.)

Deviance: 10 points

Many think of evil and mischief when they hear the word ‘deviance’ but in reality they are merely a Sim expressing their impulsive desires in a form that is harmful to others. Not all impulsive desires are harmful, but giving into them is the name of the game here. Now, condensing all their hard work into an elixir that they will never benefit from? Yeah that’s deviant.

Points are gained depending on the total number of potions of youth that are kept somewhere in the Legacy House unused. It is recommended that you keep these in a small room that Sims don’t have access to so they don’t accidentally drink them.

Potions of Life cost 1,500 aspiration points each.

  • 2 Potion of Youth = 1 point
  • 4 Potions of Youth = 2 points
  • 6 Potions of Youth = 3 points
  • 8 Potions of Youth = 4 points
  • 10 Potions of Youth = 5 points
  • 12 Potions of Youth = 6 points
  • 14 Potions of Youth = 7 points
  • 16 Potions of Youth = 8 points
  • 18 Potions of Youth = 9 points
  • 20 Potions of Youth = 10 points

Parenthood: 2 Optional Points

These points are optional and only if you own the Sims 4 Parenthood Pack.

  • 1 point if you are able to get ALL of the upbringing traits (both positive & negative) at some point in the family (will not be on one Sim, but throughout the family history) this is not per trait, but in total
  • 1 points if you are able to have a single sim grow up with all 5 traits manifesting (they don’t all have to be positive)

Seasons: 3 Optional Points

The Legacy Family Holidays: 

Upon the death of your founder, create two new holidays. One must fall on the day your founder died. This holiday may be given any name, but must have only one tradition assigned to it: Remembrance.   The second holiday should be created on the day your founder began the challenge…the 1st day of whichever season you started in. This holiday must also contain only one tradition. You may freely pick this tradition, but it should be a reflection of your founder. Either something they like to do, or a representation of their personality or a major life event that happened to them.   With the death of each heir, add ONE tradition to EITHER of the two family holidays (but not both). This new tradition should also reflect something related to the heir that just died. Continue this as you play through your challenge adding a new tradition with the death of each generation’s heir. (Please note: The traditions will be added up to the death of the 8th generation heir. The 9th and 10th generation heirs will not get a tradition as they will still be alive at the end of the challenge. This is why the founder gets two traditions and not one.)   Both holidays should qualify for days off from work/school. You may name either holiday whatever you want and may choose whatever decoration theme you wish (if any).   Scoring:

  • 1 point once one of the two holidays reaches a total of 5 traditions
  • 1 point if you are able to have an heir reach gold level celebration status for a 5-tradition family holiday.
  • 1 point if you are able to have all active members of a legacy household reach gold level celebration status for a family holiday.

NOTE: If you already have an established Legacy and are already a few generations into the challenge you can retro-actively add the two holidays in and add any traditions that apply. So for instance if you are already in the 5th generation, you’d add 2 holidays and then two traditions for the founder, and any additional traditions for the previous heirs that have already passed on.

Discover University Optional Point

The Legacy Legacy – Choose either Foxbury Institute or University of Britechester as your family’s Legacy College upon creating your founder. This is the only college your Sims in the Legacy family can attend and donate to throughout the challenge. Choose majors wisely! (1 additional Point)

Handicaps (adds 1 or 2 extra points)

With the addition of The Sims 4 Get Together you now have the option of including one handicap to your Legacy challenge that will net you an additional point if completed (which means that, yes, it is possible to now get more than 100 points in a Legacy)

  • Extreme Start (worth 1 extra point)- Follow the rules for this start in the Getting Started section, there are variations of it depending on which expansions you have.


  • Ultra Extreme Start (worth 2 extra points) – Follow the rules for this new start in the Getting Started section.

Penalties: -3 points total

Nobody likes to think about the bad things in life. While your Sims are certainly expected to have their ups and downs, there are some downs that are especially low and reflect very poorly on a Legacy Family if they ever happen. This is a point category like all the others, except all points here are negative and subtract from your total score and your goal is to obtain 0 points here.

  • -1 point every time the power is shut off due to unpaid bills
  • -1 point every time the plumbing is shut off due to unpaid bills
  • -1 point per child/infant taken away by social services

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[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules – Scoring […]

Hello, just looking for a little clarification for the Parenthood bonus points.

-“1 point for each upbringing trait you are able to gain from someone in the family (Positive AND Negative traits) 10 traits in total.”
Do you have to gain each upbringing trait (all 10) throughout the generations in order to get that 1 bonus point for the overall score? Or are you adding a bonus point for every unique trait (up to 10) to the overall score?

Thanks in advance. Love this challenge!

Yeah, that’s something that’d need to be cleared up.

Sorry I must have missed this question initially! I just asked Pinstar to clarify and he said:

Every unique trait
You can obtain them over the course of the 10 generations
Doesn’t have to be within a single generation
nor does it matter if the kids are heirs or not, or what order you get them

Hopefully that helps!

At the top of this page, it says:
A total of 100 points can be earned in The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge.
(101 if using a handicap) (103 if using the Parenthood Pack)

I am confused now whether we can earn a possible total of 11 points or 2 points from the Parenthood Pack.
11 points = 10 points (for each upbringing trait) + 1 bonus point (for one sim with 5 upbringing trait)

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your updating the Legacy Challenge as new xpacks are released. 🙂

Oh hmm… I’ll have to have Pinstar take a look at this and let me know because now I’ve managed to confuse myself haha.

Sorry about that! I’ll try and get back to you in the next day or two!

We just updated the scoring rules to make that part less confusing. The total points will still be 103, we just misworded the Parenthood part.

Alexandra ☺️❤️ Lersten

I’m starting my legacy and I’m unsure about some things.
1) Does a generation end when you have 10 legacy kids?
2) is a heir the only one who can create the kids?

You don’t have to have 10 kids per generation. You can have however many you want. So the generation ends when the heir of that generation dies.

The heir is the only Sim of that generation whose kids will count for points. Your spares can have kids, but those kids can’t earn points.

I hope that helps to clear things up!

Alexandra ☺️❤️ Lersten

Thank you, that helps a ton!

I have done this multiple times. The first time I played was probably the most fucked up story ever. I had the heir die in adulthood. The two kids died in a fire. The last king became the heir. In that family, I chose a townie that did nothing, wouldn’t ever go to work when I told them to go to work. I ended up drowning her in a pool because I had a heir at that point. 3-6th generations were fine. 7th generation had 6 kids, parents ended up dying early because of a fire. Their uncle moved in. 8th, I couldn’t go maybe 5 minutes without a sibling calling to hang out or go do something. 9-10th were fine. I did the extreme start and I struggled. She slept in a tent for a few nights and when I finally had money I got her a shower and toilet. This is when the jungle pack came out so I was able to shower her with the water bottles and pee in a bush. She finally got a heir through adoption because my sim never got pregnant. Other than that, the challenge is long but good to get through.

Hi! Question.
For the purpose of scoring when it comes to skills and aspirations…do skills/aspirations added with Expansion Packs/Game Packs count toward the scoring? In addition to this, must we max these added skills/complete added aspirations in order to get that 10th point?
Thank you!!

When do you figure out how many points you have? do you add up how many for a generation, then all then generations at the end or just at the end, or as you go?

I would say as you go, that’s how I did it.

Quick question for the memorialization, each gen has to memorialize the legacy heir or the current heir?

Hey! I love doing the different Sims 4 challenges, so I’ve been super excited to give this one a go! I was just wandering, for the Athletic points, the 10th point comes from completing all unique aspirations. How would this be possible with aspirations like City Living? I’m trying the ultra extreme start in Del Sol valley, so this aspiration would require me to move lots.

Any advice would be great!

Aspirations that can’t be completed by a Legacy Sim don’t count towards the unique aspirations. This includes City Native and any aspirations you don’t have the proper packs for.

Hooray for bullets!

For the fortune category…”household worth” is just the lot value… that doesn’t include the cash on hand, right?

Pinstar Legacy


Could this maybe be reconsidered? I’ve been sort of keeping an eye on the values of a lot of the bigger, fancier lots uploaded to the gallery, and I have only found one that broke through the $1,000,000 mark – I have yet to find anything to reach anywhere close to $5,000,000 to the point where I’m skeptical that it could even be possible. Maybe once we have a few more EPs and a few more expensive things to add to lots it could be easier, but I don’t see how someone with just the base game could build a house worth $5,700,000 (and certainly not one that would also be fun and easy to play without sims taking half a day to get from point A to point B).

Of course, if someone has managed to build a house this big, I’m all ears.

Pinstar Legacy

Hmmm I will take a closer look at the housing value then. Perhaps I might make it home value + cash on hand.

I like the idea of challenging myself/players to build the grandest house they can build, but my concern was the feasibility of it.

Maybe split the category similarly to how the popularity or knowledge categories are split, where up to 9 points is earned for having a household worth+cash on hand total of whatever million dollars, with a 10th point earned when the lot value itself is over 1 million? Just a suggestion. 🙂

Pinstar Legacy

I am always looking into feedback, and may re-tool some major scoring rules once the first full expansion pack comes out.

^ That would be very helpful!

i decided to start this challenge but dont really care about points do i have to use them


Nope! Only use them if you want to.

Yaboi xxx_minercrafter54_xxx

Just do what you want, it’s a game, it’s made to be enjoyed

Are my sims allowed to get jobs?

Looks awesome, love the update on the scoring and formatting! Thanks again for putting this together.

Here is a legacy points tracker I put together using Excel – you can download your own copy from here:

Here is an example of the tracker in use.

Awesome! And MY first gen leader was Piper, too.

Hey, this is awesome! Thanks!!!

Its not working for me 🙁 When I click yes for the heir the name come up. I think something went wrong with the codes or something. I am using Excel 2010 could that be the problem?

Can you describe the problem more? Right now it is designed to display the current Heir in the summary at the top. So when you select Yes for Heir the name will display.

If you would like to keep track of potential Heirs use the “Is Eligible Heir” column. Then once your Heir is decided then you would select Is Heir to show the permanent Heir.

This way you can track all of your eligible Heirs and at time of succession just look at the eligible Sims and use your Heir Law to decide which Sim gets YES in Is Heir

So for me – I am using Strict Equality, Strict Traditional, Merit
My Founder is female and she had one son and one daughter – So I select YES Is Eligible Heir for the Son but NO for the daughter. In the event I have another Son I would have 2 Eligible Heirs.

At the time of my founders death – I would select YES Is Heir for Son with the most completed aspiration (Merit)

I am running into some issues as well. I was unable to use the Excel Online sheet because it doesn’t work properly (doesn’t show the drop down menus, etc) yet when I open it in Excel itself, even after filling in the Heir options, it still lists it as the error #NAME. I was hoping to be able to use it on my tablet with an Excel app on there, but even that is proving impossible. It doesn’t help me to use it when I’m on the computer I would use Excel on. Was just curious if anyone else has run into this or seen a solution at all.

I’m also having this problem. I’ve typed the heirs name in the right column, checked yes for both eligible heir/is heir, but the field where the heirs name should be as Gen 2 Heir: Zuri Burke is instead showing as Gen 2 Heir: #NAME?

Hello Ebony,
Are you using excel or another platform? I was using Open Office at first and I had this #NAME problem. What I now use is Excel Online, also free. Works great for me!
Becca, I had a question in the LOVE scoring section. I don’t know if I got it wrong, but I tought there needed to be 27 unique traits, however in your scoring sheet I see only 9. Can you clarify it for me please? 🙂 (I hope you can uderstand me, I’m french and don’t speak english very well!) Thanks for the awesome calculator, I find it very helpful! 🙂

I’m using Microsoft Excel 2010. It doesnt let me edit in the Excel Online, I had to save and open in Microsoft Excel to make changes.

Thank you so much! This is awesome work. Will be way easier than using the composition book I stole from the kids. 🙂

Great spreadsheet! Thanks!

Question: Is the section on Love correct? I thought it was one point per every 3 unique traits brought in by spouses (max 27 traits for 9 points), but it looks like your sheet is only counting 9 unique traits at 1 point per trait.

MsPhy I have the same question. I cant find the answer. Can someone help?

Hopefully I will address all of the questions here.

First off, thank you for the feedback! I have updated the sheet to reflect the proper scoring for the LOVE section, you were all absolutely correct on that. There is also instructions on the Setup page how to update your own sheet if you already started tracking your info.

The file will NOT be editable directly from the link provided –
You can download your own copy from the FILE menu, which will have all the functioning drop downs.

I am using some complicated formulas to carry the HEIR name over which may not be compatible with older versions of excel. Dominique thank you for pointing out that you can access excel online for free. Download your own copy of the calculator and upload it to your free office account. I have not tested this sheet on my mobile version of office.

