Last Updated on March 23, 2023
Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Gameplay Rules
The following is a set of rules and restrictions you must follow when playing your Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. They are mainly here to keep the challenge balanced and maintain a degree of difficulty as you play through your 10 generations.
No cheats/hacks/mods that give you an advantage over someone who did not use them. I leave this rule deliberately open-ended because of the sheer variety of cheats/mods and hacks out there that have been, and will be made. The rule of thumb is that using a specific cheat/hack/mod will not put your family in any better of a position compared to someone who did not use one. For example, money cheats like motherlode and kaching would be against this rule because someone who did not use them would have less money than someone who did. Where as a mod that, for example, created a brand new yellow shirt in CAS that your Sims could use, would be fine because having a pretty yellow shirt would not cause your family to gain any more points than someone who stuck with the stock clothing options.
- Update to the above rule: Due to pets being added to the total score of 8 members per household, Pinstar has decided that using the MC Command Center mod to increase the number of Sims/Pets per household is perfectly fine. You can choose whatever number you want to increase it by, just know that more Sims in your household might cause the gameplay to become sluggish. Not to mention be much more chaotic due to more Sims to manage.
No restarting after bad events. Did your Sim get fired from a bad chance card? Did you burn down your kitchen because you forgot a smoke alarm? Did that baby get born a boy when you really wanted a girl? Keep the results and move ahead. Taking the bad events with the good makes the challenge more interesting and struggling back from failure states is half the fun. Restarting to recover from a crash, glitch, bug, or other technical problem is allowed.
You may not move or merge in other Sims into the Legacy Family with the exception Sims that will aid in bringing in the next generation aka the “spouse”. (See the Spouse section for details. As of the latest rule change, you can bring in more than one spouse). You may have non-heir family members leave the Legacy Family, but once they are gone, they may not be moved back in.
The Legacy Family must remain on the same lot for the duration of the challenge (this does not include vacations). They are free (and encouraged) to develop their house but they may not move into a new house. Rooms may be imported into the house from the exchange as long as the family pays full price for the construction and items contained within.
A Sim may utilize an anti-aging item ONCE in their lifetime. This includes drinking a youth potion or milking the cow plant. Any cheats that freeze aging or lengthen (or shorten) lifespan times may not be used.Sims lifespans must be set to “Normal” in the gameplay menu.
You may not change a Sim’s current aspiration. The exception is when they fully complete an aspiration. When that happens, you may choose their new aspiration, as long as it is not one they’ve already completed.
You may not bring a Sim back from the dead once the reaper has taken them. You MAY plead with the reaper in order to save a recently dead Sim.
You may not move/marry out the sim who currently holds the title of ‘heir’. All of the other children in that generation (known as ‘spares’) may move or marry out. Once a sim moves out, they are ineligible to be heir, even if conditions change that might make them the rightful heir.
When playing a Legacy Challenge, your legacy family is the ONLY family you may play in that saved game. You MAY move in new families into the neighborhood during your challenge (keeping in mind that they can be used for friends, but not spouses) but you may not play them
- You may use the new CAS story mode to make your founder, but you do not have to. This is purely up to individual preferences.
You are allowed to follow Sims to their jobs if taking the new Doctor, Detective, or Scientist careers. Since these careers do not branch, having a sim reach the top level will satisfy the ‘both branches’ requirement in the Nature category.
You may start with an Alien or Vampire Founder and have Alien/Vampire heirs. If you start with a Vampire founder, keep in mind that Vampires are immortal. It is up to you to decide what to do with the older generations (you can be as sinister with that as you wish).
The Wishing Well from the Sims 4 Romantic Garden Pack can be used only ONCE per Sim in their lifetime. Once a Sim in the Legacy family uses their one wish, they may no longer use the Wishing Well again during their life. So use that one wish wisely!
If you have The Sims 4 City Living and marry in a spouse with the “City Native” aspiration, you may use the Random Trait Generator to get them a new aspiration (ignore whatever traits it gives you, you are only changing the aspiration).
Any Sim in the household can be set as a Toddler’s caretaker. All objects added with the Toddler update are Legacy legal.
You do not need to roll for lot traits. You may pick and choose those as you wish and can change them at any time.
If you have the Sims 4 Parenthood Pack you do NOT need to roll for any of the upbringing traits. They are reward traits you earn by influencing and raising your children. You may do so however you want. Standard child/teen/young adult traits are still rolled for in the traditional manner. All of the new objects, interactions and gameplay elements are all fully legal within the Legacy Challenge.
If you have The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs you may adopt pets, but we do not have any rules regarding pets and do not want to REQUIRE that you adopt or breed pets because they take up a Sim slot that would otherwise be used for Legacy family members (and thus make the challenge more difficult).
- If you have The Sims 4 Seasons you may purchase any of the new traits with Satisfaction Points.
- The new weather machine may be used to its fullest extent, risks and all.
- You may befriend and use Patchy the Scarecrow to his fullest extent.
- You may purchase and use the trait re-arranger potion. However, you must roll for new traits.
- You are welcome to create as many holidays as you want while playing the legacy challenge. However, there are two that are built more deeply into the challenge that have some guidelines and points associated with them. (See the Scoring section for more details)
- Your Sims may not participate in the random Lottery holiday that appears as the chance for winning an enormous amount of money would make the financial parts of this challenge far too easy.
- The Money Tree aspiration reward is too powerful due to the ability to get a large amount of simoleons from it and is therefore not allowed to be used in this challenge.
- Sims can have children with Father Winter and do not need to marry him into the family
- Sims may use and earn Fame and Fame Perks however you wish
- Sims may take gigs to earn money
- All aspirations & traits have been added to the generators
- You may use the Quirk Be Gone potion to remove a quirk that you don’t like
- You may give residence keys to friends as long as you don’t move them in.
- You may start a new Legacy in Del Sol Valley on The Pinnacles lot and can do either a regular, extreme, or ultra extreme start.
- The Crystal Crown is allowed to be used since the affects are temporary and the crystals aren’t always easy to find.
- You can take the Beach Life aspiration even if your Sims don’t live on Sulani. They just need to visit more often to complete the wants.
- You can turn any Legacy Sims into mermaids using the Mermadic Kelp
- Your founder can be a mermaid if you wish
- Sims can participate in any island events that you wish
- Sims may have children with the elementals even if they can’t get married to them
- Sims may commune with the spirits
- Legacy Sims may take part-time or odd jobs as you wish
- Diving for treasure is allowed and can be used early on just like digging for treasure
- You may start your Legacy in Sapphire Shores or Admiral’s Wreckage
- Sims may participate in Island conservation efforts even if they don’t live on Sulani.
- If your Sim is an Environmental Manager you may enact any policies that you wish.
- You may send your Sims to college or do college from home. HOWEVER if you send your Sims to college one of the Sims sent MUST be the heir as time will continue to progress for the rest of the family.
- Once you move your Sims into college you cannot move in other roomates. Only the ones you sent (it can be more than one).
- Your Sim may enroll in any university.
- The Legacy Legacy Handicap added to points. Want your Legacy family to have its own Legacy college? Choose either Britechester or Foxbury as your family’s Legacy college when you make your founder. This can be the only college that your Sims can attend throughout the challenge. So plan majors accordingly! Also make sure to donate money to the college that you choose.
- You may send your Legacy on vacation, but all family members must go
- Sims may transform into skeletons since it is temporary
- You may use Bone Dust on your Sims to prevent them from dying from the new deaths added in this pack
- You may use the statues for both blessings and curses
- When getting chance cards in the temple/jungle you may choose “Leave it alone” as an option.
- Your Legacy Sims may participate in the Strangerville Mystery storyline and take the aspiration even if they do not live there. They will just need to visit more often.
- You may start your Legacy in Strangerville, but since the lots are smaller you just need to adjust your money accordingly.
- New heir laws have been added to the Succession Laws page
- Potion of Immortality cannot be used, Potion of Rejuvenation may be used once per Sim.
- Founders and heirs can marry a spellcaster
- Founders can start as spellcasters
- Legacy can be started in Glimmerbrook, but since the lots are smaller just adjust your starting money accordingly
- Can remove curses in any way available
- Pets may be turned into familiars or you can find/buy new ones
- All items from stuff packs can be used without restrictions. The only exception is the Wishing Well which was discussed above.
- If using the Tiny Living Pack you may let your founder start in a smaller house to meet the requirements for that pack to get the perks. You may either build a house or get one from the gallery.
Spouses may not bring in any money with them when they move in/marry into the family. To prevent this, you may merge townies into families with one another prior to moving them in. A Sim who is not the last member of their household will not bring any money into the household. Alternatively, if a Sim does bring in money, use the money cheat to reduce the family’s new balance to whatever it was prior to the new sim moving in.
The restriction on the number of Sims moving into the Legacy family house has been lifted. You may now move in as many sims as you wish, as long as none of them brings in any money. You may have spares get married if you so desire and create ‘cadet branches’ within the household.
The first spouse who is brought into the household specifically to partner with the heir is known as the primary spouse. You may only have one “Primary Spouse” per generation, but may move in any number of secondary spouses.
With the update that allowed you to customize your Sims genders, you are able to have same-gender couples. There is no rule preventing this.
There have been many reports that the automatic generation of random townies peters out over time, leaving the dating pool barren. To combat this I am easing up on the restriction of using gallery sims for Legacy Challenge spouse material. On the gallery, look up #LegacyLoves (name suggested by BossJinja) any and all families you find there can be brought into your world and become eligible spouses. You can even add your own entries! Simply make one or more sims in CAS, then upload them to the gallery wiht the #LegacyLoves tag. Please do not upload pre-played sims to that hashtag as it remembers their skills. Please don’t write what the Sims’s traits are in the description. I don’t want people to be able to pick and choose what traits their spouses have.
*NOTE* If a spouse moves in with one of the tutorial aspirations, you may re-roll their aspiration using the Random Trait Generator (ignore the traits that it tells you, just look at the aspiration).
Regardless of your succession law, you may always introduce children into your family via pregnancy (either natural or via the Science baby option) or adoption. (Bloodline law will determine which are eligible to be heirs). With the addition of The Sims 4 Get to Work alien babies can also be brought into the family via abduction. Children may only be adopted as newborns/infants. You may not adopt if there are any infants (natural born or adopted) living in the house at the time and must wait for them to grow to toddlers before adopting a new one. You may rename the baby, and it is recommended (but not required) that you change their last name to the Legacy Family’s name.
Regardless of their status, when an infant ages up into a toddler, you must roll for their toddler trait (and later their aspiration and their first trait using the calculator found here when they become a child). Be sure to put the traits of the two parents (even for adopted children) in the calculator because the algorithm it uses factors those in when generating random traits for the children. When the child grows into a teenager, you consult the calculator again for their teen aspiration and their second trait. Finally the calculator will be used to generate the third trait upon reaching young adulthood. If your Sim completes their Teenager aspiration before adulthood you can choose to use the assigned adult aspiration for some added randomness, or choose your own.
Update for Growing Together: You may use the in-game randomizer to choose an infant or toddlers traits. There is no longer a need to use our randomizer for infants or toddlers.
There is an option here to generate both aspirations and all three traits for a sim at once, though the proper method is to wait until the Sim ages up. And remember- No re-rolling! One of the hallmarks of this challenge is getting randomly generated children so you should keep the good with the bad. Since the traits of the parents have an influence on the traits of their children, you can try to engineer children by selecting spouses with desirable traits, but this is no guarantee.
You are allowed to use fruit and/or music to influence the gender of an unborn child, should you choose to do so.
The addition of Toddlers should not change the flow of your Legacy families, you just have a new age to deal with.
- You may use the death flower to guarantee success when pleading with the reaper to save a dying sim.
- You may NOT use ambrosia to resurrect a dead sim. (You may cook it and have living sims eat it if you wish)
- You may invite ghost sims back into your family. However, they no longer earn your Legacy family any Legacy Challenge points. They may not purchase potions of youth, any completed skills, aspirations or other Legacy Challenge scoring methods do not count. They may not take a job. They cannot memorialize other sims. If they were a member of the Legacy Challenge family
- Ghost Sims can still be memorialized but only by Sims that knew them in life.
- An invited ghost who is no longer welcome may be moved out just like unwanted family members.
On to the Scoring section of the challenge Rules!
Click HERE for the trait generator. You may want to bookmark this page as you’ll be using it a lot!
I have a few questions.
So here is what generated from the female Sim I’m currently playing and the person she is currently pursuing as a test of the generator (thanks for making this!).
Generated Traits:
Gender: Male
Child: Self Assured
Teen: Art Lover
Adult: Snob
Generated Aspirations:
Child Aspiration: Social Butterfly
Adult Aspiration: Public Enemy
Why is there a gender generated? Do I keep generating children until I get a match of gender to what the baby is?
So according to the rules, I should just take Self Assured and Social Butterfly for the child and then come back and generate again?
Second generated outcome:
Generated Traits:
Gender: Female
Child: Cheerful
Teen: Self Assured
Adult: Slob
Generated Aspirations:
Child Aspiration: Whiz Kid
Adult Aspiration: The Curator
So I did it a second time and now I have Self Assured as the teen trait. I had already chosen that for the child trait when I used the generator the first time. What should one do now? I suppose if I am to generate until matching the gender I might get lucky and not have a repeated trait, but what do we do if that happens?
Thanks for taking the time to write up these Legacy rules. It definitely is my preferred way to play Sims.
The gender generated is only important if you are adopting a child, as it tells you which gender you must pick. If you are having, and rolling for, a naturally born child, ignore the gender field.
This trait generator is currently in beta. Soon you will have an option to only generate one aspiration or trait at a time, or all 3 at once. The gender option will also be more clearly marked as being meant for adoptions only.
As far as doing it one trait at a time for now, just pay attention to the trait/aspiration that is relevant to your sim’s new stage of life, and re-roll if you get a duplicate or conflicting result. The generator should be updated within the week to streamline all this.
Lovely! Thank you for the quick response.
Ahh okay, I asked this question somewhere to. So glad it was answered. Thank you Pinstar. Loving the challenge so far.
I can’t Generate my child, I have went on to the generate calculator and put in my sims traits but the father of my child isn’t living with me and we are not in a relationship but I have found out his traits and tried to put them in but it wont let me add the 3rd one.
also am I allowed to age up my baby or do I have to wait till it ages up themselves??
Hmm, what traits are you trying to put in? What error is it giving you?
Can your sims have jobs??
Can the founder sell items/collectables to supplement their income in the beginning?
Yes, they can! The only item that can never be sold is the knight.
What lot are we supposed to start on
Any 50 by 50 lot. You have to bulldoze the house and then move your founder in and build a starter home.
Does the father of the children need to be living in the house/on the lot?
They do not. In fact, they don’t even count as one of the family’s limited number of “Spouses” as long as they are never invited in. Granted, they can’t earn you any points beyond just impregnating your female heir to bring about the next generation.
Why can’t spouses live in the house on a map?
Assuming they moved in randomly and were not there from the start or moved in by player.
The reason you are limited to random townies is so that you cannot hand-craft (or hand pick from the gallery) your ideal spouse. Your choice of spouses and their traits is limited to the dating pool at the moment, and you have to do leg work to find out their traits if you want to know them before you bring them into the house.
This isn’t actually true, due to the “manage households” option from the worlds menu. You can click on that and view the stats of any sim in either of the worlds, regardless of whether or not they are living in a home on the map.
For rule number 9 when you move sim families into the town to be your friends or neighbors are you allowed to marry them a few generations later? Assuming that they have intermingled with other townies and produced random offspring
You can marry Sims from the gallery whenever you want, there is a hashtag you can search for called #legacyloves which includes randomly created Sims to be used as spouses. Pinstar just requests that you not look at their traits beforehand. Just to avoid having people pick and choose the traits of the spouse.
That is a shame because I found a perfect husband for my sims, but only after that I found out that he has a house.
I cant access the gallery for some reason (used to be able too tho) so I made my own spouses with #legacylovers (or whatever the hashtag was) I’ll upload them as soon as my gallery starts working again 🙂
Thanks for the quick response! I’ve already begun my new legacy… It’s always been an intergalactic part of my Simming!
I just moved in a townie for a spouse and he brought with him 20,000 simoleons! Am I allowed to keep that money or dump it?
All moved-in townies now bring in 20k. It does not vary anymore. While I *wish* they had tuned it to bring in only 10k you are allowed to use that money. Luckily the beefier bills will eat into that much more than they ever have in previous titles.
My legacy founder’s spouse didn’t bring any money, because he happened to be living with another randomly generated townie. I’m not sure if there’s any way to know that beforehand (maybe I should have canceled the move in interaction as soon as I saw that!) but it definitely made for a more challenging beginning! Almost 12 Sim days in and I finally have some walls and windows on my house. There’s no money in the coffers and I fear for the next bill payment!
If you go to Manage Households, then Unplayed Households, it shows you even all the homeless townie families. So you can see who has “family” and who doesn’t.
So we ARE allowed to use the spouse’s money? It says in the rules,
“Spouses may not bring in any money with them when they move in/marry into the family. To prevent this, you may merge townies into families with one another prior to moving them in. A Sim who is not the last member of their household will not bring any money into the household. Alternatively, if a Sim does bring in money, use the money cheat to reduce the family’s new balance to whatever it was prior to the new sim moving in.”
So when my spouse moved in with 20k, I subtracted that amount from the family’s funds.
Yes, it just needs to be “cheated” out.
i am new to a lot of things, but could you tell me how to cheat out the money
Wait, I’m confused. do we need to “cheat” out the spouses money or are we allowed to use it? Pinstar Legacy just said we are allowed that money, but that seems to contradict the rules above..
The original version of the challenge allowed the money from the spouses to be kept and used. However, after some playtesting we found this to make the challenge far too easy. So to keep things interesting the rules were changed to no longer allow a spouse to bring in money. This can be done by merging the would-be spouse into a common household with other ‘not in this world’ sims. The only time a sim will bring in money is if they are the last member of their household.
I realized I missed your question. You are allowed cheat down the funds if they accidentally bring it in.
Lirttle confused, your earlier post on Sept. 4th, says they can use the money.??? :-)All moved-in townies now bring in 20k. It does not vary anymore. While I *wish* they had tuned it to bring in only 10k you are allowed to use that money.
The rule changed after some additional testing.
I may have missed this bit, when you move in or marry you automatically gain 20,000 simoleons from that spouse. How is that extra money handled? Is it like free money to use for your lot?
