The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules
(updated November 9, 2022)
The Legacy Challenge is a set of self-imposed rules meant to change the way you play the game of The Sims 4. By abiding by the restrictions of the challenge and reaching for the goals of the challenge, you will find yourself getting a very different experience from The Sims 4 that you might have playing casually. The Legacy Challenge tasks you with creating a single founder Sim moving them in to a giant lot, and starting out in abject poverty. Your founder must build their house, build their wealth, and ultimately bring in the second generation to continue when they die. In this challenge you play a single family for 10 full generations. With less control over how your children turn out and more challenges thrown your way, the challenge asks the very important question. “What kind of Legacy will you leave?”
New to the Legacy Challenge? Check out these guides!
- How To Start A Legacy Challenge
- How to Make Money In A Sims 4 Legacy Challenge
- Legacy Challenge Succession Laws Ranked By Difficulty
- The Best & Worst Expansion Packs For The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge
Getting Started
The best thing to do when starting your Legacy Challenge is to begin a new game. Do this by selecting the + at the top of the main menu and selecting New Game. This will bring you to Create a Sim (CAS).
Your challenge begins in Create-A-Sim (CAS). There, you must design your founder. Your founder can be just about anything you want and if you have The Sims 4 Get to Work, they can even be an alien! You can pick whatever aspiration you want for them and give them whatever traits you want. Pick out their gender, wardrobe, body shape and color, and even incorporate any CAS custom content or mods. The ONLY two rules are that they must be of the ‘young adult’ age, and they must be the only person in the household.
Take extra care when giving them their name, especially their last name, as many future Sims will have that as part of their name, so make it a good one.
Once you have finished your founder, move them into any empty lot. Return to the world screen. Select your founder on their empty lot and pick “Move Family”.
UPDATE FOR SEASONSThe Sims 4 Seasons – If you have you may start your challenge in any of the seasons. Whichever one you prefer. (This is only for the regular start. The Extreme Start will follow a different set of rules. See below)
**EXTREME START OPTION** – With the addition of The Sims 4 Get Together an “Extreme” start (similar to what was in the Sims 2 Legacy Challenge Advanced Rules) is now an option. Successfully completing an extreme start will net you one bonus point (see the Scoring section under “Handicaps” for more details). To start an “Extreme” Legacy Challenge you must move your founder onto one of the new 64 x 64 lots in Windenburg (after the lot on it has been demolished). This will leave you with $8000. Upon moving onto the lot, you must cheat your Sim’s money down to 0. (see the above cheat for help on how to do that).
NOTE: If you don’t want to do an extreme start, but still want to play on a 64 x 64 lot, then cheat the money to §1800 instead of 0.
EXTREME START UPDATE FOR SEASONS – Extreme Start Legacy Challenges MUST be started in Winter if you have the Seasons pack. We wish you luck.
EXTREME START UPDATE FOR GET FAMOUS – To use the new “Chateau Peak” 64 x 64 lot in Del Sol Valley use the cheat “FreeRealEstate On” to purchase the lot for free and bulldoze the house already on it. Once your Sim is moved in, use the money cheat to bring your Sim’s money to 0. Start in Winter as per usual. If you don’t want to do an extreme start on this lot, use the money cheat to bring funds down to §1800. Either way, be prepared for some VERY brutal weekly bills.
**NEW ULTRA EXTREME START FOR GET FAMOUS’S CHATEAU PEAK LOT** – Do you want even MORE of a challenge with the new 64 x 64 lot in Del Sol Valley? Well with the help of some fellow Simmers, I’ve come up with the Ultra Extreme Start for Get Famous. (Special thanks to Kotabuck, StormyDayz, TigerLover78, and SimsMomChelle for the help!) The rules for this new start are as follows:
- Start the game in Winter
- Use freerealestate on cheat to get the Chateau Peak lot for “free” (make sure to choose “Bulldoze lot when choosing Chateau Peak to move into)
- Move Sim onto the now empty Chateau Peak Lot
- Purchase the Knight of the Octagon Table and then use the money cheat to bring the Sim’s funds to 0
- The lot must have the “Celebrity Home” Trait
- In order to pay back the §35,000 “loan” for the lot, you must buy four additional Knights of the Octagon Table and one Viva La Landscape Painting before your founder dies (you may notice this will leave you $5 short on the loan, that’s because your Sim had $5 in their pocket when they bought the lot)
- You can have your Sims get married while you are repaying the loan
- Other objects may be purchased while your Sim is repaying the loan, just make sure all five objects are purchased before the founder’s death
- The five items bought to repay the loan must be kept in the family inventory and not placed on the lot. This restriction is lifted once all five objects are purchased and the loan is considered repaid.
- Money can be spent however the player wishes as long as they make sure to save up for the loan repayment objects
- Once the loan is paid off, you can remove the “Celebrity Home” trait from the lot if you don’t plan on making your Sims famous. That will avoid the embarrassed moodlet.
Because of how difficult this start will be, it will be worth TWO additional points rather than one.
Click Here to move onto the Succession Law page.
FTC: The Amazon links are affiliate links which means that we get a small commission from purchases made there. If you'd rather not use that link all Sims games can be purchased on Origin.
I was looking in the game for a way to track time played.
IE: Week # / Day # but only see the day of week and time of day. Will this part of record keeping play a part in the challenge at all? I am still figuring out how the game plays. Not quite ready for this challenge yet.
Oh and I noticed plumbing like toilets and sinks no longer require a wall for placement. Might save a few beginning Simoleons with that.
Time played is not a formal part of the challenge. The fact that you have a finite number of generations and you are limited to one use of an anti-aging item per sim and are barred from resurrecting the dead, there is a natural time limit as your family grows older and needs to bring about the next generation. There are certainly techniques for extending the total play time you get…such as choosing the “Last Born” in your succession laws, but they are all valid. The only thing you can’t do is alter the lifespan setting in the gameplay menu; it must remain as “Normal”.
Hi, first of all sorry this is a reply and not a proper comment but for the life of me I couldn’t find where to click to leave a comment.
So I have a doubt.
In the scoring for skills it says:
“The 10th point is earned by having every skill reach max level at some point during the challenge. (Including toddler & childhood skills, can be done by different Sims in different generations). This does not have to be done by one Sim.”
First question is, it says “at some point during the challenge” meaning that in my household there have to be all the skill mastered at once? Or do you mean in the whole legacy history, even if the Sims that mastered those skills are not in the household anymore? Because, counting the child and toddler skills, there are a total of 47 skills. And that is my second question. 9 points for 27 skills at any given time of the legacy, the extra point for 47 skills at one given moment in the household??? Sounds really unbalanced, idk if I’m not understanding something?? Also maybe we are only counting base game skills + toddlers and kids? (And leaving out Salvadorian culture and skills of that kind) idk please make me see the light
You don’t have to have all the sims that had the skills be alive or even still around from what I understand. As long as they were eligible for legacy scoring when they maxed the skill, it should count.
Can you just use the money cheat to get to 1,800 instead of buying those things?
The reason those things need to be purchased is that they affect the cost of bills. Having higher bills at the beginning adds more of a challenge when initially starting out. That’s why we have that rule there. However if you are simply playing for fun and not tracking points, then yes, the money cheat is fine.
I have one question: Why don’t use the rosebud cheat for buying the park? obviously: only the lot. And the second question: there aren’t more decorations? The thing is that i don’t like that armor.
Note: i dont’t have the game now, I’ll buy it tomorrow.
I toyed around with that, but ultimately liked the armor solution better as I’ve always seen Legacy Families as the nobility of the Sims world and that armor would be their title. That and the armor inflates your bills, which makes the challenge a bit harder which is a good thing in my mind.
Ok, thanks!
so thats why my first bills were 400 bucks. which was literally half my money. Thanks a lot.
I found an issue with buying the lot… It might’ve been the updates since this challenge was created, but all 50×50 lots cost 25k, NOT 10k. I thought that there was one that cost 10k, but I looked through and only parks were 50×50 lots and both lots (ON THEIR OWN) cost 25k. The challenge might have to be adjusted to fit the Sims 4 updates.
Eek really? I’ll take a look into that.
Did this ever get resolved? Super excited for this challenge but I’m not sure how to proceed with lot selection…
I started this challenge on the 3rd of June(stating that for update reasons). The only residential lot i could find that was 50×50 was the Landgrab(idk the spelling) household. I evicted them, bulldozed it and was left with 10k so if anyone doesn’t know what to do, just evict them and take their lot.
It’s 10k for the 50:50 lots so u should be fine
You can just use the cheat freerealestate on and you can buy the house
Its because you haven’t bulldozed it. once you bulldoze the lot it should cost 10k
You took my card for no reason
So the rules of moving in for TS4 have changed. Unless the entire household moves in with your founder, the Sim brings in no funds whatsoever, which is completely different from most other versions of The Sims.
Is it acceptable to cheat in funds in which you cheat in only a portion of the old household’s funds?
For example, if I move in Mortimer Goth, and the household has 40k in it, can I cheat in 10k (or 1/4th because he is one of four people in the house)? Or was that taken into account when the challenge was created?
The rules state you cannot move in an established in-neighborhood family (Like the Goths)
I’ve heard reports of some sims bringing in $0 but every sim I ever brought in always brings $20k (or very close to it). So I would just accept whatever they bring in the off-chance they bring in $0, but most should bring in $20k, which is why the challenge is so restrictive about how many you may have.
Okay! Thank you very much!
I didn’t know about not being able to bring in people from established households.
There are housholds which are “currently not in world” but are in fact families/roommates. Just happened to me again (3rd time in a row). The girl brought 0§ because she was apparently living with 4 other sims. They have the same family name (Potter) but are not related, just roommates.
I don’t know, it just really ticks me off … she doesn’t have the ideal traits or anything to weigh that up, and how are we supposed to find out if they live alone? Of course its manageable (though a lot harder, can’t afford gen 2 for a while), but please don’t state that the 20K are almost granted, because they are not! In the sims 3 there was no granted amount of cash either, but at least some simoleons in wedding gifts and tax benefits, usually about 2000, which enabled us to build a bathroom and buy a double bed. >_<
Don't get me wrong, I love the challenge and the game and am totally grateful for the awesome work you did! Just a bit frustrated atm …
You can see if a sim lives with roomies or if they are a townie or not by looking them up in the manage worlds menu. As long as you don’t change anything while you’re there it probably not against the rules.
Sorry, it’s the manage families menu, not manage worlds.
Sorry if you have answered this a million times already but why did you change the rule about the funds that come when a spouse moves in? I didn’t realise you had & have only just started so when I moved in my sims GF I edited the household funds back to before they moved in – I prefered it this way as more of a challenge. So when a spouse moves in you keep however much it is? Why is that? Also, I haven’t married her yet but is there a rule as to the spouse having a job? Thanks – this is the first Challange I’m doing in the hope of actually completing lol so wanna do it right 🙂
Sorry I didn’t want to post this as a reply – wanted to do it as a new post!
In the past versions of the Sims, how much your spouse brought in was random..from about 2k-20k averaging about 8k… which wasn’t too bad. In TS4, if your spouse was alone, they would always bring in 20k. This was a bit game breaking as your poverty woes were gone by the 2nd generation. Then I realized that a spouse that was part of another household already would bring in $0. Since the rules restricting spouses were there to restrict marriage money…with a way to bring in $0 I shifted the rules to say you could bring in any number of sims, as long as they didn’t bring in money. Spouses (and other extra sims) can have jobs and EARN you extra money, they just can’t bring it in for free.
I moved in my sim’s bestie along with her husband and son. They brought all of their family funds and did “not currently live in world.” They are close to elder and almost adult son. So we built a house and changed their appearances in the mirror and I think this makes them plenty good roommates. It doesnt feel like cheating because they have good relationships.
That’s the beauty of the Legacy Challenge, we aren’t strict with how you play and its up to your own interpretation 🙂
Would it be possible to adapt the rules so that you have to buy the Knight of the Octagon Table only in case your spouse brings in 20K? I don’t know about the effect this would have on household bills, just an idea …
I’ve toyed with the notion of buying a new suit of armor every time a spouse comes in, but that would make the bills too harsh over time. But I do agree that the constant influx of 20k is a bit too much. The only reason I didn’t do this right away is because of the bills. I might put in a rule against taking the “Frugal” perk so that bills would always be at full strength.
I know I’ve asked this but I can’t seem to find the answer. Is it a glitch that prevents sims from changing their last names when getting married?
Nevermind I found something at
“Sim’s last name not changing after marriage
Solution: While there does not yet seem to be a fix to stop this issue entirely, you can use cheats to edit your Sim’s last name. Press Ctrl+Shift+C, enter testingcheats true then cas.fulleditmode. Shift+Left Click on your Sim to edit them in CAS and change their name.”
This is a case where cheating is absolutely allowed in the context of the Legacy Challenge.
With the edit of the name could you also edit physical features, such as eye color, and it still be ok? As long as you don’t mess with any traits or aspirations.
I’d like to know this as well. My random townies really love some of the CC I have installed, and I like to go in and tweak the appearances of the townies so they’re better dressed and don’t have bright pink hair with neon green eyebrows. Is that allowed?
Yes! Anything related to changing appearances is allowed!
There is one other way of doing this.. That is by going into mange Households and enter Cas and then just click on the female and change the last name of the sim you want to change and then save and play as nomaral and also you will have to do this for each spouse.
[…] This is a Sims 4 Legacy Challenge following Pinstar’s rules. It’s the very first Legacy Challenge I do, so be a little patient if I mess up at some […]
Is it okay to make cosmetic changes in CAS to potential mates as long as you don’t touch their traits or anything?
I just want to say thanks as I’ve played sims ever since it came out but always found it boring after a while until I found out about the legacy challenge, thanks for taking the time to create these challenges and give us something to keep us addicted to this game, best game ever. Only got the sims yesterday but I love it already, had so much fun. Thanks for all the hard work you do.
I’ve just heard that sims can die of embarrassment in TS4. That could make an extreme start very perilous, especially before you have a spouse to plead with the grim reaper. Add that to the fact that you can’t eat fruits and veggies out of your inventory any more so you HAVE to buy a stove, and the game charges you for every meal, and you can’t start a job the same day you get it, and promotions take longer… Maybe we should start with just a little bit more simoleans? Just enough to build a 2×2 bathroom and keep from starving if you have to wait 3 days before you can go to work? Pretty please?
Nope! That’s the challenge of it. You don’t need a stove, just a fridge, as quick meals are free. You can also order chips at bars for free too.
Ok, I guess I can buy a mirror so my simmy can give herself a pep talk between embarrassments.
I I accidently bought an easel instread of the instrument my sim wanted, and it ended up being a life saver. I was able to spend the first 3 days slowly making money from paintings so by the time my sim started her job she had a bed, a bookshelf, a toilet, a shower, a counter, an oven, a fridge, a trashcan, 1 mood lamp, and a handful of collectibles/plants I’d had her gather….But it was all still out on the lawn lol.
can you the founder get a job
I have not officially started this challenge in Sims4 yet. But I did run a test starting one Sim on an empty lot. Unable to decrease funds I opted to just work with whatever they had after moving into the lot. My Sim went to a park to use the grill for food. I also could cook a meal on a residential lot without being chased off. Plates of food will keep in personal inventory for a while before spoiling so he could put the rest there for later. Even with only a toilet, sink and bed my Sim could tend to their needs without any issues. Keep in mind this was a test and not be strict Legacy rules. But the point is it can be done with very minimal furnishings in the open with Zero walls.
I can’t find the bulldoze option when I click on the lots.
I had a hard time finding this as well. You need to actually go into the lot, then click Lot Info at the top, then there should be a bulldozer icon to click.
Or when you move, you can choose furnished/unfurnished/bulldoze lot
I’m actually having difficulty with this as well. For some reason, it won’t let me actually go into the lot. Can anyone figure out how I can fix this?
can you use cheats for anything and cash
No money cheats or any cheat that will give you an advantage are allowed.
I’m new to your site, but not new to Sims yet have never really done a legacy challenge before. I thought this was the perfect time to try one and yours is really nicely laid out – thank you!
Funny thing – we all got to know the townies and NPCs from TS1, 2, and 3 – NEW people now! I had to laugh. My poor legacy guy found the perfect townie, but she came with expensive baggage! A teen daughter and a pre-teen son! Eeeek! Having fun with this, though. 🙂
All the new people are great fun to meet. Did you realize that there are many ‘Not in the world’ singles and families? I love how there is always someone around to meet no matter where you go. Such an improvement over empty lots.
I love that too ! Always a “character” to meet – but I have noticed that many of them are evil or grumpy. LOL.
I just thought about it after I have already used it. The Sims reward lamps that effect emotions, are those considered cheats? If so, oops!
Are you allowed to download houses you can afford from te gallery, or are we restricted to building our own homes?
You can, but only if you are sure there are no career or aspiration rewards in those houses, if there are, they’d give you an unfair advantage, so they can’t be used.
Just something cool I discovered if you don’t want quite as big bills at the start: you can use the “testingcheats true” cheat then “money 1800” to reduce your cash without having to get the suit of armor. Then just put in “testingcheats false” and you’re good to go!
From Pinstar at work:
I am aware of the newly discovered ‘testingcheats true’ cheat, however the need to buy that statue is built into the rules. The fact that it inflates your bills is part of the challenge.