Link to FREE office – you will need to make an account.

If you are unable to use the online version of office, you can update the heir manually. Once you have decided who the Heir will be you can copy it over manually to the next generation tab – I was trying to do it automatically to make it easier to reference, but it has no basis on your score. It is just there to help keep track of who will be eligible for heir in the next gen.

Thank you so so so so much!!!!

So I know this is years later, but I’m looking at using your Excel sheet, and the second link is broken. What does Used Life Aspiration mean?

If anyone else knows, since I know this is so late, could you let me know?

How exactly do the Skills points work? If different sims level up the same skill to 10 do they all count? I.E Founder sim levels painting up to 10, husband levels painting up to 10, child levels painting to 10. Does that count as 3 skills reaching 10, since you need 144 for 9 points.

Pinstar Legacy

Yes, that’s exactly how it works. It is fine if the same skill is being raised to 10. The only part that wants unique skills is the “Raise one skill to 10 of every skill” point, but that can be done with different sims through out the challenge.

Jimmy Fantastic

Hi, I think your site is great and I am doing the Legacy Challenge. Everything seems tough but achievable except the popularity category – you realise that it takes at least 334 parties to get 10 points right?!

Pinstar Legacy

Dates count too, and those can be done VERY quickly.

Lina AbuYasin

Hello, thank you for developing such a great challenge, but I have a question about the ” love 10 points “, I didn’t get the concept, the primary spouse should have 3 unique traits in accordance to the family i am currently playing in my household or to the primary spouses who are coming later in the game?
Thank a lot for your time 😀

Pinstar Legacy

Each generation gets one “Primary Spouse” who is essentially the first sim brought in when that generation becomes a young adult. The goal is to get 27 unique traits across all 9 primary spouses during the challenge. So if my first primary spouse is Gloomy, Active and Childish and my 2nd primary spouse is Gloomy, Active and Good, that’s only 4 unique traits. To get the most points, you want each primary spouse to have traits that no other primary spouses have.

Lina AbuYasin

thanks 😉

Thank you for explaining this part, I didn’t get at first ^^’ Thank you! 😀

Wait so does it not have to be a brand new trait? Just one that isn’t one of the heirs??

I have a quick question. What is the max quality of food created? I think it’s excellent, but I am not certain.

Pinstar Legacy

I haven’t come across anything higher, so yes.

Thank you 🙂

A sim with the “Stoves and Grills Master” reward trait can create impeccable quality Meals. I don’t know if you want to count that as max quality.

Pinstar Legacy

That counts.

I tried looking for the “Stoves and grills master” reward trait but I cannot find it. Can excellent count for max quality?

felisha witt

my sim cooked an impeccible dish one time and the family LOVED eating it. she is maxed to 10 in cooking and gourmet,but i have not been able to get another dish like it. i think it depends on what mood they are in when they cook,but i dont know which,and i have had her cooking constantly trying to repeat was the lobster dish.its fun to see those big lobster tails on their plate.

Pinstar Legacy

Try getting her to “Very Inspired” as the “Very” versions of moods have an amplified impact on the effect of the base mood. It might still be a roll of the dice for the food quality but at least you’ll be maximizing your chances.

I have had the best success when the sim was already very happy (woohoo/high needs/just married/just had baby, etc) and then looking at inspiring are/being around inspiring decor.

I not 100% sure, but I think that literally only foods cooked on the grill or on top of the stove can be impeccable (so nothing baked in the oven). I haven’t been able to make an impeccable cake, or impeccable baked Alaska. This might just be bad luck on my part, can anyone confirm? My fridge is full of impeccable monte cristos and chicken stir fry though!

Sims can only cook impeccable dishes if they have the rewards trait from the Aspiration rewards store.

“The 10th point is obtained by having/adopting 10 children in a single generation”
Can a male sim just impregnate other sims around the neighbourhood to get this point?


No the children need to be born in the Legacy house.

About the memorials – I have a strict matriarchy, and I mean STRICT – no males are allowed in the house past teenage. That means my heirs won’t be having any official spouses, only “boyfriends” whom they have their babies with – do those guys still have to be memorialized???

Pinstar Legacy

That’s a tricky one, and one I didn’t think of. (Props to you for the roleplaying aspect of it!) I would still recommend naming primary spouses as without them you’re missing out on Love points. I’d say in your case you don’t need the fathers for the Creative points, but still learn the traits of the guys so you can track them for the Love category purposes.

I was just wondering how to do the “The 10th point is obtained by having/adopting 10 children in a single generation” if there is a limit to the number of Sims you can have in one household? 🙂

Pinstar Legacy

They don’t all have to be in the house at once. Once the earlier ones are teens you can start moving them out to make room for more babies.

Could we adopt them as a child and then only raise till they’re a teen? And then move them out? I planned on aging them to young adulthood until I saw this comment about moving them out as teens, but now only having them for the span of time as a child feels like that could be wrong haha

For Creativity it says the founder/heir and spouses must be memorialized. That means there are the 9 generations of kids (since it ends at the 10th heir/generation) and ALSO the founder generation.

9 generations + 1 founder = 10 memorials (well 20 since they each need one). But it says that’s only 9 points and provides the extra point for the creative aspirations.

Where is my math going wrong?


Founder and their spouse are generation 1. So you only memorialize 8 other generations (Founder (Gen 1) to Generation 9) since the game ends as soon as Generation 10 is born, and therefore can’t be memorialized.

That makes sense. I guess I got confused because the previous requirement says you get a point for each generation and you get that point when they reach YA. I’m guessing that means you start your legacy with 1 point since your founder (generation 1) starts as a YA. Thanks for your help/advice!

(I’m trying to make a tracking/scoring sheet, I know Becca made one, but I wanted one that generated the score for you).

Great Idea!

I will try to modify my sheet so that it tallies the points based on whether the “Is Memorialized” column is selected YES for both the Heir and Primary spouse. That shouldn’t be too tricky.

Most of the scoring will automatically add your score as you update your tally for the various tracking. Including the ranges for potions, fortune, etc. It also ensure the proper caps are enabled so the score doesn’t exceed 9/10 points or -3 (for penalties) based on the category.


Pinstar, I have loved your Legacy Challenge since the Sims2. I was delighted to learn you created one for this latest Sims4 game. I do have one question, however. In the beginning stages of the scoring, you suggested that the Career Rewards needed to be collected, yet when you came out with this newest scoring method, there’s nothing mentioned about the Career Rewards. Was this merely an oversight, or were they scrapped for something else? Need to know. My Founder and his wife perished on the very same day, (curiously enough the day we got the patch for ghosts), leaving behind their would be heir, and his two younger brothers. If it isn’t necessary to keep the Career Rewards, or have to worry about replacing them at a later date, that would give these kids (heir is still a teen) a fighting chance. LOL He’s already scrounged around to pay the overdue power bill and got the lights on. Please let me know as soon as you’re able. Thank you so much!

Pinstar Legacy

I’ve actually revised the rules not to include career rewards anymore. You now need to reach the tops of careers thus freeing you to do whatever you want with the career rewards.

Thank you for your quick reply! 😀

Hi! You have mistake in Nature – Collect every single emotional painting type (Angry, Sad, Energized, Flirty, Confident, Focused). It must be Playful instead Energized. Sims cannot paint special energized painting. And thanks for rules, great!

Collect and store on the family lot every single consumable aspiration reward

That is under Nature. What is an example of this? I looked for a list and could not find one.

Pinstar Legacy

Like a thin potion, a fat potion, a moodlet solver potion… basically all the potions you can buy from the aspirations menu.

Can you really paint an energized painting? My sim has the Expressionistic Trait and the only ones available to her are Angry, Sad, Playful (which you forgot to mention above), Flirty and Confident. I’m guessing the Focused one is the one where they do mathematical formulas or something of the sort, but the Energized one i can’t figure out at all.

Pinstar Legacy

That was an error, it should be playful. Fixing now.

May want to edit a rule for clarification. Under “Nature” it reads “Have Sims within the household reach the top level of each career track = 1 point” which makes it sound like you get 1 point for each one. Unless I am misunderstanding something here, you get one single point for reaching level 10 of EVERY career.

Pinstar Legacy

No, you need to reach the top of every single career in the game (including teen ones) after which you get ONE point for your efforts. The nature category is about completing collections and thus you are “Collecting” the top levels of careers.

SIMple Bliss

I think he’s talking about the grammar–the wording–you used in the rule. It makes it unclear. You should change “each career track” to “all career tracks” and your wording will match your intended purpose for this rule. Love this challenge, by the way! <3

For the Deviance category – I’ve been keeping my Potions of Youth in the inventory of my next-in-line Heir, is this okay to do?

Pinstar Legacy

Perfectly fine. The only place you can’t keep them is family inventory…but that is due to an odd restriction of the game, not because of a rule in my challenge.


I’ve noticed that Sims will autonomously drink the potions sometimes if they’re accessible on the lot or in their personal inventory. I used to just keep them in a room with no doors to protect them from the Sims, but when ghosts were added to the game, that became useless because the ghosts could still float through walls to get to the potions. Now I’m storing all the potions in the little crawl space that gets created when you place a roof on the top floor. Neither Sims nor ghosts can get their grubby greedy little hands on them now, mwahaha!


Oh good tip, thanks!

Hi, my daughter is just now looking over the rules for the Legacy Challenge and brought to my attention some confusion regarding the ability to use a an aging potion, which includes milking a Cow plant. Is it only A Sim throughout the entire Legacy, or only one per generation that may use this? Please clarify. Thank you!

Pinstar Legacy

Per Sim. So each Sim can have some form of age regression used ONCE in each of their lifetimes.

[…] seguindo o esquema corretamente? Não se preocupe! Foi divulgado no site oficial do desafio uma lista de pontuações que você pode usar como parâmetro para suas […]

This is a sick and twisted question. In TS2, you wanted to have your elders die of old age to get the fancy tombstone. Since there’s no Platinum Aspiration, is there a penalty against having an Alpha Female/Male aspect? Where the next heir “kills” the previous heir? Or, do they need to die naturally of old age? It’s always been a thorn in my side…the elder stage lasts WAY too long.

Also, now that ghosts have been added, will there be scoring for each type of ghost on the lot?

Finally…have you thought about adding a wild card where you have to play with utilities off? So, rather than penalizing for the power being shut off the first time it happens, each player has the option of leaving the utilities off for the remainder of the challenge, gaining +1 for each generation the utilities are out. If they player opts to turn the utilities back on at any point, they lose the bonus as well as get the penalty for them being off, -1pt per generation the bills go unpaid.

Pinstar Legacy

There is no penalty to having a sim die of something other than old age. In fact, having them die in unique ways can help you along your way to the death type collection point.

Can someone tell me the list of all 10 ways to die?
This is a good website I found with 10 ways to die. Try this

Can we keep siblings in the legacy household and have their career achievements/aspirations count towards the nature and athletic categories? In other words, can non-heir family members earn points as long as they remain living in the household?

Pinstar Legacy


A few questions regarding the Memorials.

1 Can a Sim memorialise themselves – write autobiography or dedicate a painting etc?
2 Can we memorialise a Sim before they are YA if we know they are heir?
3 If my master painter dies and leaves behind suitable paintings that have not been dedicated to anyone, can I dedicate them to someone in a future generation?


Pinstar Legacy

1. They cannot
2. You can
3. Anyone but the master painter themselves.

Thanks Pinstar,

I forgot to ask, what about after they have died, can we dedicate something to a Sim who is dead and if so is there a limit on how soon after death it has to be done.


Yes, you can memorialize a Sim after they have died. There is no limitation on how soon after, however the Sim that is memorializing them must have known them when they were alive (meeting them as ghosts does not count).

So. Many. Parties.

I already went through hell trying to complete the party aspiration on my first try and ended up restarting the challenge because I got frustrated.

I can’t freaking imagine having to throw 334 parties on top of everything else!

My OCD demands that I complete everything in this challenge to the letter though, so I’m not complaining…I love Legacies! Just…anticipating the craziness xD

Should i necessarily count the points my sims earn? I really don’t want to do this… :/

Pinstar Legacy

Nope! If the challenge is more fun without fussing over the points, then ignore ’em. They are there for people who want to keep track.

Could somebody clarify the Nature challenge? How are there “ten” collections?

Every death
Top of every career
Top of each branch of every career
Every consumable aspiration reward
Every emotional painting

I’m assuming you mean the other collections in-game, such as fish or frogs and such…I haven’t gotten to that point in my game…could someone list the other in-game collections I have to complete, aside from the five mentioned above?

Pinstar Legacy

Exactly, the five you listed there are 5 out-of-game collections (Meaning they are things not tracked by the game itself) the other 5 points are gained by completing various sets of the in game collections such as frogs and space rocks.