You are free to use that extra money. This is why the challenge is so restrictive about how many spouses you can marry in. Without that rule, one could generate unlimited funds just by moving in tons of sims just for their move-in funds.
This is the first time I’ve read anything about sims bringing money with them when they move in. I married a sim in-game, and when he moved in he didn’t bring ANY money with him because there were still two people in his old household.
Will that matter if we can’t marry a sim living anywhere in the towns? And does that rule still apply if you have the game option activated that allows the game to randomly populate empty houses in towns?
I’m asking because the sims that the game puts into empty houses are technically randomly chosen townies, and if you married one of them and they left others in their old household, they wouldn’t bring any money into the legacy family account, which would eliminate the problem of the extra $20,000 per person.
I notice that when I start a new game and create my founder, any edit neighborhood functions are unavailable to me until (presumably) after I move said founder on to a lot. The only course of action seems to be moving her into a cheap lot, bulldozing the larger lot, and then having her move… is this the case?
Yeah, the tutorial FORCES you to move your first sim into a valid lot before you can edit anything. My How to get started video explains how to get around this
Oops! Should have remembered to watch the video before shooting off the question. Thank you!
I also have a question. So according to the spouse rules above we can’t marry the spares before they leave the house? the reason I ask this is because thanks to EA there is no longer story progression. I was hoping to get spares married and pregnant before moving them out. Just to generate extended family. but by your rules we can’t do that. Only person to marry and produce children is the heir? and am I reading correctly that the heir cannot marry until after the founder dies?
You can get your spare married, and then on the family merge screen, move the spare into the spouse’s house rather the spouse into the spare’s house. Since you aren’t moving anyone into the family, you aren’t restricted to who your spare marries. If you want them to hook up with Alexander Goth, go for it! Just make sure the Spare is the one leaving the family when they tie the knot.
If you get your spare pregnant (or their female love interest pregnant) before you marry them out, they’ll start off with a brand new baby(ies) which will grow up due to story progression.
That said, full on story progression would be nice, as I’d love to see cadet branches develop and grow. Perhaps in future EPs.
yes! didn’t think of that…moving the spare in with the spouse. yes that’s what i’ll do. thanks.
is there any other way to move out the other non-heirs? i have no idea how to move them out, its not like sims 3 call phone and move out and kick them out :s
Ok, I feel really silly asking this question but its my very first time trying this challenge and I want to get all the rules right lol. There is one that I am not entirely clear on: Spouses
“This Sim may not be from a family who lives in a house on the world map, nor may they be a hand-picked Sim from the gallery.”
If the potential spouse can’t be from a house in the world map, and can’t be hand-picked from the Gallery…how exactly do I go about finding a spouse? Do I make one myself? Or is it that the Sim can’t be part of a FAMILY household and needs to be the only person in a household? Sorry lol.
The game generates “Townies”. Completely random sims who show up on community lots but who don’t show up in neighborhood view. These are the sims your Legacy family can marry. The reason they are allowed over gallery/neighborhood sims is that you can’t hand-pick the traits of them… or even know what their traits are at first (you can discover them with some legwork).
Thank you kindly for clearing that up! 🙂
I think that’s an unnecessary restriction. I understand the intention, but the end result really does depend on how the player plays it out. I chose Dina Caliente for my founder as a spouse – not because of the traits but because she looked cute 🙂 (actually I didn’t even know she was a townie). I also plan to build relationships between the Townies and my family – at least in this first legacy. Yes, they aren’t random, but they are random enough for me as I haven’t looked up and memorized all their traits. Isn’t the randomness provided by the random trait generator enough anyway?
I mean if you want to effectively prevent the player from moving in townies, why isn’t there a rule to wipe out all the townie houses at the very beginning (and optionally place the random “not in this world” sims in there?). Having to make a background check on all the prospective spouses doesn’t sound like too much fun.
How do you no if they are a townie or if they are on the map?!
[…] And here are the rules: […]
Just a couple of questions for clarification; I may have missed the answers to these in the section above:
1) Are spares not allowed to have children? (I like the idea of having the side-branch of the family that resumes ownership of the legacy after several generations)
2) Is it correct that the current generation’s family head cannot adopt children without a living spouse?
3) Does re-marrying/re-moving a divorced/moved-out sim count as another marriage/move-out? (I’m assuming yes, but just to clarify)
4) For adopted children, if you change spouses while raising them – do you use the old spouse or new spouse for generating traits?
Thanks for your time! Sims 4 is the first Sims game I’m going to try this, and it looks pretty fun :D, thanks for spending so much time on the ruleset for this!
1. You have a finite number of spouses to bring in, but female spares could get themselves pregnant and have an in-house cadet branch. They cannot adopt, however, as that specifically requires an heir and their spouse. You could also have a male spare impregnate a non-household female and she’ll have the baby off-screen. The child can never join the family but you can have them marry the townie and join the townie’s household.
2. That is correct, to make adoption a bit more balanced compared to natural born.
3. You cannot move a moved-out sim back in at all, as once they are moved out they are considered a non-townie sim, so you can’t even use your spouse move-ins to bring them back.
4. That’s a good question… I’d say whoever is the spouse at the point of each trait being generated. The idea is that the traits passing down is based on nurture, not nature (which is why the parents pass their traits to adopted children)
Awesome! Thank you very much for the clarification!
I’m resurrecting this question/answer.
We are no longer requiring Sims to be married to adopt. Sims don’t need to be married (or even have their significant other move in) in order to get pregnant, so it doesn’t really make sense to require this for adoption. In the grand scheme of things, the marriage is making it no more or less difficult and doesn’t make sense to stay.
[…] And here are the rules: […]
[…] rules: (Pinstar Rules) cheats or hacks(obviously)-No restarted after bad events/chance cards-The Legacy family must […]
I just want to double check what I did was OK, I went out and found a random townie and had him impregnate my founder & then married them, but when the screen came up to move him in I found out he had been living with 2 other townies in a house. Is this acceptable still?
Yep! Random townie sims can sometimes live with each other (even though they aren’t on the neighborhood screen). You should be all good.
Ok this is my first time doing a legacy. I tried once before but I never finished it but I intend to this time. I saw in a previous comment “am I reading correctly that the heir cannot marry until after the founder dies?” I don’t see an answer to this. Would you please clarify?
The heir can marry as soon as they become a young adult, you don’t have to wait until the previous heir or founder dies 🙂
Thanks for that, I am also starting this for the first time and it looks like it will be fun.
I have a question and I want to make sure i am not breaking any rules. I start out broke, and i am on my 50×50 lot, as far as living, i know i own that lot, but as far as everyday needs, do i have to stay on that lot?
It was how the rules were worded so i want to make sure. As far as how i live does that matter in specifics, because if it’s about survival I’m all about it 🙂
You can use community lots to help with your Sims needs. You don’t need to stay on your lot all the time 🙂
Hey gurl so i dont get it i found my man don lothario hes so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee do i marry him before he moves in with me
Is there a list of Sims that live in the world map so that I can tell right away who are the ineligible bachelors/bachelorettes?
Go to menu : Manage worlds
On the world map click the Household Management button…it’s the third from the upper right.
Doing this will bring up the manage households screen. Click on the unplayed households tab. Here you will see all the sims in your world who have not been played. Scroll down. Any household that is listed as “Currently Not in World” is fair game for bringing into your Legacy Household.
I have a question about this… Is my sim allowed to marry/let someone into my household that is living in an other city? Like the guy that gonna marry my household lives in Oasis Springa and my household is in Willow Creak… Please answer ASAP, I’d appreciate it, thank you!
Really looking forward to starting this challenge. I have one question about succession (i’m sure I missed the answer). At which point does the next heir take over, is it as they come of age or is it only when the parent dies?
Next heir takes over as soon as they become young adults.
Quick question regarding the bloodline laws. What happens if we’ve chosen a strict matriarchy or patriarchy and there are no children of that particular gender?
You can try your luck at the adoption agency unless you are also strict Traditional. Strict Matriarchy/Patriarchy are more hazardous laws to use for the danger they present to your family should the RNG screw you over with gender.
In that case, could we change heir to the sim’s sibling?
Scenario I’m thinking is strict patriachy. There are two brothers, eldest is heir. He produces three daughters. Could I then make the younger brother the heir, since the current heir has no heir-able offspring?
From Pinstar at work:
As long as their father is still alive and as long as the other rules in the succession law allow for it. The title of heir is only locked in when a child produces a valid heir of the next generation. Since the eldest brother has produced nothing but daughters, that condition has not been fulfilled. The other condition that ‘locks in’ the title of heir is the death of the previous generation heir, hence the need for their father to be alive.
Depending on your succession law, you may need to do something to make the younger brother heir. If you are going with first born, for example, you’ll need to kill the eldest brother to get the title to the younger brother. If you are running something like Living Will, Strength or Merit, you’ll be able to shift the title without needing to murder anyone. The younger brother could re-use the elder brother’s spouse OR, using an up-coming rule change I’m announcing today, get a spare spouse of his own by marrying in someone who brings in $0.
An alternative is, if the eldest brother’s wife is too old to keep making children, divorce her and bring in a younger spouse per the up-coming spouse rule change and keep trying, since an elder male sim can continue to father children.
Sorry if I missed this or misunderstood… But in each generation, am I allowed to have more than one child, or am I only supposed to have one?
P.s. I haven’t bought the game yet because I don’t have the money but I’m preparing to do this challenge 🙂
You can have as many children per generation as you want.
Thank you!!!!!!!!
It says you can only adopt toddlers, however there are no toddlers in this game. I haven’t tried adoption, but I’m not sure if a baby is an adoptable age or if it starts at child.
If it says toddlers, I meant infants. (as opposed to children)
So I wanna do a lesbian/gay/bi legacy but I also want the heirs to be biological, can I have my female sim get impregnated by a male sim w/out having that sim move-in and then have a female wife?
Yes I would say that’s fine. You just can’t move the male Sim in. The founder/heir also needs to have her female spouse living in the house at the time of getting impregnated since having a spouse living in the house at the time of trying for baby/adoption is part of the rule.
I’ll confirm this with Pinstar once he wakes up, but I would say that that is ok.
Does the sim she makes the baby with have to be a townie as well? Or can other sims work as long as they aren’t pre-made sims?
I had my sims’ wife-to-be move in as a roommate, do I have to marry her first before I can have a baby?
What is your opinion on those lights that come as a reward for owning The Sims 3 and its expansion packs? Would these be banned because not everyone will have bought all of The Sims 3 games?
The sim that we choose to move in. Can we change their aspiration?
If i ‘m moving in a townie and discover they have children, am I allowed to move their children in too or is that considered against the rules?
From Pinstar at work:
I would rule that you can bring the child in, though that child could never be an heir regardless of your succession law.
So, I decided to try out the legacy challenge for the first time however, my founder seems to have slipped in the bathroom and died! I have heard sims can die from laughter but I wasn’t focusing on her at the time so I’m not entirely sure what her cause of death was. She was just one sleep away from reaching level 9 in the programmer career!! Luckily she had time to get married and have two girls but this is where it gets nerve wrecking – her spouse was an adult when she married him and he became an elder before they had their second child and i have already used the youth potion on him! Can he marry in another sim (the 10th spouse exception?) or do I just have to hope the eldest girl make sit to young adult hood fast enough??
Many thanks!
Ouch! I’ve never heard of a slip and fall death in a bathroom before.
If you engineer it so the spouse doesn’t bring in another round of 20k, I’d rule you can move in another ‘placeholder’ sim while your 2nd gen grows up. If your original spouse and the new spouse have any children, none of them would be eligible to be an heir regardless of your bloodline laws. Good luck!
Thanks for the reply! Yeah, I really don’t know what happened, it has me nervous! Any suggestions on how to engineer that? I think i remember seeing an option to donate to a charity or should i buy more knight statues?
Okay, this may sound a bit weird but is moving in spouses for every new generation strictly necessary? Are incestuous relationships restricted in Sims 4?
I know there is a cheat that can delete a relationship. Thus you could delete the brother/sister relationship which would allow them to romance each other. Having a “Divine Blood” style Legacy would be interesting to say the least, but I see no reason why you wouldn’t be allowed to per the rules.
So I was wondering, why must my Sim lifespan be set to Normal? I like setting mine to Long, just because it lengthens the challenge. I like long games. Would I be breaking the rules? (I know it’s probably a yes, but I had to ask. I don’t know the reason why we must be on normal.)
When I come out with the point charts for many of the score categories, they will be balanced against a normal lifespan. Longer than normal lifespans give you more time to complete things. This is especially different for, say, hitting child aspirations before they turn into teens. So yes, turning your lifespans to long would be cheating, but if you don’t play for points then the point is moot 🙂
How can my young adult daughter move out on the sims 4
You’d move her via household management. Just move her into another household. Doesn’t matter which one if you don’t plan on playing her and just want to move her out.
My founder just got married to a Sim who I found out has the Serial Romantic aspiration. Would I be allowed to change that since I can’t complete it and have him stay married to my founder?
I guess that would be against Rule #2. (No restarting after bad events).
Not completing an aspiration of a single member of the family doesn’t prevent you from reaching max scores, so I think you should just keep on playing.
Just for the record, in my first attempt at this (before the rules were posted so I’ve since restarted), my founder died of old age while the heir was still a teenager. Social services hasn’t come for her yet. That game is on standby with her a few days from young adulthood, with a teen job and everything. I think you’ll be safe so long as you get your heir to teen years.
So you think late teens are immune to social services? That would be great! Her first born is just a couple days into her teens so she may just make it before pops goes…well…pop.
Hi sorry if this has been asked,
Just a question, can my girl get pregnant to Don Lothario and then the child becomes the heir if she doesn’t marry him? Is that acceptable?
How is that not cheating? The whole point of picking a townie was so that you couldn’t get a chance to see their traits beforehand. Since the child’s traits are influenced by the parents’, that would be an easy way to get better traits.. even if you are marrying a townie.
The traits are based on the live-in spouses. Think of them as nurture rather than nature. Even adopted children get their traits from their mother and father despite no biological connection. Since you are not moving Don in, he does not factor into the trait calculator. Just leave the second parent blank on the trait calculator and the child’s traits will be selected with only the mother having a *possible* influence on them.
I married a Sim who I thought was just a random Townie because I hadn’t looked at all the Sim Households yet, and when I went to move her in I found she was actually part of a house on the map.
Luckily, I’m doing it for fun rather than strict points and stuff so I guess I can deal with it… I didn’t know her traits besides what my Sim learnt himself, and she had others in her house so she didn’t bring any money…
The only thing I’m annoyed about is that I’m not getting any money, really. XD
The exact same thing happened to me. First I was a bit annoyed as well, but now I’m actually thinking about marrying only residents of the town in this legacy. It would be fun to see how far my Sims can get using only the money they earn by the sweat of their brows.
That’s why I was hoping I could change it, though, since it shouldn’t affect points. It will drive me nuts not to be able to work towards an aspiration.
That’s true, but it would also be against rule 6 (You may not change a Sim’s current aspiration. The exception is when they fully complete an aspiration). So if you stick to the rules, you don’t change it.
I can’t see why you wouldn’t be able to work towards that aspiration anyway. Yes, it would probably mean that your sim’s spouse has to date with other sims and even whoohoo with them – so what? I’ve actually chosen Serial Romantic aspiration for my founder – I think I’ll have a lot of fun playing it out.
Novbert, I didn’t even think about that. It’s a good idea. Can a Sim have boyfriends/girlfriends while married?
Yes they can as long as they don’t move them into the household.
I just had my female sim ask a male sim who dosen’t live in either world…but he lived on his own and when I moved him in all his stuff was sold and was put into my female sim’s household funds. The amount is just over 20,000 simoliens, can I bring the amount back down to where it was or should I keep it or do I need to restart the challenge.
There should be a familyfunds cheat floating around that you can use to correct your family’s wealth.
It seems like there’s a lot of rules not listed here, aren’t there? In the actual text of the rules, there’s no mention of needing to use a bulldozed 50×50 lot or this thing about the knight.
That all is found in this section. The rules are split up into several different pages.
Are we allowed to redeem “lifetime points” for rewards? My sim completed her aspiration and she has all these points now and I’m not sure if I can redeem them.
This probably has been asked a few times but I still couldn’t find an answer to it. Do we HAVE to move our baby daddies / mommies in? or can we just sort of get pregnant with the heir/spares and not have the other sim move in at all?
They can just get pregnant if you have a female founder/heir. Spouses/baby daddies don’t need to be moved in.
Maybe I missed it while reading, but am I allowed to age up the infants, right after they’re born?
No, you need to wait until the game announces that it’s their birthday. We will be adding that to the rules soon 🙂
Thanks 🙂
What are you supposed to do with the rest of the children when they grow up? Just move out all that aren’t the heir?
You can do whatever you want with the spares. You can keep them in the house to earn points if you have room or move them out.
Is marriage strictly required? Also, wouldn’t it make sense, for each townie you move in, to buy another statue or something else? It’d let you keep track of how many spouses you’ve moved in.
No, marriage is not required, but you can still only bring in one Sim per generation for the moment (unless the rules change). I’ll mention the statue thing to Pinstar when he gets home 🙂
To expand on my question, would it be possible, to learn all the traits of a sim, and have a baby with them, without actually moving them in at all? This would obviously only apply to female sims, for the case of finding an heir. But more to the point, doing the challenge without moving any sims in at all. I understand you’d have to know all the traits of a potential mate, for randomizing children, which I feel like can be just as challenging, if not more than actually moving a sim in.
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to forbid using of the household-management screen entirely? For my current legacy at least I plan to keep a self-imposed rule, that spares can only move out if they have somewhere else to go – i.e. if they reach a high enough relationship status with an outsider for the option to appear in the interaction menu. I think it could be a good idea – maybe for some additional points – to introduce this rule. From a roleplaying perspective I guess it would make sense for the legacy family not to just “throw out” spares without any money or a place to sleep at.
Another thing: Current restrictions on what can/must be stored in the family inventory and what can be placed on the legacy family’s lot are only listed in the scoring rules. Maybe it would be a good idea to list them here (also), as which rewards can actually be used in game, and which are the ones that must not actually have important implications on how one plays the game. Could you extend this list of rules with that information?
They shouldn’t forbid use of the household management screen because it’s the only surefire way to check to see if your potential townie spouse lives alone (for the purposes of getting $20K when they move in).