[…] won’t follow Pinstar’s legacy rules strictly. I won’t cheat of course (with the exception of resetsim or cas.fulleditmode since […]
I have just started the Legacy challenge, this is the first time I have heard of it, and it is awesome! I was just wondering, if your non-founder spouse dies before your founder reaches old age, can your founder marry again? Thanks again!
You sure can. I just did a rules change that allows you to move in spare spouses
[…] the helpful chap that he is, Pinstar already updated his Legacy Challenge Rules for us. Hold onto your hats, folks — I’m goin’ for it! […]
Just wanted to let you know that a cheat has been found which allows you to take away money from the family funds 🙂 it’s sims.modify_funds [negative amount here]
It’s somewhat the equivalent of the familyfunds cheat in TS3 but here what you have to do is specify the amount of cash that you need the game to take away and type it in 🙂 giving this challenge as an example you can simply type “sims.modify_funds -8200” into the cheat console and the game takes away $8,200 without you having to buy anything 🙂
You have to make sure to put the minus sign in though or the game will add cash instead 😛
The sim your founder marries don’t take on the family name so it’s better to have a female founder and have a strict female heir gender law. Other than that it’s all good. I would have married Bella Goth but she’s a Townie and she’s off limits in this challenge. 🙁
I just want to say thank you Pinstar, for doing all of this. Honestly, if it wasn’t for you reviving the Legacy Challenge for Sims 4, I probably would have just asked for a refund the first day. The game is just sad compared to the base game of Sims 3 or Sims 2. But your Legacy challenge gives me a reason to play it anyway.
[…] you are interested in this challenge, here are the various important links: Rules Succession Laws Random Trait Generator Challenge […]
Hi Pinstar,
I have put this query elsewhere, not really sure where to put it officially. I was wondering if we start a new game and can’t adjust the age length of our Legacy Sims, which is fine, what happens if I am playing the Legacy and want to use some of my other non-Legacy challenge Sims and I want to extend their ages to explore the possibilities in depth? Are the new games we play independent of the legacy game or when you default back to “Normal” for the Legacy gameplay will that default the whole Sims 4 game?
Kind regards,
Jen 🙂
From Pinstar at work:
I always recommend you put a Legacy Challenge on its own saved game. If you want to explore the game with other families, you can absolutely make a different saved game and alter the lifespan length. Just make sure to turn it back to normal when you return to playing your Legacy family.
[…] Sims 4 has only been out in the wild for one-and-a-half weeks, but there’s already a Legacy Challenge going. I wanted to put my challenge up on YouTube as a traditional Let’s Play video series, but my […]
Pinstar, I have a question. Am I allowed to place a sim who is “currently not in world” onto an emty lot in the world my Legacy founder is living in so that she can meet him and make him her baby daddy? I know we are not allowed to use any sims already living in the game so to speak but she’s gone to different venues since day 1 and this particular sim never shows up so she can meet him.
We are in the process of changing the spouse rules (again) due to the fact that it is difficult to find the Sim spouses that qualify for the Legacy rules. I believe Pinstar said that he will be allowing Gallery Sims for spouses provided you don’t know what their traits are when you download them (since, if you use our random trait generator, there is a chance the traits will pass).
thank you. There is a particular sim I would love to make the spouse but my sim hasn’t been able to meet them yet
Just wondering if it is possible to change the face and body for your sims once it has been saved I really hate the look of my sims face and body but can’t find a cheat to edit it please help xx
Hmm I would say that you could change the face of your founder if you wish, but not your founder’s children or any children thereafter. There is a way to edit a Sim in full CAS mode after they’ve been created, but last I heard it is very buggy and causes parents to become brother/sister to their children o.O
[…] both of us found out about The Legacy Challenge — a method of playing the Sims in which you play the same household, in lineage, through 10 […]
[…] For more information on the rules, go to The Rules. […]
So I stumbled across a VooDoo doll today while playing with my founder. Are there any rules regarding usage of this mischievous object? I am just keeping it with all my other collectables for now.
I see no reason to restrict it.
The game (not the legacy challenge) has me quite frustrated. I’m on my third gen, but it’s just so difficult to find teens and YA’s for my heirs to be friends with or even grow into a romantic relationship. My second gen guy ended up falling in love with someone who was already an (almost elder) adult. Of course, I didn’t know this at the time, so imagine my dismay when she aged far before him. I felt like I was watching a Sim version of The Graduate. LOL!
[…] wasn’t long after release that the legacy challenge was updated for the new game, so I decided to start a new legacy for the new generation of The Sims […]
Are there anymore videos on this challenge? I am slightly overwhelmed by all the rules?
There are no more official guide videos… yet… but you can watch several Let’s Plays and Livestream recordings from this list here: Watching other people play might give you more of an idea of what to do 🙂
[…] laten leven. Overigens is dit geen officieel onderdeel van The Sims 4, maar opgezet door een fan (hier kun je de officiële regels […]
Hello Pinstar , my name is Lana. I’m from Russia.
I have a question. Is it possible to put on a community lot Observatory, microscope and rockets? And, in General, to change public areas, for example, to remove those that have, and put the other one of the galleries?
The community lots are fair game to be changed.
Sorry, I don’t quite understand, put in Park Observatory, a microscope and missiles can or not?
Hello Lana, Pinstar meant yes 🙂 You can change them.
Yeah, you can change the community lots. Sorry for the confusion 🙂
Hi! I’m gonna start my first legacy challenge 🙂 I have a question tho.
Do I have to find a spouse from somewhere? And can I marry him and ask him to live with me? This part was a bit confusing. 🙂
That’s the idea. You find someone, a randomly generated townie, and move them into your house. Mind you, they must not bring in any money, but the idea is that they help your female founder produce the next generation of the family.
I noticed that in the video you kept the 20K that moved in with you. You used the money to build a house. Is this still allowed? If so then I need to start over because I was of the understanding that no one can bring in money. Please clarify this for me because now I’m confused.
Thank you
There was a rule change early into the challenge that didn’t allow the 20K. Pinstar recorded his family prior to the rule change which is why he kept the money. However, after the change you are required to either not marry a Sim with 20K or get rid of it via the money cheat.
“That’s the idea. You find someone, a randomly generated townie, and move them into your house. Mind you, they must not bring in any money”(Pinstar)
This point is confusing. I understand not purposely bringing in a rich townie. But the random generated Sims are a bit of a gamble. I am playing a household now that brought in three different Sims at different points. Two of the Sims were part of bigger households so the one added (via Ask to Move In) brought Zero Simoleons. The third in this example unbeknownst to me was the only person in her (homeless) household and thus brought 20K Simoleons. Ask to Move In may also be a better option before marriage. In my case the plus was 20k but she was just shy of being an elder.
Re: Names
I am finding babies/ children either born into the family or adopted have the option of naming with first AND last names. The heir/heiress would always have the correct family name in that case.
You can engineer the townies to be part of larger households so that any townie can be made to bring in no money. Just go to household management on the world view and merge townies into common households before you marry them. That way they won’t be the last of the household and thus never bring in money.
So I can’t have a job?
Your Sims can have a job.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
I rolled the child trait “good” for one of my Sims and the teen trait “mean.” When my Sim became a teen I couldn’t select the “mean” trait. Are those traits conflicting? Should I simply roll again (and if I do, should I take the new aspiration or stick with the one I rolled first)?
Roll again. Thank you for finding that. It is a bug.
[…] whilst stumbling around the internet in a bored haze the other night (as you do), I came across The Sims 4 legacy challenge rules. Usually I’d skip over that stuff, but I actually sat and read it all and I must admit it […]
Hey everyone !
There is something I don’t understand. My sim found a guy who would probably become her spouse. But, she lives in Willow Creek and he comes from Oasis Spring. Can they get married?
And also, how can I see if the guy is in the world or just ‘come to visit’?
I heard that de #legacyloves can be used, but how can it be used. I downloaden some of the ‘families’ to put in my game but I can’t see them anywhere.
Question 1 – Yes your Sim can marry someone from the other town, that is fine.
Question 2 – To see if he is in the world go to the “World Management” screen while in town view. It’ll be in the upper right hand corner.
Question 3 – Download #LegacyLoves, then while in your Library install them into the neighborhood. You can either move them into a house or have them be townies within the neighborhood. It’s perfectly fine to put Legacy Loves in the houses around the town.
Okay, thanks for your answer !!
One more question. Is the Book of Life considered inappropriate in the rules? If you complete the Bestselling Author Aspiration, you can write the book of Life which can bring a single sim back to life, and it’s in the actual game.
You may write a book of life but you may *not* use it to resurrect a sim.
Thanks! I was unsure about that, and it did seem like cheating. I haven’t gotten a sim anywhere near completion, but I saw that it was part of the new game and I thought I should ask. If not strictly for my benefit, than for yours. I’m sure You’ll get the question again. :]
I think I read this somewhere.. but cannot find it now.. While doing the Legacy Challenge, do you only play as the Founder/future heirs? And do you start playing as the heir once they reach young adult?
You can control every Sim in the house.
What is allowed in the lot? To start off with?
Nada. Zip You move in to a completely empty lot with $1,800 to your name. The initial suit of armor you must buy must be stuck in your family inventory for the duration of the challenge.
Is there a list of who you’re not allowed to marry? I try to avoid the Goths, Calientes, Landgraabs, etc, but are there other families I need to avoid?
Anyone who is in “Not in this world” on the household management view is fair game, Anyone who isn’t, isn’t.
Thanks, that makes it easy for me to keep up with 🙂
[…] no coincidence that we share the same last name… *smiles*). I was massively inspired by The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge and while I’m most likely not going to play exactly to the rules of the challenge and […]
Now that ghosts are here I had a question based on something I saw in the demo the SimGurus demonstrated. Basically what if when my founder dies I keep the urn or gravestone but don’t make her playable? From what I saw, in that case the ghost Sim would haunt the lot but wouldn’t be playable unless I invite her to live in the household. Hopefully a non-playable Sim on the lot doesn’t count against the 8 Sim household limit the game has built in.
So, would it be ok to keep a couple ghost Sims from the bloodline on the lot as long as I don’t make them playable or feed them ambrosia?
That is exactly what I intend. Keeping non-playable ghosts on the lot is perfectly fine.
Hi all,
Though an avid Sims player for many, many years, I have not heard of the Legacy Challenge before! Trying it out now. But: my founder’s first son has the option of two aspirations to choose. Are there any rules about this? Can I choose what I want or do I have to stick with a common trait?
Oh! NVM I needed to use the random trait generator 🙂
[…] so here I am again. But this time I decided to take up a somewhat new challenge – The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. We’ll ir’s technically the same challenge since it is going to have the same goal. But […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. […]
Do we have to keep the suit of armor in our inventory, or can we place it as sort of a family heirloom? Ultimately, I’d like to use it to keep track of each generation, since I can’t paint each heirs portrait. The most I can see happening is a small mood boost from décor.
It must remain in the inventory. You may take it out once the heir to the 10th generation is born, as a sort of trophy for completing the challenge 🙂
Drat. Thank you!
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
Something I am confused about: is it ok if the sim I married in brought $20k with her? She was ‘not in world’ so I had him woo her, but when they got married she had the cash. Am I fine keeping the funds or should I get rid of them?
They need to be in a household with other ‘not in this world’ sims to prevent them from bringing in money. Use the testing cheats enabled money cheat to reduce your household funds back down to where they were before they moved in.
ok, thanks. I haven’t played this world since this so I wouldn’t get myself too confused on where I need to set everything.
OK, this leaves me confused. I’m having a hard time figuring out which Sims are playable families, and which are townies. I know the Goth’s, Caliente/Lothario, Pancakes, Langrabbs…but the others I’m not familiar with. I inadvertently brought in a Sim that was playable. He didn’t bring in any money. He had no skills. The only thing I did was dice roll his eye color, because ALL of my townies have Brown eyes. Do I need to kick him out or kill him off? I’m doing a Matriarch Line, and so far it’s just boys, so it wouldn’t be a game killer to kill him off or start over.
If you didn’t realize a sim was a townie sim, then that’s fine. You didn’t know their traits and skills anyway.
[…] it runs sooo smoothly on the computer without lag, with very few glitches. I am currently doing a Legacy Challenge. I might do a blog on that family, but since it’s nothing but gameplay, there is basically […]
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag. Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
[…] that the Legacy Challenge rules have been finalised, I shall be starting over my legacy challenge together with my friend whose […]
Yay! I always do this challenge on all my sims, just got 4 and am about to start it!
I have a 2 questions..are people allowed to use the cheats for bladder,hunger,sleep, etc etc?
secondly it seems impossible to buy a 50×50 lot with 20k….how do you do it?
never mind figured it out,watched pins video on youtube 😀
Ok, I never did any challenge before, but I’m gonna try this 🙂
Hi there! I couldn’t comment on youtube for some reason. So, I’M TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH YOUR SIMS’ STORY!!! Please do continue your videos on youtube. I’ve seen many videos on youtube but i’ve never really taken an interest to them BUT your story is just PERFECT!!! I can’t wait for more of your Sims 4 Legacy Challenges on YouTube!
Hi there! I’M TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH YOUR SIMS’ STORY!!! Please do continue your videos on youtube, your story is just PERFECT!!! I can’t wait for more of your Sims 4 Legacy Challenges on YouTube!
Love the challenge, it’s helping get off my cheating binge. I don’t see why so many people are having issues. To start off with, I got a job, bought the cheapest bed and fridge and toilet. That’s it. (Showers can be taken at the gym). Haven’t even started my Founder’s family, other than to get her married, and we’ve got a decent living space now, and both are in high-paying jobs and my founder’s job gives her a computer, so I didn’t have to buy one. Writing books = quick cash.
Lots of ways to claw your way out of the early game poverty. That’s part of the fun of the challenge.
It was just brought to my attention that the instructions say to put the knight in the family inventory. Does it make a difference if the knight is out in the household vs. in the inventory? I like keeping it out as it makes for some fun pictures, but if we need to keep it in the family inventory for a specific reason I’ll of course do so.
It represents the *title* of being a Legacy family, and thus shouldn’t be out on the lot to give you an actual benefit. Nothing is stopping you from buying another statue and using it on the lot though.
Hello Pinstar! Just want to share my addition to your great Legacy Challenge rules.
Maybe you and some folks will be interested.
Its a translation . And i know that my English is not very good =( (Im from Ukraine), so probably there are many mistakes.
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag. ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag. ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
Hey Pinstar,
is there already a site where your challenge is translated in different languages?
If not, would you mind me putting up a website with the German rules? (linked back to you ofc)
If you do mind I could also send you my translation to put up here if you are interested in that 🙂
Thanks so much for creating the challenge, it is a lot of fun!
Not a central site, no. You are more than welcome to put up a german site, just make sure to link back to our site as well as our trait calculator.
Thanks Pinstar Legacy and Imagining Mystic for your rapid and thorough attention to my earlier set of questions. I have two others:
1a. To help reduce my own burgeoning Townie population and to help other Legacy Players whose older Saved Games are having trouble generating Townies, I would like to export some of my Townies to the gallery as #LegacyLoves. Going forward, these Sims will be freshly-minted Townies with at most 24 hours wandering the World before they are packed to be uploaded. I cannot imagine this being a problem, but I don’t want to stick other Legacy Players with “illegal” Townies. Would these Townies be Legacy-compliant?
1b. There are Townies in my current population that would be candidates for export. Some have been around for up to seven sim days and may have accumulated some skills while playing chess and interacting with other Sims, etc. They’ve had aging off for most of that time, so they’re only three or four Sim days beyond the start of their current life stage at most. Assuming that “fresh” Townies would be considered Legacy-compliant, would these existing, slightly experienced Townies also be Legacy-compliant?
Thanks again for your service to and leadership in the Simming community…
1a: That’s fine!
1b: A few stray skill points are fine. The true random townies generated come with skill points as well.
Thanks again!
Just want to say I’m midway through generation two (about to transfer to three!) and I’m completely absorbed and enjoying every minute of this challenge. Thank you guys for making such a fun experience for us! It’s the best.
ok, so it keeps crashing for me as soon as i move in ;_; i do not know why. i tried to bulldoze in ‘edit lot’ mode and stuff before mode (i tried your way before) and it keeps crashing on me. i don’t know what to do D: help me, pls?
I’ve never experienced that. I’m not sure what is causing it.
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag. ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
I’ve had terrible luck with this legacy challenge. Your rules are wonderful, there’s nothing wrong with the challenge at all, but my luck is just awful. I’m an experienced legacy player, too, so it’s extra frustrating for me, haha. The first time I started the challenge, my founder reached level 4 of her career, completed two aspiration milestones and had a small little shack built around her belongings before I realized that I had been playing with aging off the entire time! OOPS! I had to start over, since that was my own error, not a game glitch.
The second time I played, my founder had almost gotten to the same point she was at before when my game froze. It was terrible (and the first time that’s ever happened to me in The Sims 4, of course it would happen during a legacy challenge), so I had to quit without saving and lost the entire file. Since that actually was a game glitch, I’m going to cheat her back up to where she was at before to the best of my memory. Third time’s a charm, I guess? 😛
LOL yikes!
I had a rough couple of starts myself. So don’t feel too bad!
Haha thanks. Third time seems to be the charm for me for this legacy. My founder’s shack is starting to resemble a proper house and she has an eligible heir who just aged into a child. Fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong from here on out, lol.
Good luck! 🙂
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
There are no lots in Willow Creek that cost 10k
You need to bulldoze the big house on the lot called “Oakenstead”.
Can you specify whether you can marry premade sims that aren’t townies? There’s nothing about it in the rules.