I was actually asking what the other collections in the game *are*, but then I realized we live in 2014 and I can google that, lol.

Nonetheless, thank you very much, you cleared up my next question in your response to Ayla 🙂

Can someone help me? I’m super confused about the Nature section. It says to complete 10 collections, but I only see 5, and then it says there are 13 collections and you get 5 points if you complete them all. Can someone please clarify what is supposed to be done there?

Pinstar Legacy

There are 13 total collections in the game. You can get a total of 5 possible points for completing all of them. If you don’t see all 13, you might not have gotten the first item in that collection yet.

Ohh ok, got it. Thank you so much!!

Do you have to keep all of the collection items until the end? Meaning every fish, fossil, plant, etc? Just wondering or if having gotten them once counts toward the points.

I was also looking for that, i’m not sure but i’ve been playing as if it’s not necessary. I’m only keeping the crystals so I can get the element, for the rest of the collections i’ve been selling them.

Hi! I just discovered the Legacy Challenge and I’m super excited to try it out. I’m just wondering when you say to memorialize a sim, is there actually an option to select? I ask because I have my one sim at level 10 comedy, but I cannot find an option to memorialize his spouse. Also, is there a specific age that you have to wait to memorialize a sim? My heir is a teen, so could I have his father (or anyone) memorialize him now or must it wait for him to have kids and the children do it?


Memorializing isn’t actually in the game. It’s specific to the Legacy Challenge. It will count for the challenge as soon as you have a Sim with the correct level of skill paint, write, write a song, or do a comedy routine for the Sim. You can also name the work after that Sim as well so you know whose memorial it is.

Sims can be memorialized at any age, and can even be memorialized in death.

As for the aspiration completed do you mean (4/4) = 1 completed aspiration giving 1 point or (1/4) = 1 completed aspiration giving 1 point?

Pinstar Legacy

4/4 = 1 completed aspiration. And yes, getting 3/3 on a childhood aspiration also counts as a completed aspiration and there is no limit to the number of aspirations a single sim can complete in their lifetime, as far as scoring is concerned.

Hey I´ve been looking for the answer but couldn’t find it, so I figured i´d ask : what to do with autonomy setting in the gameplay settings?



You can set it however you want. Gameplay wise, it doesn’t really matter for the challenge.

How do you determine the household worth? I recently started the challenge, and I can’t figure out how to check that stat.


Pinstar Legacy

Go into build mode and click ‘lot info’ it will show you there.


In the Food category we have to get a Sim fat. How do we know when they are fat, is there an in-game notice or do we judge it on their looks? Also if we get a household Sim fat, do we have to keep them fat or can they exercise to get slim again?


Pinstar Legacy

This one is vague on purpose. If you notice a bulge in their gut, good enough.

My founder had two sons and a daughter, the daughter is the heir. I know her husband and children count for the points, but what with the spares wife and their child, can we count their completed aspiration for the points too. Or is it only the main line that counts?


If the spare’s wife and children still live in the household then I believe that they count as a cadet branch of the Legacy, which means that yes, they can earn points. I need to confirm this with Pinstar though! I’ll ask him once he wakes up!


He concurs!

[…] For a complete guide to scoring, check out Pinstar’s scoring rules. […]

Hey there,
First off i’v got to say that i’m loving this challenge, i’m on the 2nd Gen of my first ever Legacy Challenge and for me it’s changed the whole concept of the game, I use to play The Sims now I live The Sims!
I’v just got a quick question about the Love category.
Do traits you receive from choosing aspirations such as Essence Of Flavor, Muser, Domestic, etc count as unique traits, or just the 3 “core” traits?

Pinstar Legacy

Just Core traits.

“There are 13 collections to complete to earn you points in Nature they are the following (these can be earned throughout the course of the game, NOT by a single Sim or generation) this will earn you a total of 5 points.”

I’m not entirely certain what this means. Can you please clarify how the Nature points are distributed?

Pinstar Legacy

Each category of points has 10 total points to collect. Of the 10 points in Nature, 5 of them can be earned by completing the in-game collections according to the chart. The other 5 are for completing out of game collections that are NOT tracked by the game proper.

I apologize for perhaps being a bit clueless, but I don’t see any chart or any list of these collections. I’m quite confused.

Pinstar Legacy

In the personality tab there is a little gem icon. This will take you to the collections section that details the 13 formal in-game collections, AND how many of them you’ve collected or completed.

Just wondering about the Athletic category.
It says you get 9 points for completing 55 aspirations. But I can only count to 10 adult aspirations (22 if you count the branches rather than the aspiration itself) and then 4 kids aspirations on top of that.
What am I supposed to be counting? (I know there are aspiration rewards like Never weary and Shameless, is that what I’m counting, or BOTH aspirations and aspiration rewards?)
Thanks in advance!

Pinstar Legacy

These are 55 TOTAL aspirations completed. They don’t need to be unique. There is a separate point for completing at least one of each of the aspirations. You could complete “Best Selling Author” 55 times and it would count.

A lot of people have asked about Nature and I’m going to add another one. I get that you want someone to master each career branch, and I think then one person has to also master both branches of a career. I can’t figure out how to switch branches of an individual career after you’ve reached the top. For instance, my first gen just reached Master of the Real and I don’t know how to get her to switch to the Patron of the Arts side of the Painter career! Help! 🙂 thank you, this is fun, but taking a lot of my time… ha!

Pinstar Legacy

You don’t have to have ONE sim master both branches, you just need to have both branches of every career mastered at one point by someone in the family. I was given feedback early on that changing career branches with a single sim is problematic, so none of the challenges require it.

[…] As there has been numerous updates and the scoring finalized, Pam and I decided to start again. Please refer to the scoring as per the following site  […]

I don’t think my Sims can throw every party that’s on my scoresheet (Drew’s, thanks a bunch btw) – I don’t have all the bonus content so I don’t think I have a black&white party.

Can my Sim still earn the 10th popularity point by throwing all the parties available to her?

Pinstar Legacy

Yeah, it’s all parties available, so if you don’t have the bonus content, you only need to do the parties you have to get the point. I do NOT want to deny someone a perfect score just because they didn’t spring for bonus content.

Cool, thanks! 🙂

I’m quite confused about the love section of scoring, is it every time your sim gets married to someone you get 3 points or is it every new trait you get a point?
So say my sim has the traits insane, family-orientated and romantic and their husband/wife has the traits evil, bro and romantic do I get three points or 2 points because the husband/wife has only 2 different traits?

Sorry, I’m probably being thick but I just don’t get it.


Pinstar Legacy

The traits that your Legacy Founder/Heir have don’t matter, its the traits of the primary spouse compared to past primary spouses.

The first primary spouse you bring in will always earn you 3 points, because all 3 of their traits are unique.

So let’s say for example the gen 1 spouse is Good, Lazy and Art Lover. That’s 3 unique traits for 3 points.

Now let’s say you get to the 2nd generation and your 2nd gen primary spouse is Good, Active, Snob.

Active and Snob are new unique traits, but Good already appeared in a past spouse so you only get 2 Love points for that 2nd gen spouse.


My understanding is that your Founder/Heir’s traits do not count in this section. What does count is every [i]primary[/i] spouse in the household. Their three traits must be[b] different from any other primary spouse’s traits.[/b] That gives a total of 27 traits in use, since normally speaking there’s usually only one primary spouse, and the challenge ”ends” when the tenth generation is born. Primary would mean the first spouse.

I hope I’ve helped you understand this a little better.


Pinstar Legacy

The primary spouse is the first sim moved in once each generation’s heir reaches young adulthood. So the first move-in for your founder is the 1st primary spouse. When their heir reaches young adulthood, the next spouse moved in will be your next primary spouse.

How I am supposed to memorialize my sims?? it says “Paint a Realism painting with a level 8 painting skill or higher”, so my sims have to paint a random realism painting or they are supposed to be able to paint portraits??? (sorry for my english)

Pinstar Legacy

Sadly, “Paint Portrait” is not an option right now. A Realism painting at 8+ skill is the stand-in for that. When and if we get proper portraits, I’ll update the rules to be portraits specifically.

Instead of “Paint Portrait” it is classified as “…”

Pinstar, question for ya – Do you consider completing a Teen career as fulfilling the Successful Lineage lifetime want? The requirement is to have a Child or Grandchild reach the top of A career, and I’ve done so. My teens are all A students with rank 4 in their careers, but my Successful Lineage aspiration isn’t triggering as completed. I’m unsure whether this is or is not working as intended because I’ve read a few accounts of this aspiration not working properly or triggering correctly.

Pinstar Legacy

I actually just bumped into this on my Wonder Child Challenge youtube Let’s play (The episode where it happens hasn’t been posted yet). And it didn’t trigger for me either. I’m thinking it only counts for the top level of an adult career.

just so you know
There are 11 ways to die now that we have pools.
btw I love this challenge soooo much

I actually was wondering about this. I’m using Sim Guy Steve’s tracker and drowning isn’t included; should I modify that or leave it be?

“The 10th point is obtained by having/adopting 10 children in a single generation”

Am I right in assuming that these 10 children need to live in the Legacy home? I have a very ‘active’ heir who has several children running around town right now but none were born in the home. I’m guessing that they don’t count because that would make this point really easy then.

Pinstar Legacy

They must be born or adopted into the house, yes. Knocking up women around town doesn’t count. However, once they are born on the lot, they do NOT need to remain there all their lives. Non-heirs can be moved out since the family cannot hold all 10 (Plus parents) at once.

That’s what I figured but I wanted to verify. Thank you!

is “The 10th point is obtained by having/adopting 10 children in a single generation” means only children or baby at once?
or 10 sims who are child of heir’s generation sims at young adult is ok?

Pinstar Legacy

They can age up, as it is impossible to have 10 infants at the same time.

The ghost of my first gen spouse is driving me nuts. Is it ok to put him in the family inventory for a little while or do I HAVE to have him on the lot from now on? *Forgive me if I’m just making up a rule that doesn’t exist here.

Pinstar Legacy

You can stuff them in the inventory.

Under the Family Category, you say ” The 10th point is obtained by having/adopting 10 children in a single generation.” Do these children all have to be the heir’s? My heir has a brother who still lives in the house and is married and expecting a baby. I was wondering if the brother’s children counted for the 10 in a single generation or if the heir has to be the father to all 10?

Pinstar Legacy

No, not at all. They have to be *potential* heirs. So the cadet branch children from the brother wouldn’t count.

That’s what I thought, but it never hurts to ask. Thank you!

I’m not sure if this has been asked because there are a TON of comments above…

As for points in any category… Does each new point only equal one point or does it equal the points it says.


It says:
1 aspiration = 1 point
2 aspirations = 2 points
3 aspirations = 3 points (etc)…

If my sim completes 3 different aspirations is that only 3 points, or is it 6 points?


It equals what it says there, don’t add it to what you already have. Each category only has a max of 10 points. So 3 aspirations would be 3 points 🙂

Okay. That’s what I was thinking, but I wasn’t sure. Thanks! 🙂

Hi Pinstar, quick question that sort of relates to several categories but the nature one in particular:

Assuming that expansion packs are going to be a thing, they’re probably going to come with more ways to die, more careers to top, more traits, more collections, etc. Is the number of different types of death you need to earn that point capped at 10 points, or will it increase as the number of possible ways to die increases? Is the number of careers you need to complete to earn the point capped at 8 (with the number of branches being 16 for a second career-related point), or will it increase as the number of possible careers increases? If the latter is true, will there be a cap introduced at some point if things get out of hand? If we end up with 20 different careers and 40 different branches, that’s a bit unreasonable (though probably not impossible), would a cap be introduced then? I think this question also applies to the 10th point of Athletic, where we need to complete every different aspiration (27, including childhood aspirations), but I’m assuming that with more EPs the number of different aspirations will increase too.



Pinstar Legacy

How I handle the expansion packs will depend on what is in each pack. Most likely, what I’ll do is make each pack with its own brand new category of 10 points that will include a plethora of the new things that it introduces.

I may have just missed we it (or I’m being rather dim) but are the founders allowed to get jobs?


Yes, they are 🙂 Anyone in the family can have a job.

Oh thats fantastic! Thank you!:D

Hi! Are you allowed to have two legacy families? If not is there anyway you can do this differently so you don’t have to wait ten generations to try out something else?


You can have as many as you want! Just keep them in a completely different game file so that one doesn’t age while you aren’t playing them. I have 3 different Sims 4 Legacy families going right now, haha.


Oh yay the scoring section is finished! I’m so excited! I was playing the challenge before but always ended up getting confused with the incomplete scoring and giving up. I will definitely be trying this again. Thanks so much for posting this, I’ve been addicted to legacy challenges since I discovered it for The Sims 3. I love ’em!