I created my household and quickly got married. Then I realised that maybe I made a mistake because I married someone who belongs to a family which I created before (in that saved game this Sim is still a child).
Is it okay or should I start it over?
I have a question about the early days. Can my founder “sleep over” at the neighbour’s house? I have just started a legacy. I think I have followed all the rules, but the immediate advantage seems to be sleeping at the Pancake’s house. They have everything there; there is no mechanic, or moodlet for being a bad guest that I have found. I am able to cook, clean, sleep, skill, at will. No penalty. (I am wondering about the Goth’s house now. Mb they have better quality stuff)
So is there a rule on squatting?
It’s no different than hitting up the community lots and as long as you can’t take anything with you, I’d say it is fine.
6. You may not change a Sim’s current aspiration. The exception is when they fully complete an aspiration. When that happens, you may choose their new aspiration, as long as it is not one they’ve already completed.
Hello! I can choose any desire or need to roll the dice?
Can anyone answer my question please? When I achieve the aspiration, how can I choose the new aspiration? Can I choose it by myself or shoukd I roll the dice?
“you may _choose_ their new aspiration” means that you are free to choose a new one.
Can I age up townie sims with birthday cake? Spouse options are looking a little slim for moi…
Yeah I would say that is fine. Especially if the pickings are slim.
A question on rule #9 (not playing other families). This is bugging me a lot, because as I’ve read (here for example: ) members of the family who move out will basically do nothing in their lifetime at all, and eventually die. Wouldn’t it be possible to loosen up this rule a little bit, limiting moved-out spares interactions to “Try for a baby” with their spouse.
I don’t want my spares to simply die without any children.
[…] The Rules that I will be following are set out at the following website […]
With the recent rule update, point 3. should be updated as well (“You may not move or merge in other Sims into the Legacy Family with the sole exception of that generation’s outsider.”). Currently it contradicts the spouses section.
I was going to post the same thing.
And what about the “Alexander Goth” situation (” If you want them to hook up with Alexander Goth, go for it! Just make sure the Spare is the one leaving the family when they tie the knot. “) – can Alexander now marry a spare and move into the legacy family if he does not bring simoleans with him? Alexander is basically like a normal townie when it comes to traits and skills, since he starts the game a child.
I would say if he’s marrying a spare for a cadet branch…yes 🙂
ImaginingMystic: Could you please correct Rule #3? It’s just a source of confusion in its current state.
What about rule 3 is confusing?
I just went to the gallery to download more possible spouses, and the traits are automatically posted up. If the main reason why we can’t use sims we make ourselves is because we can’t pick and choose the traits, we need a way to download sims that don’t show their traits. Otherwise, can we just create the sims ourselves and randomize the traits? Either way, people can cheat and pick spouses with different traits than the previous generations… so the scoring for the “love” category may not work.
Yeah we’re going to probably have to change that rule around unfortunately. Because there aren’t enough randomly generated townies, so #LegacyLoves do need to be used. I suppose we could always put in an “Honor System” where we ask people not to look at the individual Sims and their traits. I know not everyone will do that, but really, the Legacy Challenge isn’t a competition. Some people may look, and yes, that will make their challenge easier, but that’s their choice. I personally want to keep it as challenging as possible.
Why not just have a random generator for spouse traits? Its really hard to just turn a blind eye to traits that are in your face. I think putting in randomly rolled traits in CAS would be easier than trying not to look at them.
You ARE allowed to discover traits via gameplay methods, such as “Get to Know”. Meeting a sim and learning their traits over time, and then picking your spouse based on one you like is perfectly legal.
I have been going into household management and deleting elder sims before they die since the game keeps places for their ghosts. This has allowed my game to generate new townies. If it is considered cheating, I apologize, but it is the best way for the legacy to continue through 10 generations.
Not at all. That is a creative way to get around the limitations and get a fresh supply of townies flowing.
[…] rest of the rules are pretty much the same as before: no cheating, no bringing millions of Sims into the household as […]
Never having done this before, and just getting my head around the rules, I noticed the No Cheats, mods etc rule, which is great, but in sims 4 I noticed a slight problem with the aspirations, some of which you cannot full-fill, the writer aspiration, and getting writers block, I got my sim to lvl 9 writing skill and lvl 9 writing career, and she never once got this, which then wouldn’t allow me to complete even lvl 1 of the aspiration, the same with the joke star aspiration the “own a microphone” I owned 50 and it still wouldn’t recognise it, and the tech guru, “stay focused for 2 hours whilst playing games on a computer didn’t register, the only way I found I could complete these levels was to use a cheat. How would we get round this in the legacy challenge ?
The easiest way to get writer’s block is at the low levels. When you are in a mood OTHER than “Inspired” have your sim write for a long time. After about 3 hours they’ll get a +1 tense writer’s block. You then have to actively do something to get rid of it. The easiest way is to “Try to Calm Down” in a mirror if your sim is tense. Once you burn down the moodlet you’ll get credit for beating writer’s block.
Thank you, for your help. I am really enjoying the challenge, making a few mistakes along the road, but hey don’t we all. I would like to say a big thank you for creating this challenge and for the hard work you put into it. 🙂
For spouses, could I use Travis Scott then? Or does it have to be a townie?
Townie or a downloaded #LegacyLoves family from the gallery.
Just to clarify, do they start off with 1,500 to make a new house with? Basically homeless? Or do you buy the table before you move to the 50 x 50 lot and start out with 10,000?
Basically homeless 🙂
Pinstar, do you check the facebook page or forums much? I posted on both of them with no responses. Just wondering. What is the fastest method of getting a Pinstar approved response?
I’m usually the one that responds on Facebook, but I never received the notifications that people had posted there. Sorry about that! I answered your questions this morning.
As for the forums…yeah I need to remember to check those more often *facepalm*
Hi ImaginingMystic,
I’m wondering if the links in the comments here will be put in the post itself anytime soon:
Is the mod that allows males to get pregnant allowed to be used?
As long as everything else related to the pregnancy (higher mood decay, 3+day wait, need to try for baby) is the same as a female pregnancy, I don’t see why not.
Hi, first of all I want to thank you for the detail rules and generator for the Legacy Challenge.
I’m a player in Taiwan and there are quite a lot of Legacy Players here.
I’ve done translation of the rules into Chinese for the players here in Taiwan.
I do hope it is OK and I do tag your site.
However, now I would like to know about the family fund cheat.
I have never been able to make that cheat works.
Is there any other ways, we can do to make sure that the spouses do not bring money into the legacy family?
Thank you.
Merge the townies into common households. When you move in or marry in a townie who is part of a larger household, they will not bring in any money. This holds true for any sim who is not the last of their household. That way you can get your townie spouses and not worry about the money cheat.
I didn’t find anything in these rules that would forbid me to “visit” (not move to) my neighbours place and actually live there until I can afford a good house at my own place. Is this allowed? Even if it is allowed, what kind of rules would forbid such a workaround?
Perfectly valid strategy.
Just a quick question. Are you allowed to move spare kid out with an older sibling. Im in the middle of getting the 10 kids in one generation point, but do i have to wait until the 4 oldest are moved out, or can i move some of the younger kids out when just one of them are an young adult?
Hey I just wondered when you’re heir or founder gets married, do they have to keep their name for instance if I had a sim called Scarlet Redwood and she were to get married to Gordon Holmes, would she take Holmes or Redwood or does it not matter?
It does not formally matter, and there is a bug where incoming spouses don’t take the new family name.
Quick question, it seems like you can age up your infants at any time. Is there a rule of how long they should remain that age?
You can age them up once the game tells you that it’s their birthday. There are two announcements, the first says it’s almost their birthday and the second says it’s their birthday and it’s time to throw a “rockin’ party”. Wait until the second announcement (though you don’t need to throw a “rockin'” party 😉 ).
Okay so I think I might be confused. The rules say spouces are not allowed to bring any money with them but in some of the comments you talk About using the money the spouce brings. Which is correct? A good idea for the rules pages might be to put “current as of [insert date]”.
I apologize if this has all been explained somewhere else, I’m new to The Sims, there challenges, and this page. Thanks in advance for your help.
Any references to the money a spouse brings are outdated. The rule is firmly that spouses cannot bring in money. I’ll double check the rules to make sure I remove any other references to spouses bringing in money in my next rules update.
Are there restrictions on who or how many family members can hold a job?
Hi! I really want to do this! But can a sim have a job?
Yes they can!
Hi, I have a question about gameplay rules. Is using a mod that affects motive decay against the rules? Using this mod does not change anything about the starting situation (homeless, no money)
Another question is about skills and careers. Do they have to be maxed out manually or can I use mods/cheats?
What do you mean with you earn your fortune points by meeting household worth tresholds?
Mods that impact mood decay and cheats that would give you more skills and career levels are both against the rules as it gives you a specific gameplay advantage over someone who would not use those.
The fortune points (along with many other score sections) are not 100% complete. In time they will have a chart showing how many “Fortune” points you get for having certain thresholds of household wealth.
With the rule change forbidding spouses from bringing in any money, does this make any current challenges where the spouse brought in 20k before the rule change invalid? My challenge is in its third generation and I’m playing for points so I’ve gone as strictly by the book as I can, working in all rule changes as they’re made, but I can’t go back and change that my two previous spouses brought in money.
Anyone who was playing a legacy before the rule change is grandfathered in. Meaning that your challenge is NOT invalid and you do NOT have to restart. Just consider it a bonus and keep playing. 🙂
Thanks so much for the timely reply! I’m relieved that I don’t need to start all over again. I remember you said on Twitter that any future rule changes wouldn’t ruin any challenges in progress but that rule change seemed like a really major one that really affected my challenge so I wanted to double check.
That said, I did end up starting a new challenge with the new rules and I think I actually am enjoying the new rule more! Thanks for all your hard work on this challenge, the Legacy Challenge was what originally got me into the Simming community so it has a special place in my heart. 🙂
I was all for the legacy challenge until I saw the “Life must be set to normal”.. I like to play my sim’s for a -long- time, let them gain aspirations and skills; have a fulfilling “life”.. shame.. but thanks for this.. one day I might give it a go anyway.
(I will make note though that it says modifications/hacks are not allowed in game as it makes it unfair and balanced.. so why does the lifespan matter when -anyone- can chose whether to click it or not? it just makes it longer and more difficult.)
The Legacy Challenge is meant to be played for fun. The rules that I set out are there as a way to encourage you to have fun. That being said, some people have a very different play style so if a long lifespan suits you, go for it! You wouldn’t be the first person to fudge or otherwise cherry pick the rules they follow. I’d rather you have fun with a modified set of rules than miss out on the challenge entirely 🙂
Awesome!, I just hate to cheat..
Is there a rule against changing the way your spouse looks in CAS? For example the townie my heir is marrying has brown hair and blue eyes and I want him to have black hair and green eyes.
You can change their appearance using the “Change appearance” option when using a mirror, but that is it. You can’t do a full CAS edit of the Sim. Hope that helps!
I want to use the money cheat code to remove de simeleons (20K) my new spouse has bring after he moved in, but I don’t know how. I’m doing ctrl+shift+C then I write in the box : money and the amount I want, but nothing happens.
Help me, please!
Have a great day!
TestingCheats True should be entered first.
Thank you, it worked!
One of the big frustrations with the CORE game is how townies and neighbors age up and die without seemingly ever having CHILDREN!
Before attempting this challenge, I would force a marriage between two random townies every time I got married; I’d also “seed” 1-2 children into a random family every time one of my own children aged up from being a baby.
(This random trait generator is going to be wonderful, I can finally stop using my D&D dice =PP)
It seems the concept of seeding pre-generated children of my own could be against the rules because in theory, even though the traits are randomized, I also know what they are, being their creator.
I just wonder if there are other work-arounds for what ends up being a bunch of old geezers walking around. Are #LegacyLoves just individual Young Adults?
#LegacyLoves have many familes that include teenagers and children. These are useful for both younger friends and sims who take awhile to mature.
Was there a rule about ONLY playing as the Founder/Heir, or do the original rules allow for playing any Sim in the active household? I feel like I read this somewhere, but I may just be making it up in my head.
You can play all Sims in the household.
The only time you CAN’T play a spare is when they move out of the house. You can only play Sims that live in the Legacy house, not ones outside of the house.
Okay, I must have made that up in my head then. I feel 10x better about doing this, now. ;D
[…] those who have read this far and are also doing a legacy challenge, note that the Spouse rules have changed a bit — for the better in my opinion, apart from the lack of a dowry. It will allow me to bring in […]
I had a little question about a particular mod, since it technically edits the game, but it’ll be used “cosmetically”, if that makes sense? xD
Basically, there’s the “Babies for Everyone” mod that allows same-sex couples to successfully Try for Baby (as well as Elders, but I will make sure not to make use of that part), which is something I was interested in, seeing as my Sims do surprisingly often end up with a counterpart of their same gender. This would then mean they would have to adopt to continue the Challenge, but what intruiges me about a Legacy Challenge in particular is the passing on of the genes throughout the generations, and that chain will obviously be broken as soon as adoption comes into play, which is why I would like to use that mod instead. Would that be considered cheating? 🙂
Yes, that is allowed. We ruled similarly in the Sims 3 Legacy Challenge for a mod that did about the same thing. I’m going to be making a running list soon, hopefully tomorrow, of all of the mods that are acceptable in the Legacy Challenge. It will be updated as we get more and more mods that we rule to be legal for the challenge.
When my sim get married, my husband can get a job? Or only the heir can work in the household?
All Sims in the household can have a job.
Thanks *-*
So I’ve heard a lot about the legacy challenge as I’ve been playing The Sims since the original came out. I do have some questions about one of the rules though. Why are we not allowed to bring money into the family through marriage? It’s part of the base game play. Has been since the games inception. I can understand wanting to create a game play challenge, but this rule seems a little absurd considering it’s a naturally occurring game play rule of every base game since the original. EA/Maxis intended us to either marry or friend/roommate someone and have them move in, with all their possessions. It’s part of each sims story progression. Whether it’s an NPC character, or player created sim.
The rest of the rules can stay because they’re playable scenarios, but leave the natural storyline progression alone?
The rule is in response to the fact that spouses now bring in 20,000 every single time. Testing found this made the challenge far too easy. A complaint that has been heard in earlier incarnations of the Legacy Challenge is that the challenge becomes far too easy very quickly (and thus boring) by the 2nd or third generation. Thus this rule change was made.
I apologize if any of this comes off as silly because I have been reading through the comments and there seem to be conflicts between the comments and the rules section. Is it safe to say that the rules page has been changed since the game came out and some of the rule comments are no longer valid because the rule was changed?
Are all Sims now candidates for spouses as long as they don’t bring in money and if they do you need to remove it from your Sims funds?
Yes, there have been updates. And yes, you can now move in any number of spouses as long as they bring in no money.
It wasn’t the number of spouses I was confused about. I wasn’t sure if we were now allowed to say, marry a Goth or family already in town or if that was still considered cheating.
Just as a reference cause I don’t know all the cheats and I haven’t been able to find this one. How would we cheat out the money if we mess up or if someone could just link me to an accurate cheat list for the future it would be greatly appreciated.
Yes you can marry a Goth family member or any other non-townie provided they don’t bring in money.
Thought the “no moving in townie rule”was also due to the fact that their traits and aspirations are known…
That too.
Thank you, and Poiint taken TheDude. But that would only be in you research the known characters and all that. I really just play the game so I learned hers personally the hard way. But I see where that could be an advantage.
*phew* at least now I know I don’t have to start over (I married Cassandra Goth)
Question: This Primary spouse business seems a bit confusing combined with the moving in changes. This spouse does not have to bring in the next generation, that’s clear. In that case, another spouse can be gained to carry that burden. Where the confusion lies is in the order and magnitude of these events: Can I have a primary spouse and many other spouses all at once? Can I move in, say 6 sims in, claim them as my “spouses” and utilize them as I please?
The only reason we have to designate a “Primary Spouse” is for the purposes of the Love and Creativity points categories, which would become extremely easy and difficult respectively if you had to include all spouses. And Yes, you could in theory move in a harem of spouses, have only one bring in the next generation abut reap the benefits from them all. As long as none of them bring any money with them, it’s legit.
You should add another category to this it the Morality rules. Just like in real life people usually fall into 1 of 3 categories: Liberal, Conservative or Moderate. Not relating to politics in any way but these 3 represents the total Moral compass of your legacy family.
For example: The morality of your legacy family may influence things like how much clothing (or lack there of) your sims family wears. It could determine the types of activities your sims might get involved in as well. Just an idea.
Forgive me if I somehow missed it, but are we allowed to age-up a townie with a cake , ie: Cassandra Goth, into adult if we know it is their birthday?
I looked through all the questions, but I don’t think I saw this particular one. Forgive me if it’s already been asked:
On rule 4: “The Legacy Family must remain on the same lot for the duration of the challenge. They are free (and encouraged) to develop their house but they may not move into a new house. Rooms may be imported into the house from the exchange as long as the family pays full price for the construction and items contained within.”
Does that mean we can’t knock down anything the family has already built and put a pre-made house on the lot, once we get enough money? In TS2 and TS3 you couldn’t plop down a new house with a family already on the lot, but in TS4 that’s a doable thing. Does it fit within the rules?
You may build a pre made house on the lot as long as it doesn’t contain any career reward objects.
Hi, How are you? I’m still trying to wrap my head around most of the rules. So i have a few questions, unfortunately.
1. Which Sims can work to bring in an income? Is it just the founder (and/or) heir and the spouse but no spares can work?
2. If I see a home in the gallery I can afford and would like to place it on my 50×50 lot can I do that. (I’m pretty rubbish at building).
Thats all the questions i can think of although I had plenty more. lol
1. Founder, Heir, Spouses, & Spares can all work providing they all still live in the Legacy house.
2. Yes
If a spouse move into the family and bring money with them. Which cheat will make the money go back to as it was before?
The testing cheats enabled money cheat is allowed to be used to dial back down the funds.
Can I age up a baby early or do I have to wait for the game to force an age up?
Once it suggests aging them up (the 2nd message related to aging up) you can do so.
My second generation is preggy, and my founder’s boyfriend (they never married) but he lived in the founder’s house is dead and I know we cannot bring them back from the dead is in the rules, but now with the addition of ghosts, you can ask the ghost to move in and you can “play” the ghosts, work on inspirations, get a job etc. Is this allowed? I am guessing probably not, but thought I would double check.