As long as you didn’t hand-pick the traits or pre-load them with skills. #LegacyLoves is a good place to find fresh sims that are all Legacy Legal.
Hi, thanks for the challenge. I am really enjoying it. A couple of questions.
1. what do we do about the bugged beloved trait from Friend of the World. I understand it the only way to fix the problem is to remove the trait. I’m worried that this might corrupt the game. Are there other solutions. Say complete all but the last element, switch aspirations but complete the last element. So its done but the trait doesn’t register?
2. There is a lot of mentioning of not knowing the traits of your future founder wife/husband sims. Does this mean we can’t ask Get to know – sometimes if talking on a similar topic, you get to know the traits of your sims anyway Guess there is not much that can be done about that.
1. That sounds like a good temporary solution until they fix the trait. The universal rule is that all cheats, work-arounds or other creative things to get around a bug may be done without worry that you’re breaking a rule.
2. Oh you can abolutely use the get to know, or deep conversation interactions…or heck give your sim the observant trait. All of those are legal.
The spirit of that restriction is basically “Don’t hand-craft your spouses” Sure a Perfectionist-Cheerful-Creative spouse might make for an epic painter… being able to craft your spouses goes against the quasi-random nature of the challenge. It is on purpose that the ONLY sim you are allowed to hand-craft to your exact desires is your founder while everyone else is left up to chance.
That being said, you are more than welcome to have your sim get to know the local singles in town and choose the most desirable from among them.
[…] will be following (or trying to follow) Pinstar’s Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules and various related additions to the challenge as and when […]
Can I use teen marriage and larger household mods or are those off limits?
Both should be fine.
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag. ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
So two questions.
1) I saw that you said that you make the frugal perk un-allowed. Is this the current rule or is it still allowed?
2) A major glitch in my game made it so I couldn’t open any houses – it only brought me back to the map after the loading screen. It seems to be connected with downloading people from the gallery. For this reason, I don’t want to download any #LegacyLove characters in fear of it crashing my game. So instead, I was wondering if it would be alright to have my boyfriend create random characters for in game use, so long as I don’t know any of their traits or aspirations ahead of time.
I was thinking of banning it, but never actually implemented a ban. It is currently allowed. As for #2, I totally understand and your solution is 100% legacy legal.
so when I’m finished creating my sim and moved into the 50×50 lot, purchased the knight sculpture. Do I just build the house on from there? with the remaining $1,800?
Yep! And keep in mind that there is a very loose definition of the term “house” most people just pile furniture on the lawn as that is more useful than a bunch of walls. How you survive so poor in the early game is up to you!
alright, thank you so much!
Hi Pinstar, appreciate that you can’t update the random generator for outdoor life but my legacy sim married a sim with the squeamish trait and now I,m unclear re children’s traits and the genarator? Any thoughts on how to handle. Thanks
I’m going to be updating the trait generator soon. Just use another trait as a proxy and if that trait shows up in the child, make the child squeamish.
Thanks Pinstar, much appreciated.
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag. ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
[…] challenge. For those who are unsure what a Legacy challenge is, please take a look at this link then come right back. I’ve not actually done a legacy before on a blog so this is going to be […]
I’m going to start my Legacy Challenge now and post it on my blog :33
Wow, I must say I really enjoy this challenge! I’ve never tried it before, but came over this a couple of months ago, but didn’t have the time and it looked really complicated. But now that i’ve read through the rules carefully and looked through the comments to find the answers to the stuff I was not quite sure about it’s really fun!
I’m playing with points, and considering i’m just in my second generation I think i’m doing great 🙂
Thanks for making this challenge, it’s a new and fun way to play the sims!
Actually, I have a question about memorializing… Let’s say i’ve got 3 sims in my household, one of them is heir, the second is the primary spouse, they’ve been memorialized. Can one of them memorialize their daughter? (she’s going to be the heir when she ages up to a young adult) Or is it only the heir and the primary spouse themselves that can memorialize each other? 🙂
Yep! The only sims a sim can’t memorialize is themselves. Everyone else (that they’ve known) is fair game.
[…] there! I’ve just finished reading the rules to the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge and I am so excited to get home and get started! This is going to be an interesting and exciting […]
Pinstar, I’m on my 8th generarion and have tried for several gen to kill a sim with a rocket ship. I can get the ship to crash ( my other sim put fruit in which crashes it), I’ve used different sims who all ( at the start) had no rocket ship skill. The ship crashes but the game says ‘ any crash you can walk away from’. I’ve done this 40+ times. I asked on the offical forums if anyone had done this without cheating – and none confirmed they had.
I’m thinking there is a possibility it’s bugged. Just wondering if you have successfully killed a sim this way?
Not directly, but I do know that your space sim has a chance of winding up on fire after the crash. Now this could be seen as a vanilla death by fire, but I decided to give it its own category. They just have to burn to death in the post-crash fire. If you are never seeing any sims end crashes in flames, then there might be an issue with that and I’ll look into clipping that death type.
I’m having the same problem with rocket crashes not starting fires. I’ve tried with several sims, starting with no rocket skill, and three of them maxed the skill without ever safely landing or working on the rocket to build skill (other sims built and repaired the rocket, then sabotaged it for the victims). I’ve sent sims up in every emotional state except bored. I’ve sent them up with their needs low (they crash, then pass out from exhaustion). I’ve tried surrounding the landing pad with flammable objects – no fires. I had one sim crash early, crawl from the wreck, and then die of old age.
I’m not sure that there really is a chance of catching on fire from a crash, and if there once was, one of the patches (such as the one that fixed the fireplace fires) may have lowered the chances too far.
Is it legal to use the mod to keep books that you have written and sold to publisher? Also mod to combine all services: maid, pizza, handyman, and gardener?
Who has or can do the memorial to the heir? ex: can the husband of 1st generation memorialize his wife and the wife the husband?
1. Yes, that mod is fine
2. Sure that’s fine.
3. Anyone who has known a sim in life (IE been introduced to them while not a ghost) can memorialize that sim. The only person a sim can’t memorialize is either themselves or someone they’ve never met. (IE grandchild born after grandfater has already died can’t memorialize their grandfather).
Thank you for clarifying this for me.
Q1: Can our spouse move in?
Q2: Are we allowed ot have a job?
Yes and yes
[…] with the legacy challenge (I assume you are if you’re reading this) the explanation is here. I will be following the succession laws Strict Equality (I will attempt this at least, if not […]
Quick question.
Can we pick a lot that isn’t 50×50, bulldoze it, then simply use a cheat to reduce our money down to 10,000 simoleans (before buying the statue)? Was just getting bored of the 50×50 lot and wanted a change of scenery.
I suppose that is a fair modification.
Thanks for this! I’ve had to restart Legacies a few times ( bugs ) and also have one going in each neighborhood. I’ve always wanted to start on a different, yet sizable lot, and just money cheat everything down to rule standards. As Malik said, a change of scenery is nice 😀
[…] to my Sims 4 legacy challenge. The rules created by Pinstar can be found here or on my Rules page for a simpler explanation. More to come […]
3 questions:
1. The rule says we can’t know the traits before marry the sim, but this is just to difficult the “approach”, right?? We can know the traits during a relationship, by the “amicable interaction ‘to know'” (I’m playing the version pt-br, so I don’t know the messages in english version, sorry) before the marriage??
2. I didn’t understand the rule about ghosts “They cannot memorialize other sims. If they were a member of the Legacy Challenge family”. What’s the difference for the game if the ghost memorialize other sims if they don’t score points?
3. The ghosts can’t get jobs, but they can write books or make paintings, and receive for them? Or the ghosts can’t bring the way of any money? Pinstar already answered the first question before ^^’
[…] rules of this challenge can be found here. I will also follow most of the rules of Pinstar’s Legacy challenge (no cheats, random traits, laws of succesion, only townies allowed as spouses,…) but I am not […]
Hi Pinstar and ImaginingMystic. I just have a couple of questions and I do apologize, if they have been asked before =).
1) My Founder and Primary Spouse in Generation 1 recently died and from what I have read in a few of the comments above, I am allowed to move them back in as ghosts?
2) If so, am I allowed to make them help around the house (e.g. paint, cook, repair)?
3) Again, if all of that is allowed, are you two aware of any ways to ‘move the ghosts out’ after they’ve moved in? For example, do you know if it is possible to send the ghosts to Nether after they’ve already moved in, or do they simply stay in your household forever. I know I could easily move them out into the town and they would live their lives, but I just don’t want to clutter my town with ghosts. =P
I hope I didn’t waste your time too much. Would love to hear back. =)
1. As long as you haven’t moved them off the lot.
2. Yes
3. Move them out I think is the best way.
Thanks 🙂
Hi Sorry but couldn’t see this being mentioned anywhere…. Is the legacy challenge going to be updated for the new expansion? I know we didn’t get any new traits or aspirations so would it just be the case of adding on the new careers and skills?
Thanks 🙂
Keep your eyes peeled for a big rules update!
My main question is what is the goal of the legacy challenge? Are you just creating a family having a kid and then that kid finds a spouse and continues on and on? Doesn’t seem like there’s enough to do which is probably why I never finish the legacy challenges. Shouldn’t there be a goal for each generation or something like that? Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t find anything in the rules.
Is there a limit to how many children you are allowed to bare per generation?
The only limit is the game’s 8 Sims per household rule. Otherwise, no.
My main question is what is the goal of the legacy challenge? Are you just creating a family having a kid and then that kid finds a spouse and continues on and on? Doesn’t seem like there’s enough to do which is probably why I never finish the legacy challenges. Shouldn’t there be a goal for each generation or something like that? Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t find anything in the rules.
The goal is to create a successful, wealthy family to 10 generations by starting with a single founder who basically has nothing in the beginning. There are no goals per generation.
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag. ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag. ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
[…] Challenge mit Daria Sonntag. ► Mehr über die Legacy Challenge erfahren ► Die Sims 4 – Offizielle […]
Hi! So, I was playing and my teenage son died (RIP Jefferson). I’m womdering if he counts as one of the 10 babies?! Love the challange btw!!
Yep! They need only be born/adopted, what happens to them after doesn’t matter for the purpose of the 10 babies point.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] I played The Sims 3, I came across The Legacy Challenge and enjoyed playing the game even more. I plan to tell the story, like most do, as a 3rd-person […]
So, I absolutely love legacy style play….however, I would love to have a hard copy of the rules that I can print off and have as a reference. Where can I find one? Without printing a ton of pictures…I just want a written copy to have on hand… It’s taken me a while to get to playing TS4, so I want to do a legacy family justice! 🙂
[…] not in an Apocalypse Challenge, Dad – this is a Legacy […]
OK stupid question. I’ve just started the legacy challenge I’m a first timer and so far it’s been fun. I’m thinking of starting a website to show them off. My founder’s second child (daughter) aged up into a child. And the heir Is their first child (son). My stupid question is this which one is generation one the founder or his children? Or is it up to interpretation?
Stupid question #2 on spouses. I know I can move in legacy loves from the gallery. Is it allowed to move them into the neighbor with an established household (Spencer-Kim-Lewis for example) and have my sims visit their neighbors to meet their spouse?
Generation one is the founder, generation 2 is their children, generation 3 is their children’s children, and so on.
And for question 2: Yes.
If I use Genetic Transfusion mod for gay sims being able to have babies with their genetics, would it give me some unfair advantage over other players or would it be okay?
You are allowed to use mods that will allow gay couples to conceive children, that is fine.
I just finished the WonderChild challenge, am I allowed to use her as my founder or would she be considered too OP?
Way too OP for the Legacy Challenge. However both the Apocalypse Challenge AND the Immigrant challenge are designed to be started with a pre-established sim, and thus you could use your grown up Wonder Child for those. I had my Wonder Child Athieania ( become the founder of my Immigrant challenge playthrough (
I am currently playing this challenge as my first challenge ever and I am having a lot of fun. I would just like some clarification on a few things if possible:
A. The Spare- For the purpose of scoring, I am of the understanding that anything that the spare does to gain points while he/she is living in the house (part of the household) is allowed. For example, if I have a Young Adult spare in the household who completes an aspiration but then I move them out, I still get the “points” from that aspiration completion?
B. Memorialization – This has two parts. Do I have to use every type of memorialization once or, for example, can I just have a photo for every generation and no biography, song, comedy routine, etc.? Also, does the memorialization come from the next generation (does generation 2 have to memorialize generation 1 or can generation 1 memorialize itself)?
C. Teenage Careers – Getting to the top of these careers do not count as points for anything correct? Only the 13 adult careers and 23 adult branches count.
D. Easter Eggs – does this count as a “collection” as well, or should it just be ignored for Legacy purposes?
A: Spares earn points as long as they are in the Legacy Household. The moment you move them out of the Legacy Home, they are no longer able to earn you points. (You don’t lose the points they have already earned you while in the house, they just can’t earn more)
B. You don’t need to use every flavor of memorial. Any sim that knew the sim being memorialized may memorialize them. This could be a younger sim memorializing a parent, or a parent memorializing one of their children, or a sim memorializing their spouse. As long as they knew them (had them on their social contact list) while both sims were alive, they can memorialize. The only other restriction is that a sim cannot memorialize themselves.
C: Correct
D: Completing this collection DOES count as a completed finished collection for the purposes of the nature score. However, the number of completed collections needed to get max points has not been adjusted. This is so people who completely missed the easter event can still max the score. If you completed the easter collection, that’s one fewer “normal” collection that you need to max the score.
I’m about to start the legacy challenge for the first time, never done anything like this in the Sims 🙂
I haven’t see any rules regarding “needs”. Can I use a mod/cheat that keep needs always full?
Even if there isn’t any rule about this, what is your opinion?
You may not use such a mod/cheat to freeze needs, as that would give you an advantage over a player who didn’t use them.
[…] maffe liefdesgeschiedenis), waaraan ik op 4 september 2014 ben begonnen, de dag waarop Pinstar de officiële regels voor de Legacy Challenge in De Sims 4 bekendmaakte,” aldus Cathy. “Behalve Goofy Love heb ik nog vier andere verhalen, […]
So the spouse cant bring in money. Does that mean they can not get a job as well? Is it just the heir and the rest of the family who can be employed?
They can get a job, they just can’t have money when they join the family initially. Everyone that lives in the household can be employed.
I’m sure these questions have already been answered, but maybe some one will answer again.
1. What if you roll an aspiration that another sim has already completed for a sim that is the heir. Can you change it, or do you have to complete it and then choose another?
2. I have a lot of sims in my current family, and I want more. If I move out a sim, they will become ineligible to be the heir. My succession rule is random. Do I roll before moving anyone out to see if they are chosen? How else do people handle this situation?
No, you have to keep your initial rolled aspirations. You cannot choose one until a sim completes their original rolled one.
The rule for random is that every time the number of eligible heirs changes, you roll to randomly pick a new heir from among them. After determining who is CURRENTLY the heir, you may then move out a non-heir child. Keeping with the rule, the moment someone moves out, you randomly pick the heir from among the remaining sims who are eligible. You just can’t move a sim out if they are currently the heir.
If I am doing 10 children in a generation , and I have done my first roll, but I know I will have to re-roll several more times, do I have the current heir reproduce? Also, when I re-roll, as long as they have not moved out, do the other children who were not originally chosen count in the re-roll?
Starting my legacy! Add me on fb to follow along, or share yours with me!
I have a question few questions but I’m sure I won’t remember them all. This is my first Legacy Challenge ever so I’m trying my best to fully understand all of the rules.
1: As far as the unique traits go and spouses bringing them into the family. Does one spouse have to have all three unique traits for them to count? Or can one spouse bring in 2 unique traits and then another bring in 1 to count as the 3?
2: Also related, do the traits that come with aspirations count? (Collecter, Essense of Flavor, etc.) ?
3: May a Sim memorialize themselves? Or does this need to be done by a family member?
1. It is only the traits of the primary spouse that count for the purposes of being unique or not. If they don’t have 3 unique traits, then you’ll be getting fewer points in the love category that generation…a secondary spouse cannot make up the missing unique traits. The only way to max out the category is to make sure that EVERY primary spouse each generation has 3 unique traits that no other spouse has had.
2. No, you can have any combination of them. You can’t change them until you complete them, but they don’t impact the unique traits aspect.
3. A sim may never memorialize themselves. It MUST be done by someone who knew them at some point in life.
Just started my challenge with Gage Hollis! I decided to blog throughout my journey! Check it out!
[…] Pinstar’s Legacy challenge gave me purpose and on October 7th, I started my first ever legacy challenge with Lemongrass Pigglewiggle. I didn’t know what I was doing, I didn’t know how to write, or how to tease the characters or plots from the game. They’re not horrid posts, but you don’t really get a feel for those first generations. Around generation 5 (December) I started to figure things out and I’m only learning more. […]
I married a guy and he ended up having a job already and makes quite a bit. Did I already fail? x.x I didn’t know that the guy had a job.
Nope! As long as you didn’t seed that high-job-level sim there yourself, you got lucky!
hello 🙂
I have a question about completing the successful lineage aspiration, it seems impossible.. one of the tasks is to have a child or grandchild reach the top of a career. my founder sim during the 40 days of being a young adult and adult did not yet reach the top of her career, and now she’s an elder, and her daughter just became a young adult, my founder sim will die before her daughter can reach half of her career ..
maybe it took me a while to have my first child, but even if i got pregnant the day i turned young adult, it still would be impossible to complete the aspiration ..