Hey Pinstar and ImaginingMystic, I have a question regarding the memorials.

My heir’s spouse reached level 8 guitar skill and wrote a song to memorialize my heir but when she finished the song, the sheet music wasn’t in her inventory. She had the option to license the song at the mailbox but I no longer had a physical copy of the memorial once she finished writing it. Do songs have to stay intact in the house somehow to count as a memorial? It seems like the song automatically disappears as soon as a Sim finishes writing it. If there does need to be a physical memento of the memorial in the house somewhere, can we purchase some kind of statue/decoration to serve as a physical token of the song that was written?

Pinstar Legacy

The sheet music is only there for incomplete songs. Once they are finished they ironically vanish. Simply finishing the song is enough for it to count, you don’t need to keep a hard copy (Of music anyway)


Thanks! I like having a physical token of the memorial, so I think I’ll just purchase something from Buy Mode to represent the song and keep that as my “memorial” after finishing the song (and comedy routine, I assume there’d be no physical copy of that, either).

Hey I have a quick question. Do the paintings have to be “excellent” quality to be used as memorials, or does ‘good’ count as well? My painter sim (with skill level 8, I think) created a starry night painting which is good quality. I was wondering if I can use that because it would be perfect for my Romantic heir who was in the Astronaut career..


As long as the painter is skill level 8 or higher in painting the quality of the painting itself doesn’t matter 🙂

Will there be updated tracking sheets with new careers etc.?


I can’t speak for everyone that did one, but the one that Pinstar made will definitely be updated. Keep an eye on the scoresheet page!


So something terrible has happened in my game post-patch that I’m not sure how to fix without cheats.

My level 9 painter’s job requirement to get his last promotion was to max out the painting skill and own 10 masterpieces. He did that and was all set to go to work to get his promotion but then the patch changed the “own 10 masterpieces” requirement to “reach level 6 charisma.” He had to take a vacation day to reach level 6 charisma but now he has level 6 charisma and his job panel won’t update. It still says he has level 3 charisma. I’m guessing it’s a glitch because pre-patch, he had a different job requirement which he already fulfilled.

So essentially, there’s no way for him to get promoted unless I cheat because the game doesn’t recognize that he’s completed all the goals. Is it okay for me to use the career promotion cheat for him once he’s maxed out his performance meter on his own? I did all the work to complete the job goals… twice, both pre-patch and post-patch.


Pinstar has always been of the opinion that if a glitch or game bug causes something to go wrong in your game and it’s out of your control, you may cheat to fix the issue. So I would say using a cheat in this situation is perfectly fine. Have you sent him to work since he’s hit level 6 Charisma, though? Sometimes the game won’t update the stuff until they actually go back to work. I’ve had that happen before. If that doesn’t help, then definitely use a cheat to grant him the promotion.


Yeah he came home from work and still no update to the job panel. I’ll be cheating him up but not until his performance bar has been maxed legitimately without any cheats. Thanks for the feedback!


Yep sounds good! As long as all of the other requirements have been met, you should be good to go!

Hi guys,

I’m midway through Gen 4 and I’ve found that my estate is big and wealthy enough to achieve the Mansion Baron aspiration pretty much immediately. So to gain points each time a SIM achieves their randomly generated aspiration, I give them Mansion Baron to get a fast extra point and then move on to something else.

Is this legal? It seems like a lot of relatively easy points (granted, you have to get them to complete the initial aspiration first…)

Pinstar Legacy

Remember that their initial aspiration is always random. If you complete their aspiraiton, you are free to pick mansion baron to get a freebie point, yes. And if you happen to randomly roll up mansion baron as your initial one, then lucky you!

Ok, I may be missing something, but… uh… there’s only 10 deaths in game, but you mention 11. What’s this infamous 11th death? Can I have a list of this?

Right now, I have: Starvation, Old Age, Fire, Laughter, Embarrassment, Anger, Electrocution, Overexertion, Cowplant, and Drowning; I must have missed one, but these are the ones the wiki says there is.

Pinstar Legacy

Rocket Ship Crash.

Thank you! I’ll add that to my list! I’m glad I asked, otherwise I would’ve missed it! Also, do you mind if I ask, when you say that founder and primary spouse have to be memorialized, is this by themselves or by someone else? Like my founder is a painter, so can she “memorialize” herself?


Someone else should memorialize them.

I just started. This is my legacy so far:

Gen. 1:

Founder: David Bontrager

Primary Spouse: Cassandra Goth

Children: Alexander (eligible), Unborn Baby (???)


Founder: David Bontrager (Adult)

Primary Spouse: Cassandra Goth (Adult)

Children: Alexander (Child, Eligible), Britney (Child, Ineligible), Bella (Child, Ineligible), Carly (Child, Ineligible), Candy (Child, Ineligible), Charlie (Child, Eligible)

Do we have to use the scoring to complete the whole legacy challenge or can we ignore it and play how we want?


You can play however you want. The scoresheets are only there for the people that choose to use them.

I am not sure if someone else asked this already, cuz holy **** a lot of comments to read through ^^

I do not get the part where you gain points from the unique traits the primary spouse brings into the family – well, not completely that is.

The founder has the traits outgoing, cheerful and ambitious.
The spouse has the traits cheerful, goofbal and romantic = 2 unique traits brought in?

Then the heir gets the traits: gloomy, genious and loner
Primary spouse has gloomy, loner and bookwork = 1 unique trait?? or is it 3 because none of the traits were in the family when the challenge started??

Anyway – I need it to be explained more into details – I think, mayby I am just a bit dumb XD

Pinstar Legacy

The unique traits bit is only tracked for the spouses. So spouse #1 is always going to have 3 unique traits, even if they share some traits with the founder because the founder (and heirs) traits aren’t looked at for this. Say spouse #1 is Outgoing, Cheerful and Ambitious. That’s 3 unique traits. In order for spouse #2 to bring in 3 more unique traits they simply have to NOT have Outgoing, Cheerful or Ambitious.

As you go deeper into the challenge, you’ll see the number of unique traits dwindle and it becomes harder and harder to find a spouse with traits that no other spouse has had before.


I would like a tiny clarification : When you say :
“Have Sims within the household reach the top level of each career track = 1 point
Have Sims within the household reach the top level of both branches of every career track = 1 point”

For both of them we can use several sims right ? (We have an argument about this on the french forum).

Thanks a lot.


Yes, multiple Sims.

“The challenge ends the moment the 10th generation child is born, since this child does not become a young adult, the 10th point needs to be earned by doing the following”

But what if you don’t know that the last heir has been born and they do reach young adult hood? The reason I ask is because I follow a strict matriarchy, strict traditional, exemplar snob hierarchy. That would mean that there is no eligible heir until female blood-related child gains that trait. If she gains that trait as her final trait, and she reaches young adulthood, would that gain a point? Or not because she was the heir and her family just didn’t know it. Any clarification on this would be nice.

Pinstar Legacy

Exemplar does not *require* that the heir have that trait. It merely makes an eligible heir with that trait trump their other siblings. In your case, the first female child born of your 10th generation would be a valid heir and end your challenge, even if she doesn’t roll up the snob trait. However, if the first child born in your 10th generation was male, you would keep playing as the male is ineligible to be an heir and thus you still don’t have a 10th generation heir until a girl is born.

To the Creativity category, could you maybe consider adding “Design a Video Game for a Sim” (Level 8 Programming) to the different ways a sim could be memorialized? I think it would be good for there to be a way for a not necessarily creative sim to contribute to this point category (though a great deal of creativity must go into making a video game, as we can all imagine), and you can very easily name the video game after said sim. Thanks! 🙂

Pinstar Legacy

You know, that’s an awesome idea. I think I’m going to build it into the rules. I’ll credit you for the suggestion 🙂

Does spouses count in the “adult skills maxed” in the Knowledge category and “career tracks maxed” in the Nature category, particularly if they had maxed skills or career when they married in? My heir just got married and his new wife has already maxed the fitness skill. I’m not sure whether to count this in scoring or if only heirs and siblings count for points?

Pinstar Legacy

Count it for scoring, you picked a good one!

I have a question: in the category knowledge, is it 1 point for each member of the family to complete a skill, even if some other Sim have already completed the very same skill before at some point? Thahk you!

Pinstar Legacy

Correct. So if you have 10 sims each reach level 10 cooking, thats 10 points right there.

Is it better to keep scoring during game play? or after?

Pinstar Legacy

During, it’ll be hard to remember point-worthy events if you wait until the end.

I maybe don’t understand something correctly. In teh memorializing sims section do the Sims have to have died before they are memorialized? Because if that is the case that you can’t have memorialized the ninth generation before they bring in the final generation… Also maybe I misunderstand the rules. Does my founder count as the first generation or is the scoring counted from the first heirs child counting them as the first generation heir.

Apparently I did misunderstand because I thought Memorializing a sim was something that actually happened in game not just something that was created for the scoring. That being said in order to memorialize a sim:

1)They can still be alive?
2)The created work needs to be named after the sim?
3) The sim who creates the work needs to have known the sim?

Pinstar Legacy

They can still be alive, The created work can be (but doesn’t have to) be named after them. They DO have to have known the sim. They need not be close friends, just a single social interaction is all you need. If they are on the relationship panel, you’re golden.

Pinstar Legacy

They can be memorialized before they die.

Hi! I have a dumb question about counting the medals for dates/parties.

If an heir and their spouse go on a date together, does the medal earned as one (because there was one date/party), or two medals (because both household members were on the date?)

Pinstar Legacy

Just one.

[…] have been scoring on my legacy, following the rules, the only thing I’ve cheated on is I’ve used one extra youth potion with Harry and […]

Haha, I was writing these down to form a checklist and realized you used the fibonacci series for anything with numbers. Neat.

Pinstar Legacy

I was wondering when someone would pick up on that 😀

Heya! Just wondering, now that we are able to paint actual portraits in the game, do you imagine you will change the skill level requirements for memorialization (since the “Paint From Reference” option is available at Painting level 3, apparently), or shall we just self-enforce the level requirement, as usual?

Pinstar Legacy

I think I’ll leave the skill requirement at 8, but mandate a paint from reference. Keep your eyes peeled for a rules update.

Hey quick question about the having/adopting 10 children in one generation. My legacy is strict traditional. I currently have 6 traditional kids but my primary spouse is getting older so I was thinking of adopting some children to get to 10. Will they count towards the 10 children? I saw earlier you said no to spares children as they have to be potential heirs. Is this the same for adopting children by the heir and primary spouse since they aren’t considered for heir? The word heir sounds silly now I have said it so often. Hope this makes sense!

Pinstar Legacy

You have to have the 10 kids naturally for it to count. But if your current legacy sim is male, they could always re-marry a new and younger spouse and continue baby production with her, they would count.

Does that also mean that because I am playing strict equality and the heir is a boy my boys don’t count? I am at eight children and half are boys! I chose strict equality for variety not to make points harder

Sorry for the double posting but I have just had another thought. I am choosing my heirs on the website boolprop with a heir poll. Surely it will be impossible for me to have 10 potential female heirs all in the house at once? I would need to use boys or adopted children to make up the ten so I can move them out without worrying about them still being in the house for the heir poll?
Sorry for being awkward and thanks for your help 😛 Your legacy challenge is great!

Pinstar Legacy

You don’t need 10 potential heirs, just 10 children and they don’t all have to be in the house at the same time.

Pinstar Legacy

With a male sim and strict equality, only his daughters are eligible. Once they grow up and start to have children, only their sons will be eligible.

Hi, I just noticed the creative aspect of it, and I would just like to clarify, do you need to keep your ‘memorials’?
E.g. If I painted 2 realism paintings for the Founder and her Primary Spouse, do I keep the paintings?

Also, if it isn’t a problem, I have another question: Is the Founder (or the heir) allowed to memorialize themselves?
For example, if I had my Founder paint 2 realism paintings (one for her, one for her primary spouse), would the first one count?

Hope you can get back soon. =)

Pinstar Legacy

The idea is to keep the paintings. A sim cannot memorialize themselves, the first one would not count.

Thanks for the reply =)

It isn’t in the list of ways to memoralize sims, but what about creating a sculpture with a sim who has a high level of handiness?

Pinstar Legacy

If they added something where you could make a sculpture OF a sim, that would absolutely count, but for now, there really isn’t anything good out there for wood working. If they brought on Sims 3 style sculpture making, absolutely!

Chicago-Style Girl

Now that Get To Work is out as an expansion, do those 4 careers also have to be completed to get the point for completing all careers? Going to work with the sims every day is a huge drawback from getting the rest of my family completing aspirations, throwing parties, and maxing skills.

Pinstar Legacy

Reaching the top rank of the three new careers is going to be added, but you only need to do it once for each to get the point and you don’t *have* to follow them to work.