I’m testing out ghosts and will make a ruling. My current inclination is “no” to inviting them in, but yes to interacting them when they randomly wander from their graves.
Might I suggest a way of doing this? Only original founders may be invited to live in the house as a ghost but they must quit their jobs. Story telling wise this could have its advantages to keep the story in their perspective for 10 generations.
What’s the cheat for subtracting household funds? I only know “kaching”, “rosebud”, and “motherlode”, which all add money.
sims.modify_funds [+ or – amount]
ex: sims.modify_funds -20000
Hi, first legacy attempt, I have a few questions:
1. If a spare marries and brings this spouse into the legacy house, are both the spare and his/her spouse able to add to the legacies points and scoring?
2. If the spare and spares spouse have a child, can that child’s achievements be used towards the legacy’s scoring?
3. Can you use ‘fulledit cas mode’ to add tattoos? Otherwise there currently is no other way to add tattoo to existing sims.
Really enjoying all the rules and challenges. It’s such a cool way to play TS 🙂
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
Once you know your heir for sure and both parents are still alive (will do elders soon and I don’t plan on having anymore kids), do you have to wait for all other siblings to age up to young adults before moving them out? Or could I move them?
You may move them out or keep them in the house. Up to you.
My sim just just gut rich and i can’t find the cheat to get the old amount of money back ( her boyfriend moved in)
I know we can have as many spouses as we want but does that also mean that non-heir spouses are allowed to be move in in order to use their jobs for income?
Yes! As long as they don’t bring in $20,000, that is fine 🙂
Hey this isn’t really legacy related but I know my main Founder and his spouse aged up on the same day but after a week or so (sim-time) now he will age up to an elder in 8 days and she won’t become an elder for 14… Can anyone imagine why she is aging so much slower?
Actually I’ve realized there was a glitch and for some reason my spouse is no longer aging…. I don’t know what happened or how to fix it but since they were the same age I guess I will just force her to age up when he ages up.
I actually had the same issue, my primary spouse was almost dead and the legacy founder was stuck at 18 days to become an elder for a while. I went to the game options and more sure everyone was set to age up normally and then I saved and exited my game and reentered. After that point the legacy founder was aging normally.
There are a few factors that determine how fast or slow a Sim ages. One of which is dependent on how active they were in their lifetime, another is how healthy they ate (I think), there are others, but I’m not sure of them.
Okay. Thanks, but now I have th problem of my sim is not aging. I knew we were allowed one life potion so I had her drink it hoping it might somehow reset her aging but it’s still frozen. I know I can force her aging with a cake but can you for death?
I don’t think so.
Just one question! Is the spouse allowed to work aswell?
Yes the spouse can work 🙂
okay thanks! 😀 another question. As you said that for same gendered pairs it would be only adption but would it be okay to use a same gender pregnancy mod?
A same gender pregnancy mod would be allowed.
Hello! I was thinking of starting this. I’ve never done a legacy before.
A question: Can we still change/modify community lots? Say for example wedding ceremonies, parties, etc.? Given that there will be no direct benefit to my family other than nice screenshot aesthetics?
Yes you may alter community lots to fit your needs, including downloading ones off the gallery and even changing their types.
This may have already been asked or put somewhere in the rules, but I can’t seem to find it. Are there any rules on bringing back sims as ghosts in the challenge? If we can, is there any restrictions on what they can do?
I have not made a formal ruling on this yet, expect one later this week.
I can’t believe I never tried this. And I’ve been playing since sims 1.
So one question: if I take a futur spouse #legacyloves from the gallery , how I do that?
A) Merge with the house from the gallery
B) put her/him in the neighborhood
C) something else?
Download them, but then cancel the move in. This will leave them in the neighborhood but in the same “Not in this world” status as normally generated random townies.
Dont know if this has been asked and seems a bit silly but!
With the children and the heir… is the heir/founder etc the only sim you are allowed to control?
If you have like 4 kids do you kick out the other 3 as soon as possible and only keep the heir in?
You can control everyone in the household.
Hi, I read all the commentaries and did not see my question! So here I ask:
-I really hate ugly sims, can I edit townies/members of the family/Spouses with testingcheats true / cas.fulleditmode as long as I don’t change the traits or the aspirations?
I really want to make this challenge without cheating! 🙂
As long as you don’t alter traits, you’re fine.
[…] So I am starting a Sims 4 legacy challenges. I will hopefully be able to make it 10 generations and follow the rules posted Here […]
I have never played a legacy challenge before. My founder married and the day after the wedding the spouse turned into an elder.
Can I have my sim remarry after the death of her spouse or possibly have children with someone else while still married?
Will these children still be eligible for heir for the next generation?
Can I have the NEW spouse move in?
If your founder is female and the spouse is male, they can still have kids. It’s only if the spouse is female that that wouldn’t work because Elder female Sims can’t get pregnant.
Your founder can definitely have children with someone else and those kids will still count because they are directly related to your founder. You just can’t have that new Sim father move in until the old Sim passes away. Also, did your first spouse bring in any money? If so you can’t move in any new spouses, if he didn’t then you can move in a new Sim as soon as he passes away.
Thank you so much for responding so quickly. My first spouse did however bring in 20K, but I deducted the funds because the rules state that you can not keep any funds a spouse my bring in. I will just have to wait until the primary spouse dies to move in a second spouse?
Since you cheated the money out, then you can move in another Sim! It’s only if you had used it that you wouldn’t have been able to.
“The first spouse brought into the house each generation (once that generation’s heir reaches young adulthood) is known as the “Primary Spouse” The distinction of “Primary Spouse” does NOT mean the spouse HAS to be the sim who helps bring about the next generation. The “Primary Spouse” distinction is important for two scoring categories.”
Im confused as to what this means…??? Please Explain.
This just means that the first Sim your founder/heir marries is considered the “Primary Spouse” and the only spouse capable of earning points for that generation. You can still move in other spouses if the Primary Spouse passes away, but they cannot earn points for that generation.
Hope that helps to clear things up. If not, let me know.
Hello and a big thanks for the challenge! 🙂 Sadly, the Party Animal aspiration is currently bugged (for some people, completed parties don’t count towards the goal (proof here: And I’m among the ones who have this glitch 🙁 So my question is, what should I do if any of my Sims gets this aspiration? Should I keep track of the completed parties myself and then use a cheat to go one step higher in the aspiration progress, or can I change the aspiration (with some randomizer, perhaps?), or do something else? Thank you very much for the answer.
Yes, in the case of a bug, using a cheat is perfectly acceptable to get the point. Just make sure you keep track of everything to avoid earning the point before you would if the bug weren’t in the game.
The rules state that the challenge ends once an eligible heir is born, but I was curious. In an attempt to save the last family point for the final generation by choosing a “Last Born Patriarchy” Any born male would technically be the heir but because it is a last born son could this cause the challenge to continue the ninth generation heir and spouse can no longer have kids? Or is the rule when any child is born in the tenth generation and not and Heir (conversely I understand they could just adopt nine kids and then have a child but I don’t like adopting.)
In your case, the moment any child is born, the challenge is done. If you are doing a strict patriarchy, it ends the moment the first male child is born. While the “Last Born” succession law does favor younger children, technically the first child born is also the last if they don’t have any siblings yet.
So.. started this today. i’ve been playing since the game came out and i think i’m on my 8th generation but i didnt follow any of the rules so i started over and i’m excited to try this.
I had a sim move in and he brought 20,000 and the money cheat wont work. i’ve tried it so many ways and it wont reset to the origingal 1,459 🙁 help?
The Sims VIP’s site has the most comprehensive guide to the more advanced cheats, including the money cheat. That should help you get the money cheat working.
The money cheat didn’t work for me either and I keep having to look it up, so here it is for anyone else that the money cheat doesn’t work for
then you do -20000 or whatever amount the other sim brought in
No one has mentioned this but can you auto level a baby to a child? If the child lasts until 3 years old one of the parents will lose their job because they can only miss one day of work each. By the 3rd day one of your adults is starting over. Can someone explain please.
You can have both parents go to work. The baby will automatically be sent to daycare! I didn’t realize that at first either!
When they say i can not bring a sim back from the dead does that include the book of life?
I am playing the challenge without the 20K marriage with my Matriarchs first husband and even though we have only the one heir apparent, we have a two story house and nice furniture. I HIGHLY recommend making your first character a writer/author since they make oodles of simoleons, like 4K a day at the high levels, and that is not counting promotions and bonuses.
Can you move in a spouses siblings/parents/children/roommates.. ect?
Also, I think it would be a good idea to list the “money cheat”.. I never used this before, I supposed I could just google it :p but it’d be a little more convenient if it was listed here.
As long as they aren’t the last one in their household (and thus bring money) yes.
Since the founder doesn’t necessarily have to marry to make the next heir, wouldn’t it be more proper to call the spouse a mate instead?
For example, the founder has a mate not living in the house with her, and that mate is the heir’s parent.
Very good point. the use of the term spouse is more of an artifact title from previous incarnations of the Legacy Challenge.
My founder is married with twin baby girls, but I want to add some drama to my game, so am I allowed to have my founder cheat on her fiancee and have a mystery baby daddy storyline?
Absolutely! I’m doing the same thing in my Sims 2 Legacy right now, haha.
Is there a rule that you can only bring in one sim to the household per generation? Also, I’ve been playing since the first Sims came out, I wish I had found this challenge earlier! I almost always play without cheats on one lot for several generations. The score sheet is pretty cool!
That used to be a rule, but it’s not anymore. The only time that rule applies is if the spouse you bring in also brings in $20,000.
Question about Spouses: “You may have spares get married if you so desire and create ‘cadet branches’ within the household. The first spouse brought into the house each generation (once that generation’s heir reaches young adulthood) is known as the “Primary Spouse” The distinction of “Primary Spouse” does NOT mean the spouse HAS to be the sim who helps bring about the next generation. The “Primary Spouse” distinction is important for two scoring categories.”
My current (teen) heir apparent and her (young adult) cousin are living with their moms and due to unplanned events and whims the cousin has just proposed to his girlfriend. Although they are technically the same generation, does his spouse still take the Primary role as far as counting new traits and being memorialized? So would I memorialize the female cousin and the spouse of the male cousin?
I’d say you can count them as the next generation since they won’t be reproducing until young adulthood anyway.
I have a question about primary spouses.
My heir had her boyfriend move in. He proposed shortly thereafter and she said no (ouch!). I had him immediately propose again to see what would happen…and well, he died of embarrassment. He was in the Legacy Household a total of, like, 2 SimHours.
Now my heir has met, fallen in love with, and married another man (the dead boyfriend’s roommate…but we won’t get into that).
The rules say the first Sim to move in once the heir ages up to YA is the primary spouse…so is the dead boyfriend her primary spouse?
Yep, but you use the new boyfriend to determine the child’s traits once they start having children.
So I got the worst possible (to me anyway) heir. I rolled for my two candidates’ traits and aspirations, as well as who would be heir by using a random number generator. The heir I ended up getting is mean, a slob, and non-commital (no idea where those traits came from, completely random!) Not only that, but she has the same aspiration of my founder. >.<
I'm gonna be frank, I don't want her as heir, buuut my inheritance law is random. Would it be breaking any rules to say, "let" my heir die in a house fire so the spare becomes heir? If not that, have another kid to get a better chance at anyone but her? I feel like it might be breaking the 2nd rule, "No restarting after bad events."
Thanks in advance!
There is nothing in the rules saying you cannot kill off an unwanted heir. It’s an allowable gambit for a reason 🙂
😀 That’s awesome. You just made me sooo happy.
I am playing a challenge right now and wondering if I can age up my baby to a child? I know that we can only use anti-aging once but the rules never mention anything about aging up. I know that it does mention that we have to set our lifespans to “Normal” so I was wondering if aging a sim up would break that rule? Thanks for your help! 😀
You can age them up once the game announces that it’s their birthday.
Would it be allowed to move in somebody from the not living sims into some of the empty houses?
Yes you may do that, and they are even still eligible for Legacy Spouses.
Ok, so it says that you cannot adopt while there is another infant in the house but can you have more than one naturally born infant at the one time?
Correct. This is because you have a ~3 day waiting period for natural pregnancy, so the chance of multiples balances that out a little bit.
Hiya again,
With bringing in spouses from #LegacyLoves, is it okay if I edit the sim I have chosen slightly if it has custom content because I tried to add a sim to my world but because she had custom content she was bald and wearing a dressing gown for everyday.
Yes, you can change their physical appearances, you just can’t change their traits.
I have a family where the spouse’s aspiration is to be a public enemy. One level of this involves being despised by two neighbours. However, I’m playing on the 50×50 lot in Oasis Springs and the only nearby house has no-one in it. Would it be cheating for me to move the Landgraab family into that house? I’m assuming the lack of story progression means no-one will move in naturally and there’s no other way I can think of to complete this aspiration. Would you say that constitutes cheating or is it okay?
Thanks for making such an amazing challenge 🙂
If no one is moving in automatically, then I would say that moving in a family into that house is fine.
I have a question about spares. One of my children has become an adult and I’m thinking about moving him out.. but I was going to complete an aspiration and max out one or two of his skills first so I can get some points. Will I be able to do that?
Absolutely! Spares can earn you Legacy Challenge points. In fact, some of the categories need to have spares contributing if you want to get some of the higher scores for them.
I am not sure where this question fits but I’m afraid my Legacy family is going to get messed up.
My Founder and her husband were both young adults at the same number of days when I moved him into the house. My Founder had one child and became 4 days younger than her husband. Then she had a second child and is now 6 days younger. I am doing a First born Matriarchy so if I don’t have any females I can still use a male child as an heir, But…
my female sim doesn’t age when pregnant and both of her children are boys, so far.
The way this is going, her husband could die of old age before she has any girls. I know in the rules we can use 1 youth potion per sim, but it seems kind of invalid if their ages will keep distorting every time they get pregnant. What if it happens every generation?
Is there some work around for this? =/
This seems to be a gameplay aspect built into the game: Pregnant sims don’t age while preggers. This is not a bug. The youth potion rule still applies and getting pregnant doesn’t count against the limit.
This is my first legacy challenge and I have a couple of questions so far:
1. Is our founder (the sims we started the challenge with) and their primary spouse considered the first generation, or is their child the first generation?
2. How can we find our household worth?
Thanks for doing all this – it’s amazing!
I’m going to be updating our FAQ again soon as we’ve been getting this question a lot, but yes the founder and their spouse are considered generation one 🙂 Their children are generation two.
To find out household worth go into build/buy mode then click the little icon that looks like a house with an i on it. That will show you the worth of the household and won’t factor in any money that the Sims have in current spending money (which is what you want).
Hi !
I haven’t seen my question, so there it is :
Are ghosts allowed to earn money with their skills ? (painting, writing books, selling the products of fishing/gardening…)
Thank you very much, I love this challenge and I only play with my Legacy Challenge family (’cause I love them so much !)
My heir rolled the same Aspiration as her father. Do I roll again for a different aspiration or just have her do Nerd Brain again?
Do Nerd Brain again. It’s all luck of the draw with the generator. If you happen to complete that one, you can have your heir do another afterwards.
Thanks for the quick reply! It will be interesting to watch an insane sim be a Nerd Brain
Are we allowed to use the rewards potions? The Insta-Lean for example?
Yes! The only limit is one use of the youth potion per sim.
I understand, of course, that aging must by one for your Legacy Household, but can we turn aging off for Townies and other “in-World” households. I was thinking that might be a good way to avoid some of the problems associated with Worlds silting up with homeless ghosts and other deficiencies in the way the game handles Townies.
Thanks for getting back to me so fast. I think I actually already gathered that from scrolling all up and down your comment threads after posing the question, but I appreciate the official ruling. I’ll try not to pepper you with too many previously answered questions in the future.
In fact, don’t even bother to reply if the following assumption is true, but I don’t think I’ve seen an answer to this question:
While it would be desirable to change one of my Founding Father’s traits, and assuming there even is an in-game (as in without cheats or mods) way to change a Sims traits, I’m playing under the assumption that we cannot change the traits of our heads-of-household, spouses or any offspring who might potentially emerge as the rightful heir, that part of the idea of the LC is to just play the hand your dealt.
Thanks again!
I’m not sure if there is an in-game way to change the traits without using a cheat, however, you can’t change the traits of your founder or any heirs/spouses/spares that live in the house since traits contribute to points. You can change physical appearance and what-not, but not traits.
Are you allowed to use the Rewards Store stuff like the ones where you don’t need as much sleep, don’t need to eat as much, etc?
I was just reading through the comments and saw where you said we can’t create our own ideal spouses. I guess I missed that when I was reading these gameplay rules, but I’m on my 3rd gen now and I created 2 of the 3 spouses for my heirs. I made them in CAS, then put them in the gallery with #LegacyLoves, then brought them into my game from the gallery. Is this considered cheating? Do I need to start over?
Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. It was a mistake and we certainly aren’t going to make you start over for that! I would say from now on just use Legacy Loves created by other people. The reason for this rule is so that you can’t pick and choose the traits you get since that will make the “Love” category too easy.
Question about spouses. I don’t currently have internet on my desktop pc where I play my Sims, therefore I can’t access the LegacyLoves made by other ppl. Would it work to create my own and somehow randomize traits and aspirations?
I’d say so, or just have a family member spit out a bunch of random sims. The main reason for the rule is so that you can’t hand-craft trait-perfect spouses, but if you’re just hitting random then you should be good.
Would using a voodoo doll to resurrect a recently dead Sim be considered cheating or a form of pleading?
The only pleading you can do is directly with the reaper, so no voodoo doll.
My child sim (heir) completed her Aspiration. I’ve never had this happen before and now I am being asked to pick a new one. She is soon to become a teen and my question is; When I put information into the random generator, do I use the original childhood Aspiration or the new one which she has done little or no work on?
The calculator never cares about aspirations. So what their previous one was or what their parents were, doesn’t matter. You only put in her parents traits and what her childhood trait.
“The distinction of “Primary Spouse” does NOT mean the spouse HAS to be the sim who helps bring about the next generation. ”
My young adult sim married an adult sim who turns into an elder in 2 days! I had her get pregnant successfully right away but what happens to her children? Are they locked in because their father is an elder? or can she remarry ……..or have children by another sim who can also be eligible for heirs? I’m doing strict traditional, equality and exemplar : geek trait Is she stuck with this one chance of eligible children?