Having the child finish their teenage years with an A in high school will let them start at level 3 in a career. Also keep in mind that you are allowed to have each sim drink ONE dose of potion of youth, so you can give your founder some extra time to live to see their grandchildren hit the top.
How do you join
You don’t have to join, basically just start up a game, follow the rules, and you are good to go 🙂
[…] Hi! This blog is the home of my very first (published) legacy challenge – a Sims 4 legacy currently in progress. If for some reason you are reading this with no idea what a legacy challenge is (or you’re rusty on the rules), check out Pinstar’s challenge here. […]
Hey! I love the Legacy Challenge. I find it extremely hard to play, however, because of the Sims 4 180 population cap in the world. By the time I get to my 3rd or 4th generation the family tree is often deleted and potential spouses straight up become deleted even if I am in the middle of romancing them and let them go home for the night. Do you have any work arounds or suggestions for keeping my whole family in tact for the whole 10 generations? Thank you.
I *think* there are mods that can fix that? I’m not 100% sure though. If there are, you are allowed to use them.
There are 2 mods I use. The no culling mod - and the MC Command Center (Story Progression) mod -
The no culling mod does what it says, but sometimes it gets broken by patches. I have the story progression mod in place because it helps me control the amount of homeless sims and I don’t reach the cap. Both work with the newest update as of today.
[…] I decided to call my family Zuconia as this is what my sims 2 town was called. The rules for this challenge can be found here. […]
Hey! I have the child that will be the generation 3. The thing is: she is the ONLY child in the whole game! There’s no more childs in any of the citys! Do I have to adopt all the children from now on? Can I make some new sims for the game??
You can download and use #LegacyLoves for your neighborhoods to populate them with Legacy-legal potential mates. Just don’t groom them too carefully for traits (You can groom them for appearance)
[…] the character’s background and personality. This Simmer chose the very popular and well-known Legacy Challenge, which is generally about creating and following a single family line and creating limits around […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challege […]
So this may have been covered, but for the aspirations part (athletic), does each milestone count, or the entire completion of the aspiration?
Entire Completion
I’m going to be posting updates on my legacy on my blog, check it out if you like!
Added you to the weekly list and will be adding you to the link list once I update it!
[…] my version of Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge, I’ll be following the rules Equality, Strictly Traditional, Democracy and […]
[…] blog will document my attempt at Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge in the Sims 4. The Legacy Challenge asks the player to follow a young, poor, single Sim as they live their life and start a family. […]
“Move your founder into the new empty $10,000 lot. This will leave them with $10,000 in cash.”
There was a question on facebook asking about starting a Legacy in Newcrest.
The largest lot in Newcrest is 50×40 Twin Oracle Point at §8,500 for the empty lot.
Can this be allowed as a legal lot?
Money could still be adjusted using TestingCheats On and Money 10000 to leave the correct §10,000 starting money before buying the Knight of the Octagon Table decoration.
Has there been an official ruling on using Newcrest yet?
Yes, use the money cheat to adjust the starting funds. It’s close enough and I know people want to use Newcrest.
As the difference is a good $1500, shouldn’t we do like we we do with the Armor statue and purchase an item to put in the family inventory instead of just doing the money cheat?
That is to say if we get The Cornucopia table at a cost of $1500 along withe the statue and put that in the family inventory, won’t the taxes be calculated much closer to what they would be calculated on a 50×50 lot with just the statue in the inventory? I sort of thought the point of getting the statue and not just doing the money cheat was because of the affect the statue has on taxes.
The statue should still be done for tax purposes, but any further adjustments needed can be fixed with the money cheat.
[…] Click Here To View TS4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
My question is, does it have to be a 50×50 lot? Can we still do this challenge using any size lot? I want to go by the rules of course but I am a terrible builder and quite frankly I would never be able to build a house that size. Also, I don’t really like mansions. I prefer smaller but still spacious homes so playing this challenge on a huge lot just sounds so unfun to me…
Any size lot is fine as long as you adjust for the starting funds.
We’ll be getting 64X64 lots with the new expansion. I hope we’ll get a rules update so we can use them for our legacies.
Absolutely! It is 100% in the spirit of the Legacy Challenge to start using those lots!
So I have a question, which isn’t relevant to me anymore but in case someone else has the same problem: if someone else, say a friend or sibling, uses your Legacy file with a different family by accident (by pressing the household creation button instead of the regular plus on top), does this taint the game? Should it be restarted, or is it okay to keep using the file though there’s been continuation in the game?
I would say just keep going and make sure the Legacy family goes back to being the main family played.
So, I realized after my 1st heir became a young adult for the disney princess legacy challenge, that most of the sim townies were gone… All that were left is three elderly people. Am I supposed to disable auto aging for nonplayed sims?
You can download new Sims from the gallery. We recommend searching with the hashtag #legacyloves to find Sims that you can add to your neighborhood as spouse potential.
[…] Hey guys! So I’m going to be starting my first Sims 4 legacy challenge. As I said in the about me, I’m not really focused on getting a 100 points this time around, I just want to make it to 10 generations. Something I’ve never done before! So I’m going by the rules here. […]
I have a question about Newcrest. Before starting, can we put houses and/or buildings in the hood? Like a library, gym, spa etc?
Sure can!
[…] Well, recently I played TS4 again, and decided to do The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. […]
[…] que comecei em 4 de setembro de 2014, no dia em que Pinstar lançou as oficiais Regras do Legado para The Sims 4“, disse Cathy. “Além de Amor Pateta, tenho mais quatro histórias, uma delas já […]
Can you create a house for your sim/founder and use the motherlode cheat if they don’t have enough money? And if so, can you use the cheats to give them 30,000 satisfaction points and the one where you go into full edit mode?
Cheats are not allowed in the Legacy Challenge, sorry!
I wonder if the “spouse” only means heir’s partner ? Can I move his siblings’ partners into the household?
You can, but they can’t earn any points.
Sorry this reply was incorrect. Anyone living in the household that is either married to or is someone directly related to the founder can earn points even if they aren’t the heir or their spouse.
[…] I decided to start a Legacy following Pinstar’s Legacy rules. […]
I need help. How and when am I suppose to set up my succession laws. I don’t see an option to do so. Please help
The Legacy Challenge isn’t officially part of the game, so there are no options within the game itself to set the challenge up. I keep all of my succession law information typed out on a Notepad document. Hope that helps!
Is it cheating, when playing the legacy challenge, to use the pregnancy mega mod? (you know because the mod lets you choose whichever gender you like)
It’s not cheating now that they have gender fruits. Just make sure the pregnancy lasts as long and has the same motive drains.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
Thanks for the mention Christina! I’m happy I was able to help! 🙂
I love the new Extreme Start Option that goes with the Get Together expansion. Great inclusion!
Thanks Dallas!
what are points of enmity
I would like to clarify if we could earn points or not.
Different answers are contrary and FAQ haven’t been updated yet.
Thank you.
Which comments are you referring to? The ones you linked aren’t highlighting properly for me for some reason so I can’t see what they are. Can you copy and paste the conflicts in a reply?
LenaLJ asked about this on October 19th. Imagining Mystic replied that cadet branches can earn points, and that she checked with you concurred.
This response contradicts this. Can you please clarify and put in the FAQ?
If the final word is that the spare’s wife and children can’t earn points, then I’ll have to restart. I just started generation 6, and many skills, collections, careers and aspirations have been completed by cadets.
OCTOBER 19, 2014 AT 4:11 AM (UTC -4)
OCTOBER 19, 2014 AT 7:37 AM (UTC -4)
If the spare’s wife and children still live in the household then I believe that they count as a cadet branch of the Legacy, which means that yes, they can earn points. I need to confirm this with Pinstar though! I’ll ask him once he wakes up!
October 19, 2014 at 5:08 pm (UTC -4)
He concurs!
Cadet branches do earn points. I’ll be updating the FAQ ASAP. Pinstar will also be making a post explaining cadet branches definitively soon as well.
Sorry for the late response. Apparently some questions have been getting missed.
I wonder if the “spouse” only means heir’s partner ? Can I move his siblings’ partners into the household?
You can, but they can’t earn any points.
I was mistaken in my recent reply. Trying to answer questions while trying to move and plan Christmas is proving difficult. I’ll update the FAQ and my response from a month ago now.
Thank you very much!)
I really love this challenge but I modify it just a little bit because I feel that less than 2,000 simoleans is way too unrealistic to start. A 4 by 4 room is 450 simoleans. I picked a large lot and adjust my families income down to 7,000 Simoleans. That’s a much more realistic amount to start with but is not over the top either. When I built my home I set very strict rules. It had to be a studio style home and all the finishings and furniture had to within the two cheapest for that object with out it being considered a child’s object, because a childs bookcase and tv are much cheaper than an adult tv or bookcase. I only allowed 4 windows and two doors. The kitchen area could only have 3 coutnertops (one to prepare food, for the sink and one for a future appliance.) and a small table with two chairs. Lastly, I had to spent the as much of the 7,000 as possible. I spent down to 4 simoleans. The house is still very sparse and leaves a LOT to be desired because it only has a single bed. I thought I would share my approach encase anyone else found the 1800 simoleans to start way too unrealistic.
It may seem unrealistic because you’re trying to build at the very beginning of the challenge. Most Legacy families live outside for quite a while before getting enough saved up to actually start building a home.
[…] play according to Pinstar’s Rules however, my start up will be a little different, using the a combination of the Rosebud Rules and […]
[…] Sims 4 Legacy Rules […]
[…] challenge will not have the typical rules. Instead, I’m making up my own. If anyone wants to join me in my challenge I’m posting […]
Kind of forgot about this for a while but I think I’ll play this again. Been bored of TS4 lately so hoping this can keep me entertained until a family-related game pack or EP comes out. I usually play without tracking points but I think I’ll go hardcore this round and get a scorecard set up and everything.
Woo! Good luck!
In the legacy challenge when can you age up the child in the sims 4
When the game says “It’s so and so’s birthday today!”
[…] Play through 10 full generations and see whether your Sims make it. Learn more on the Sims Legacy website. […]
Is there a way to do this challenge, for points, by not having your sim marry anyone at all? I think that would add to the challenge. With adoption being a legit option now, this wouldn’t even be a problem.
Sure! That would certainly make the challenge more challenging! Go for it!
Some of the points require sims to get married, though. If I wanted to go for the full 100 points, what options do I have for sims who wouldn’t get married? Or would I just sacrifice the potential to get them?
Actually the “spouse” is just whichever significant other that your founder/heir has children with first. I actually rarely marry my Sims right away because the one time I did that, my Sim died of embarrassment because his girlfriend turned him down and I failed the challenge. They never really technically have to get married.
Hope that makes sense!
Is it okay to move a sim from your family out? Like, I wanna carry on makin babies but I don’t got space for any more.
You can, but keep in mind that any Sim that moves out will no longer count for points.
Hey, check out my legacy story?
Hi, I was wondering, my founder is about to finish her aspiration and I want to know if after that, I need to roll a new one or I should pick it myself? Thank you for reading and the challenge is great, although I’m not playing for points because I’m too lazy to keep track of them 😛 Maybe next time hahaha
You can choose one! After going through all of the work to complete one, you’ve earned the ability to choose the 2nd one for them 🙂
Ok, thank you!
Can your Sims have a job?
[…] If you are interested, the original challenge can be found here and the official legacy challenge rules can be found here. […]
Can the boyfriend/ husband HAVE a job?
[…] legacy. The family we will follow is the London family. For rules to the Legacy Challenge, go here. I won’t be adhering to the rules super strictly, because I’m more concerned with […]
[…] The rules to the original legacy challenge can be found here. […]
Are we aloud to use the kleptomaniac trait added in the new update? And are we aloud to sell the items our sims steal?
Yes and the trait has been added to the random trait generator as well 🙂
Are we allowed to move out the elders in the household once the heir comes of age to have children and live on their own? My founder has recently become an elder and I was just wondering if I could move her and her husband into a house of their own. Thanks!
Yes that is fine.
My only question is this:
Collectibles/Gardening stuffs:
Can I ‘harvest’ ‘perfect’ veggies/fruits/etc from plants that come with some of the houses I’ve created/lived in with other families, or do I have to use the environment rich ones? Also: Am I allowed to buy some of the dolls from a Collectibles Retail Shop I found online??
By this I mean ‘Harvest perfect garden stuffs” at the beginning of the challenge. I’m setting up Newcrest and one of the homes I built previously has garden stuff already upgraded and ready to be plucked.
I know you’re busy… so…
I really hope it’s okay I harvested/sold/planted them, considering they came from a ‘community’ lot (which I saw earlier is ‘fair game’ and the lot itself is uploaded for everyone to use — #MysteryMade — The Summer Home.) AFTER I’d made enough Simoleon’s from other ventures to buy the suit of armor.
If not. I’m gonna have to restart. Again. 🙁 And playing on Normal Lifespan is not anywhere close to my ‘normal’ Long. O.O
Technically the armor needs to be bought first, but we don’t really strictly police how you play your challenges so I wouldn’t worry about it 🙂
So – In the end, I hope it’s okay I started how I did. Because this is by far the most interesting, awesome sim-save I’ve had. L.O.L.
Never used mean. My oldest boy is very mean guy towards girls, but never his twin brother. XD Hates the wife.
New Question::
My successions rules are: Patriarchy; Traditional; First Born; Tolerant — My “Heir” has had a girl child — they won’t be having more. His sister (Not the “heir”) may have a male child when she procreates (in a bit)…. if she does, WHO would be the “Heir” for the 3rd Gen? Her Son, or His Daughter??
The heir has to be the child of the current heir, not of a spare. So it would have to be a child from the heir and it would need to follow the rules. If you are Patriarchy and not STRICT Patriarchy, then the female child could still be heir as if there are no males, you would go to the oldest non-male heir. Hope that makes sense!
Yeah you can harvest stuff from all over the neighborhood. Just don’t make lots exclusively for the purpose of harvesting, that becomes a bit of a grey area in terms of being “Legacy Legal”
Hello! My second generation just aged up and I have a question about marrying a Townie (not from an established family.) Are we allowed to marry someone that might have skills already?
Yeah that’s ok!
Is there a minimum amount of children per generation that we must have? I know the max is like six or seven, but what’s the minimum?
Nope, you can have as few or as many as you want!
Can they get a job to make money?
About the cheats we can and can not use, I know we can’t use money cheats or skill cheats, but what mood cheats? The cheat that decreases their hunger, exhaustion, and such. That wouldn’t be allowed?
Actually no cheats are really allowed except move objects and things that change the look of the game. Things that change mechanics can’t be used.
Hello, I have a question 🙂
When your Sims’ children grow up, find a husband/wife and get their children, can I move their families into different lots, not play with them, just move them out? Or I have to keep all the Sims in the main 50×50 lot where I started?
Unfortunately you can’t play them in the same save file as the main Legacy family’s time will continue to progress while you play the spares. You can, however, move them onto their own save file if you wish.
I want to do this so much!😭 But I can’t
I have a question about choosing new aspirations.
“6. You may not change a Sim’s current aspiration. The exception is when they fully complete an aspiration. When that happens, you may choose their new aspiration, as long as it is not one they’ve already completed.”
Can I choose the new aspiration I want after completing the first? Or if, for example, another sim completed the second aspiration that I want to choose before, is it forbidden? Does it count in the score?
Example: Peter completed “Bestselling Author”, and now, Maria completes her aspiration and i want to choose “Bestselling Author” for her.
Yep you can choose any aspiration you want!
[…] I am playing by the “Official” Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – At the end of each generation, I will put the heir up to a vote – majority […]
I am going to be starting the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge on my YT channel 🙂 Sienna McNulty is my founding character!
i cant find the lot thats worth $10,000!!!
If you are in Willow Creek you will need to demolish the house on the lot called “Oakenstead” and use the lot there.
[…] So as most Simmers are familiar with the Legacy Challenge, but for those that aren’t, the rules can be found Here. […]
[…] To quote from Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge Rules page: […]
If your sims have the funds after a few generations, can you use à house off the gallery, instead of building your own?
Yes, you don’t have to build one if you don’t want to.
Does this include the child aspiration?
Is there ant rules for weather a child that is only related to the founding father and not his wife can become the heir? My father got abducted out of his daughter’s nursery and he came back pregnant with twins. His wife wanted to show she still loves him and we’ll she ended up pregnant with twins as well. So I have five daughters and not sure if I’m rolling for one of three or our of all five.
Who is the founder? The father or the mother? If it’s the father, then yes, the alien babies can be the heirs because they can trace their lineage to the founder. If it’s the wife, then only the children that were born from the husband and wife can be heir because the alien babies can’t trace their lineage to her.
How do I get the sims child to have coloured hair like there mother if thr children can only have brown, red or blonde hair?
You can change their appearance in a mirror to have different colored hair. As far as I know there is no way to get them to be born with other hair colors. However, a mod to allow a Sim to be born with other hair colors would be completely Legacy legal since it won’t change the challenge at all.
[…] Oh yeah the rules! I’ll be using Pinstar’s Rules. […]
[…] story I’ll be writing here will be the second time I’ve done Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge. The first was completed some time ago, and I loved the way it forced me to play in a way I’d […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
Quick question. Does the armor have to be in our family inventory or can we put it out to be used as actual decoration in our house?
Technically no because it contributes to a happiness score as it adds a “Well Decorated” buff. However, once your in the 3rd or 4th generation that buff won’t really have much effect on the gameplay so I’d say you could display it after generation 3 or so. I just wouldn’t immediately put it out on Gen 1 since that’s when the challenge is at its most difficult. If that makes sense.