Can these points be earned by spouses or just the heirs?

Pinstar Legacy

Primary Spouses, heirs and spares. Children of spares and their spouses cannot earn points.

LenaLJ asked about this on October 19th. Imagining Mystic replied that cadet branches can earn points, and that she checked with you concurred.

This response contradicts this. Can you please clarify and put in the FAQ?

If the final word is that the spare’s wife and children can’t earn points, then I’ll have to restart. I just started generation 6, and many skills, collections, careers and aspirations have been completed by cadets.

October 19, 2014 at 4:11 am (UTC -4)
My founder had two sons and a daughter, the daughter is the heir. I know her husband and children count for the points, but what with the spares wife and their child, can we count their completed aspiration for the points too. Or is it only the main line that counts?

October 19, 2014 at 7:37 am (UTC -4)

If the spare’s wife and children still live in the household then I believe that they count as a cadet branch of the Legacy, which means that yes, they can earn points. I need to confirm this with Pinstar though! I’ll ask him once he wakes up!

October 19, 2014 at 5:08 pm (UTC -4)
He concurs!


Cadet branches do earn points. I’ll be updating the FAQ ASAP. Pinstar will also be making a post explaining cadet branches definitively soon as well.

Sorry for the late response. Apparently some questions have been getting missed.

I have just started with my first legacy challenge and so far I really like it! I would like to get as many points as possible so for the fortune bit I was curious how high the bill would be for a house that is worth 5,7 million. (That’s the intention, right?) So I made a family and bought them a house that was 5,7 million (I used move objects to place a bunch of the 12.000 beds on top of each other) and waited for the bill to come. The bill was 270.000! Is it possible to make so much money each week? Or is it almost imposseble to reach that goal unless you wait with spending your money on your house untill the very end so you don’t have to pay so much high bills? That last option feels like cheating…

I’m curious what you think about this.

Pinstar Legacy

The final point is meant to be hard, but I do acknowledge that it is a little crazy, which is why when I updated it for GTW, the final point is replaced with ‘get all the business perks’. So if you have GTW, it might not be as bad of a slog.

Hi Pinstar, thanks for all you’ve done to create the Legacy Challenge, it’s brilliant!

I have a few questions about who can help score what points. So, I’m playing with the succession laws Equality, Strict Traditional, Exemplar: Perfectionsism. In my 2nd generation I have an eldest- Grady, middle- Jet, and youngest- Andreana. Jet has the exemplar trait so he is the next heir. After Jet had aged up to YA, his older brother moved in his spouse, Lena and had a daughter, Grace. After that, Jet moved in his spouse, Roselyn. Once their parents died, Andreana also moved in her spouse, Alex.

Q1: I’m assuming that since Lena was first to move in, she is primary spouse (even though she isn’t the heir’s spouse), and her traits count toward the ‘Love’ points. Do I also need to memorialize her (instead of Jet’s spouse Roselyn) along with my heir Jet to get my point for that generation’s ‘Creativity’ point?

Q2: The family members who can earn points for the ‘Knowlege’, ‘Athletic’, ‘Food’, and ‘Deviance’ categories are: Jet (heir), Grady & Andreana (spares), and Lena (spare’s spouse but also primary spouse), and eventually, any of Jet’s children. Family members who can’t earn points are Roselyn (heir’s spouse but not primary spouse), Alex (spare’s spouse), and Grace (spare’s child). Is this correct?

Q3: As ‘Nature’ points are about household collections, can anyone in the household help add to these collections? Including the collection of careers?

Q4: Can parties/dates be thrown/had by my sims Roselyn, Grace, or Alex and still count toward my medal points?

Thanks for your help in advance!

Pinstar Legacy

1. That is a tricky one. Interpreting the rules literally, this WOULD make the older brother’s spouse the “Primary Spouse” But this creates a lot of problems with the scoring, since the scoring assumes the “primary spouse” is connected to the heir, not a spare. I’m going to update the rules based on this question. To answer your question, no. The spouse you bring in for Jet is the primary spouse. They may earn legacy points and count for the love points.
2. Going off of my answer to #1, Jet’s spouse would be able to earn the points, otherwise everyone you stated is correct as long as they remain in the active Legacy Household. The moment you move anyone out, they cease to earn points (You keep the points that they have already earned though.)
3. Anyone in the household can add to the collections, but Heirs/Spares/Primary Spouses/Children/Parents of heirs may be the only ones to register collected careers.
4. As long as you have an eligible sim actually throwing the party, it counts, even if it is a party to celebrate a non-eligible sim’s birthday/wedding etc.

Hi! If my Sim dies and is brought back to life by the reaper, does that cause of death count in the scoring?

Pinstar Legacy



Thanks again for creating such a fun challenge and being patient with all of our questions.

I was hoping one of you could confirm whether or not it is acceptable to move Clones into the household? (Clones don’t have skill levels, careers, or traits rewarded from completing an apsiration, but I was told they will have any traits the original sim bought with aspiration points. Logically, it seems unfair to allow them to earn points, but they could be used to take care of the house, generate income, work on collections and such).

Thanks again. : )


Pinstar Legacy

I’m going to say no to clones. They are essentially sims whom you have knowledge of their skills/traits etc. While their skills are 0, having known and pre-seeded traits can be powerful.

Apologies if this question has already been answered, (I am sure it has; I did check the FAQ and skim through some comments, but haven’t read all of them), but when a sim moves in with a maxed career or skill, do we get to count those points?

(the trouble with downloading sims from the gallery without peeking at the traits is you never quite know what you’re getting).

Pinstar Legacy

Yes you do! This is why you’re generally not allowed to pre-engineer (or download pre-engineered) sims, but if you get a max career unknowningly, that’s fine. Same goes with sims who come in with one or more skills maxed.

Just had a question regarding the collections. The scoring states that a 5th point for Nature is earned when you complete 13 collections. Now that there are a total of 15 collections (new expansion) should that be updated to 15 or do you only need 13/15 to get the 5th point?

Pinstar Legacy

You only need 13/15 to get that final point, and it doesn’t matter which 13 you complete. It gives you a little wiggle room.

If a sim that is not a heir, has a child, it will count to the 10 children?

Pinstar Legacy

No, all 10 children have to be produced on the Legacy Family lot by an heir, though it is OK if some of the children are not eligible to be heirs due to a succession law.

i m still here a little confused on the rule sorry

founder+spouse make each of them babies (same-sex pregnancy or adoption)

which babies are ok? no one because founder/spouse are not heirs?
only from the spouse?
from the founder?
from both?


Any children that are related to the founder (you can check by looking at the family tree) can become an heir. The founder is technically an heir as they are the one that start the Legacy. If the child is only related to the spouse, then they cannot be counted.

Hope that helps.

I have one question about the skills section: I get 1 point when reaching level 10 of every skill during the generations, including childhood skills. But what’s about hidden skills? Are they included as well?

And when I reached level 10 at 3 skills and one of them is a hidden skill, do I still get this point?

Hidden skills work too!


I haven’t started the challenge yet but I’m excited to try it out.

I know Becca already did a point tracker on excel but I wanted something a bit different so I made my own.
It’s available here :

If you could have a look and tell me if anything needs to be modified, it’d be great!

Thank you!

Hey, I think I used your tracker, but the link stopped working. Any chance you could make it work again? 🙂

I am in a middle of the legacy and I have a sim who is kinda fat.
How do we know that he is fat enough to earn the point in “Food” ?


Sorry for taking so long to answer this! Moving has been keeping us crazy busy!

As per Pinstar: “Fat is a personal preference in terms of how fat is “fat” it’s more for theming”

So basically if your Sim looks fat to you, then consider them fat for the purpose of the challenge.

Question about the Love category. Do the 3 unique traits have to be present on one spouse or can gen 2 and gen 3 have 3 unique traits between them?

Basically, how many points would this scenario earn me:

Gen 1: Creative, Clumsy, Family Oriented
Gen 2: Art Lover, Bookworm, Clumsy
Gen 3: Foodie, Bookworm, Creative

I don’t want to cheat myself out of points by choosing the harsher option (only 1 point in the above scenario), but I also don’t want to have a higher score than I should have (6 points in the above scenario).

Actually, 1 or 2 points from the scenario, not 1 or 6. It’s 1 point per 3 traits, not 1 point per trait.


In the above example you have only 6 unique traits (Creative, Clumsy, Family Oriented, Art Lover, Bookworm, Foodie) so you would only get 6 points. The best strategy is to find a spouse who has NOT had ANY traits that your previous spouses have had at all, to gain the maximum of 3 new unique traits per spouse. This gets harder the longer into your legacy you go, but that’s the point 🙂

Does one single Sim have to reach the top of both food career branches for me to get 1 point in the Food category?


No, both have to be reached at some point. Not just by one sim.

Hi! I know you’re crazy busy with moving, but I have a question about scoring. (I’m updating my scoring sheet in anticipate of Get Together).

The question is around skills that have a max of 5 levels (photography and the new dance skill). Rereading the rules above it seems to imply that only skills that can reach 10 count for points. That includes both the max each skill once and for subsequent point gathering.

I had assumed that to get that last extra point for maxing all the skills would need to include these 5point skills. But that is not the case?

I would not assume (and the rules seem to agree) that you wouldn’t gain points normally from these skills as they cannot reach level 10.

If you can clarify this I would appreciate it! Hope the moving and solo-parenting are going well.


Actually when that rule was written, there were no 5 point skills, hence why it said to get to level 10. It SHOULD say “max level” instead. 5 level skills do still count, getting them to max level will allow them to count. I am updating the rules now to reflect that. Thanks for pointing that out!

Ooh, excellent. Thanks so much for clarifying and spending so much time on this. its a really fun challenge and a lot of work to put together. Much appreciated.


You’re welcome!

Do the collections (frogs, postcards, dolls) need to be present on the lot? I noticed they still “count” if you sell them.


I believe you can just keep everything in family inventory. They need to stay in your inventory in order to be counted for the purpose of the challenge.

I’m starting a new Legacy. In the Food Category, “Complete Both Food Aspirations” what if the Grilled Cheese Aspiration is unlocked, Can that count as one of the Food Aspirations?


We aren’t including that one in the food score since it’s not one you can get when you create a Sim.

Birgitte Hansen

Im sorry if someone allready asked this, but i couldnt find an answer. About the collections. Does it count if you have the base collection, or do you need the extras that comes with ep. Like do you need the 2 get to work metals for the collection to count, or is it enough with the other 20 ones?

Thank you for a wonderful challenge.


You can use just the original ones if it’s already been completed.

Shannon Hoey

With the new Grilled Cheese Aspiration. Can that be allowed as part of the food scoring part? Or is it just still the original two?

“Have Sims complete both food aspirations in a single generation, they can be done by two different Sims = 1 point”


I think we are going to leave the Food Category as is as it already has a max of 10 points.

I will ask something a little horrible but..
For the 10 childs goal: When some of the childs become child, can I burn them?
Or Do i have to wait until they become teenage to kill them?


As morbid as it is… you can off them whenever you want to. They just need to show up in the family tree to count, they don’t need to be alive.

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules – Scoring […]

Hi! I hope I’m in the right place for this question… will there be new rules for the “Dine out” pack (restaurants)? With the new perks and the fact that our sims can own more than one restaurant I was wondering what to do about that kind of things 🙂 (I’m sorry if my english is a little rough)


Yes, eventually we will update it! We’re just getting back into Sims stuff now so we need to do some playtesting and what not. I can’t say when the rules will be up, but we’ll get them up when we can!

yay! 😀 thank you for the answer!
I have more question xD: my succession laws are equality, strict traditional, living will and tolerant. My founder has four children, 3 biological and one adopted, can the adopted one earn points in skills, aspirations, parties, etc.? (as long as he lives in the family house) I’m a little confuse about the difference between spares and non-eligible sims and they earning points.


Hmmm I’m going to have to check with Pinstar on this as I’m not sure. I THINK they would not earn points, but I could be wrong.

Okay, so I’m working on setting up my version of the challenge. With the new-ish update and the changes in gender options, I was wondering if the founder could be a transgender male? I’m using the following rules: Strict Traditional and First Born Strength / Blood.

The Sim would be able to give a natural birth to a child, so he would be eligible as a founder even if it both parents are technically male. Is that correct?


Yep, that would be fine!

Do the career tracks in the nature category include the teen careers, or do I just need one of each adult career?


All careers including teen 🙂

Am I allowed to translate to german and publish them with link to your web page?

Will you be updating the challenges for the new City Living?