Your Sim can marry again and any of her children can be the heirs. The primary spouse distinction is just to classify which spouse gets points for the family. And that is the primary spouse. Her second spouse would not (in other words if her new spouses maxes his aspiration you can’t use that for points). Keep in mind that elder males can still impregnate females, so he won’t be completely useless once he becomes elder. Also, depending on his aspiration, you might be able to complete it before he dies as well.
” … elder males can still impregnate females, so he won’t be COMPLETELY useless once he becomes elder … ”
Gee, thanks, pal! Ba hahaha ha ha!
LOL I didn’t mean it like that! I just meant in terms of the Legacy challenge. Sorry!
Can you use the birthday cake to age up townies?
Yes you may.
Hey Pinstar and ImaginingMystic, just a few quick questions regarding the new patch (my apologies if this was updated somewhere and I missed it).
1. Can our Sims take the paid vacation time that was added to the game?
2. I’m guessing the moveobjects on cheat is a-okay to use since it’s always been allowed in previous Sims games’ legacy challenges?
3. Are Athletic and Business careers now added to the Nature category to earn that point? In other words, if we’ve patched our games and now have the Business and Athletic careers, do we need to complete those careers in addition to every other career in order to earn the one point for completing the careers collection?
Hiya! I didn’t see this until just now, but it looks like I actually answered your questions in a post that I posted this morning. Hope it helps!
Thanks ImaginingMystic! Sorry to post questions that you’ve already answered. I try to scroll through comments and reread sections for updates but there’s a lot to go through and I miss things sometimes.
Oh no worries! I posted the answers later yesterday morning so they probably were up when you had asked your questions!
At some point I really need to update the FAQ page… lol.
Can someone help me with this. I recently had to update my origin account and after the update
Origin erased my downloaded game of sims 4. I tried to download sims
4 again and now I get an error message saying that I already used the product
code. Of course it has already been used, I used it to download it
Initially. I’m just so frustrated, I need to know is this an origin problem
our should I just buy the game again. That isn’t fair at all.
Hmm, sorry I have no idea! I would suggest posting this is the “Technical Disccussions” section on the Official Sims Forums.
Good luck!
So the gallery now automatically shows you a sim’s traits and aspirations before you download/add it to your game – thus ruining the whole #LegacyLoves system for spouses. Any ideas?
Exhibit A: The Online Gallery
Exhibit B: The In-Game Gallery
I would say ignore the traits as best you can. We can’t prevent people from looking, but having the #LegacyLoves is helpful to find available spouses.
Youth Potion: Per Challenge rules the Youth Potion cannot be used.
Can there be an exception of unusual circumstances?
Here is my situation:
Second Gen Twins Female/Male
The Female (2nd Gen Heiress) now is four days younger than her brother.
Pregnancy and the baby stage in particular somehow freezes the Mother’s age until the baby ages to a child.
Both Twins are on the brink of becoming Elders.
I want to use the Youth Potion at this point (Male Sim Elder Birthday) on her brother so in four days when it is her birthday I can age them together.
The Legacy Challenge allows the use of one youth potion per sim, so that’s fine. It is the Wonderchild challenge that strictly forbids the use of the youth potion.
Hey, so I just had a question… I started the challenge recently. Both of my original children have become young adults now. Do I move the whole family out when my desired heir gets married or do I keep the family in the household until the parents die? Should I move out she spares right away or does it matter? I couldn’t find this information in your guide anywhere. Thank you.
This is all up to you. Once you have your next gen heir as a young adult, you are free to move the parents out if you desire. Granted, you can’t use them to earn more points once they are out of the house, and you can’t move them back in if you later change your mind. The same applies to spares: You can keep them in until they grow old and die or you can move them out to make room. Up to you!
[…] Game play rules can be found at: […]
About the ghosts, i have a living sim who I’ve decided to dedicate towards the upgrading things (for scoring) and my ghost in the family has been doing a lot of repairing (not ghostly repair) so he has a LOT of parts, would i be able to give these parts to the living sim so he can use them to upgrade or would that count as ghosts helping with the scoring??
Hey, I have a silly question. My spare still living in the house got pregnant with townie Sim (I didn’t move him in). Unfortunately, she gave birth to one too many children and now I don’t have place for heir’s children. Can I move her out but keep the children (I want to use them in case the heir’s daughter dies before she becomes heir and I don’t manage to get a spare)? If yes, whose traits should I use in the generator – biological parents’ or heir’s and her spouse’s, as they will be raising them?
Thank you for all the awesome work.
While playing the lagacy family, once the next matriarch reaches young adult age, does everyone else have to move out like the parents and siblings, or can they all die out still in the same household?
They can all live and die in the house, no one needs to move out 🙂
May I age the babies?
You can once you get the notification that it is the baby’s birthday.
Oh, thank you 😀
It’ll make my live much easier!
Does use of a Death Flower count as the “one approved life-extension” or is it forbidden as bringing back the dead? I’m hoping to slightly extend the life of my elder while he reaches the top of his career, but I don’t want to reset him all the way back to the start of the life stage. Thanks for your help!
Death Flower doesn’t count against your one approved life extension.
Can the founder go to other sim’s houses and eat, sleep and do other stuff there?
,,You can even add your own entries! Simply make one or more sims in CAS, then upload them to the gallery wiht the #LegacyLoves tag. Please do not upload pre-played sims to that hashtag as it remembers their skills. Please don’t write what the Sims’s traits are in the description. I don’t want people to be able to pick and choose what traits their spouses have.”
I can see in traits and aspiration of #LegacyLoves sims in the gallery (in second picture). What to do now? 🙂
At this point we’re just going to hold everyone to the “honor system”. If you say you won’t look at them, we trust you 🙂 There’s really no way to monitor it beyond that.
“When playing a Legacy Challenge, your legacy family is the ONLY family you may play in that saved game. You MAY move in new families into the neighborhood during your challenge (keeping in mind that they can be used for friends, but not spouses) but you may not play them.”
So does this mean that I can’t have any other families in my whole game? I was planning on doing the Wonder Child Challenge as well but if this rule applies to my Legacy Challenge family then can I still add a Wonder Child family to the neighborhood?
They can’t be on the same save file as the Legacy family, no, because if you were to switch to the Wonder Child Challenge the Legacy family would continue to age and progress without your interactions. You will need to make a new game to play the Wonder Child Challenge. When you first start the game click the “+” symbol at the bottom to create a new game.Create your new Sims, name them, something other than what you named your Legacy and then start the game. When you save it name it something else that you create a different save file for it.
I think I may have inadvertently broken a major rule…. I had thought that you could marry the spares and bring the spares spouses into the legacy house so you could have cadets branches for a more interesting story.
I have done this with every generation so far.
1. Is this allowed?
2. If it is allowed are the spares and their spouses and their children allowed to add to the legacies points?
3. If it is allowed if the house gets full can I move out the spare and her/his children?
4. If it is allowed can I also move out the spares spouse even though he/she was moved in to create this cadet branch?
1. Yes
2. The spares are, their spouses and children do not.
3. Absolutely
4. Yes!
Hey Pinstar,
Um, this latest ruling is in complete contradiction of a ruling you made a bit further up the page. In that comment, the same question was asked about spares and spouses/children and you answered in the affirmative.
Could you elaborate which rule and which comment are in contradiction? We just want to make sure we’re clear which ones we are looking at.
Hello ^^ Yes, I did link the comment, but here it is:
Hi, first legacy attempt, I have a few questions:
1. If a spare marries and brings this spouse into the legacy house, are both the spare and his/her spouse able to add to the legacies points and scoring?
2. If the spare and spares spouse have a child, can that child’s achievements be used towards the legacy’s scoring?
3. Can you use ‘fulledit cas mode’ to add tattoos? Otherwise there currently is no other way to add tattoo to existing sims.
Really enjoying all the rules and challenges. It’s such a cool way to play TS 🙂
Pinstar Legacy
October 5, 2014 at 1:25 am (UTC -4)
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
So the rule in question is about legacy spares bringing in spouses and creating a cadet branch within the household. Playalot had asked if the spouses and children counted toward points. Pinstar answered in the affirmative, but this last comment above, he answers that the spouses and children do not.
Sorry to double post, but I also found the same question about cadet branches under the scoring questions as well. The comment is this one: LenaLJ asked the same question. I hope that’s enough information for you ^^
I am confused about this rule:
Spouses may not bring in any money with them when they move in/marry into the family.
I saw Pinstar’s Masque Legacy videos and he uses his first spouse’s money to build the house.
So is it allowed or not ?
That video was made before the rule change that stated that Sim spouses couldn’t bring in money. Spouses can no longer bring in money. If they do it must be taken out using the money cheat.
Thank you ImaginingMystic, kinda replied on the wrong conversation lol
can I age up my baby and other sims or do I have to wait until there birthdays??
You need to wait until the game tells you it is their birthday 🙂
Thank you ImaginingMystic 🙂
Will take a while before we get a house then :p
Hi, Pinstar! I have a proposition in which I’m not sure if it would break any rules.
I wonder if, when DTS (Disappearing Townie Syndrome) shows up, could I save my houshold to the Gallery, as well as my home lot, and then transfer them to a new save game? And then I would switch out the usual premade townies with families found on the Gallery or put Currently not in World Sims into Households. Just a thought that I want to verify with you before doing so!
I’d say that’s fine. Any work arounds to get around bugs is good with me.
Can my sim have a job, and can she leave the lot to visit parks etc??
My founder married a Sim, and when I moved him in I realized that he was living with his younger teenage cousin, who I had no choice but move in as well. Can I keep her in the house or should I move her out as soon as she’s old enough? Thank you!
You can move the cousin in, but they cannot earn you any Legacy Challenge points.
Heres my scenario. I moved my sims lover in with her and eventually he wanted another girlfriend so I had him get one then moved her in as well. After that I decided to have his second lover cheat on him and have children. After my heir was born i moved him and his spare lover out but kept the child of his second lovers affair. Now I am raising that child to marry my spouse. Is all of this witbin the rules? Lol
Depends on your succession laws.
Mine is a strict Matriarchy and the child I kept as the spouse is a boy.
This isn’t a question, but I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work and maybe give an idea to some fellow simmers. 😉
I’ve been playing this challenge for a few days and I’ve mixed it in with some elements of the Homeless Challenge (your sims can only make money by painting, collecting, fishing, etc.. Anything that doesn’t involve getting a job) and this has been SO much fun for me, probably because it makes it even more challenging and gives it a little twist. Thank you for being such an awesome simmer and sharing this challenge with your fellow plumbob fans. c:
P.S. I hope this comment section isn’t just for questions. If it is, my apologies.
You said must reamain on lot. Does this literally mean i cannot leave the lot that is my home lot, or can i like go to the gym in town or something? I’m not sure if you meant this specifically for the moving aspect or not.
Just for moving purposes.
Hi! I started this challange and i saw that the houses in the 50×50 lots are amazing so i bought a smaller one and i bought things until i only have 1,800 simelons and i put the objects in my family inventory. Is it okay? And also can my sim paint to earn money? Thank you! 🙂
If they’re in the family inventory that should be fine, and yes you may paint for cash.
[…] I’ll be playing for points and following Pinstar’s rules. Which can be found here […]
can i visit my neighbors house to use their facilities? 😀
What happens if your founder’s spouse dies and no child has been born/adopted that’s valid as heir? Thanks!
You may re-marry. They aren’t a ‘primary spouse’ but they can still produce a valid heir.
I’ve been trying to figure the answer to this out but I can’t find it. I’m sure it’s simple and easy but I don’t know.
Once you determine your eligible heir, is it okay to keep their siblings in the legacy house, and have them marry and have kids? I like to have a full house. And if so, who is eligible to earn points?
Siblings (aka Spares) are able to earn points, but their spouses and children are not.
Before I start gardening in my legacy I wanted to ask. I have a mod that makes the evolve action like the other gardening actions. You can choose evolve on one plant and it will evolve all the plants that need it. It also adds evolve to the tend gardening actions. Is this a legacy legal mod?
I don’t see why not. It just makes it one continuous action right? Your Sim will autonomously go to the next plant? I just want to make sure it won’t have your Sim evolve all plants at once (which to me seems like it may be an unfair advantage).
These quality of life mods are generally acceptable, as long as you can’t evolve a plant sooner or to a higher level than you could normally do without the mod.
I have a few questions.
Spouse – The Primary Spouse may be used to gain legacy points correct? I have a primary spouse (who I didn’t change the aspiration of or any traits – all randomly generated) and I’ve played her with my family. She’s been a great addition and has given me a lot of points. I’d hate to lose her.
Also, if my heir falls in love with a townie, and when I move that townie in to become the primary spouse, if he/she has any maxed skills or is ahead in a career, can I keep that progress, work off of it, and still claim those legacy points?
Since it’s townies, I know its unlikely/impossible for them to have any maxed out anything, but I just didn’t know if I would be penalized for moving a townie in that is a level 5 in their career or something. Thanks!
The primary spouse can earn points, yes.
If an incoming primary spouse has any maxed skills, then yes you instantly get points for that! There is no penalty for finding a townie with really good skills and/or career. You just can’t import/make sims of your own to bring into the family.
[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Gameplay Rules […]
“Spouses may not bring in any money with them” I don’t think this should be a rule. What if my sim was not just marring for kids but for money to. In RL you don’t tell your soon to be spouse to give up all there money so why in the game should we have to?
The reason for this restriction is to make the beginning of the challenge more difficult. Suddenly having 20,000+ simoleons at your disposal due to marriage would make things significantly easier. You are welcome to ignore this rule, but would not be able to track points.
hi so i have parents, who have had 3 children, the girl is just becoming an adult and is heir, once sheis an adult can i move the parents out of the house so she can continue the line to marry and have babies of her own? sorry if already answered couldn’t find it
Yes, you may do that if you don’t want to deal with the older generation hanging around the house.
[…] whatnot, but I promise I am staying true to ALL legacy rules and regulations (which can be found here), except for rule #9 because it interferes with the storytelling, but other sims outside of the […]
Is there any restrictions to the families uploaded to #LegacyLoves?
Nope! Though it’s best if you avoid custom content since it won’t download properly to other people’s games.
I have a question. Can I use the Genetic Transfusion mod for this challenge?
Not knowing everything about this mod…if all it alters is their genetics then it is fine…anything that alters a sim’s appearance without impacting gameplay (relationship points, wealth, needs, etc) is fine!
“A Sim may utilize an anti-aging item ONCE in their lifetime. This includes drinking a youth potion or milking the cow plant.” Does this also include ambrosia? Because at the latter part it said “You may cook [Ambrosia] and have living sims eat it if you wish.” Or is it part of the anti-aging items?
So I stopped playing my Legacy family a while ago because my 2nd gen. heiress and her husband can’t seem to stop having boys, and I’m trying to run a matriarchy. I decided to revisit them today, and I just had them Try for Baby again. I was curious about the gender, so I did a pregnancy scan…another boy (their FIFTH). I feel dirty for wanting to change the gender to female, even though the LC rules allow for gender selection.
Is it okay if I just choose their oldest son as the heir (I really like his genetics and his aspiration) and let them stop having kids, even though the heiress is young enough to continue trying for a girl?
As long as it is a matriarch and not a STRICT matriarchy, you can just stick with the boys.
[…] normal rules are listed here. With my rules I have simply edited them to fit my style of gameplay. I’m doing a 100 baby, […]
Before I ask my primary question, I’d like to know if it’s against the rules to use a mod that scans pregnancies and tells me how many babies there are and what their genders are. Would this be an example of giving myself an unfair advantage?
I am running a Matriarchy (normal, not Strict), and my current heir is pregnant with her fifth son. I do not wish to change the gender of the child, so am I required to make them continue to have children until she is too old, or can I simply choose their firstborn son as the heir right now? She still has plenty of time left in adulthood, so she could conceivably continue having children until she has her first daughter, but I really don’t want to risk having her and her husband be too old to see all their kids grow up into at least teenhood.
A mod that tells you both the gender and number of children ahead of time is fine.
A non-strict matriarchy simply means that boys are able to be heir when there are no girls. There is no rule that states that you MUST keep having babies, so you could stop at the 5 boys and have one of them be heir based on your other succession laws. A Strict Matriarchy, on the other hand, would have 0 eligible heirs at this point, and you’d have to keep producing babies or risk having the family bloodline die out.
Are all rewards fair game, even the one that lowers bills? If I recall correctly there was a restriction on a similar reward in the TS3 legacy rules.
My founder married a divorced sim who already had a kid. They had 2 kids and now the founder died. Can my primary spouse remarry his ex and can I move in the other kid?(she won’t be the heir)
Yes, as long as they don’t bring in extra money from moving the whole family in.
My Sim has 3 kids. Do we have to use trait randomizer because I just closed my eyes and moved the mouse to pick the traits. Is it okay by the rules?
Whatever you want to do. The randomizer is there just to help you out.
If I think it’s prettier, can I start in a 40×30 lot and purchase items for my family inventory to reduce my starting funds to the same as if I bought a 50×50 lot? If I do, will I be billed the same as if I had a 50×50 lot with just the Knight?
Taxes will probably be a bit less because the 40 x 30 lot will be taxed for less. Not sure by how much though.
What I mean is, if I make up the difference in lot price by buying $1,500 in stuff in addition to the Knight, does the $1,500 in lot size get taxed at the same rate as $1,500 in objects?
That I’m not sure about. Sorry 🙁 It probably won’t be a huge difference in tax amounts though, so I’d say try it out and see!
I know in the rules it says we can’t play any other familiars while doing the legacy challenge but I had a question about that. My first generation heir had 4 kids. The first was a set of triplets and then she had another child when they turned into young adults cause I’m not using any of the triplets as heir. I had one of my daughters marry and move in with her husband (who is a townie) and I was wondering if I could play her so she could have kids and so it expands the family a bit. So there will be aunts and uncles and cousins. Because some 4 doesn’t have story progression. :/
The problem with this is that if you were to start playing her family, your main Legacy family would continue to age on their own lot, there isn’t story progression, but the whole town still ages regardless of whether or not you play them. The only way around this would be to move your side family onto a completely different save file so you can play them without it negatively affecting your main Legacy.
Hii, do I age up child sim when they got an A grade or when the notification comes up? thank you 🙂
When the notification comes up that it is their birthday.