[…] is also going to found a Legacy in accordance with Pinster’s rule set which can be found at Note the Knight of the Octogan table in the background. In just a moment it is going to be […]
[…] case you don’t know what the point of this challenge is, here are the rules for Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge, and here are the rules for the Disney Princess […]
Can I create a partener if i use the random traits? i will use your trais generator
If the traits are random, then I don’t see a problem with that.
[…] to clear things up, the Moonglows is not a Legacy Challenge. Which means I won’t be following the rules. (And there’s no point keeping either) So […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
September 20th 2016 at 10;31 am [UTC-4] If the traits are random, then I don`t see a problem with that.
[…] you are interested in completing your own challenge, the rules can be found here, followed by subsequent links for points, scoring, FAQs, etc. In a nutshell, you are basically […]
Is there a fix with the family tree? I have some members disappearing completely. Luckily it was the founder’s spouse’s parents instead of anyone in the actual legacy challenge. Ivery run into this during normal game play and I don’t want my family tree to disappear… I want to see all of it in its full glory. Help please!!!
I have no idea 🙁 That would be a question for EA/Maxis.
If this has been asked I’m sorry for asking again, but I can’t seem to find it. Can we move in to Newcrest on the 50×40 Lot? As long as we put the suit of armour in the inventory and bring the money to $1800?
No, I don’t think so. In the rules it says you have to choose the 50×50 lot. The only exception is the 64×64 lot in the new/originally empty town. (I can’t think of the name for it right now.)
As long as the money is brought down to $1800 it doesn’t really matter if you use a smaller lot 🙂
Wow cool
When I bulldoze the 50×50 lots they cost about 50-60,000 dollars.. help?
Can I move into it and then just change the money to $1800 ?
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] is not your choice, there is a list of rules we have to follow. We will be following the extreme […]
So, don’t like the lot I’m on because the grass is gross, the location is horrible, etc, So can I move to the same size lot, but in a differnt location?
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] to start a Legacy Challenge in The Sims 4. Their world is so much better than ours is right […]
Idk if this have been ask before but does the Knight of the Octagon Table needs to stay in the inventory or can it be place on the lot.
Thank you,
It should be kept in the inventory 🙂
Maybe this was answered somewhere. But, for the Sims 4 and Sims 3 Legacy Challenges (I’ll probably do both games at some point), can I alter the appearance of spouses. I know that you are supposed to leave the traits alone for them (right?), but I just was curios about appearance…it wouldn’t really affect the game.
Also, can you use the gender influence cheat (fruit eating) in the Legacy Challenge, or do you have to just roll with whatever you get?
Ok i want to start this challenge but i feel like it’s too late. Is it too late?
Nope, you can start it whenever you want!
[…] For those of you who don’t know, the legacy challenge is basically creating… well… a legacy. The REAL challenge is lack money, and depending on how difficult you make selecting an heir, getting the correct child to pass your stuff down to. I’m not very good at explaining the challenge, so you can find more information here. […]
hey pinstar and christina 🙂 I was wondering if you’ll update the legacy challenge for city living 🙂 now that we have apartments (finally) I was wondering how to start one properly with them
Hi there! I actually discussed this in a post a while back. You can check it out here:
[…] […]
So I have to ask, I’ve played a lot in this game and added families that I aren’t saved to my library and I may or may have not started a new game to do this challenge and I’m not sure how to get my families back? Do I have to go into my save files or something because I really want my old families back D:
[…] but will also be attempting not to break rules. The rules for the legacy challenge are here: I would just like to list my succession laws for the heir of each […]
I’ve tried this Challenge on the sims 3
I am glad to see people still posting in 2017! I just started this challenge. I chose the Extreme Start option because I AM EXTREME. So my sim bought the 64 x 64 lot in Windenburg. I made her go fishing because I thought she could earn $200 in a day (sooo not true). She made $20 so now she has $8020. I’m thinking that if she visits the haunted estate and I move the barriers in the kitchen, she can grab a free bowl of cereal from the fridge. Then I can move the barriers in the bedroom and have her sleep there. I would have to enter build mode to move the barriers but would it be considered cheating since she wouldn’t be spending any money to do it? The rules do say “You can not buy or build ANYTHING” until I buy the Knight but I would only be moving something that was already built. What do you guys think?
I personally wouldn’t do it, because it would feel like cheating to me. But I don’t think there is any rule against it, like you pointed out. Plus, you could imagine like in real life you could always duck under the barriers!
Of course there’s always the option of sleeping on the bench at the pub. I’ve been known to do that for extreme start legacies lol.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
I just started doing The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge and I wanted to know if using a cheat to modify your spouse’s appearance is against the rules? I know that traits and aspirations cannot be changed but is changing things like their facial features okay?
How do we pick traits for toddlers now that we have them? Is it the same?
[…] one though so we´ll see what comes of this, I will do my best/worst. I´m pretty much playing by Pinstars rules and won´t be cheating that much 😇 My Succession Law: Gender Law: Strict equality Bloodline Law: […]
So for the holidays I got several of the new titles associated with Sims 4 and of course with the addition of toddlers, who could resist starting a new multi-generational family. However, with the inclusion of City Living, I find it difficult and a major challenge to think about all of the careers we now have in the challenge and having to do them all by the birth of Gen 10 when just a few xpacs ago we only had 23 when we began ( 9 x 2 branches + 5 teen) then we added business (+2), then GTW (3 active careers), now City Living ( 3 x 2 branches = 6) for a total of 34. 29 have to be completed as adults on a challenge where at minimum you only have 18 adults? (assuming no spares and a singular spouse for each generation).
I know we can play this challenge how we want but I enjoy following the rules and I love going for points but I wanted to suggest that maybe the point for completing every career branch in the game be made to complete say 25 careers (Base game + teen + free Business updated). Very similar to the 13 out of 16 collections (22 in the game now btw)
Just a thought I really wanted to share with you guys. I found the legacy when I started playing Sims 3 and I haven’t been able to play without challenge rules ever since. (even just testing toddlers and city life I’m doing the Movin’ on up challenge!)
Wow! $75,487 for an empty 64×64 lot!
And … $69,063 for an empty 50×50 lot!!
Were they always this expensive?
How can I start a family on the lot?
I cannot move in household.
Did you bulldoze the lot completely? Because when I do that it’s 10,000 for the 50 x 50 like it’s supposed to be.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
Thanks for the 65×65 details I think this will be a fun challenge.
So lets say, we thought something was glitched and wasn’t suppose to happen and didn’t save and reloaded the last save, but turns out it was suppose to happen, and not a glitch and a sim died. What now? Like can we just add a penalty point for the cheating on accident. I never know how to respond to cheating.
Are we allowed to populate newcrest in this challenge?
Also if I add families from the gallery with toddlers are those toddlers eligible to marry my heir later? It’s not like I know their traits since they’ll still be developing once in the game.
I was thinking if you wanted to do a Vampire Challenge, you could start as a human sim, wanting to become a vampire. For scoring must become a vampire before adult, or a -1 point per 10 days over.
Hello, just got the Sims 4 (and most of the trimmings) and thought I’d plunge straight into the game like this. Using the EXTREME! start, when it says you cannot buy anything, does that include food? I can’t imagine letting my Sim starve would be part of it, no?
[…] to this legacy challenge I am starting. I am starting in Willow Creek and using the original rules here. The succession laws I have chosen […]
[…] The Original Legacy Challenge […]
Hey, I was wondering if someone could help me out. I was just wondering if we were allowed to purchase things from the reward store, such as creative visionary or marketable?
Yes you can!
Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply!
I’m actually going to do the 100 baby challenge.But no downloads, and will be accustomed to my own rules.
1.Cheats are allowed
2.All kids can have the same father
3.You can be married
4.Your matcherich cannot have a job
5………Oh wait it’s not a rule :ENJOY and have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please comment and tell me if you will do it
Also …………….
6.The father can be in the household
Are we allowed to add lot traits (came with city living pack?)
Yes you can 🙂 They are your choice as well. No rules on what you can and can’t choose.
I was wondering, would it be possible to buy the largest lot in Newcrest instead, and still buy the Knight statue. It would probably make it harder for me money-wise, but I’m doing a legacy story on WordPress and will be filling Newcrest with people and houses.
So I wanted to know if you can get a job for your sim. I am going to start soon with a sim with the best selling author (the most challenging job).
[…] The Sims Cell is providing an all-new Sims expertise that’s impressed by The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. […]
[…] The Sims Mobile is offering an all-new Sims experience that is inspired by The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. […]
[…] game will be based on the Sims’ 4 legacy challenge, in which the player takes on the mission of looking after a family across generations. This game […]
You might want to redo your legacy changelle now since we have OPTIONAL chores/punihsments coming out with this new GP
[…] the most part I am following Pinstar’s rules but I have […]
Hey, there’s this new sim setting in CS where you can select for even a female sim to “get others pregnant” but it only works if you set it that way. Is it cheating if I edit a sims detail so that’s possible?
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
Is object transformer from Science career allowed?
I believe so! I think any career reward is allowed.
[…] was created by Pinstar, and the rules and any additional information about it can be found here. […]
[…] are completely unique to the other generations. You can find the original Legacy challenge rules here. And you can find the original rules to the Disney Legacy challenge here. One last thing I want to […]
[…] you’re interested in reading up on the challenge, head over to the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge for the official […]
[…] chose to complete the extreme start option for my set-up, as outlined in the official rules for the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. To do this, I moved Nikolai into one of the 64×64 lots in Widenburg, then needed to earn at […]
[…] These have been changed up a tiny bit. For the whole set of rules, please take a look at this link. […]
can you do a challenge that you have 5 sims or less or more what ever you want but anyways I want the sims to see witch sim reach all the first If you can thanks
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] of skipped The Sims 3 for whatever reason, and now I am playing 4 in sort of vaguely but not really Legacy Challenge style. I started with a single Young Adult sim, Tolerance Boatwhistle, in a huge lot without much […]
[…] There is an extreme start option, to use the newer 64×64 lots. To see those rules, see the FULL LEGACY RULES […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
More questions, if that’s okay!
What do you think of this mod?
Is it compatible with legacy? Or are there any other ones that are?
I just want a bit of variety, I guess.
Hmm let me ask Pinstar and get back to you. Since it makes the age stages last longer I am going to tentatively say, yes, it’s fine. The issue is more if you were trying to shorten the stages. But let me confirm with Pinstar once he gets home from work tonight!
Would this mod be okay?
My main gripe is that I cannot save when they are “breaking in”. Considering that my cats like to turn off the PC, saving often is a must. Plus, it’s just annoying in general. A lot of times you don’t even see those guys if you are in public so you just have to fiddle your thumbs until the game lets you travel. Ugh.
Yeah I would say that is fine!
Oooh, turns out, this age mod doesn’t work properly with alien babies and makes them skip toddler stage altogether! I removed it, of course, after I had it happen in game. But I shouldn’t have to start a new game because my founder lived a few days longer, surely?
Nah I wouldn’t worry about it.
Also no worries on asking questions! Feel free to ask as many as you need. We’re happy to answer them!
I need more info. 🙂
I’ve started a blog where I’m writing about my Sims 4 Legacy family, the Galexias.
Thank you Pinstar and ImaginingMystic for making these incredible challenges! I’m having an absolute blast.
: D
[…] seemed off. One of my favorite ways to play The Sims, even since the original, was to do freestyle Legacy Challenges, where I would bring a family from rags to riches across many generations, starting with one very […]
When scoring in the creative section, do we write down the name of the person the song was created for or the creator? And with Love do we get a point if we write down our spouses traits?
Sorry this is my first legacy challenge.
Also under which score section do we put career rewards? I read the rules but i didn’t see somewhere for this so i accidentally sold my career rewards? How are they scored??
[…] guys! I am starting a new Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. You can read the rules here. Here are the succession laws I am […]
Here more, please!
The game is still not spawning enough aliens to find them comfortably, even with MC. Would it be okay if I made a sim to be a second parent and let my friend pick traits for her?
Yeah that’s fine. Whenever there is an issue with the game that is preventing you from progressing with the challenge then you can use loopholes like that to fix it.
I think you mentioned using lot traits was okay. Is there no restriction for those? Maybe change them only once a generation or having to pick at least one negative trait, something like that.
[…] legacy follows the rules on Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge – mostly. I started in a smaller lot in San Myshuno because I wanted to explore the city a […]
can you only play with the first person you make
Can any if your sims have a job, like the founder or children?
[…] If you want to read more about the challenge, you can find it here: sims 4 legacy challenge […]
If I want certain physical features in sim mates….. is it ok to make copies of that sim in the create a sim give them the same traits and everything of the townie sim but make them have the eye color or other physical trait I want? It would just really be changing the look of the sim.
Hello to the Legacy community, and to Pinstar. I love this challenge! I’ve been playing a regular family in Willow Creek for some time, because I was unaccustomed to Sims 4 gameplay — I know, I’m a late bloomer. In any case, I have a few questions that were not really covered in the rules. Pinstar, if you can find a free moment, I’d really appreciate some clarification.
1. Can drinks made at a bar but NOT consumed be sold for a profit?
2. Can a vampire sim who is able to make the Ultimate Vampire Cure at a bar use it to cure himself/herself?
3. Can a sim elect to become a vampire through game play? i.e. Befriending Vlad (which is, by the way, nearly impossible. The man is incorrigible.) and then ask to be turned?
4. Can a sim go around “slaying” neighborhood vamps by having the Ulitimate Vampire Cure in inventory?
5. Can the items made by going to work with your sims be used? I refer specifically to the cloning device scientists can make. It’s an extremely powerful tool, but does not give any advantage over another player… as anyone with the ability to make it in that career track is able to do so. Just curious.
I purchased a smaller lot in the beginning, and used the money cheat to get to $10,000. Then purchased the suit of arms (I actually love the idea of legacy families being noble). My gave get laggy on larger lots… is this acceptable?
I’m sure I have other questions. but based on the answers to these I’ll probably be able to make an educated guess about other obscurities during gameplay.
Thanks for your time!
As Pinstar has said in the past, you have to have the life span on normal and vampires live forever so I don’t think you can be a vampire. Other than that if it’s not in the rules I guess it’s okay to do the others things you have asked.
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes, you will just need to come up with creative ways to remove family members from the household when you get too many because vampires don’t die naturally.
4) Yes
5) I believe all career items are alright. Though I am unsure of the cloning machine. I THINK it’s ok though since you earned it.
Yes you can use a smaller lot if the larger lots mess up your gameplay.
Thank you for the clarification, Mystic. I, ah… actually just saw this today when I was doing a search to see if you could cure vampires in a Sims 4 Legacy… and I though, the wording of that sounds REALLY familiar. When I opened the link, I realized it was my own question.
The reason I wanted to know is because, especially with the cloning machine — you could purchase just one Moodlet Solver with satisfaction points, and clone it as many times as you want. To me, it just didn’t feel okay to do that. So, I made a rule for myself. Only the Sim in the scientist career can use a cloning device if SHE made it, and ONLY while she’s in the scientist career. It gave it some limitations.
And regarding selling bar drinks: if you do the research on vampire lore, and learn to make the Ultimate Vampire Cure at the bar — it costs $1,000 to make, and if unconsumed it can be sold for over $12,000. I’ve avoided that too, because it’s just too easy.
It’s good to know that vampires can cure themselves.
Anyway, thanks for the response. I do appreciate it, and I’m sorry for waiting a year to say so.
Hi I have a few questions,
I was wondering if we are able to change the appearance of their spouses and roommates. I was also wondering if I could create the spouse however, randomise the traits or should I just use the hashtag #LegacyLovers
Yes to both!
[…] The Legacy Challenge […]
[…] cheat to bring the starting house hold income down to $1800 as required of The Legacy Challenge rules. Our founder is Cassandra Black. She is just a normal sim (for now) with a liking for all things […]
starting my first legacy challenge wish me luck
Good luck!
[…] I played with my second ever and first serious Legacy Challenge save. Currently, the Griffin Legacy is at generation […]
There are a lot of comments here and it was hard to find if anyone answered my question already so here it goes:
Is it ok to use ”only age playable household”?
Also you say the sims can be anything you like (human, aliens), does that mean they can be vampires too? Is that allowed. I thought it might not be since they don’t age.
Is “only age playable household” a mod? I’ve never heard of it.
Yes they can be vampires, but since they are immortal you will eventually need to figure out what to do with the older generations as the house gets too crowded (move them out, kill them off, etc).
Thanks! I think it’s called ”age active household” or something like that, so only the household you currently play age. You can select it where you change the agespan settings. I use it all the time because I don’t like my other sims getting older when I’m not playing them.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] seemed off. One of my favorite ways to play The Sims, even since the original, was to do freestyle Legacy Challenges, where I would bring a family from rags to riches across many generations, starting with one very […]
hi pinstar this is a favorite challange for many simmers. It would be awesome if you were to create rules for a alphabet legacy challange. I also think it would be cool if you were to add more points to the legacy challange for simmers that would like to make it even harder. Its just a thought but I would love if youd wanna get back to me, my email is so please feel free to email me.
Someday I will finish a legacy. I’ve been playing them since Sims 2… and never once reached gen 10. (I might get a little bored once my Sims have a house, money in the bank, etc.)