We will not be updating the base rules, no. We decided that rather than constantly updating the base rules, we will be adding new optional rules for each expansion pack. This way the challenge won’t get too unwieldy and people that own the expansion packs can still enjoy the base challenge 🙂

Might be a while though. We’re about to go on a weeklong trip to Disney World and then will be celebrating Thanksgiving with family so we won’t have any time to playtest until the end of the month.

[…] I have kept some scoring notes. Currently, we […]

[…] regra e ainda tem muito mais no site que eu linkei ali em cima. E ainda temos a pontuação do challenge, que só vou deixar o link porque é muito […]

For immortalizing a Sim by biography, do you have to actually write the Book of Life or can you just write a regular biography and put their name on it?

If my sim married someone who had already maxed their career, does that count?

Probably not

can I play without counting points?

Is it fine to play without counting points?

That’s what I’m doing with my game! In the end, it’s all up to you how you want to play; I’m taking some aspects from the challenge and making it my own fun game.

Technically no, but you can play however you want 🙂 that’s the joy of simulation games

Does the founding generation (the very first sim) count as generation 0 or 1?


Founder is generation 1 🙂

Will the toddler skills be added in?


Yep! We’re finalizing the rules right now 🙂 Won’t change the point system TOO much, but they will be added.

[…] for most precise and easy to understand points system simply add these points to their total. 2 points for each sim of 1st gen surviving to adulthood 1 point per gen when spare hits adulthood 1 […]

[…] gang. I decided to start another legacy on The Sims 4 after finding an interesting scoring system and being super inspired by the Miskin Legacy. I was even going to attempt a narrative and plot […]

So I’m playing by these rules and love them, however I think the popularity one is a bit sporadic:

20 then 30 Medal Points (only +10 points when first point is 20?)
30, 60, 90 Medal Points (both same goal +30)
90, 150, 200 Medal Points (need 60 points to get 150 then only 50 for the next)
200, 400, 600 Medal Points (all 200)
1000 Medal Points (makes 111 points, or 37/38 gold medals, on average per generation since it technically stops on the birth of 10?)

I know this probably sounds like I’m complaining haha, it’s just odd to me for it not to go up gradually getting bigger.

Also with more EPs means more jobs and career branches to try and top so I don’t know if it will come to a point where that might be worth more than just the 1 point/2 points?

But I do love these rules, I’m playing by the religiously and having so much fun

Hey guys! I just made a new score-keeper for Google sheets, as the last time I tried to use one of the links on this website I found it difficult to load Dropbox and I don’t have any Microsoft software that has been continually paid on. is the link to it. Just copy the Sheet and use it for yourself. I’ll try to implement a tracker for things like traits in the family, completed aspirations, careers, and maxed skills.

If there are any issues, let me know!

You are my hero! This is so easy to use visually and almost completely up-to-date with Scoring and Points. Thank you!!

this is a beautiful spreadsheet, thanks so much!

Hello! The link for the tracker isn’t working 🙁 Can you help?


So if you decide not to marry a spouse in, do you give up the Love points? Or is there a way to go around it? Also, how would you make the trait randomizer work? I was thinking of doing a solely adoption based legacy with one parent each time.

I’m pretty sure it’s required you marry a spouse in. You’d have to completely readjust the rules if you did it the way you wanted (though it would definitely be interesting and I’d like to see it!)

This will be a really stupid question, but I’m not native English speaker so I really struggled with understanding this part of the scoring on the Love section:
For every 3 unique traits that the Primary spouse (see the spouses section of the Gameplay Rules for more information on Primary spouses) brings into the family you gain 1 point.

So what does this really mean?
Do I get a point every time the Primary spouse has a combo of 3 traits that have never been seen in the family?
Or do I add up the unique traits as they come, like if I had had two of the spouses traits in the family before, but got a one new one, I’ll wait for the next heir’s spouse to have more unique traits till they add up to 3 and I get a point?
Or do you mean unique as in none of the spouses have had them before, but it’s okay if the rest of the family has?

Just someone please explain this to me in an idiot-proof way, I’m so confused 😀 Thanks

You get a point for every 3 unique traits you get. Probably the first 3 or 4 spouses you won’t get any duplicates but once you start getting duplicates, only every new one counts.

this would probably sound stupid but could someone explain the whole parenthood points thing please? if i get a point everytime I manage to get a reward trait then the total points won’t be 103..

I’m curious about this too. Within the second generation of children, I have already manifested 6 upbringing traits. Does each one count for a point and if yes, I could have 106 pts at least. Maybe it needs a scale? Something similar maxed skills or completed aspirations (5 traits = 1pt, 10 traits = 2pts, etc?).

You only get the point if you get all 10 traits at some point in the challenge. The other point is if you get one with sim with 5 traits (whether positive or negative)

Jessica Olson

Question, I had the power shut off even though I specifically told a sim to pay the bills (for some reason he didn’t and I didn’t notice, or he did and the game just didn’t recognize it). I had the money on hand. Do I still subtract a point (I mean it was my own fault for not making sure he followed through), or do I not count it. T_T


Hmm… I’d say don’t subtract it. You did what you were supposed to do and told your Sim to pay it. It’s not your fault that Sims are silly and cancel actions sometimes.

Kate Hamilton

With collections, do you have to keep every item in the collection to get the points for it? Also with the garden, once you have completed the collection do you have to keep the plants or is the reward plaque you get in the mail enough proof?

I’m loving the legacy challenge so far but I have a couple of questions about the “10 children in 1 generation” point given my succession laws. To clarify I’m playing matriarchy, traditional, first born, and tolerant.

1. Do adopted children count towards the 10 children in 1 generation?
2. If my current heir only has boys naturally but adopts a girl, who would be the next heir? I’m assuming the adopted girl would win as gender is the first law, but since they both get discounted via one succession law I wasn’t sure.
3. Do all of the 10 children count towards the scoring (until they move out)?
4. What’s the earliest the spares of the next generation can be moved out (child, teen, young adult)?

1. Yes, natural born and adopted all count
2. Depends on your succession law. If it’s matriarchy, it would be the girl. If it’s traditional (only natural born children, no adopted), then it would be one of the boys.
3. Yes
4. I don’t think they ever explicitly said (I always assumed it was when they were young adult but I think you may be on to something)

I have a question about medals with regards to being invited out by townies. My founder got invited to go to the spice festival and there was one requirement in the “city invite” event. I completed this and got a gold medal. Does this count towards the medals in the popularity category?

I highly doubt it because a) they’re usually very easy, usually only with one simple task, and b) it’s unfair for ppl that don’t have City Living

I am always checking for updates and rewrites on the rules. Exactly what is included in the “fortune” totals? Do we count the lot PLUS the cash on hand in Live mode?

Does both the heir AND their spouse have to be memorialized to get the point? Also can ANY generation memorialize them or does it have to be the generation directly after them?

Does anyone know if the City Native aspiration counts towards the ALL ASPIRATIONS requirement? My brain says yes but that aspiration requires a sim moving out of the family home and into an apartment which is against the rules/unorthodox to switch to a spare or have an heir live in an apartment

It doesn’t because it would require your Sim to live in San Myshuno. This is a good point though. I’m trying to remember if we have this aspiration on the Trait Generator. If we do, I may take it off since the heir can’t move out.

@Fiona…no, they are leaving the City Native aspiration off the rules completely because it requires you to live in San M. So you can pretend that aspiration doesn’t even exist.

Can your sim temporarily be a vampire to complete the vampire aspirations?

Is there a way to name a comedy routine? It always names is automatically for me. If there isn’t then what counts as memorializing a sim that way? Should I make the heir or primary spouse do the routine and perform it?

Yes I believe that’s what you need to do. Just have a Sim perform it and then make a note of it somewhere.

There was a comment by Mystic in the gameplay rule section that mentioned the cloning machine earned in scientist career is fair game? How does that work with regard to the various potions? Duplicate potions of youth essentially trivialize the deviance category.

Hey ^_^,
Just curious about the 10 children goal. Does the founder/heir have to be married to the parent of their offspring for the offspring to count? An example would be: founder/heir is married and has 9 kids with their spouse then has one child out of wedlock, does that kid count as the 10th for the challenge? OR lets say the spouse of founder/heir dies then founder/heir has a child with someone they are not married to, does that child count towards the challenge?

Question on Knowledge: Do you tally a point for all skills that reach max level on EACH Sim even if it’s for the same skill? Example: I have 3 toddlers and they’ve all reached max skill level on Communication, do I tally 3 points or just ONE for that skill?

There came a bug with the pets-patch, that makes “Have x sims do x at the same time” not complete during parties, even though they do (ex. “have 3 sims eat at the same time” during dinner parties). that makes it impossible to get gold medals and the party aspiration. How do you get around this? I haven’t currently found any fixes, so can you just count the parties for gold medals anyway?

Am I missing a part of the rules? I know that we must marry townies/gallery sims, but where exactly is that written out? I know we can’t marry established sims also, but where is that written? It isn’t in the Spouses section or getting started or game play rules. I think I must be missing a section somewhere?

[…] here’s how to keep score and count points, but I’m not sure if I’ll do that or just play out their […]

[…] Score (the score is updated after a new chapter is posted) 10 points can be earned in each category, except for the Extreme Start point which is merely a handicap rather than a scoring category. 2 optional points can be earned if you own the Parenthood pack. Pinstar & Imagining Mystic last updated the rules on March 5, 2018. For a detailed explanation of the scoring for each category, click here. […]

In order to get full points, do you need to max every skill and compete every aspiration in the expansion packs you have? Or just the ones in the base game?

I have a question regarding the optional points related to Seasons.
If my legacy is already in its fourth generation, do I just ignore the optional points for Seasons?
That seems like the easiest thing to do, since my founder died before the release of Seasons.

You can just retro-actively add the holiday and any traditions that apply 🙂

For the Season’s update with the optional points, What if our founder passed before seasons came out? My founder passed away a week before Seasons was released.

You can just retro-actively add the holiday and any traditions that apply 🙂

Shannon Hoey

For the Season’s update with the optional points, What if our founder passed before seasons came out? My founder passed away a week before Seasons was released.

Shannon Hoey

Will the Re-traiting Potion be added to the list of Consumable Rewards in Nature Category?

Just a question. Can I have a clone (with the scientist career) of my founder but in another household? I’m not going to play with the clone, just going to put him in another household and let him live on his own.

Yeah that is fine!

As far as I can tell, you can’t create a holiday on the day the founder enters the lot. How should set this up then?

Oh wait, I read the rules wrong! It’s on death, not on entering the legacy. Sorry!

Well there are two holidays. One starts the day they start the Legacy. You don’t have to create it that same day, just create the holiday whenever and make sure it starts on the first day of the season that you Founder moved onto the lot. The other is created to remember them on their day of death. Hope that makes sense!

Christian Groff

I don’t think you can make a holiday on the first season of the month – I waited until the next day and the first day of the year vanished! I think it is impossible to make a holiday on the first day of the year because you can’t make a holiday on the current day, and when I let the day expire, it vanished from the calendar and I couldn’t make a holiday on that day! 🙁

Christian Groff

Oh, uhm, I checked and found that the calendar advances so I could get Spring to reappear once the week is over. I hope I didn’t upset anyone. 🙁

Christian Groff

I did a check and found that the two holidays you create under the Seasons rules cannot both be 5-tradition holidays. Yes, the founder gets two traditions but I did a calculation and found out that you need to add four traditions to both holidays, and that means that nine heirs must die to get both holidays to 5-tradition holidays, not eight. Therefore you cannot have both of them be a full five traditions. Let me show you an example:

Death Day:
1: Rememberance (founder death)
2: Tell Stories (Gen 2 death)
3: Countdown to Midnight (Gen 5 death)
4: Grand Feast (Gen 6 death)

Legacy Day:
1: Tell Stories (founder death)
2: Decorate (Gen 3 death)
3: Thankful Spirit (Gen 4 death)
4: Wear Costumes (Gen 7 death)
5: Holiday Gnomes (Gen 8 death)

As you can see, there is no more room for a fifth tradition unless Gen 9 dies. Pinstar, just letting you know that you can only have one five-tradition holiday in this legacy. Not saying that that is a bad thing since you made the points so that we didn’t have to celebrate both holidays fully for the optional points but please make note on this.

Here is Pinstar’s response:

That is by design and exactly why you ONLY need one 5-tradition holiday for the points.

You could *in theory* get that last tradition in place. If you had a male gen 9 heir impregnate his spouse and then kill him off while she’s still pregnant you’d get to briefly add a 9th tradition before her giving birth to the 10th generation ends the challenge.

First of all, thanks so much for updating your Legacy Rules so quickly for Seasons!
I have two questions related to the new re-traiting potion.
(1) Nature category
Should we add one re-traiting potion to our purchased collection of reward potions?