Thank youu:)
i didn’t read any rule on age up or no age up or when in the rule set. did i miss something?
i only read on reverse process of anti-aging
Age up only when the game says, “It’s so and so’s birthday! Buy a cake and throw a party!” or… whatever it says LOL
When does this legacy actually end? My generation 10 child is about to be born. Does the legacy end when his/her parents achieve their aspiration or when the generation 10 child reaches his/her aspiration? Thanks!
It ends when the 10th gen baby is born 🙂
Yay! I have to say I’m more than ready for this legacy to end. The game is so very glitchy. Apparently the game files got tired! 😉 the final chapter should be posted today or tomorrow.
I know the spouse is not allowed to work, but can he write books or play music etc.? I need to know as I am really struggling for money and went a week without paying bills (I’ve paid them now).
For the base Legacy Challenge, the spouse is allowed to work.
Thank you!!
So I was playing my family and one of my heirs died – no notification, no visible death sequence, nothing, just found her urn after no indication she was dying. Is there a way to determine cause of death?
Hmm… I don’t believe so since ghost colors no longer tell you how they died. Unless it says how on the family tree, I don’t think you can.
Can I age up my sim early? Or do I have to wait for them to age up naturally?
Oops saw the previous comment, don’t worry!
[…] […]
[…] before, “Free and I have been here less than 48 hours and already your Player has broken Pinstar’s 9th rule of gameplay just to accommodate […]
Hey, I have a question.
I don’t enjoy playing male sims, I don’t know why. What I’ve been doing is getting my sims pregnant by random townies and then never meet them again. Is that okay?
Also, I completely forgot about “Only spouse can move in” rule. Are my sims not allowed to have wives move in? They are all randomly generated by the game and all and they don’t make offspring. Just wanted some of my sim mums to be less lonely.
Spouses mean a wife or a husband so wives and husbands can be moved in.
And yes, female Sims can become pregnant by random townies without moving them in.
Sweet, thanks!
Oh yeah, was eating fruits to influence gender allowed? I did not do the whole point system, only played for fun, if that matters.
I believe the gender fruits are perfectly fine! If I remember correctly they don’t give a 100% chance of the gender even if you do consume them? They just increase the chance. I’ll confirm that with Pinstar though. It could possibly be a problem if you are doing a strict gender law, but if you aren’t then it’s really not a big deal. I’ll get back to you on this!
Ok, just confirmed it with Pinstar. The fruit is allowed since it’s not a 100% chance.
Also, I have to ask as I see your email… do/did you play Petz? That’s actually the game that got me into gaming! I started with Petz 3 back in the mid-90’s and was super involved in the community there until Sims came out. Every so often I think about that game and how much fun I had with it. Such an awesome little game 🙂
Ohh, thanks for replies, I only just saw your comments, sorry!
Yes, I did! I never had a good enough computer to play most of Petz games, sadly, plus we probably didn’t have earlier ones in our country anyway.
I got this email in my early teens when I had just discovered “make your own site” resource. Turns out you get mail account with it. Of course, considering when it was, the whole thing was just a mess of bright colors and gifs! Now I just use email sometimes.
So I take it you went gradually from Petz to Sims? Pretty much the same thing happened to me! While I would play other games also, as well as many before then, those two were some of the most memorable in my life.
Yep! Petz was my first PC game! I started with original Dogz and then moved to Petz 3 when it came out. It became my favorite since it allowed breeding. Then I played Petz 4 and 5 as well. 3 was always my favorite though 🙂
How on earth are we expected to complete all the aspirations and such if we have to randomize the traits and aspirations? What if, for example, I want to complete both the love aspirations but I can’t because none of my sims ever roll it on the calculator?
Sorry for taking so long to answer this, moving has been keeping us busy!
As per Pinstar: “Once you complete an aspiration on a Sim, you get to pick a new one…any one you want. You don’t have to roll on the generator for it. You can pick ones you’re missing”
However, considering new aspirations have been added and more will probably be added in the future… we may need to readdress this rule at some point.
MY SIM JUST DIED! She was about to get married and she died of fire! What do I do now? This was my first sim for the legacy too!
If she was a founder or heir without a spare then I’m afraid you’ll have to start over. If she was an heir, but you had a spare, then you can use the spare as the new heir.
Sorry if this has been asked (I tried to read all the questions above): My Heir married a female who already had two children. Can I move in the step-children and, more importantly, what can I use them for? Can they contribute money to the household from jobs and skills? Can I count their various achievements (skill levels/aspirations/careers) in my total?
Also, is it ok to actively interfere to murder sims to complete the ghost type points or does it have to happen without excessive manipulation?
They can contribute money to the family but they will not count for points, so anything that they do (reach the top of a career, max an aspiration, etc) will not count to the overall score of your family. Usually it’s recommended to move any Sims that don’t count out of the family once they become teenagers or young adults.
And yes, you can kill Sims for ghost type points.
Question: Since we just got a massive patch changing some of us over to 64 bit game, is it allowed for us to move our Legacy Challenge family, house and all to a new game save, just to avoid any bugginess that might be caused by this patch?
Any time you have to do something in game to either avoid or fix a bug, it is completely allowable for the challenge. We understand that bugs happen and won’t fault you for having to do something that you wouldn’t normally have to do.
Hey, coming back to this challenge a new, I was wondering if MC Command Centre was a permissible mod?
Basically, it does a couple things about in-game background upkeep and adds some story progression back into the game. Ghost towns stop being a thing with this mod.
Hey there! A new question popped up for me.
They added a new neighborhood in expansion and I quite like it. However, I recall rules saying you couldn’t move houses once you started legacy. But since they added new stuff while I was mid-challenge, I could not had predicted it.
Anyway, is it allowed to move legacy family to new lot or should I start a new one?
Ah! You know what, I meant to put something in the rules about this and somehow forgot. Yes, you can move to one of the larger lots with an already established Legacy family. But only once and you can’t move back to the old lot. I should update that right now. Thanks for the reminder!
Ahh, thanks! I happened to start a new family already, woops! But I can always come back to the other one and move them to a shiny new home.
Got another question, if you don’t mind. Are we allowed to use mods for higher bills? I find default bills to be underwhelming and by fifth or so generation on my last Legacy game, the payments would not even make a dent on budget anymore.
Any mods that make the challenge more difficult are fine. It’s the mods that make it easier that we don’t really want used 🙂
Oh, oh, got more, is that okay?
I like to play as aliens or at least unusual sims. I like to think I’m doing trait/firstborn + brood rules. However, alien townies are so hard to find and the game does not seem to generate them very fast.
So I have a couple of options usually, if limited supply does not give desired partner.
1. Have an alien-looking child with a human and pretend it’s an alien.
2. If alien parent is a different skin from what I like, I would probably try to have a baby with primary parent’s color.
So in both options, it might take a few tries to get a desired-looking kid.
Guess my question is, is it allowed to choose heir based on looks? And does the case #1 count as Brood rule? I am worried my game will run out of aliens or something.
Hope that made sense, thanks!
Sure! It’s not an official succession law, but we don’t have a problem with people taking their own creative liberties with the rules and changing it to suit their preferences 🙂
Err, I meant Xenophobic rule, not Brood. Woops.
[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Gameplay Rules […]
[…] Gameplay Rules […]
Hey Pinstar and ImaginingMystic, I actually have a couple questions regarding spouses.
1. Do you have to move in a spouse to be able to have children with them? I have a founder who’s the independent woman sort and I was hoping to have her be a single mom and her offspring be the result of a short love affair with a man she fell in and out of love with fairly quickly.
2. I’m having a hell of a time tracking down a single townie who isn’t completely hideous but one of the premade Sims from Windenburg seems to have hit it off well with my founder. I wasn’t planning on ever moving him in (hence question #1) so he’d never bring any money into the house and I didn’t know what his traits were until my Sim found them out by talking to him. Would he be okay to become a spouse/partner/baby donor/whatevs provided he adds no money to the household and my Sim found out his traits on her own without me having any prior knowledge of them?
1) No you don’t have to move the spouse in if you have a female founder/heir. Having a “baby daddy” that lives elsewhere is perfectly acceptable. You just won’t be able to use the guy for career/collection etc points.
2) Yes, that sounds perfectly fine!
Ah wait, actually scratch my question #1, I see ImaginingMystic answered it in a comment, sorry about that.
Oh haha, no worries, I didn’t see this when I answered so I answered anyway!
In regards to aging up children and teenagers, can we age them up as soon as they have an A grade, or must we wait until they age up on their own?
You must wait until the game prompts you to buy them a birthday cake for their birthday (which will be the last day of their current age I believe).
I just started my very first Legacy and I surmise from comments above my female founder’s love child with Don Lothario can be the next gen heir if I wish and he would not be considered her spouse/mate, right? But, can I move him in with her as long as they don’t marry? Or can she still marry him , move him in, etc. but his traits would not count for their child since he’s not a Townie? What if my Founder falls in love with an eligible Townie while still pregnant with Don’s child and wishes to marry this guy and have him move in, would he then be the Primary Spouse/Mate and I’d have to use HIS traits for the new child once it’s born? Even though he’s not the Baby Daddy?
BTW, I know I should just use her traits for Don’s child either way since he’s not a Townie. That’s my plan for the moment anyway. The only reason I ask is because I couldn’t find her a suitable spouse/mate from the Townie pool so I just had her use Don as a ‘donor.,’ lol BUT, lo and behold, she finally met an eligible Townie and they hit it off so I was thinking if all goes well, she’d marry this guy and move him in for more possible heirs in case I don’t like Don’s child. I use Equality/Traditional, Random, Tolerant for Succession Laws if that helps. 🙂
Don will count as a spouse. The old rule of “No townies” from Sims 2 no longer applies to Sims 4. Whoever your Founder marries and moves in first (either Don or the other townie) would be considered the primary spouse.
Okay, cool, thank you for your reply. 🙂 Glad to hear I can move Don in as a spouse if I wish. I thought according to the rules that pre-mades could not be used for spouses.
My founder, Spring Weather, had her baby, a sweet little girl at the hospital last night. She invited Don to come and he showed up, but then he freaked out and ran off screaming into the night. lol Spring is a little miffed at him now, but she might forgive him. He’s been a very attentive and loving boyfriend. When she told him she was preggers and he was the Father, I was very surprised when he was actually happy about it considering he’s non-committal.
I’m having fun with this Legacy Challenge, Misty is my first baby in the game and she’s such a sweet-natured baby, hardly cries at all. Have a great week and Happy Simming! 🙂
Glad you are enjoying it!
If I’m using a sim from the gallery (using #legacyloves) as a spouse for my current heir, can I move them directly into the legacy house, or should I move them into their own house first?
You can move them right into the Legacy house.
My founder, Mew Tajiri, is in the scientist career track and just made a clone of herself. Is the clone (labeled sister on the family tree) considered a spare and can she be used to earn the same points as if Mew had been a second gen heir instead of the founder?
The clone was added to my household automatically, while Mew was at work.
I would say that as long as the clone is living in the Legacy house, then yes, she can earn points.
I have a question about the primary spouse. My founder is supposed to complete both love aspirations and I started her on Serial Romantic. She has a boyfriend now but I won’t ask him to move in yet to make it easier with the romancing of other sims. But she is pregnant by him. Right now I am not even sure if he will be moving in at any point or if I will go for a different husband in the end for the other love aspiration. If the husband turns out to be someone else and I never move her current BF in, the husband would be the primary spouse, correct?
The current BF would just be a baby daddy in that case? And would the child of the BFstill be an eligible heir?
Thank you for the awesome challenge! I hope to finally get past a 6th Generation this time. (I managed 6 Gens in my original Sims 3 legacy but the game got bugged and I couldn’t continue)
Yes, whoever ends up in the household first. Doesn’t necessarily have to be the baby daddy. And yes that child could still be an heir as long as they meet the criteria of your succession laws and live in the Legacy household.
Thank you. Currently the daughter from the first BF is the only eligible heir, as I’m going for matriarchy and my founder got a boy from her second BF and then another boy from her third BF whom she is now married to (it’s Paolo Rocca, the spouse of your prettacy). They went back into the tent last night 😉 Hopefully a second girl will come around and then hopefully the rng gods are on my side, because the first born’s traits aren’t so great so far (mean and glutton for a serial romantic, which is the second love aspiration her mum is working on now). My succession laws are matriarchy, strict traditional, random and brood.
Anyway, I love the legacy challenge but have never managed to complete one. So fingers are crossed this time 😀
Good luck!
My sim just got married to Eric Lewis. Him and Alice still have their Olivia. Who gets custody of the child? Is it my choice? After all, it IS the sims…
Kids from previous marriages should remain in the household they were originally in.
Can you use the book of life to max out sim’s needs?
Is the heir the only child allowed to work? One of my spares needs to work to complete their aspiration. Is this ok or not?
Spares can work as well!
Hello! I apologize in advance if this question has been asked before, but there is just too much to check. 🙂
Anyways, this question is related to spouses. So, I plopped down someone from the #legacyloves, following the rules – however, upon moving him in as a Primary Spouse I found out that he had a job as a level 10 writer (journalist), I thought, at first, that this was a pre-played sim accidentally put on #legacyloves, but I checked the sims skills, and there were virtually none; meaning there was no pre-playing to my knowledge. Overall, I think this is a random job that was chosen for him when I moved him into the town, and so relating to that, are there are any specific rules on this? Should I make the spouse quit his job? Thanks. 🙂
That’s up to you! It was something the game did so there really is no rule against keeping it. If you don’t want to make the game too easy with the extra income, then I’d say drop it.
Hi, I just found this challenge actually so I’m a little late. But I have a question with the children. Once they’re born and grow up into a child, are we allowed go fully makeover them? Such as adjust their mouth, eyes & nose etc?
If this was already asked I never saw it, and I apologize.
Thanks! 🙂
Yep you can make them over whenever you want. How the Sim looks has no effect on the challenge.
My sim swiped something from a mansion, and its an item worth 10,000. Would it be cheating if I sold it for money?
Nope go ahead and sell it.
Ok do I still need to dock a point because my game crashed and glitches out and now my heir child who I had perfectly happy and well adjusted child somehow got taken away? Currently kinda pissed because I now have to redo my house and everything! It’s not against the rules to install an auto save mod is it cause I just did… :'(
If it was caused by a game glitch or bug, then no. I’ve had that issue before where the game doesn’t tell me when the baby is hungry and it doesn’t cry. Fun times >.<
Can the founder get a job?
Thanks for the great work <3
My heir died in a fire and she has 3 children and a husband. Who becomes heir now?
Whichever of the 3 children meets all of the heir succession law requirements.
Hi guys,
I wanted to confirm that I’m reading the rules correctly.
My heir moved in his primary spouse, and her traits, (which are horrible: mean, jealous, outgoing), are going to count toward the Love collection. My heir and she now have two babies. I am using the exemplar succession law so I do not know who will be the next heir yet.
However, I hate this SIM and would like to kill her/move her out and allow my heir to marry the woman he truly loves but who was excluded because I’ve already collected her traits.
I believe that’s allowed and that I can move the her into the home, but that wife #2 cannot earn points for the legacy or bring in money, correct?
She can contribute in other ways (tending the garden, helping with homework, cooking, bringing in money from her job) right? Are her children eligible to be the next heir, or to earn points?
Thank you!
Yes it’s allowed and yeah you are right the 2nd spouse won’t earn points, but you’ll be able to add them.
Just curious on the definition of Rule 1 here: If debug mods become highly recommended for gameplay (because lets face it: it’s EA, this is a given), will they be legal? You can technically make the argument that they do provide a significant advantage (I lost a Gen 4 game in Sims 3 once before using one), but the advantage isn’t in gameplay, but is behind the scenes
If the game bugs out and causes it to be impossible to complete a task then cheats/mods are allowed to fix it.
I have a question!
My heir was doing her child aspirations, last one left was Social Butterfly. One of the requirements is to befriend three children. But it seems like my game had only had spawned two at that time. I waited and waited, only same two kids ever showed up.
It’s a shame to not get an aspiration to such a silly thing. So I made a couple of random families with some children and put them in some houses. I picked traits randomly and have no plans to make any of them spouses later.
I was wondering if that was allowed?
Yes that’s fine. Any time something can’t be completed due to a game hiccup you can do something like that to correct it.
Can my sim marry a townie with a job?
Im not sure if someone asked this or not…I didnt see anything. But where it says you can only play the legacy household does that mean we can’t even play our spares that move out? My first children born to the founder was a set of twins and the firstborn was male…but the heir succession has to be a female. I kinda wanted to play him and his wife as a rival legacy for story purposes… that allowed?
The problem with playing the spares is that the time will continue to progress in your main Legacy household while you play the spare. You could move them into a different game file if you wish, though.
I seem to remember reading something about restrictions involving Legacy Clubs but now I can’t find it. Something about certain activities can’t be used. Is that not a thing and I made it up in my head or am I just blind?
Actually we never really put in a specific rule for Legacy clubs, so you aren’t missing it! We probably should though. I hear some of them can be a bit overpowered lol.
I would love to use the club feature but worry about whats legacy legal and whats not. Specifically the ‘Rally the troops’ perk. .Do you think you will add in the rules for them? Or should clubs be avoided?
HI, my founder has been wanting to use the wishing well to get some needed cash. I believe, as this is not a cheat/mod/hack (and has a possible negative result) that is a leagle move, but I wanted to cofirm
We haven’t really looked into the wishing well yet as the Garden pack came out in the middle of our move. I would say that you can use it for the moment, but once I get a chance to play around with that pack, those rules might change.
Hi! I have a few question I couldn’t find an answer to however much I googled and tried to read through the comments here… hope you don’t mind. 🙂
1.) Will children of a secondary spouse be eligible heirs? I have a tendency to make complicated family trees that involve several different partners for my sims’ children.
2.) Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve understood that cadet spouses (spouses to a spare) can’t gain any points, but spares and their children can since they can be traced back to the founder. Right? Then, my real question nr 2 is, will a secondary spouse (to the heir) work the same way a cadet spouse does? Or are they allowed to gain points because they bring children eligible to the title of heir (assuming the answer is yes to question 1)?
3.) I’ve decided to spice up my legacy with polyamory for my third generation heir. Would it be okay to, by cheat, give the three sims involved the reward trait given by completing the Serial romantic aspiration? As long as I don’t aim to complete this particular aspiration (which would be easier when already having the player trait since no jealousy would occur), I don’t see how this would benefit me in the legacy challenge. The reason I need the trait is simply to make the three of them get along.