I was wondering can my founder Marry Salim Benali? Even though I know his traits already? I had a previous Sim on a different save find them out by getting to know him and different conversations? I absolutly love Salim and would love him to be my founders spouse
Yeah that’s ok!
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] rules I’m applying to this challenge are all taken from here, with minor modifications to suit my gameplay style. The modifications, however, were not skewed to […]
[…] More info on the legacy challenge can be found here […]
[…] The Legacy Challenge created by Pinstar […]
[…] El desafío Legacy de Pinstar […]
Can we use a sim for a spouse that was made by MaxisCreator_01? They uploaded the one from the trailer, The shirtless one, they named him Sebastian Santos.
If your sim starts out with a pet, they start out with $22,000 instead of the standard $20,000. I presume we need to cheat their funds down to whatever they would be without that extra $2000?
Sorry for the late response, it’s been a hectic week! Yes, cheat the funds down. I didn’t realize that was a thing in Cats & Dogs. I’ll add that to the rules tomorrow. Thanks for pointing that out!
[…] (The original rules here) […]
[…] reason well… aren’t you an interesting one. So anyway, Winter’s Alchemy is a Sims 4 legacy story that doesn’t really follow many of the rules… rules are there to be broken. It follows […]
Can we assign traits to our plots?????
[…] The Sims Legacy Challenge allows you to start out with one founding Sim. You play that family through 10 generations of Sims. You can find more about the challenge over at the Sims Legacy Challenge Website by clicking here. […]
Okay so something that WASNT explained here, or at least i couldnt find it was how to bulldoze the lot. Maybe most people know how to do this or have access to the thing already, but for those who’ve never played, and are doing the legacy challenge, its goes like this:
1. Start new game
2. create random sim
3. Find a world with a 50×50 lote, i used the lot across from the park in willow creek
4. move said rando into small blank lot
5. CLick the option dots
6. click manage worlds
7. click the world you will put your LEGACY family in (the same world you put the rando in.
8. click the sim with the arrow to enter CAS
9. Make your sim
10. move them into the lot.
Okay so something that WASNT explained here, or at least i couldnt find it was how to bulldoze the lot. Maybe most people know how to do this or have access to the thing already, but for those who’ve never played, and are doing the legacy challenge, its goes like this:
1. Start new game
2. create random sim
3. Find a world with a 50×50 lote, i used the lot across from the park in willow creek
4. move said rando into small blank lot
5. Click the option dots
6. click manage worlds
7. click the world you will put your LEGACY family in (the same world you put the rando in.
8. Click the 50×50 across from the park and click the tools button
9. bulldoze lot and save
10. exit manage world mode
10. click the sim with the arrow to enter CAS
11. Make your sim
10. move them into the lot.
[…] am currently working on a Prettacy Challenge based story, a.k.a Legacy Challenge with an added goal to bring the family from ugly to beautiful. I won’t be following all the […]
[…] be following the rules posted by Pinstar here. I will also be playing by the following Succession […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] I’m going to start my journey with The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. Here you can find the detail orientated rules; it’s overwhelming. Plus Pinstar was kind enough […]
[…] Move into an empty lot, 50 x 50 or 64 x 64 using normal Pinstar Legacy rules. […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
I just started this and it is a pretty fun challenge, but the rules are a bit unclear on vampires, you mentioned in a post that they are allowed, but are there any specific rules I should be aware of? (example: they do not count for legacy progression after the next gen reaches YA) i’m asking this because I want to turn my founder into a vampire, but don’t want to inadvertently break the challenge rules. Thanks in advance.
Vampires are allowed and count for legacy progression. They will earn your family points just like everyone else. The only thing you’ll need to keep in mind is that they are immortal. So you’ll either need to kill them off somehow or move them out if you run out of room. Or you can move other people out if you want to keep them around. it’s up to you.
I’ll work on wording the rules better tomorrow! Sorry for the confusion!
Thanks for clearing that up.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] accidentales, sino porque me aburría y los eliminaba. Hasta que un día, me encontré con el Legacy Challenge, y decidí jugar en verdad a Los […]
My current “spouce” already has a child and is livng alone with his child. I have to add hte child wiht me. :S
That’s ok! You can bring the child to your house, they just won’t count for any points.
Shouldn’t you update the extreme start part to mention the 64×64 lot in Brindleton Bay? This one doesn’t even have a family in it, so you can demolish it w/o having to evict anyone!
Thanks for pointing that out! I’ll add that right now!
[…] En las siguientes páginas recojo la traducción de las normas oficiales publicadas por Pinstar aquí. […]
Hello, I have spent the entire evening reading about this challenge and I’m super excited to try it out. I have just started to put together a game, but thought I’d add a few rules on top of the existing legacy rules to make things more challenging.
To quote my blog (where I will be documenting this story):
“Additional Rules:
Estate Tax (aka Inheritance Tax): Upon the death of a Matriarch, if the household worth (lot value + liquid funds; business funds are exempt) exceeds $1,000,000, a 5% one time tax is collected. (I will use console commands to remove the funds). If the household worth exceeds $3,000,000 at the time of a Matriarch’s death, a 7% tax is collected, at $3,000,000, 10%. If there isn’t enough cash on hand, furniture and other properties must be sold until the payment is met.
Dowry: Have you ever wondered how cruel it was to kick out non-heirs to fend for themselves, with nothing to their names? Worry no more! With this rule, every time a sim leaves the main household, whether due to marriage, divorce, or lack of household space, they will take with them 10% of the overall household worth (lot value + liquid funds; business funds are exempt). Yes, 10%. Of course, neither death nor being taken away by social workers incurs any fees (unless its the death of a Matriarch, in which case an Estate Tax applies, depending on the family’s financial situation) If there isn’t enough cash on hand, furniture and other properties must be sold until the payment is met. This creates a curious dilemma: the more sims you have in a household, the faster you amass points, and you have more fail safes in the event your heir meets an untimely end. But to make room for newborns, you inevitable have to send some of the sims on their way, losing money in the process. I believe this will create a lot of interesting situations to explore. Of course, death is a much cheaper alternative, but for the purpose of this challenge, I will never intentionally kill a sim.”
I don’t know if anyone else would be interested to incorporate these rules into their own games, so I will leave them here for potential inspiration. If you want to follow my legacy progress, they can be found at
Oops, I meant “at $5,000,000, 10%” in the Estate Tax section.
I think these are great supplemental rules! I finished the challenge a year ago, and completely enjoyed it. My sims maxed out their funds somewhere around gen 5, and money was not an issue at all. I would have liked having the challenge of your rules to keep finances interesting. Hope you enjoy yours!
Thank you! I foresee having a ton of fun with legacy games. I can’t believe I’m this late to the party when it comes to finding out about self-imposed challenges!
Absolutely! They are for sure what keep me coming back. The apocalypse challenge is great as well, if you’re looking for a nice juicy one 🙂
Oh! These sound really cool! I’ll show it to Pinstar this weekend.
If you want, we can post it on the rules section as an optional supplement to the official rules. We’d link to your site and make sure all credit goes to you.
Totally up to you though, but these sound super fun! I might have to give them a shot at some point!
You’re welcome to do whatever you want with it! It was really just something I came up because I suspected my household income will snowball after a few generations, making the rest of the challenges easier as well. I really love how the legacy challenge gives the gameplay a sense having a beginning, a middle, and an end, and thought the most obvious way to up the stakes is through finances, though I suspect I’ll have a few more masochistic ideas once I’ve played through it 😀
[…] will be following Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge Rules, with the help of the beautifully made Hilliee’s Legacy Scoresheet. I will be using the Extreme […]
Does the founder count as generation 1, or are the founder’s kids generation 1?
The founder is generation 1 🙂
[…] Everything you need to know about the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge […]
So yeah, having no luck in the Sims 3 comment section but the same thing might be applicable to the fourth game at some point, too, so I’ll ask.
Is it okay to set elder max age to the minimum (one day) and redistribute those days to YA and adult stages? The elder sims are just so… boring. There is not much to do with them. Plus, it’s kinda grim and sad seeing them like this.
Whoops, I must have missed the question. We get a lot of comments here, so it’s difficult for me to see all of them. I’ll ask Pinstar about this. I would say, though, that as long as the entire lifespan remains the same length that this would be ok, but I am not 100% sure.
I agree though, the elder stage can be boring haha.
ok so Pinstar brought up a good point about this that I didn’t think of. Here is what he said:
Hmmmm From a strict challenge rule: No. But who’s counting and go for it if it makes it more fun for you. The reason why the rules would say no is because of the increased fertility period you’d experiance making it easier to be flexible with when to make heirs
However that isn’t that much of a gameplay benefit so it wouldn’t really be that cheaty or ruin the challenge of it
Nice, thank you!
For what it’s worth, increased fertility period can only do so much anyway – if sim were to have a kid on the last day of adult stage, they would die the next day and the player is left with a household of an orphan toddler, ha! Well, maybe not if they had a spouse, now that I think about it, but my legacy almost always has single parents.
Oh, I think it was mentioned before but, we are allowed to send sims to uni and overseas, right? It does prolong their life span, in a way, but being confined to one neighborhood for ten generations can get tiresome.
Yes you can.
Is it okay to ask more? What about trait changing LTR for founder? It’s likely been asked before but I have no idea how I’d go searching for that. I installed some mod traits that are not huge but could be fun to have. I’d probably end up slotting them into uni/social group trait space anyway but still.
Also, thought about the same about non-founders – maybe pick up that LTR but roll random traits with it, still?
I have just started the legacy challenge and i have not seem this anywhere, but can you have twims during this challenge? I’ve never seen that you can’t, but i just want to make sure before i mess it up lol
[…] it is. My first Sims Legacy. I will be using Sims 4. This challenge will be heavily inspired by Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge Rules with a few modifications of my […]
First I’d like to say how much I love this challenge! You guys did an amazing job putting it together and I’m really excited about trying it out.
I was wondering if I could use Lilimsie’s Starter Save for this challenge? It is basically a redo of all of the different lots using content from all of the different packs instead of just the base game and which ever expansion the world came with. I would still be creating a brand new never been played before household for the founder and using randoms for spouses.
Yes I think this would be fine! I’ve been meaning to check out this save, it seems like it would fit in nicely with the Legacy Challenge!
Also sorry for the delayed response, we had family over this weekend, so I didn’t have much time to check comments!
Thanks! No problem, I wasn’t even home. She did a fantastic job, I highly recommend it. She did filled up all of the houses. I had to evict a family, bulldoze the lot I wanted, and then create a new household for my legacy founder. So worth it though!
FYI, I click the checkmarked to be notified of new posts by email but didn’t get an email about your reply. I checked in my spam folder too.
[…] all these years, I’m finally making my own attempt. I’m following these rules and keeping score. You can find out more about that […]
does anyone have a PDF version of the challenge? xD i’m not always online, so it’s difficult to check the rules whenever i need to and i’m offline…
Yes there is! You can check out the printable scoresheet (which lists all of the rules) by Nerdybunny –
You don’t need to print it. But you can download it and save it on your hard drive to use whenever you need it.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
I started playing Sims 4 about a year ago and never knew there was challenges. How do you start a challenge? I understand for legacy challenge you just make a Sim and buy a 50/50 lot and all but I guess what I’m asking is do you have to do anything before making the Sim in CAS to begin the challenge or do you just do it? Like is it an actual challenge that marks progress or is it just something you do on your own?
These challenges are not implemented in the game in any way. You track the points on your own (we have scoresheets for that in the Scoresheets section). They are purely for fun and to add more difficulty to the game, but there is nothing that you need to change in the game to play it.
[…] following these rules and keeping score. (You can learn more about that here.) If mods and custom content are your […]
Out of curiosity, what’s the rule regarding the lottery holiday that’s now available? I figured the chances of winning were slim, so I bought the ticket from my founder for 100 simoleans, and well, she won 1,000,000 simoleans lol. So, I’m trying to figure out if this is against the rules or not before I play her further.
I created my own Sims 4 Legacy Challenge spreadsheet, which includes calculation of points, as well as an outline of rules. I made it in a way that I thought would be visually pleasing, clean, colorful, and intuitive. I use it at zoom 75% so that the points section neatly fits on my screen. Here is the Dropbox link:
Haleigh, in the gamplay rules under Seasons, it doesn’t say anything about not being able to use lottery winnings!
Yeah, I saw that. But I figured maybe they weren’t aware of how much you could win from it and so since it was such a substantial amount I almost feel like it would be against the rules lol.
Hello Pinstar.
I have created my own starting rules for the Founder/1st generation as I love apartments and wanted to include them in my legacy. I thought I would post them here as I thought if you think they are good enough you may want to include them. (This also means that you have a chance to complete the City Native aspiration, which you haven’t been able to do so far in the legacy).
So here are my City Living Starting Rules:
[*] You can move into any apartment you want.
[*] Must use a money cheat to lower your family household to 100 simoleons.
[*] You must than delete all deletable walls and items (even fridges and beds – everything).
[*] You can than buy any items you would like.
[*] While playing in the apartment you can not gain any fortune points you make to your overall score.
[*] You must buy and move into a legacy plot before becomeing an elder or your first child becomes a young adult (Whichever comes first).
[…] goal is, of course, to make it to 10 generations. This is a classic Legacy so there’s no specific theme, but there are some rules that I need to follow. Specifically, […]
How does the Money Tree fit into this challenge? I’m guessing it’s banned due to it being only 5000 aspiration-points and brings in 8000 simoleons per day, but I’d like to hear some other opinions.
[…] get my rules/laws from Pinstar Legacy, but don’t follow it 100%. I don’t like my Sims to be on a giant 50×50 or […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
So uhh… Yeah, my second gen has Fabulously Wealthy aspiration, which is already annoying since I like them living in humble houses. But I figured, she could donate a big chunk or something.
Then, lottery day comes, I thought, fine, gonna get her a ticket, maybe she will win like one grand to help towards her aspiration. Nope, she wins one million. So not only is her aspiration now done and me turning her into a hard worker was for nothing, now I have way more money than I could even need.
So, um, can I use a cheat to get rid of all those winnings? Will still have her aspiration completed which is eh. The only other thing I can think of is starting anew but the heir is so pretty.
Sorry for the late response. Yes you can cheat the money back down, that’s fine. You can just give her a new aspiration and work on that one instead.
I usually just don’t participate in the lottery because of the risk of winning a lot of money.
Hey, thanks!
I just cheated it out and adopted an usual dog, pretending they bought it for a million.
This is not relevant to even this game but. I actually only just discovered Hybrid mod for TS3 and this is what my fantasies are made of! Mermaid fairy is the coolest concept ever! I was wondering if it was okay to use it. And also if it’s okay to use the mod to turn my genie founder into a genie-witch from the start. It sounds like a fun idea and I don’t want to wait until the second generation to get it.
Hello Pinstar and Mystic!
I am so excited to finally give this Legacy Challenge a try – I’ve been wanting to for so long, but always psyched myself out that I wouldn’t be able to do it.
Quick question/request: I’d love to start the challenge with the Extreme Start option, but I don’t have the Get Together Expansion Pack (or Cats & Dogs), so I can’t purchase a 64×64 lot – I do have Seasons, so I will be starting my challenge in winter – is there any way I could still do the Extreme Start on a 50×50 lot? I know the lot size affects the bills which adds to the challenge, but is there perhaps some form of alternative I could use to affect my funds so that I have to earn enough to afford the Knight of the Octagon Table Suit of Armor before starting the challenge normally?
If not, I’ll start the challenge normally (though still in winter, for that extra bit of struggle). Many thanks!
I think that’s fine. A winter start is going to be difficult regardless of the lot size. Does Brindleton Bay have a 64 x 64 lot? I can’t remember.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
Hey guys,
I’m starting out on my first legacy and I’m just going with the basic rules. To follow the “get down to 1800” rule, I bought the Knights Hedge and another statue but then I read that the statue is required in the extreme start. Does this matter in my legacy? I just want to do a basic one to get the feel for the play style.
I wanted to play with the feel that my sim is homeless and living out of a tent until she can afford an actual home. With the 1800 I bought a a tent from outdoor stuff and a fridge cooler + a dog bowl since I added a dog into my family. I know this was answered somewhere else but I can’t seem to find it. Are pets allowed to be with your founder? Seems a pretty lonely existence otherwise and I just see the pet adding an additional layer of challenge.
Hi! If you aren’t doing the extreme start you do not need to follow those rules.
Yes, you can adopt a pet right off the bat, just be aware that it might make things more difficult as you need to make sure the pet stays fed and happy.
[…] attempt at The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. I will be trying to follow all the rules which can be found here. I always wanted to try the Legacy Challenge so I hope you guys enjoy this Legacy Challenge with […]
Is the positivity challenge allowed? It gives you a reward trait:
Kindness Ambassador (Reward Trait)
Kindness Ambassadors have stronger friendships and fewer Negative emotions.
It also requires you to change the sim’s aspiration to the challenge aspiration in order to complete it.
Not sure if you saw my recent post, but yes, the positivity challenge is allowed for all of our challenges EXCEPT the Apocalypse Challenge.
I tried washing through all 500+ comments for an answer, but lost patience lol. The items were get to take us down to 1800… those can NEVER be used, or can we use them once there’s a place to put them, as long as we never sell them?