(2) Love category
How does the re-traiting potion work with primary spouses? Or should they be off-limits for all primary spouses?
I have an evil, unflirty, snob vampire lined up for my legacy’s next primary spouse.
All three traits will count as unique for the Love Category, so I’m thinking they should be used for generating the next generation’s traits.
Still, I thought there would be no harm in asking. ;D

I’m double checking with Pinstar on these, but I’m pretty sure for your 2nd question the traits that count are the new ones as those are the ones that they will be using from there on out. Pinstar had made a comment about that earlier. I could’ve sworn I updated the rules for it, but knowing me I probably forgot. I’ll just confirm with him and then update the rules for sure.

I’m unsure about your first question so I’ll way for his response before answering.

Ok he answered the 2nd part of your question, but still waiting on a response for the first part.

“Yes, I’m going to rule that the spouse’s traits for the love category are locked in with the birth of the next generation heir. Before then, you can use the potion to try and get unique traits. After, changing the spouse’s traits won’t change which ones counted.”

Alright, the answer to the first part is yes.

Thank you so much for getting back to me on these questions!
Your frequent updating of the Legacy Challenge rules to reflect new packs is very much appreciated!!!

Hi, thanks for all the work put in here. 🙂 My legacy families are one of the things that constantly pull me back to the Sims year after year. So this is much, much appreciated.

I just wanted to check as well, if there are any ‘legal/non-cheating’ ways to circumvent/re-roll an aspiration/other goals that cannot be fulfilled due to severe game glitches.

I’m one of the few unfortunate players who’ve been stuck with the self-sustaining garden glitch post-Seasons update. >_< I now have amazing plants that never, ever require watering or weeding. Even when I plant new ones, they simply get planted as wet patches. I’m keeping an eye on EA’s glitch submission thread but it seems that it’ll be a long while before they get around to it. And so my current Heir hasn’t been able to progress past the first stage of her Freelance Botanist aspiration (which is tragic, given that she’s an actual Botanist too).

I’m concerned the aspiration (which I’ve actually already completed before in a previous generation with no issues) will be a dead end on any of my legacy Sims who get it in the future… I’m hoping I don’t have to be resigned to it the same way I’ve given up on getting gold for Black-and-White parties (which is also a major glitch that I just cannot work around no matter how many patches they’ve rolled out/how many times I’ve reset my game).

Sorry for the long block of text. Hopefully there’s a proper way of getting around these things for those who are getting glitched out like crazy.

I didn’t know about that glitch, I was starting to wonder why my plants were growing without me doing anything. It’s indeed made the garden aspiration impossible.

Really frustrating that I ran into this game breaking bug on my third day of my first ever Legacy 🙁

Hey, for penalties it says “Penalties: -3 points total” which implies that the lowest you can get here is -3. However each one of the items underneath (no power, no plumbing, lose kids) can happen multiple times. Do you count each and every instance as a point loss regardless of the -3 points total, or does every instance after the third time no longer affect your score?

Shannon Hoey

Okay, my question is for the Founders Holiday. My Gen 2 and 3 just “celebrated” founder’s Day.
The day my founder started, 7 are of age 1 is a toddler and “ignores” the tradition because of being a toddler. Is the toddler considered an “active” member or will we have to wait till all members are of age to get “Have all active members of a legacy household reach gold level celebration status for a Legacy Holiday”

Thank you for your time.

Shannon Hoey

Okay, my question is for the Founders Holiday. My Gen 2 and 3 just “celebrated” founder’s Day.
The day my founder started, 7 are of age 1 is a toddler and “ignores” the tradition because of being a toddler. Is the toddler considered an “active” member or will we have to wait till all members are of age to get “Have all active members of a legacy household reach gold level celebration status for a Legacy Holiday”

Thank you for your time.

Shannon Hoey

Sorry for the double post my mouse is sticking tonight

Quick question…as we add expansion packs, which in turn add new skills, aspirations, and careers…do we have to max all the new skills, and complete all the new aspirations and careers for those expansion packs too? For example, I had every skill maxed at least once, but then bought City Living, Cats and Dogs, and Seasons, so do I have to now max all the new skills to get that 10th point again in the Knowledge category? With the exception of the City Native asp I’m assuming.

Calendula Petals

I’m a little confused about how to create the Seasons holiday that occurs on the day the founder died. Since you can’t add a holiday for the current day, and that day of the year remains blocked until the first day of the next upcoming season/week (seems like a bug, but this is how the interface works), do we just wait, and try our best to remember to do it when that date becomes unblocked the following week?

Do we put it in on a following date we plan to kill the founder (or let him pass from natural causes), just… creepily ahead of time?

Or would it be Ok to commemorate the day *after* the founder’s death, perhaps as if it were the founder’s memorial service?

That’s a good question. Let me check with Pinstar because I don’t think we realized that when we made the rules. I’m going to tentatively say, though, that the day after would be fine.

I actually have this question too. Never saw an answer posted, but my founder just died and I can’t create a holiday on the same day. Creating it just for the day after, but could use some clarification.

I created it as soon as the date became available. (first Sunday of the following season) as you can’t create same-day holidays, you would not observe it until the next year anyway.

Shannon Hoey

What if a toddler or sim “ignores” the tradition? Either from being a toddler or it conflicts with a trait or something. Do we still get a point or have to wait when they age up or are out of the house?

I gave up with the scoring once I read about having them die each of the ways cause I know that it is super difficult to achieve and I want to play for the fun of it and that just took the fun right out, good job though

Just out of curiosity. Are these scoring and collecting legacy points just for the sake of calculating what we have achieved from this challenge? Or is there any leader board sort of thing where we can actually compete with other Sims users and become the top. Please don’t take offensively, I just don’t get why we should spend time filling the score sheets, rather than check out the rules and shoot for it. Voila! I have completed the legacy challenge, that’s what will be the ultimate aim right? Correct me if I am wrong.

The scoring and scoresheets are completely optional. Some people like them just to do know how well they did.

I actually don’t personally enjoy tracking the points either. But we have them for people that do. If you’d rather just follow the rules and go for it, that’s perfectly fine too. What’s important is that you are having fun.

Hi Mystic, Thanks for the reply

Starting up my second legacy! I finished my first a few years ago, and the game has changed a lot! Am wondering if the death types required for the nature death collection point have increased with the expansion packs? Including Jungle Adventures and Seasons, and the little Rodent pack, I think there are around 21 different ways to die now… do we need them all for the point, assuming we own all the content? Thanks!

Sorry for the late reply, I missed this question. I am going to need to check with Pinstar on this but I THINK we kept the number of deaths the same and you can just choose which ones you want to do. I’ll confirm that though.

Is the Money Tree allowed?

I’ve been meaning to update the rules for the last few days as this was a discussion about a week ago.

No, the money tree is not allowed as it gives far too many simoleons. I’m going to update the rules right now, so I don’t forget!

I have a question about the memorials. Does the spouse or child have to do it or can the current heir do it of her/him self?

It doesn’t really matter who memorializes the previous Sims as long as it’s someone living in the Legacy house.

Good evening Mystic,

With the vaults in Get Famous, can we use the Vaults in our legacy? We have the options to add money, take money, in a test file, when I hover the vault, it tells me how much is deposited in it.

Thank you and Pinstar for your quick updates with the new EP and a great legacy.


Hi and thank you for keeping this challenge running!

I think I’ve combed through this entire site, but if I missed the answer to my question: I’m sorry about that!

When moving out spares, do I lose the points they earned while they still lived in the legacy household?


No you don’t. The points stay even if they move.

As much as I love this challenge, I’m into my second generation and something is reallly bugging me?

How the hell do you expect us to get 1000 points in Popularity before the challenge is over? You can say “Ooh but dates are short and quick” and whatever but we also have to complete 144 skills, 55 aspirations, every line of work and 10 collections.

I’m sorry but that’s complete madness. Have you ever actually completed this challenge with 100 points using THESE rules?

We have been seriously considering a massive overhaul of the points system. When we originally made it, it was when only the base game was out. Now with all of the new packs and all of the new things to do in the game, it makes getting all of these points in each section really difficult.

Pinstar and I have been trying to find a time to sit down and rework these for a while. We’re going to try and get it done soon.

It IS madness, but I completed the challenge and earned 1000 Popularity points, as well as all the others (in other words, I got a perfect score). The key for me was to be extremely strategic and figure out how many points each generation and each person needed to earn. For example, every generation needs around 37 gold medals. You have to use the anti-aging thing once per Sim as is allowed (or at least I had to). Each sim needs to max something like 7 skills, yada yada. The first time I played through I drastically underestimated how long it would take to earn the Pop points, so my final three generations were having like two date and a dinner party every day, lol. I’m on my second time through now, and it’s flowing much better. I do recommend the dinner parties. You can usually get a gold medal while feeding your family (something you need to do anyway) pretty easily. And many nights I make my heir end the day with a little in-home date (keeps their social and fun needs high too). Anyhow, it can certainly be done, but takes a lot of deliberation and planning 🙂

[…] seguindo o esquema corretamente? Não se preocupe! Foi divulgado no site oficial do desafio uma lista de pontuações que você pode usar como parâmetro para suas […]

Quick question. I am looking at the creativity section, and you say we can memorialize a sim by having a sim write a song FOR a sim. My current heir has written many songs, and has level 10 in every instrument, but there isn’t an option that I’ve seen to write a song specifically for a sim. Are we just supposed to name it after the sim? I know there’s a romance interaction that is promise to dedicate song, but it doesn’t actually do anything different than if you were just flirting with them, it doesn’t seem to open up an option to write a song for them.

Could you help clarify for me? Thank you!!!

PS: I LOVE your challenge and all the tools and resources you have provided. Have been using for several years now. Thank you so much for giving this to the community and all your hard work, I truly appreciate it!

Hi! I was wondering if you guys were planning to update the rules/scoring a bit to support other packs. Goals like “complete every aspiration”, career, skill, etc. are all going to be significantly more difficult for someone who has every DLC for the game compared to someone who has just the base game. For example, the goal of completing every aspiration in the Athletic section could instead be completing 27 aspirations, as that is the amount of base game and child aspirations. This would give those of us who have other aspirations a chance to have those count toward the goal without making the goal exponentially more difficult to attain.

(I would also love to see the unique spouse traits requirement lowered by a few, as 27 unique traits means that you can’t have any overlap AT ALL, and finding the “perfect” final spouse could be impossible depending on what combination of traits you need.)

Yes, this is something we definitely plan to do. The last few months have been super busy for us IRL so we haven’t had a chance to sit down and figure it all out, but we’re hoping to do that soon!

Quick question – can i memorialize with a 8+ singing skill? After all it is a creative thing.

Because at a level 8+ singing level you can write lyrics for a song

Legacy holiday traditions: Founder gets 2, 2nd gen to 8th gen gets 1 each = 9. where does the 10th tradition come in?


Hi there! I’d love to collaborate on a web app that makes trait generation and scoring easier for the player. Interested?

The scoresheet has different requirements than the ones here for some of the points, so which one is the most official? Also I got money trees before they were mentioned in the rules, what should I do about that?

How do we now get 30 traits from 9 Primary Spouses when we couldn’t before? Are we to count the trait that is because of the initial aspiration?

Soo i need some clarification. (And sorry for my english) Fortune: Does that mean what value is the property, or the cash sims are having or both together? And Nature: Have Sims within the household reach the top level of both branches of every career track. Does this mean like one sim have to complete both branches or is it through the legacy?

Fortune: Both

Nature: Throughout the Legacy

If we have GTW and our legacy sim is born from an alien abduction, how should we determine the parental traits both for the random trait generation but also for the Love points as the primary spouse traits?

I am going to need to check with Pinstar on this, because I don’t remember what his ruling was on that. Sorry for the delay in responding already. Summer has been hectic for us!

Hiya! Just a quick question; for the family section, do you start with 1 point already for the founder being a young adult? Otherwise I’m not sure I understand how to get 10 points as only 8 heirs will ever reach young adulthood 🙂


Yes, you get one point automatically from the founder.

Hey everyone. I’m an apple user and can’t use the excel scoresheet that was created so I made a version on Google Sheets which is free and only requires an internet connection but can also be printed as I didn’t use calculations.

To edit it, just make a copy. If something is not clear just come back to this page cause I took all the information from here. I’m using all full expansion packs (as of June 2019) excluding Get Famous and StrangerVille, feel free to remove them in your copy.

Enjoy, and I hope this is of use to people 🙂

Hey, not sure if this has been asked before (I apologize if it has!) but I noticed some discrepancies between the scoring written out here and the scoring methods used in the scoresheets, so I was wondering which scoring system should be used? I noticed the discrepancies in scoring in the knowledge, athletic, popularity, and deviance categories, so for now I’ve been using the scoring criteria as written out here instead of what’s used in the scoresheets, but I can change how I do my scoring if the criteria here are out of date. Thanks!