And a big thanks for doing this challenge!
I have a question on mods…I have the rather powerful MC Command mod installed to adjust some of the woo-hoo and pregnancy options, as well as persistent testing cheats and cas editing (those townies, yeesh). Providing I don’t in anyway make the game easier with some of the options, would it be OK to use?
Essentially, I enable risky woo-hoo and set the occult (Alien) settings back to the way it was before community outcry caused Maxis to Nerf them. Oh, I do have the townies to set auto marry, have kids, etc…which has the effect of keeping my worlds populated.
Yes, I would say that mod is fine. Risky woohoo, I think, actually adds more difficulty to the game so that would be a-ok. We just don’t want mods that make the game easier.
Thanks, you have no idea how much harder it made the game. I was prepared to fight for it when my Gen 1 Day 3 Extreme MALE sim became pregnant by his GF from Risky Woohoo. I was like….Darwin, you don’t even have walls yet.
Note to self…make sure you double check those Gender Options.
Oh, yes….and there’s no mention of rules with the new Gender options. I’m assuming you can set that up how you choose? Because it allows for some unexpected possibilities…
Yep, that’s fine as well! The gender changes really don’t change the challenge much. I do want to add some clarifications to the rules at some point, I just need to find the time to do so. But we decided not to put any strict rules in with the gender changes because we like that it allows players to play the challenge more how they want to.
I’m so disappointed! I got to generation 4 and was almost ready to bring in generation 5, I’d built a huge 4 storey house with a pool and everything your sims could ever need and then my legacy save file has just totally bugged out. I’ve tried everything, moving save files, restarting my pc/game and also de-bugging the sims. It just won’t work. This is my first legacy challenge and I was really hoping it would work out. I’m gonna restart a new one now, just checking over the rules again. 🙁
Ohhh nooo 🙁 I’ve lost a couple Legacy families over the years thanks to save issues. I’m sorry to hear that!
Hi! So, I didn’t know how to like, create a new save until very recently, so do I have to restart the challenge to move my Legacy to a new save? And they will like, still have the same lot and money, if I can figure out how to get their very small house into my library! So what do I do?
I’m not sure if I understand… did you create the challenge on a save where another family was being played? If so then I would say you could just save the game under a new name (using Save As) and then play that save whenever you want to play your Legacy family. That way you won’t need to move them anywhere.
I have like one big town thing that I have all my sims in, would I need to save them to my library in CAS, and then hit like that little disc thing that say when you hover over it, ‘Create a new Save’ ? I have tried that before and that starts a completely new town like when you first downloaded the game to your thing.
I looked in the comments for a little bit, so what I mean by a new save, is a new game file. Lol, I’m like blind while I’m looking at the game’s home page.
So do I have to start over?
When you are in your Legacy family there should be an option to “Save As”. You can save them to their own separate file by calling it something different than your other save files and just play that particular save file whenever you want to play your Legacy family.
So, no, you don’t have to start over 🙂
Ok thanks! 🙂
Hi so im a bit confused as to what the primary spouses rule means. My sim has a husband now but if she cheated on him and had another child would that be ok, would the child still earn points? Also if she remarried would the new husband still earn points? Im a bit confused sorry if the questions are stupid or have already been asked 🙂
Yes the child would still earn points, but the father of that child would not. Only the first spouse that she marries will be able to earn points, a 2nd or third husband would not be able to. This rule does not affect the children providing they are related to the founder or heir.
Ok, Sophie, I think the child would still earn points, because the rules said you could bring in other people to have children with the heir
Meh…. How do I get rid of this?
Get rid of what?
If the spouse you bring in has a job, can you use the money they earn? And can you change their job?
Yes to both!
Could I use a teen pregnancy mod?
I believe that mod is not allowed.
[…] Welcome to Willow Creek, a small but fast growing town in simsville. Here we have come to follow the (loosely played) Legacy of the Phan family who for generations have used a fairness in choosing the heirs to the family businesses and well, legacy. Before anything happens we must start from the beginning, and with that I will tell you some of the things that are required to play the legacy challenge for Sims 4. Find out more here; Click here. […]
I have a question. So, I need more space in my house, and my heir is now able to have children, so can I move the previous heir out?
I don’t really understand spouses, sorry… >< The rules say that you can bring in however many you like, and they do not have to be spouses in the traditional sense. But do they still have to be romantically linked to your founder? And contribute to the next generation?
Also, Is it allowed to move your first spouse out? My founder is a male and I wanted the kid from one of the women he got pregnant, but I don't really want her around… I'm assuming it's ok to kill her somehow but I'm curious if I could just move her out.
Rediscovering TS4 and your Legacy Challenge after a two year hiatus. My founder’s intended pollinator/spouse was fried to death repairing the fridge before conceiving gen 2. (Weak, I know. She’s heartbroken, I’m shocked- rookie mistake.) Is my challenge technically failed, or can she conceive with another? Thanks for creating a challenge that’s kept me entertained for three generations of the franchise.
My founder married and had a daughter, but I just found out the spouse lived in a house! What do I do?
Nevermind, I just looked in the FAQ.
With City Living adding the ability to add traits to your Legacy lot, are we allowed to do this? Some of these would give a clear advantage and could be considered overpowered, so how do we go about these? Do we ignore them, or have they been deemed “ok”?
Since it gives an unfair advantage, you should most-likely just ignore it or only give the lot traits that do not affect the Legacy in a way that would make it unfair.
Can I bulldoze my lot?
Mid challenge or at the beginning. You should start with a clean lot…
Mid challenge or at the beginning? You should start with a clean lot…
Would a mod to increase household capacity be considered cheating? I’m on my way to a really big family!
That would be considered an unfair advantage, so yes, it would be cheating.
I need to know, can you age up your infant before its birthday?
[…] that whoever is reading this isn’t familiar with the Legacy Challenge, I recommend reading this first. It’s a bit of a mouthful, so here’s the general gist of […]
Is my primary sim (a female) allowed to have children from different guys? I’m aware she can only marry once, but I’m curious as to if she could still have a child of another man without marrying him.
I have a question regarding children, you said you can’t adopt when there’s infants living in the house but can my sim get pregnant/give birth while there’s an infant?
I’m just asking because I choose strict equality and my sim keeps giving birth to females when it’s time for a male and she’s almost an elder.
Lydia, I’m not the creators, but I be,ieve the answer is yes.. this is because by the time that child is born, the infant will be a child.
Just a suggestion but you need to update your challenge a little bit, due to the City Living patch update we can now toy around with the gender settings: who’s able to get pregnant, impregnate, or neither, clothing preference, feminine or masculine physique, and even peeing standing up or not. These new features which can apply to any sim via household management can give more options for the succession laws. For example: due to these features I am now able to and have chosen the following laws.
Strict equality, Strict Traditional, Strength, and Brood. My founder is female and my heir is male, and he will not have to be abducted by aliens to fulfill the laws I have set, because I can just go to manage households and make him able to get pregnant.
I had a question about how toddlers will fit into the challenge after the recent update. Should we treat them how children are treated in the rules? Like, all skills completed by toddlers count towards the number of maxed skills as they do for children? Or not? Currently I am using the birthday cake to age the toddlers up as soon as they age up from infant to avoid messing with the scoring and all, but would like to know officially how that should be treated. I realize the update was only a few days ago, but I figured I’d ask. Thanks!
I was wondering this myself. It seems the new toddler-only skills would count towards *all* maxed skills as children-only skills do. Also, later added skills – such as Photography, even though it maxes out at 5 – have been said to count ( ). Will wait for clarification on this, though.
Looks like they’ve added toddlers into the section about skills in the scoring page, so that’s good! Now I can actually play with my toddlers 😛
im loseing my mind can i use sims that are in the world that have houses already but just take the sims and not there money or do i have to hope to find a sim that dont have a place before my heir dies…
Question: I hate building houses, can I just save up enough money to buy a starter house from the community and then expand on it as my family grows? Or do I have to build from scratch? Thanks
Yep! You can absolutely do that. Just make sure it doesn’t come with any career rewards.
I’m completely new to this, I’m a long time sims player, but first legacy challenge. I was just wondering, can we use furniture mods? Thanks )
Sorry I’m also a bit confused about the eligible spouces. If I transfer sims from the gallery to an empty lot (in order to merge them with each other), and then move them out, are they eligible?
Hi! Is there a specific rule for whether or not you can age up the children or not?
You can only age them up when the game says it’s their birthday.
[…] official gameplay rules are to be followed with one exception. Because this is fangirl edition, spouses may be sims that I […]
Is it ok to NOT marry the main sim aka the heir? Just have babies? I only want to keep one controllable sim in the game.
how soon after the baby is born can the sim get pregnant again? Do I have to wait until the baby is a toddler or child or if the wrong gender is born can my sim get knocked up on the same day?
Jess!!! (at least I assume this is the same Jess from Lorie’s community…) It’s Mystic!
Sims can get pregnant as soon as the baby is born. Poor moms LOL You just can’t adopt babies in quick succession. Pregnancy isn’t always a guarantee right away, so having them try again right away is fine.
Question: is it ok to use the “bb.showhiddenobjects” to buy the big hidden lightframes? Really using this for design purposes only
Yeah that’s fine. As long as the lightframes don’t add any weird emotion boosts to the house or something like that, it’s a-ok 🙂
I have a male as the founder, with only the first born male being eligible to be heir. The problem is the woman that I have married to my 2nd generation will not make boys. She gave me 2 sets of twin girls, and then another 2 girls. I am out of room in my household. I made the rules that if there isn’t an eligible male, the first born girl could become heir but I would much rather have a boy. SOO my question is, can I divorce my current wife, kick her and my youngest children out, (back into her parents house) besides my first born, get remarried and hope for a boy?
I have a question. I have a mod that disables automatic mean and mischief interactions and one that gets rid of relationship decay. Am I allowed to use them?
Also, am I allowed to use the plumbobs that you get when you buy Sims 3 expansion packs?
Hey Pinstar, how are you?
So, one of the spares of the current generation of my legacy is in a same-sex relationship and since both sims are cisgendered, they have to adopt in order to have a kid. Do I have to roll the generator BEFORE adopting a baby or I can adopt any baby I want, regardless of gender?
I’m doing a vampire legacy, where the heir has to be a vampire. I have two daughters, but the youngest is the “born” vampire. I know the other can’t be heir, but as a YA can my founder turn her into a vampire anyways?
Also, can I get the pond and put it on my sims lot? You have to enter buy bebug to get it, but it’s there for anyone to get, so I don’t see that it’s an unfair advantage.
[…] The above quote is the last sentence under the “Children” heading in the Pinstar Legacy’s Gameplay Rules. […]
Are you allowed to get a job?
I started a legacy challenge on my youtube channel.
Check it out on this link:
My legacy challenge on Youtube!
When can I age up my toddler? And can I move out spares before they age up to young adult? My founder had triplets and it is virtually impossible for me to take care of them all, while still trying to get them to build skills. Also, the nanny is bugging way out and the butler ignores the toddlers too, so I’m in a real pickle…
I’m playing a legacy for points (and fun!) and decided that gen 1 was the time to get the “ten kids in one generation” point but obviously ran out of space in the house. I’ve decided that the second son will be heir and the remaining 4 kids will be adopted so mom actually ages at some point. My question is: now that the heir’s older brother is days from YA, can he take some younger siblings with him when he moves out?
So, after several failed attempts at this, I’m finally determined to do it. So I was wondering, am I allowed to play other families in the game for the sake of story progression? And if not, am I allowed to just turn off the aging for the townies then?
Technically we say to only play the one family, but if you wish to do so for story progression and aren’t going to strictly track points then, yes, turning off the aging of townies would be fine.
[…] every 3 unique traits that the Primary spouse (see the spouses section of the Gameplay Rules for more information on Primary spouses) brings into the family you gain 1 […]
[…] For an in-depth look at the rules I’ll be using, read the official rules on […]
Can you use the fertilty treatment reward to get twins/triplets?
Yes you can!
Can spouses that you move in have jobs? (Keeping jobs they already have, starting a job when moved in,etc)
Just started my legacy challenge! I’m having a lot of fun with it but I run into an interesting hiccup. My 1st gen primary spouse turns out to want to be a good vampire. No problem, my species law is tolerant and I love playing vampires. Then I found out he’s an alien. So it is impossible for him to complete his aspiration. Am I allowed to roll him a random aspiration to replace the impossible one?
So if your heir was a vampire in the previous generation, could you make the previous heir move out of the household (like basically treating them like a spare)?
You mean so you can keep the vampire as the current heir again?
Can someone suggest me a career to do for my sim and the spouse? I keep on messing up, so I need help.
You can choose whatever jobs you’d like. We don’t have rules on specific ones for them to take.
Okay! Also, can I ag up the baby or the toddler whenever I want to or do I have to wait?
You need to wait until the game says that it’s their birthday.
I can’t reach the gallery to use #LegacyLoves and my game keeps generating ugly townies:( will it be okay if i create sims i actually like with random traits and use them as suposes?
Yeah that’s fine. We always say that if the game is preventing you from being able to complete the challenge how you want then you can use loopholes to fix it. In-game Townies can always be a bit of a wild card. I wish the game had a better way of generating them.
I’m thinking about doing this for the first time ever, but I’m a bit confused by the primary and secondary spouse rule.
I want to make this game as realistic as possible so I would like for my sims to marry, live with their spouse and perhaps get divorced and then make my sim re-marry. Their second marriage sim would then move in and on we go. Also I may make it so my sim has children by multiple other sims because that’s fun.
The rule says there can only be one primary spouse per generation, so does this mean my sim can’t get re-married once divorcing? Can an heir come from a second marriage?
Sorry if this has been asked previously, but there are four years worth of comments to go through :s
Wait I just scrolled up and found a post that might answer my question. Does the primary and secondary spouse thing only have an effect on the points system? I’m not intending to play for points so if this is true, then can I just disregard the primary and secondary and have my sim have a million children to dozens of sims (exaggerating but you know what I mean) and then pick an heir from the selection (I’m probably going to play with the exemplar heir law)?
Yep! It’s only for points! So if you aren’t going to play for points, then you don’t need to worry about it.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Suggestion/Request: I’ve been playing the Legacy Challenge since The Sims 2. Have I ever finished one? Nope! Why not? I don’t know . . . I seem to get overwhelmed (or bored) controlling multiple Sims in a household. I try to ignore them, but the competitive side of me wants the points.
So I was wondering if another handicap could be added for players who commit to ONLY controlling the current heir. What do you think? Maybe call it the Extreme Gameplay Option. Getting all points within the Knowledge and Athletic categories would be impossible, so maybe a few handicap points to balance things out? I think it’s fair to say that any Aspiration points and items collected by non-heir Sims can still be used; the player just can’t control their actions directly. And non-heir Sims can be directed once–and only once–to get a job or quit a job.
I often play that way, but in the past it was kind of tricky with children in the house. Now with the release of Sims 4 Parenting, that problem is solved. Children can be be directed to do any number of things with the “Parenting/Influence to . . . ” interaction. It’s downright fun playing that way! Sometimes the children don’t listen to their parents, but that’s life, isn’t it? And there are times when uncontrolled adults get caught up in an activity (like watching tv) and ignore their needs or the needs of their babies, but again . . . c’est la vie! In those instances, I use my main Sim to go and talk to the other Sim (any social interaction will do) and that Sim will snap out of it and think for a moment what needs to be done next.
Playing this way also changes the story development and tone–like the difference in a novel between an omnipotent third-person narrator and a limited third-person narrator.
I realize I can do the whole Legacy Challenge the way I want, but there’s something very satisfying about playing the official rules. So, pleeeaaase can I get an official handicap? Or even an unofficial official handicap! lol
I should have written *omniscient third-person* but I’m sure you knew what I meant. 🙂
Actually we had a handicap similar to that for the Sims 2 if I remember correctly. I don’t see why we couldn’t add it again. I’ll mention it to Pinstar!
Thanks so much! I’m going ahead with my challenge, controlling only the heir. I’ll let you know if I run into any issues. I have a vague recollection of playing in the past with that rule, but I couldn’t remember which challenge it was. That was a long time ago.
Awesome! I’m definitely curious to hear how it goes!
Doing well so far. The heir’s new spouse got a job in the athlete career–a job that requires him to workout each day to improve his performance at work. His wife bought him a punching bag, but all he wanted to do for leisure was lay around in the tent and read Wilderness Digest. I thought about having her lock him in a room with nothing but the punching bag, but didn’t have enough Simoleons left to build four walls. She had to drag him down to the gym, but once there he did an epic workout. Work performance increased and I expect he’ll get a promotion any day now. His wife also managed to use her influence to score him some reward points for fulfilling wants. This is really fun!
Nice! Sims can be so frustrating when they don’t do what you want them to do lol. I’m going to try and add this to the rules this weekend.
My heir married a lazy slob. so this is definitely a challenge. I see divorce in their future.
I think there’s one rule that would have to be modified in order to make the Extreme Gameplay option work. In another post you said, “The previous heir has to die before the next heir takes over, but you can determine who that heir is once they hit young adulthood.” If I remember correctly, when this gameplay option was used in the past the heir could take over once they became an adult. If I wait until the current heir dies, then my next heir will have missed out on a lot.
I think the Extreme Gameplay player should determine when the next heir takes over–with the caveat that there’s no going back; once you control the next generation heir, you can’t direct any actions of the previous generation heir. Does that sound right?
P.S. In the Extreme Gameplay option, when the the next gen heir becomes a young adult, then the option to take control of them becomes available?
StorytellerMystic, If you haven’t modified the rules yet, maybe I can keep playing a couple of generations and give you feedback on other possible ways the core rules would be different. Beta test, so to speak. 🙂
A few weeks ago, we talked about adding modified rules similar to those that were in Sims 2. Since then I’ve been test-playing my suggested rule modification, just to make sure it works. OMG… it’s so much fun playing this way. I took the liberty of drafting the rule modification. If you decide to use the idea, this might help to field off questions in advance. Originally, I thought it would be nice to get some extra points to play this version, but there really is no way to compete with the base challenge. How about a nice badge and a pat on the back? Haha!
Below are the modified rules I came up with, in case you’re interested in using them. I wrote a “Lightweight” and a “Heavyweight” version, and tested them both extensively. Had a blast!
The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Ultimate
Ultimate Lightweight
• All the normal Sims 4 Legacy Challenge rules and scoring apply, with the exceptions noted below.