They should stay in your family inventory at least until after the founder dies. We do that so that they don’t boost any emotions with the high environment scores. But once you get to later generations, that’s not really an issue anymore. It’s more to just make the starting generation more difficult.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
I just started playing The Sims 4 a few weeks ago, and want to embark on this challenge. I love goals and scorekeeping, so this fits my personality exactly 🙂
My question is regarding the new tutorial. As I will be making a new sim to start my legacy, I was wondering if I’m allowed to make the Sim through the tutorial? My gut tells me “no”, and here’s why: At the end of the tutorial, you gain a trait called “Over Achiever”, which is supposed to give you “increased job performances and gain skills faster”. If the trait works, then it seems it may give the founder an advantage over players who did not start their sim in the tutorial. Then again, it might not be much of an impact and I believe you allow the frugal trait. Anyway, I didn’t see the tutorial addressed so thought I’d ask before I get started.
Also, during the tutorial, your roommate gives you a packet of starter seeds, a collection trophy, and a charisma skill book. (those wouldn’t be too hard to just throw away, give as a gift, or sell and then get rid of the extra money to even the scoreboard, though, if it were the only advantage)
Regarding the Positivity Challenge – I know it’s allowed for all but the Apocalypse Challenge, but what about the gift boxes? What I mean is, if you keep the gift boxes after you completed the challenge, you can search the gifts every day for a random item. You can get collection items, repair items, and once I got 100 simoleans. They’re fairly inexpensive items, it’s not like the lottery where you can get 1 million simoleans.
Thanks so much for this – love the idea of the challenge, and appreciate all the hard work that was put into this for so many years. 🙂
The gift boxes shouldn’t pose a problem as they sound like they are similar to the ones you can dig up.
As for the tutorial, I need to check with Pinstar, but I’m going to go with no since the tutorial has you starting the game with a roommate and you age your Sim up a bit during that time. The Overachiever trait in and of itself isn’t really a big deal, but the tutorial has you starting out in a way that most other Legacy players wouldn’t start which might give some advantages.
I still need to play through the Tutorial though, so I don’t know too much about it, I might have more insight once I finally get a chance to play it.
Thanks for the “ruling” on the gift boxes, it makes perfect sense.
As far as the tutorial goes, I thought that was probably the case. At the end, the roommate disappears (to go “help other new sims”) but I think if you choose to continue playing the sim you might actually get to stay in the house. If that’s the case, you definitely gain an advantage. And I hadn’t thought about the aging, either – plus you have a job and promotion by the end of the tutorial. I am going to start my founder without the tutorial, I can’t wait to get started on my very first legacy challenge!
You’ve been so helpful – Thank you very much!
I was wondering, after I’ve done the Ultra Extreme Start and repaid the loan, can I remove the Celebrity Home lot trait? Getting tired of the embarrassed moodlets, lol. Thank you for all the effort you put into this challenge!
Hmmm yeah that’s not a bad idea. The trait is there to make the early game more difficult but if you don’t plan on making all of your Sims famous that is going to get really annoying really quick. I’ll update the rules soon.
As for the new ultra extreme start, do we have to keep all of the items purchased to pay off the “loan” in the families inventory for the entirety of the challenge, or where it says that this part of the challenge that the loan is lifted and the items can be sold or removed? Thanks! Love the challenge!
Once the loan is paid off, you don’t have to keep the items. The only item you need to keep is the knight.
Hi! Would it be possible to offer an alternative ultra extreme start for those of us who want the extra handicap points but don’t have Get Famous (or just hate Del Sol Valley…)? I’m always up for an added challenge, but would rather live somewhere it actually gets cold. My current plan is to just keep $2300 worth of statues in my family inventory to offset the lot price and pay off the loan, etc, as usual, but something a bit more organic would be great.
Erm, $23,000 is what I meant to say, not 2300.
Yes, I think that would be fine! Pinstar has been super busy at work this month, but once it calms down for him we’re hoping to look through the rules and make some changes. That’s one I need to add to the list so other people can try the harder challenge even if they don’t have Del Sol Valley.
I’ve been playing around with extreme starts in other saves, and have found forcing your Sim to live truly homeless–and save up to buy their lot, to be a rewarding challenge. What I mean by this is that you would create your founder, move them onto an empty lot that ISN’T the large legacy lot, buy the knight, then set the funds to 0. Your founder now has to save up enough cash to move from their “homeless” lot onto the legacy lot, and cannot build on their starting homeless lot. The only items they can buy are portable ones (think tents, campfires, easels), and have to “pack up” everything before they leave the lot. I’ve been playing this on my rags to riches saves, and have enjoyed it so far. For this challenge, you could set a specific empty lot to start on, since the more expensive the starting “homeless” lot, the less money you have to raise to move to the legacy lot. You could also restrict marriage until after the founder has moved onto the legacy lot.
That’s just an idea I had, it may not be for everyone though! Obviously the difficulty of this start will vary based on what packs the player has (outdoor retreat, namely) and what lot they start on, but could offer an opportunity for an ultra extreme start but only have the base game.
Hello, I need clarification on starting a legacy on the Desert Bloom Park lot. Bulldozed, it cost me $25,000 so I bought it and cheated my money to $1800 for a regular start. (I don’t want an extreme start.) All my money was already spent, so I did not buy the Knight of Octagon. My understanding is that the high lot price will affect my bills to be very high, in fact too high because it was $25,000 so I assume buying the Knight of Octagon would be an unfair disadvantage for me in terms of bills? Please clarify.
From the testing I did, a more expensive lot more than doubled my bills. Since you’re on a 50×50 lot, you would’ve originally been paying for 10,000 plus 8,200 as a base lot value, so you’re actually paying more than you would with just the knight. Since you don’t want an extreme start, I’d say you’re fine to play as you set it up, with even a bit of an extra challenge since your bills will be extra high.
What Snowie said! This is something we’ll be changing in the rules once we do a rule overhaul.
I have a question about the founder… I’m playing the legacy challenge as a sim-self and I have an in-real-life partner who I would not want to exclude from my legacy household. So I started with two married sims (me and my partner) instead of just one, but I set them to the ADULT life stage instead of young adult to make up for it. This made me lose 24 sim days (which I think puts me at a bit of a disadvantage because technically I could have found a partner as a young adult sim within a couple of days), but I’d rather have that then to exclude my partner. Also, I based both our traits on our real personalities rather than what would be most advantageous. … Please confirm that this is okay.
I think this would be ok, especially with the lost time. We try not to be TOO strict about our rules and would rather people play the challenge how they would most enjoy it. So go for it!
[…] From: (Alternate link: (Accessed: […]
[…] La Sfida delle Tradizioni (“Legacy Challenge”) creata da Pinstar […]
I wonder if there is a way to use SN Bank Mod for this?
Hmm… I just looked into this mod and it’s really cool. It doesn’t seem to really add any sort of advantage to your gameplay either. Let me ask Pinstar what his verdict is on this!
Is there anything about the random aging rule added by get famous?? I created a new sim to start the challenge with and she’s already days into her life though I just started.
I’m going to have to look into this. I didn’t realize Get Famous added random aging.
Hello again! With the addition of Strangerville, I was trying to work out a way to start this challenge in that world since there aren’t any 50×50 lots, and the only 64×64 is the secret lab. The next largest lot in this world (excluding the plane crash) is a 40×30 lot in the Shady Acres neighborhood. While there are two lots this size here, only one doesn’t have Sims living on it–and that’s Plateau Palace. A 40×30 lot leaves you with $14,500, which I was able to work down to $1,800 by purchasing one “Viva More of La Landscape”, one “Portrait of a Marriage”, and one “Ode to Jazz 5: Ivory”. These are all base game paintings, so no conflicts there.
Now, as far as a start unique to Strangerville goes, I figured it could be worth an extra handicap point if your Sim completes the Strangerville mystery by a certain time limit. In my first playthrough of Strangerville, I completed the story by Thursday of my second week with a semi-casual playthrough (My Sim wasn’t becoming possessed to help with needs, and was actively working on her career).
I’m not sure that seasons really matter here since it’s a desert world, but you can have players start in winter without problem (for Strangerville, Oasis Springs, and Del Sol Valley, it would probably be harder to start in summer). The weather will start changing once the player gets into the Strangerville story, anyway.
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] […]
If I go the actor/actress right, is that fine or is it considered cheating with the pros of being a celebrity?
Likely been answered but I cannot remember. Can I move out non-heirs to live in the other parent’s household before they grow up? Or do I have to wait for them to be adults?
Please make a vampire legacy challenge 🙏
Once you buy all the Knight of the Octagon Tables to pay off the loan do you just keep them in the family inventory for the rest of the challenge? Or can you sell them?
I would really like to know this also, seems like if we sell them it’d suddenly be a huge influx of money so I assumed not, but if we don’t sell them then its not just an extreme start, its sort of an extreme everything as they hike the bills.
I sold all of the knights and kept the viva landscape after the founder paid off the loan and just cheated the money back down. I looked at it like the higher bills were the interest on the loan, which no longer needed to be paid once the loan was paid off.
Ever since the new patch that added digital artists and stuck, is the matriarch/patriarch allowed to do that too earn income or is that still considered a set job?
What are the options for an extreme start if I’m only using the base game?
As far as I understood it, I move to a 50×50 lot and then set my money to 0 instead of 1800, right?
Yes, that’s correct.
Will there be a new thing with the off the grid trait? It makes jobs almost impossible and I think it could be fun!
At the moment, no. From what I’ve been seeing on Twitter there are some issues with that lot trait that might need to be ironed out first. Once things get fixed (I believe the issue mostly lies in bills) then we will look into it. With summer break here for our kids, we don’t know when we’ll get to it as time is limited, but we’ll keep an eye on when the trait gets fixed and go from there.
Sorry to keep bugging but I myself am bugged every time I use cheats with this.
Is it okay to use cheats/MCCC to make certain townies immortal? Not going to have any children with them but just interact with them for some roleplay maybe (for example, I had made a sea nymph to live on the islands as a townie). And then, I also failed to flag another such townie for immortal and used cheats to bring him to life. I know it’s probably okay but that still makes me feel bad. What do you think?
Hmm… I would say if they aren’t going to be in the family then that should be ok.
[…] ********************Grand legacy Challenge************************ Gen 1: Legacy Challenge – […]
I know it was just released, but figure’d I’d ask: Will the new CAS story mode be accepted as a way to start a character?
Yes, it will! Sorry for the late reply, we’ve had a busy few weeks and haven’t even been able to look into the new CAS mode yet. We’ll try and get an update to the rules written out soon.
Are you going to do an update for the “odd jobs” option with the Sulani expansion?
[…] want this story to be a Legacy Challenge, following most of the Legacy Rules but without the […]
[…] Legacy challenge rules: […]
Hey, this one might be a bit weird but. I often get paranoid at the start of the new legacy. For example, just then I started playing and forgot to set funds to zero until a few sim hours had passed. Now I’m feeling, uhh, guilty, and like I have to start over. Even though I didn’t buy anything and it should affect nothing. But still. Is this alright?
Yeah it’s fine. Just set it when you remember it. No harm done!
I’ve tried to wade through comments to find these answers… but there are so many I’m getting lost.
1. Gardening since the seasons update, you can make a ton of money quickly (and daily), is there a $ amount limit to daily gardening sell off? (I did a rags to riches challenge and had a big garden and made $70,000 a day, that seems cheaty for a legacy).
2. Career, it doesn’t say anything about a job in the rules (aside from spouses not having one)… is there an official challenge or rule for what you are supposed to accomplish with a job? Do they need a career or can they just paint, garden, freelance?
3. I’m confused about when the new heir “takes over”, is it once they become a young adult or only when the founder/current head dies. Becomes an elder? Are they able to get married and have kids before they are actually the head person? Or only once the elder dies?
Just started the ultimate challenge. And the math doesn’t add up buying the painting and 4 additional statues is way more than the loan amount. Around 41k without adding the cost of the first statue. Not sure if I’m missing something…
Hi! I think the amount doesn’t add up to precisely 35k because every loan has an interest rate, so we are repaying the initial amount plus a fixed interest rate, which equates to the four new statues and the painting. At least that’s my take on it?
Will there be any addition condition to accommodate Discover University.
I seem to recall a fairly recent post stating there may not be updates to the rules.
Not expecting points or anything like that.
-EQ EuphorialQueen #EQCreations
I’m going to be honest. Neither of us have even looked at Discover University or what it is adding to the game. Depending on what is added/changed we may update a few minor things, but that’s probably about it. The random trait generators will, of course, be updated regardless.
[…] If you’re unfamiliar with the legacy challenge; the goal is to get to 10 generations with one family. There are a bunch of rules connected to this and you can also gain a lot of points along the way. You can find the entire ruleset here! […]
Hi, just wondering about the move out clause – Is it allowed for our heir (and only the heir) to move into University Housing while going to Uni, or do they need to live at home? I know that it will remove the sim from the household, but as most University students get to live in dorms IRL (at least most of the ppl I know who went to University lived in dorms) then moved back in with their parents after finishing college (University) could that be allowed for our heirs, and then we just put them back with the legacy family when they finish?
Yes, I know this is probably *not* allowed, but I thought I’d ask cause I want to continue my legacy family, but I also want to play with the university and housing system. lol
I’m assuming that the heir would not be able to be in university housing however any spares that you have I’m sure could attend University and be in dorms but I don’t think you’ll be able to play with them and will have to mark them unplayed until they finish university so that way they don’t get kicked out and the I’m sure that you could move them back in. That’s how I fell it would work but I’m not in charge here so don’t take my word for it.
Hey! I know you said you likely wouldn’t be doing much updating, but I was wanting to suggest if maybe you posted a place where people could make suggestions on what to do with future expansions, etc. and then maybe you could choose which you guys like the best to put into the rules? I’m currently keeping score in a legacy, and so it’s hard to want to keep going without any changes lol
I know you said you weren’t doing much updating after seasons, but I have a question regarding University? Will the rules be updated to apply to University or just keep chugging along as we are?
Hey so I was wondering if you started you legacy challenge without seasons but then bought seasons when would you consider putting the holiday that the founder died and started the challenge? Would it be just the first day of Summer (or any day of summer if we started on a wensday or something like that) or would it be on the day that we first play with seasons? I don’t want to start the challenge over so that’s why I’m asking. My Founder has not yet died so I don’t have to worry about it now but I want to be prepared for when she dose die.
Does it technically count as cheating to deduct money as a “plastic surgery” cost if you edit your sims in full CAS? Just makes the game more realistic, but I don’t know if that would technically mess with the challenge scores or something.
[…] I’m back! My sprained hand is well enough to use the controller again, just in time for The Sims 4 on Xbox One. Meet Adam Spline, I’m starting the official Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. […]
[…] O Desafio do Legado, criado por Pinstar […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] without being found out.’ A bit silly but it worked for me 🙂 I am mostly following the Legacy challenge rules and keeping track with one of the scoresheets offered […]
I started this challenge with the updated rules not long ago and used the Extreme Start option with Get Famous. My founder is close to “paying” off her loan. I just need to purchase one more suit of armour. The rules state that once the loan is fully paid off, you can remove them from the household inventory. How can we do this if we want to rid ourselves of the bloated bills that come along with having valuables in the inventory but don’t want 4 suits of armour and a random painting sitting around the house? Are we allowed to sell them? That seems a bit self-defeating since you’d make back most of the money you paid towards the loan. Can we just shift-click with testingcheats and destroy the objects, instead?
You don’t remove them from inventory, in any start, afaik, you remove the celebrity trait from the lot (if ultra extreme) .
I’ve just started this challenge with the ‘Ultra Extreme’ start – can I ask the purpose of starting in winter in Del Sol Valley? It never snows so there doesn’t seem to be any additional difficulty, other than the higher bills. It is, in fact, easier than other winter starts as it’s usually warm enough to plant harvestables once gathered!
Would it perhaps be better to do the ‘Ultra Extreme’ start on the ‘Magnolia Blossom’ lot in Willow Creek, so that snow affects the founder living outside? It’s $10,000 cheaper than Chateau Peak, but could in theory function the same (with a ‘loan’ needing to be paid back)? Perhaps TWO Knights could be bought and placed before the money is cheated to zero, to make the bills higher? Anyway, just my thoughts! I’m going to give it a try like that and see if it adds some difficulty!
I would love to start the challenge with the ultra extreme but I don’t really like Del Sol Valley. There is any chance to start with this on the other 64×64 lot (for example in Winderburg)? Of course, I would keep the celebrity home lot trait and anything else just not in Del Sol Valley.
As for my University expansion pack, I decided the 10th generation child will be able to branch off and go to a university or live in a dorm then move where ever they deem fit. Basically the rebel and only then.
Do we have to buy the knight at the start? In the introduction it says we don’t have to buy items to bring dow money but in the FAQ it says we have to buy the knight.
Just a few questions just so I know I’m understanding correctly. Your founder can have any job and when you move in your spouse they can’t bring in any money. The “loan” is repaid after I own 4 Knights and 1 painting?
That is only for the Ultra Extreme start. You do not need to do that for the normal start. But yes, that is how it works!
I know cheating for advancement isn’t allowed, but what if it’s the only way to make the experience fun for me? I absolutely despise the later stages of World-Famous celebrity, specifically the part where you have to depend on NPC sim autonomy, but I love celebrity gameplay in general. Will I be shot dead on sight for cheating past that part just so I can actually have fun?
LOL no. Since it wouldn’t be making the game easier for you then you can absolutely do that.
can you move your household around? like to a diff lot?
I would say if you wanted to move them to a bigger lot, but keep their house then that would be ok. But we usually say no moving as it could change the money that they have on hand and change family wealth and what not.