Hi! Some of the scoresheets may not have been updated for our rules overhaul that we did a few months ago. I am pretty sure that HillieE keeps her scoresheet updated, so I would recommend using that one!

What does “3 unique traits” in the Love points mean?

It means traits that you have not seen in your Legacy before. So if your generation 3 spouse, for example, has Neat, Squeamish, and Family Oriented as a trait, but the first generation spouse also had squeamish, only the neat and family oriented traits would count as unique. Does that make sense?

I know that variations of this question has been answered many times, but I am still a little confused about who can earn which points. When I think I have understood it correctly, I read something that makes me wonder again.

August 9, 2019 someone asks in the comment field above, I quote:

“I’m starting my legacy and I’m unsure about some things.
1) Does a generation end when you have 10 legacy kids?
2) is a heir the only one who can create the kids?”

August 9, 2018 Reply
You don’t have to have 10 kids per generation. You can have however many you want. So the generation ends when the heir of that generation dies.

The heir is the only Sim of that generation whose kids will count for points. Your spares can have kids, but those kids can’t earn points.”

But” those kids can’t earn points” here refer only to the ’10 children point’, is that right? For a long time I have thought it was all points.

The FAQ now says, quote:

“Q: Can the spouses and children of spares earn points for the Legacy?

A: Yes, if they live in the Legacy house and can directly trace their lineage back to the founder either by blood or marriage. They can no longer earn points if they move out.”

– which seems clear enough! But April 9, 2015 one asks:

“Can these points be earned by spouses or just the heirs?” (It is a bit unclear whether she refers to all points or just career points, since the latter was mentioned in the post directly before her question.)

The response from Pinstar Legacy is:
“Primary Spouses, heirs and spares. Children of spares and their spouses cannot earn points.”

Another answer supports my guess that this might refer to the careers only. Pinstar Legacy answers on May 15, 2015 that “Anyone in the household can add to the collections, but Heirs/Spares/Primary Spouses/Children/Parents of heirs may be the only ones to register collected careers.”

However, several answers above support what it says in the FAQ. For example, on October 19, 2014, someone asks whether spares’ spouses and children can earn points, and the answer is:

” ImaginingMystic
October 19, 2014 Reply
If the spare’s wife and children still live in the household then I believe that they count as a cadet branch of the Legacy, which means that yes, they can earn points. I need to confirm this with Pinstar though! I’ll ask him once he wakes up!

October 19, 2014 Reply
He concurs!”

I do understand that the challenge has developed over time, and I am much less serious about it than it may seem from what I write. 🙂 I play primarily for fun, but I do a legacy challenge in TS4 for the first time, and I’d just like to know which points to count and not. So now I have two theories:

A) All household members, including spares, spares’ spouses and spares’ children, can earn all sorts of points as long as the spare has stayed in the household since birth. The exception is
– the Family points (that heirs have to earn, including the 10th)
– the 10th Love point

B) Like above, but the two possible career Collection points cannot be contributed to by spouses or children of spares, as Pinstar’s answers above suggest. (However, in the scoring rules it says “Sims within the household” 🤔).

I am grateful if someone can help to clarify this. And to the founders of this Page, thanks loads for a great challenge, and for making an effort with this Page and everything! I really enjoy the self-imposed rules, it adds an extra dimension to the gameplay.

Hey, I was wondering if it’s against the rules to purchase the “always welcome” aspiration reward and spend a few days in friends’ houses? I’m going for the ultra extreme start and I’m absolutely broke.

Hi, I’ve just found out about the legacy challenge and yet I’m a huge fan of the Sims since the version first edition… I have just started it but I still have a couple of questions, if you could help me with the answers?
1. In the Creative category, how do you effectively memorialize a Sim? I haven’t seen any in-game action for that. Is that just about writing a song / biography, making a painting, etc… and pretending they are in memory of the founder and their spouse? Also, my understanding was that one Sim in each generation should memorialize the founder and their spouse. But I’m using the Hilliee’s scoresheet and it seems that every heir + spouse has to be memorialized at some point. Could you clarify that, please? Also, can a husband memorialize his wife or does it have to be one of their children?
2. In the Nature category, for the different types of death, you say on the family lot. Can I assume that it does not necessary apply to the family and any guest dying on the lot would count? I know that only the heir and their children can make points, so I’d like to make sure. I hope my understanding was correct and that anyone on the lot counts, because I would hate to kill one of my Sim by starving them or drowning them. The Cowplant death is sad enough… 🙂
3. I know someone already asked, but it would be nice to clarify who can make points. So far, I’m on the second generation only with only one spare who’s not yet married so I know they all count for points. But soon enough, I’ll have sibling branches living on the lot and I don’t want to count points where I shouldn’t and vice versa.
That’s it for now. Thank you so much for this really interesting challenge! In the Sims 2, I had made a family with similar targets. I started with a pre-made family (I can’t remember their names now, but it was only composed of a twin brother and sister). They started with very little money and as their fortune grew, I built for them 2 identical houses on the lot and they all lived there with their family through several generations. I made a point to have them and their spouse having different jobs and get to the top level (although I used the aging cheatcode to stop the time…). It was fun but after 4 generations, they were just too many on the lot and I couldn’t manage them all. And I lost interest. But I guess, if you don’t mess up with the time flow, death arrives more quickly and you can’t have 3 generations at the same time (too bad for the babies who won’t have any grand parents to babysit them…).
Thank you again ! Great job…

For the Party, Skills and Aspiration points, even if we have to follow the 4 Aspirations=1point and 3 skills mastered=1point, Do you get extra points for exceeding the 27 master skills or 36 aspirations and 81 medal points? My Seventh generation heir was just born and I already have 136 medal points, 65 mastered skills and 45 aspirations completed… do I stop keeping track and just say I have nine points for those three categories or do I get extra points at the end for all that have been mastered/completed?

Why is the Food category so much more complex than the others? (The food career branches are already necessary for the Nature points; why the redundancy?) Why not a simpler points system like the ones in the other categories?

I have a question about the Love category. I saw that I can use the retraiting potion on the primary spouse before the first child is born, but can I use it more than once? Can I use 2 or 3 to try getting all new unique traits or can I use it only once?

[…] 数か月ほどかけてちまちま続けてきたウォーカー家のレガシーチャレンジが終了したので、公式ルールに則ってスコアを出したいと思います。開始当初から書いてましたが、うちはかなりやる気がないので、スコアはないに等しいです。でも、この十世代のプレイはかなり楽しかったので満足しています。 […]

[…] Yeah, I am not listing out the scoring possibilities. They can be found on the Sims Legacy Challenge website … Legacy Rules Scoring […]

Eyeball glitter

I haven’t been playing very long and I just started my legacy but what are medal point?

Eyeball glitter

My founder has twin toddlers James and Lilly and is also pregnant in her 3rd trimester

Do you chose category and its 10 points per generation or do you try and chive all of them and it 10 points for the whole challenge

It’s for the whole challenge. Not per generation.

What’s the point of the point keeping system?

Basically to track your progress with the challenge. It’s optional though!

Lindsey Pinault

Does anyone happen to know if the part-time jobs count for the “reach top level of every career track” point? Or is it just the careers that reach 10 levels?

I have just started the Legacy Challenge and was wondering about the Aspirations points, specially where we need to complete ALL aspirations throughout the family…

I have City Living and Island Living. Are the attached aspirations (city native and beach life) included in the scoring?


City Living is not included since it requires the Sim to live in the city. We actually don’t have that one on our generator at all. For Island Living a Sim can complete the aspiration without having to live in Sulani, so that one is included.

Lenny Kirkpatrick

I im not very clear on the lover primary spouse traits does it have to be 3 new traits per gen, just one per gen or 3 new the hole challenge, it might seem stuiped to some but im new to the game so im just learning as i go (:

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules – Scoring […]

[…] For a complete guide to scoring, check out Pinstar’s scoring rules. […]

Sorry if this has been asked before, but with all the new careers, skills and aspirations added in packs, do we need to do them as well to get the points or just the base game ones? Because having a few number of packs would give an advantage over someone who has them all.

Also, do I need to complete city native for the aspiration point thing?

I updated someone’s spreadsheet for tracking points that I found a while back, but I can’t find them to credit them. If you can find them, please reply here so they get credit for all their hard work. I’ve tweaked it to work on Google sheets and auto calculate your points based on base game quantity for things like number of aspirations completed and number of careers, etc.

Can this be completed by a sim in any generation?

“10th point is earned by having a single Sim complete two out of the three creative aspirations in their lifetime.”

Can *any* Sim in the household earn points? For example: My founder died of laughter very early so I brought in a “spouse” for her Primary spouse. There is also my heir. Can any one of them, including the secondary “spouse” of the Primary Spouse.. earn points for completing aspirations, Maxing skills, or getting max level in careers?

Hi I have actually nearly managed to complete my legacy after YEARS of struggling through crashes etc as I play on playstation (if you can believe it I actually originally started it in 2017!!!!!) :’) with careers etc I am struggling though close to completion because I have nearly every pack so it is extremely difficult especially because of how much my game actually crashes and wondering if I’ve completed a certain amount of the careers that would still count? and also I wasted a lot of time in the beginning not doing many aspirations because I kept getting the same aspirations over and over again (i don’t think it is the generator fault i actually blame it on how long it has taken me to get to the end of this challenge). Good luck to anyone just starting this challenge!

Amethyst Baudelaire

Hello everyone; I just discovered this challenge and wow… this was a lot to write out lol. Yes I wrote it all down haha anyway it has been ages since I’ve played Sims 4 & I decided that with this challenge I will get to know my game again; with the current packs I bought… this is a must.

I am going to play 💯 percent vanilla with the founder; if I download anything it will be some homeless CC. Then add very minimal CC and mods as I go along.

I understood everything except one thing; the unique traits of the spouse. What is classified as unique?

Does the potty skill count for a toddler? 😀

I know this probably isn’t the place to ask, but are there certain rules when it comes to Off-The-Grid living?

Hey there 🙂
Just wanted to ask if a song my sim wrote to memoralize another sim can be licensed to gain money?
Couldn’t find a similar question here so I thought I ask.

with the cross stitching skill, can we consider that to be on the Creative points, since it has a “stitch from reference” option? this kinda works the same with the paint from reference. I think its a another great option to memorialize our sims as well


Another question regarding the new option that sims can get traits due to personality development (which came with Growing Together) – should those be considered in the “Love”-section?

I know this is multiple years old, but I have a question about the scoring spreadsheet. I only see room on the Genealogy tab to list one adult trait per person. So for example, I’m trying to log my founder’s husband’s traits but he has 4 of them and I can only enter one. I tried listing them on different spreadsheet rows, but then that skews the statistics on the Family tab, which I also don’t want. Help?

Don’t know if anyone still reads this.
But how do you memorialize. biogrophy and song you can name it. But comic routine you can’t. also you need to do it when they’re alive or dead? because the paint from reference can only be done when they’re alive right?

Hey there! I’m having trouble finding clarifications to a couple of things:

1. Who’s allowed to earn points for the Legacy? For example, if a Spare maxes a skill in teenagehood can I count that? Would it still count if they were a Young Adult? Can the Primary Spouse earn points for maxing careers/completing aspirations? etc.

2. Is there a definitive list of what Aspirations need to be completed for the point requiring 100% Aspiration Completion? I see confirmation in the comments that the City Native Aspiration is excluded & implication that the Pets Aspirations are excluded (there’s a mention that having pets is optional which isn’t true if those Asp. are required) but I don’t see anything in the rules mentioning Aspirations excluded from the challenge. I’m particularly concerned with Aspirations that require your Sim to be a Supernatural or to become Jedi. (I’m personally hoping to avoid Vampires, since their lifespan feels too close to cheating for me.)

Thanks for any replies & thanks to the people maintaining the site for all the hard work you put in. Also for anyone coming here in 2024 that also couldn’t find a Legacy Checklist that’s up to date, here’s a copy of mine; it’s not the best but hopefully it’ll save you some time:

Thank you for the precise and easy to understand rules and scoring system. I’m so looking forward to playing it! XD

If you’re still updating this, do you have any added rules/scores/restrictions for the Life & Death pack or the upcoming Businesses and Hobbies pack? Especially that last one. I’m purposely waiting until that one comes out because it will have a huge impact on game play for this challenge. We’ll get actual family businesses! Traits that can handed down generations! Tattoos like some sorta clan mark! I can’t wait!

I’m actually working on playtesting Life & Death right now so I can update the rules. I’ll be doing the same thing with the Businesses & Hobbies pack as well as any other packs that we have missed! I’m a bit behind though as I haven’t played Sims 4 in a bit, so I’ve got some catching up to do!

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