[…] レガシーチャレンジの公式ルールや、チャレンジなさっているブログを参考にさせていただきつつ自分用にルールを設定しました。採点項目などに関しては、今回10世代続けることを目的にしているので特に気にせずプレイするつもりです。 […]
[…] be loosely following the rules from this blog. When it comes to playing legacy based-challenges or just playing a family in general […]
Hello! Can more then one people in the household earn money? Let’s say spouse, teens, or young adults? Besides of the current heir of course! Thank you!
Yes they can!
[…] are many variations of the challenge out there, and you can check out if you want some more in-depth […]
[…] to play as one household for 10 generations. Create a founder and transfer them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot dimension.) With solely the beginning funds left over after buying […]
[…] goal is to play as one family for 10 generations. Create a founder and move them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot size.) With only the starting funds left over after purchasing the […]
[…] to play as one household for 10 generations. Create a founder and transfer them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot dimension.) With solely the beginning funds left over after buying […]
[…] goal is to play as one family for 10 generations. Create a founder and move them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot size.) With only the starting funds left over after purchasing the […]
[…] goal is to play as one family for 10 generations. Create a founder and move them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot size.) With only the starting funds left over after purchasing the […]
[…] goal is to play as one family for 10 generations. Create a founder and move them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot size.) With only the starting funds left over after purchasing the […]
[…] to play as one household for 10 generations. Create a founder and transfer them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot dimension.) With solely the beginning funds left over after buying […]
[…] to play as one household for 10 generations. Create a founder and transfer them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot dimension.) With solely the beginning funds left over after buying […]
[…] goal is to play as one family for 10 generations. Create a founder and move them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot size.) With only the starting funds left over after purchasing the […]
I am attempting to start a legacy on ps4. if possible however I would like to not have to activate cheat mode, so i can earn achievements. I’m looking at potential lots though and sadly they’re all either too expensive or too cheap. I know there’s a reason the rules are the way they are but I’m wondering if there could be any other potential solutions to starting out with the right amount of money without cheats and preferably without inflating bills
With the Ultra Extreme Start, I’m having a hard time interpreting the rules regarding what happens to the items purchased for loan repayment after the loan has been repaid. Can they now be placed on the lot or must they remain in inventory?
I’m fully expanded with Eco Living, which seems to be balanced differently in that the items in my sims’ family inventory don’t seem to have an effect on the amount I owe in bills.
(I also managed to exploit every possible aspect of the game which allows me to make as much money as possible as quickly as possible and paid off the loan before the first child of generation 2 was even born >.> )
Since the update right before the start of the “Eco Living” pack (early June) nearly all of the bills are too low. The lot/property value’s influcence is limited to 300$. So the bills are far less expensive than they should be. The bug(?!) is reported here:
Hopefully this will be fixed soon. It’s frustrating when one week the bill’s amount is some thousand high and the next week it is only less than 400. I paused my game therefor. And now I’m waiting for the fix bringing back the fun playing this challenge.
I’m so confused about the start of the challenge. If you move your Founder to an empty lot, then reduce your funds to $1,800, how is that enough to build a house or buy one from the gallery (if that’s allowed)? Where are they supposed to actually live? Also, is this the lot each generation HAS to live at? I get more bored with being in one world than playing with one family. Unfortunately, I don’t have all the expansion packs, yet.
Hi Melissa,
1. $1,800 are not enough to purchase a whole house, you’re right. And that’s part of the challenge (and the fun). You have to decide what are the most important items to start with and what your Sim doesn’t need (for example, Sims can take a shower in a fitness center …). There are also a lot of ways to earn money by exploiting the rest of the world (frogs, fish, plants, …).
2. I don’t think there is a rule against buying a house from a gallery as long as your family can afford it.
3. The lot that you buy at the start is the lot that the founder and the heirs have to live at. They can visit other places of course (if that was part of the question).
As your Sims can’t afford a luxury house right from the the start, you may have to build and rebuild the house on the lot through the generations. Maybe you don’t get bored so fast then. I personally like Pinstar’s idea (saw it in one of his videos) of creating a new part of the house for each hire (and the founder) matching their personalities.
4. You don’t need all the expansion packs to play this challenge. I’m not sure if there had been any expansion pack already out, when the rules for the Sims 4 legacy challenge were released. You can earn some optional points with expansion packs, yeah, but it’s not necessary. You could miss some points nonetheless, e.g. the point for reaching all aspirations (if you count the ones of the base game + expansion packs).
Have fun! 🙂
So, not sure if this has been asked before so I apologise in advance!
If a sim dies from laughter (or anything for that matter) and then is spared by pleading, does the point for the unique death count? And then if this same sim dies of old age or something else other than laughter, does it count for a second death point?
It should count if you plead. Not sure if old age would count too, though, since it’s the same Sim dying twice. I’ll have to ask Pinstar about that.
[…] You can find the rules and all the information you need on this challenge here. […]
[…] indeed a variety of other challenges, for the Sims games. The one I’m playing in this blog is The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. There are a few versions for this challenge, such as the Extreme Start, or the Ultra Extreme […]
I was going to ask how to post a link to my blog here, but I saw that it’s already here. My blog is call Drew Soard’s Sims Stories, now, instead of Violet_Royale’s Legacy Stories, but it’s still there.
Someone already asked this, but nobody responded and I have the same doubt!
Do we have to buy the knight at the start? In the introduction it says we don’t have to buy items to bring down money but in the FAQ it says we have to buy the knight.
I’m not sure if anything has changed in all these years, but the Knight was required because it inflates your bills. It adds to the challenge, that was why it was required.
[…] Legacy Challenge: Your Sims will be a young adult living lone in a 50×50 empty lot. Then, you have to use the […]
[…] Legacy Challenge: Your Sims will be a young adult living lone in a 50×50 empty lot. Then, you have to use the […]
Hello! I feel like this is a dumb question, or it’s been asked and there are so many comments I can’t find it. The rules say the family must stay on the lot – can you clarify if that means the whole challenge unless going to work they have to do everything from their lot, or just means they cannot MOVE to a different lot?
To clarify my question, I mean – Can they go to a gym, a restaurant, a library, a neighbors house, the festivals, fishing spots, other “worlds” for fishing spots, etc.
Thanks in advance! I just started last night and I’m super excited! I already have a 3 generation family but that was done using cheats (whoops!) so the continuing of ONE family is something I LOVE doing on Sims!! So thank you!
They can travel. It just means your family must live on that same lot for the entirety of the challenge, so no moving household to a different lot.
[…] to catch up with the Book family! We’ve now reached generation 4 of this legacy challenge (check out the rules here), and Carry Book is taking the […]
[…] goal is to play as one family for 10 generations. Create a founder and move them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot size.) With only the starting funds left over after purchasing the […]
[…] The Legacy Challenge is slightly similar to the Rags to Riches Challenge in that you begin with a single, relatively impoverished Sim. However, instead of scrounging around to survive with absolutely nothing to your name, you’re building a dynasty spanning 10 generations. […]
[…] The Legacy Challenge is slightly similar to the Rags to Riches Challenge in that you begin with a single, relatively impoverished Sim. However, instead of scrounging around to survive with absolutely nothing to your name, you’re building a dynasty spanning 10 generations. […]
I am about to start this challenge (well I started without ever finishing it in the past versions but now it is time to see it through)
For the ultra-extreme start, when you say
“The five items bought to repay the loan must be kept in the family inventory and not placed on the lot. This restriction is lived once all five objects are purchased and the loan is considered repaid.” Does it mean you can remove them from the inventory (sell them) and cheat the money lower to before you sold them ???
Can I apply these same rules to the Windenburg lot to have the ultra-extreme start bonus on that lot? (I just like how it looks better + winter is legit)
if i marry someone with a job .. do they keep their job ?
Sorry You have probably already answered this I am a allowed to make it a tiny home residential?
[…] you love Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge? Have you grown weary of your perfect families with their perfect lives? Are you itching to shake […]
Question on spouses!
If I’m using lilsimsies save file can I marry the townies she created or do I have to use randomly generated sims?
My founders Husband die of electrocution but in the moment of pleading for his life, the game cancel the order saying that an objet is in the way… Can I revive the husband if the game itself does not let me plead?
Are we allowed to play in Newcrest
[…] These rules were found on The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules – The Sims Legacy Challenge […]
Can this please be updated for bust the dust kit. Like, is it okay to farm dust bunny’s for money and collectables?
[…] You can find countless varieties of legacy challenges, but perhaps the most well-known is the original legacy challenge. This challenge essentially serves as a backbone for all legacy challenges, with suggestions for customization if you own certain packs, as well as different levels of difficulty. View Full Rules Here. […]
[…] This mod is everything for players who love family-based gameplay or enjoy challenges like the 100 baby challenge or the sims legacy challenge. […]
[…] is to do a Challenge. There are lots of brilliant ones out there [link]. One of the classics is Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge. Inspired by one of his other challenges “Movin’ On Up” and x’s […]
[…] Get more details & Read the rules […]
Hi! I just started my first legit go at the Legacy challenge and I’m loving it! I chose to do the Ultra Extreme Start, and I’m still on gen 1, but I have a couple of questions:
1. Can I build my own community lots? (With the intent of putting skill building items on the lots)
2. Can the primary spouse have plastic surgery? (Can I edit them in CAS, as long as traits/aspirations stay the same?)
3. As I mentioned, I’m in the first 2 in-game weeks of the challenge. I saw in Pinstar’s tips that it’s okay to sell career reward objects. Is it okay to sell Father Winter’s gifts? He just gave me a $7,500 painting that I would never put in my house, but that 7,500 would most certainly buy some wall paper and modern conveniences.
Thank you for all the hard work you guys put into this. We appreciate it!
[…] Pinstar, unless otherwise stated under the generation restrictions. To view the set up rules, click HERE. Because of my current SimLit story, “Through The Centuries“, I was forced to make a […]
Does the sims have to keep the last name, with like marriage and stuff?
[…] am using The Official Legacy Challenge Rules, however I may break them or edit them to suit me if I feel the need […]
Can we go beyond 8 Sims per household with MCCC mod? I’d love to play the extended family on the same lot!
[…] is a ladylike debutante during the day seeing as she’s currently in a Regency-era style Legacy challenge. But sending Louise out to dreamy balls in castles was starting to get boring. No amount of Wicked […]
I am making a new one called The Extreme History Legacy challenge because I am using one of my old sims Diana Dingdong she is on the gallery if you want to see her. She is base game
Hi, I’ve created a notion template for this challenge, since I’ve played it a couple times, so I decided to make a version for people to duplicate if they want:
Is there a correct place for me to share it?
are we allowed to use full edit mode to change only the appearance of spouses?
[…] goal is to play as one family for 10 generations. Create a founder and move them onto an empty lot (depending on the rules you read, there are specifics about lot size.) With only the starting funds left over after purchasing the […]
[…] make the game more interesting. These challenges range from ‘Rags to Riches’ to ‘The Legacy Challenge‘. It can add a layer of complexity and fun to the […]
Wait, so are we starting on an empty lot and have to get money to build a house, or do we build it with the 1800 we have at the start?
First time doing the legacy challenge and my question is that can spouses have a job or are they stay at home parents. So then there is only the heir earning the money for the household?
[…] post. If you are unfamiliar with what the legacy challenge is, you can read the official rules here. For this particular legacy challenge, I am sticking with traditionally born firstborn male heirs […]
[…] […]
Do you have to age your sims children up on their birthday or can you age them up whenever you want? also, do you have to live on the same lot for all 10 generations?
[…] 公式ルール:Sims4 Legacy Challenge […]
[…] click here for Legacy Challenge […]
[…] The Legacy Challenge is one that’s been well respected by players for quite some time. This challenge originally began in The Sims 2 and the inventor met their spouse in the real world through setting up this challenge. How surprisingly cool is that? […]
[…] for players that appreciate family-oriented gameplay or tasks such as the 100 baby challenge and the Sims legacy challenge. It makes the Sims react more realistically to pregnancies and cheating, making the game more […]
Je veux jouer à se jeux
[…] you are one of these players who can’t get past a few generations, you should try out a legacy challenge. This challenge has existed since The Sims 2 and opens up so much more opportunity for players to […]
[…] Legacy Challenge […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge is a fun and unique way to play the game. For those who are unfamiliar with it, the challenge is to create a sim family and play through 10 generations. […]
[…] 公式ルールはこちらです! […]
[…] is it that we are referring to? a legacy challenge It is possible to go directly to the source and see what it is. official description of a legacy […]
[…] Legacy Challenge […]
[…] you are one of these players who can’t get past a few generations, you should try out a legacy challenge. This challenge is available since The Sims 2 and allows players to become more attached to their […]
[…] O Desafio do Legado, criado por Pinstar […]
Is it okay to move the previous generation founder out once they have aged to be an elder?
I see no information on game lifespan options…? or am i just missing it? What settings must you play on for these challenges?
Lifespan rules are in the “Gameplay Rules” section. It should be set to “Normal”
Hello! Don’t know if you still check here but thought I’d ask:
1) With the generator, there is a teen aspiration, and an adult aspiration. Do I have to change the aspiration when they become an adult to what the generator says, or do I carry on with the teen one?
2) My teen has the Joke Star aspiration – she completed the first part, but the next part one of the requirements is “Become an Adult” and “Join the Entertainer Career”. As she can’t do that, is this aspiration classed as ‘completed’?
They can keep the teen aspiration rather than rerolling. The only time you’d need to take a new aspiration is if they fully complete the one that they received as a teen.
So my question is that with each generation usually the “house goal” goes up by 10 000 simoleons. Was just wondering if the house goal meant available funds, how much the home built is actually worth, or some sort of net worth amount?
I hope this post is still active!
I just started my legacy challenge , i wanted to know what the rules are for the founder to own a retail lot , as i would like to make a bakery. Since i do know the game is mostly supposed to be played on the main family lot. Thank you to who ever might answere! 😀
I have read the rules and am first time trying this legacy challenge, my founder found a hubby and got their first baby 😀
I cheated the money back to what it was after they got married like the challenge asks you to …
But what about career given items? my female sim is trying to become a famous chef and has received some kitchen items, the man of the house is making it as a comedian.
Are we allowed to use the items they earned in their jobs? ord do we need to sell them and then reset the amount of money??
Yes, you are absolutely allowed to keep and use the items! Your Sims earned them so they are ok to use.
Will NerdyBunny update the printable for the new expansions or does someone have something similar that is more current?
I’ve started blogging my adventures in the Legacy Challenge. I have no idea if I’m doing it right so would love some fellow Simmers to take a look. xD
How are people accounting for “self-discovery” traits when scoring? Do you only count your spouse’s initial three traits, or do you count the additional ones that they discover over time?
I have been using the original three. Hopefully they have an update soon!
[…] Challenge Rules: […]
Has anyone made a mod to track legacy challenge progress, designate succession rules/heirs, etc? I started playing it and then got immediately overwhelmed with the idea of tracking about a billion different conditions for scoring.
Can your sim get a job at the start? Dumb question, I know… but I’m not sure.
[…] Obtén más detalles Lee las reglas […]
[…] The Legacy Challenge is slightly similar to the Rags to Riches Challenge in that you begin with a single, relatively impoverished Sim. However, instead of scrounging around to survive with absolutely nothing to your name, you’re building a dynasty spanning 10 generations. […]
[…] The Legacy Challenge is slightly similar to the Rags to Riches Challenge in that you begin with a single, relatively impoverished Sim. However, instead of scrounging around to survive with absolutely nothing to your name, you’re building a dynasty spanning 10 generations. […]
[…] The Legacy Challenge is slightly similar to the Rags to Riches Challenge in that you begin with a single, relatively impoverished Sim. However, instead of scrounging around to survive with absolutely nothing to your name, you’re building a dynasty spanning 10 generations. […]
[…] The Legacy Challenge is barely much like the Rags to Riches Problem in that you simply start with a single, comparatively impoverished Sim. Nevertheless, as a substitute of scrounging round to outlive with completely nothing to your identify, you’re constructing a dynasty spanning 10 generations. […]
How do u find the money cheat for Sims 4 on ps 4
[…] in order to give myself hundreds of hours of game-play, I wrote up a challenge loosely based around the Legacy Challenge, except much, much longer, completely ridiculous, and based on real events that took place in my […]
[…] with Sims legacies, you can check out the challenge rules at The Sims Legacy Challenge website here. I’m not going to be super strict about keeping points, but I’ll do my best to follow the […]
[…] to make the game more interesting. Some are user-created like the ‘Harvest Moon‘ and ‘Legacy Challenge‘, which the Sims team adapted to include in-game. Users can now play a challenge with progress […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules […]
I noticed there is a typo on the terms of the “loan” for the Ultra Extreme start. It says once you have purchased the 4x Knights and the painting, that restrictions are “lived”, rather than lifted.
For clarification, does this mean that we may sell or dispose of the items or we may simply place them on the lot? It’s really easy to accidentally sell stuff, which is why I ask.
Thanks for letting me know about the typo! I’ll fix it right now.
As for the clarification. You need to keep the items to keep your taxes high (which adds to the difficulty). You can either keep them in your inventory or on the lot.
[…] at a time. Before starting any of the Sims 4 Legacy challenges, make sure you’ve checked the Legacy Challenge rules and have a lot of time to complete […]
[…] hier […]
[…] started with a Sims 4 legacy challenge is simple. Begin by creating a founder Sim and moving them into a large, empty lot. The Sim starts […]