• You may ONLY have FULL control of your CURRENT HEIR.
• You may directly control non-heir Sims in your household, but ONLY in these circumstances:
o to fulfill a Whim
o to quit a job (note that getting a job should only be done when it appears as a Whim)
o to answer their phone (however, you may NOT allow a non-heir Sims to accept invitations that will take them and control of the game off the current lot)
o in answer to a game pop-up, for example, to make a decision about a school or work event
• Your current heir may choose to travel somewhere and bring your non-heir household Sims along.
• You may have full access to Aspiration Rewards and the Rewards Store for all Sims in your household, and use reward points as you please.
• You may have full access to the inventories for all Sims in your household.
• As per the normal rules, the “current heir” status is transferred to the next generation once the next generation heir reaches adulthood. Once the next generation becomes the current heir, you relinquish full control of the previous heir. There’s no going back, unless your current heir dies and there is no potential heir to take their place.
Ultimate Heavyweight
• All the normal Sims 4 Legacy Challenge rules and scoring apply, with the exceptions noted below.
• You may only directly control your current heir. You may NOT directly control non-heir Sims in your household or even click on their icon to see their stats, whims, etc. No peeking! The only exceptions are:
o to get a job (only once in that Sim’s lifetime)
o to quit a job (only once in that Sim’s lifetime)
o to put their phone on silent (because it’s annoying to hear a ringing phone that you can never answer!)
• You may respond to a game pop-up related to a non-heir, for example, to make a decision about a school or work event, or to skip work if they are at a social event.
• Your current heir may choose to travel somewhere and bring your non-heir household Sims along.
• You may NOT access non-heir inventories or Aspiration rewards—remember, no peeking!
• As per the normal rules, the “current heir” status is transferred to the next generation once the next generation heir reaches adulthood. Once the next generation becomes the current heir, you relinquish full control of the previous heir. There’s no going back, unless your current heir dies and there is no potential heir to take their place.
Hints and Tips for TS4 Legacy Challenge Ultimate
• The Parenting Game Pack allows parents and designated caretakers to influence or force children to do different things, such as their homework, eat, sleep, play, bathe, etc. This is extremely beneficial when playing the Ultimate rules. If you don’t have the Parenting Game Pack, and are playing the Lightweight version, you can keep an eye on children’s Whims so you can see when they want to do their homework. In the heavyweight version, cross your fingers and hope your children take some initiative!
• You can have Sims use their work vacation days by directing the current heir to plan a vacation and have the non-heirs travel with them. While they are on vacation, the game automatically deducts vacation days. If you want your non-heir Sims to stay home for a day, you can also schedule a social event on the lot just before your non-heir goes to work; you should get the pop-up that says the Sim is currently engaged, and then you can choose to have them skip work or use a vacation day.
• When playing the Ultimate Lightweight version, help your non-heir Sims get promoted by watching their Whims. Often their Whims will correspond to work promotion requirements.
Ack sorry for not responding! The last couple of weeks have been super busy with traveling and getting the kids sorted with their new school schedules. I will read this over this coming week and let you know what we decide to do 🙂 But I definitely love the idea of adding more difficult options to the challenge 🙂
I have a question regarding adoption. I want my family to adopt a vampire at some point because I have a plan, but I will never use this vampire as an heir. They will effectively be a constant spare. Do I have to abide by the rules for this child and roll for gender and traits etc. or can I pick and choose what I want for them since I know they are never going to be the heir?
Never mind. Doesn’t look like you can adopt vampire babies unless I missed something
Hi, I wanted to know if I could use the atm mod.. 🙂
btw this mod makes you pay it bk slowly.. so its kinda realistic.. 🙂
I don’t know if you got an answer about this, so thought I would reply. I would say that the ATM mod gives you an advantage over other players who are not using mods, so no, this wouldn’t be a legal mod in the Legacy Challenge.
I’m a long-time player, not part of the Legacy Challenge authors, so take it as you will. 🙂
Hi! I am just about to play this challenge, and I was wondering at what stage d you have to start playing the next heir? Is it when the one you are currently playing is dead, or when they turn into an elder? I’m just asking because I thought it might be a bit weird if I have to play as an elder, and my heir be an adult by the time i get round to playing them? IDK
The next heir takes over when they hit young adulthood. But you aren’t limited to controlling only one Sim at a time. You can always control any Sim in the household. The next heir just takes over upon reaching young adulthood when you start focusing on them having kids and such.
actually the next heir takes over when the previous one dies. the heir can get married and have kids before their parent dies (grandparents are not forbidden!) you can play all the sims in the household, no limits on who you control
hi i’m starting my first legacy challenge. in my other games my town gets super over populated with ghosts and nobody lives in the houses. i want to edit the families and add toddlers with randomly generated toddler traits/names to the families so there’s the appearance of story progression. since the toddlers will age and have randomly generated traits that i will have to find out manually as my own heirs age up, will this fit into the rules/can i marry them?
Hi Megan,
I do this as well. I use Manage Households to delete elderly Sims and randomly create toddlers for adult Sims. This is the only way that I’ve figured out how to keep my game from being overpopulated with ghosts and to have new Sims with random traits. As far as I know, it’s totally within the rules. The idea against not marrying player generated Sims is that the player can’t intentionally try to score extra points by marrying Sims that have particular traits–not without going through the process of having the heirs get to know them and discover traits through social interactions.
Have fun with the challenge! Are you creating a Legacy tree or story of some type? I love the Plum Tree app.
What is a Mixed Couple? Where can I find the info that breaks down marital status options?
Hello to the Legacy community, and to Pinstar. I love this challenge! I’ve been playing a regular family in Willow Creek for some time, because I was unaccustomed to Sims 4 gameplay — I know, I’m a late bloomer. In any case, I have a few questions that were not really covered in the rules. Pinstar, if you can find a free moment, I’d really appreciate some clarification.
1. Can drinks made at a bar but NOT consumed be sold for a profit?
2. Can a vampire sim who is able to make the Ultimate Vampire Cure at a bar use it to cure himself/herself?
3. Can a sim elect to become a vampire through game play? i.e. Befriending Vlad (which is, by the way, nearly impossible. The man is incorrigible.) and then ask to be turned?
4. Can a sim go around “slaying” neighborhood vamps by having the Ulitimate Vampire Cure in inventory?
5. Can the items made by going to work with your sims be used? I refer specifically to the cloning device scientists can make. It’s an extremely powerful tool, but does not give any advantage over another player… as anyone with the ability to make it in that career track is able to do so. Just curious.
Can “Lot Traits” be added to the lots? Can they be changed? Currently, I’ve been playing with no traits on any of my lots.
I purchased a smaller lot in the beginning, and used the money cheat to get to $10,000. Then purchased the suit of arms (I actually love the idea of legacy families being noble). My gavm gets laggy on larger lots… is this acceptable?
I’m sure I have other questions. but based on the answers to these I’ll probably be able to make an educated guess about other obscurities during gameplay.
I would really appreciate clarification.
Thanks for your time!
i have a couple questions because I have mods and i want attempt this challenge.
1. would using a cheat/mod to fill your sims need be against the rules?
2. i have the extreme violence mod ( and would using this to get money be considered cheating because you can twerk for money and steal money from sims.
I started the challenge not knowing that your sim had to have normal lifespan, I automatically set all my sims lifespans to long, does this mean I have to restart the entire challenge? I’d hope not cause I’ve played for 5+ hours straight.
Nah just go ahead and set everyone’s lifespans back down to normal. It’s ok if you didn’t do it initially.
Quick question. I know the only Sims we are allowed to take as a spouse are the Sims not currently in world. Do I have to wait for them to pop up or do I have to add them into a household so that I can date and marry them?
You can add them to a household.
Is it alright for a ghost to be a spouse? I found a townie that I like, but she is a ghost townie my Sim met at a bar on Ghost Night.
Nvm. Just remembered ghosts can’t procreate in Sims 4.
So about the no restarting after a bad event i left my game paused and went to take care of something to find that my 4 year old daughter decided to play on my computer and was messing around with my game can i restart from a previous save or am i stuck?
I’m really late to this challenge, but thought I’d give it a go, and am loving it so far.
My question is this. My founders husband has the Big Happy Family aspiration, and he wants 4 grandchildren. My first generation consists of 3 children (the heir, and twin spares). Now I’ve moved in the heir’s spouse and they’ve had their first child I’m already up to 7 sims. Can I move out the spares and play their household in order to have another 2 more grandchildren? I guess that’s not allowed, meaning grandpa will have to die without achieving his aspiration.
Yeah sadly playing other families isn’t allowed because time will continue to progress in the Legacy household when you aren’t playing them.
Hello Jen!
The Big Happy Family aspiration also recognizes grandchildren who don’t live in the active household.
Are either of your twin spares a male sim? You can have a male cadet/spare get a townie pregnant for the additional grandchildren you need.
If I were you and both the twin spares were female, I might customize gender on one of them to “can impregnate.”
Good luck!
Hello there!
Thank you so much for the recent update of your Legacy Challenge rules!
And I’m grateful for your adding the new Jungle Adventure aspirations to your trait/aspiration randomizer.
I’m thinking ahead to the “Have had/adopted 10 children in one generation” point. According to the rules:
“You may not adopt if there are any infants (natural born or adopted) living in the house at the time and must wait for them to grow to children before adopting a new one.”
Question: Can we adopt as soon as one infant ages up to toddler, or do we wait until they age up to a child?
I’m hoping you mean “toddler” because otherwise we’ll have to wait an extra 7 sim-days to adopt.
Thank you for reading!
You can adopt them once they become a toddler. Those rules were written prior to the release of toddlers. I’ll change that now.
Thank you so much for letting me know! You’re wonderful! 😀
Hey, 2 things. 1st, I notice while from what I understand we can’t age sims up until the game tells us it’s their birthday, you don’t actually have this mentioned anywhere in the rules. You should probably fix that.
2nd, shouldn’t you remove the part mentioning same-gendered heirs and spouses being unable to have kids by pregnancy, given that they HAVE been able to for almost 2 years now thanks to the gender customization that got added back then? We CAN freely use gender customization, right? I myself use it a lot because my legacies are “super strict matriarchies” where boys aren’t even allowed in the household, changing any boys born into the family into gals the moment they become teens, and if any spouses have multiple kids, I’ll change which of them can get pregnant and which can impregnate to keep their ages balanced, since pregnancy delays aging.
Whoops, I didn’t even realize the rules still stated that same gender Sims can’t have children. I thought we fixed that ages ago. Sorry for the confusion.
Yes, you can use the gender customization however you like!
Haha, thanks, I thought so. I see you’ve even updated the rules!
However, they still don’t seem to state we have to wait until a sim’s b-day to age them up. I suppose it is implied in the statement that we can’t shorten a sim’s lifespan though.
P.S. A good alternative to legacy loves that you may wanna mention is to go to manage worlds when one of your sims ages up or is about to age up to toddler, and give various unplayed families toddlers of their own. This ensures your kid will have peers to grow up among and eventually even wed, and since toddler traits are completely independent of their later ones their traits still end up a mystery.
I have some questions regarding the rules
1 -Is there any rule against the moodlet solver? I understand it was banned for the sims 3 challenge
2- Is it permitted to play on short lifespan? If anything it just makes it more challenging
1 – I will need to confirm with Pinstar on this one, but my assumption is that it is not allowed if it’s anything like the Sims 3 version. What does it do in The Sims 4?
2 – I believe we have the rules set for normal as we want to avoid people using longer lifespans, BUT if you would like more of a challenge and want to use a shorter lifespan, I think that should be ok. Again will confirm with Pinstar, but I seem to recall someone asking this question a couple of years ago and that being our answer.
The Moodlet solver is a 600 satisfaction points potion that is consumed on use, it fills all your need bars and removes any negative mood you have. 600 points is not that much and any Sim can drink it, it doesn’t have to be the one that bought it.
There are other potions like that but the Moodlet solver is the most powerful by far.
Hmm then yeah I’d say it might make the challenge more “easy mode” than intended. I forgot to ask Pinstar about this the other day, but my guess is it’s a no.
Also the Book of Life is a book writers that completed their writing aspiration can create. I believe it can fill all the need bars of one Sim, and it has unlimited uses.
I assume that item is not allowed even if the rules don’t mention it
Actually that one I’m not sure about. Usually Pinstar rules that Sim created items like that are ok because they need to have completed an entire aspiration in order to use it. So it’s not exactly easy to come by. I’ll double check, but I’m pretty sure that one is actually ok.
Why can sims not stay single and just adopt instead. Why do they have
Why can my sim not adopt without marrying? Considering the amount of single parents and unmarried people in today’s world, and their place and role in society, this rule seem a little sill.
There is no rule that says Sims have to marry nor do they need to be married to adopt. That has never been a requirement in the Legacy Challenge since it started in The Sims 2. I’ve had many single Legacy Sims in the past. You may add spouses if you wish, for additional points, but that has never been a requirement.
I assume your confusion is coming from the Children section where it says “In order to adopt a child, both your Sim and their spouse must be alive and living in the same house.” That just means that IF your Sim is married, then the spouse needs to be living in the house. If the Sim is single they may still adopt.
I’ll take that part out to avoid confusion in the future because, I agree, it’s poorly worded. But you can definitely have your Sim adopt or get pregnant without marrying. You don’t even have to have another Sim move in.
Oh wait, I see a response from Pinstar back in 2014 saying that. Um. I’m not sure why that rule was initially implemented because I don’t see how being married balances out the difficulty of adoption vs having a baby. It was never the case in previous games either.
I’m going to just take it out. The rules have changed many times over the years and this is going to be one of them. Because I agree, I don’t see a need to have the Sim married to adopt, especially since there isn’t a rule that the Sim has to be married to get pregnant. It doesn’t make any sense to keep the rule that way.
I have a question. So I’m a few generations into the Legacy Challenge and now and again I have to repopulate the town. However, I’ve noticed that a lot of the expensive houses have no one living in them now. Is it okay for me to use the free real estate cheat just so I can repopulate the more expensive houses with random sims/pets from the gallery? I wont be looking at their traits.
Yeah that is fine!
[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Gameplay Rules […]
Does it matter which length the seasons are on??
I’m also thinking about this. I would love to have the seasons a bit longer, but I do not know if it is allowed.
[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Gameplay Rules […]
Can I age up a sim using birthday cakes?
Is it allowed that the legacy family sims play lottery that came with seasons? They could become millionaires, so not sure if that’s against the rules?
No you can’t play the lottery. I updated the rules for that a couple of days ago because Pinstar and I weren’t aware of the holiday until recently.
Hi, I have a question regarding Seasons. Is it allowed for us to buy the Money Tree seedling reward? The rules right now don’t address it either way, but I’ve been playing with it on my current save, and it’s only about the tenth week and my family has more than 600,000 simoleons with only two working sims (though one is a successful painter/writer and the other is a Botanist, both pretty lucrative). Still, it’s like…. absurd amounts of money. We definitely make more from the Money Tree than both of their careers combined.
Oh wow, I don’t think we realized how much the money tree gave in this game. We thought it was more like the Sims 2 version. Hmm… let me talk to Pinstar, but I’m going to say we’ll probably say that it’s a no. If that’s the case I’ll update the rules.
And about jungle adventure? This expansion gives absurd amounts of money.
Any movement on this? Mine just started to give “fruit” and it can go for 8k! 0.o
But then, some of the relics from Jungle Adventure give over 9k…
I think Jungle Adventure though is fair game, because it becomes about balancing out those vacations for the cash (you can only get one relic every two days with the temple reset time) against points for career progression and skill development.
But money tree just seems a little too easy, even at a costly 5k aspiration points.
Ack. I completely forgot to ask Pinstar. My brain is awful. I’ll ask him tonight once he gets home. Sorry everyone!
Ok sorry this took so long to get answers for you all. Here is what Pinstar said:
The Money Tree Aspiration reward plant is too powerful, so I’m going to ban it. I use painting as the benchmark for now much money making is “Too much” and the plant, by the sound of it, can exceed a max level painter, hour-for-hour.
The jungle adventure takes more time, skills and energy for a limited reward, so I’ll allow it.
I will be updating the rules to reflect this soon.
is it okay if my female sim hooks up with a guy to get pregnant becauses her spouse is a girl who cannot impregnate?
Yep! It’s only a problem depending on your legacy rules. I assume your female sim is your Legacy TorchHolder who needs to bring forth the next generation-their spouse doesn’t HAVE to be the parent. (Not even in strict traditional mode!)
With the new flower arranging skill, you can reset a sim’s age to the beginning of their current age. Is this allowed? I can only assume it would be a one-time deal like the Potion of Youth and wishing well?
[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Gameplay … – Last Updated on June 24, 2018 Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Gameplay Rules . The following is a set of rules and restrictions you must follow when playing … […]
so, i’m finally trying this challenge, which i avoided for ages since i usually play my game with super-long lifespans, & a legacy challenge with super long lifespans is just too tedious, but i forced myself to set the lifespans back to default & try this at last, but here’s my problem, if active sims can use the youth potion once, then doesn’t that mean that every other sim in town will age 2ce as fast & throw off the entire population for all future generations? (imagine it, these sims graduated together, but 1 is in a nursing home & 1 is still half their age)…so wouldn’t it make a LOT more sense to just use mccc to double 1 of the default lifespans for all sims so the town’s population is normalized? i mean, i’ll still make my sim waste 1500 pts on the potion & toss it if i must, but i hate the idea that sims that SHOULD be the same age end up being completely different ages…. & not using the potion with the default lifespans is even worse, considering it took my sim 2 game weeks to find a man tolerable enough to date & he was an adult, so without him taking the potion, she’d have to rush thru their entire relationship, baby included, in under 2 wks, so yeah, the default lifespan is ridiculous without the potion & with the potion all the townies ages end up ridiculous, so the only logical solution is using mccc to double 1 age span for all sims, right?
[…] the rules for the Legacy Challenge can be found here. Some important rules are: starting only on a bulldozed lot with $1800, randomizing all traits, […]
hey, just curious, are there any rules against intentionally killing active sims? my current heir is annoying and i would love to add an element of “my older sibling died when i was young, how tragic!” into the storyline. i dont keep score, so that’s not a problem.
Nope. You can kill off whoever you wish.
Can you use the cloning machine to clone potions of youth?
I’m going to say no, since you aren’t supposed to use the potion of youth too often anyway.
I didn’t see anywhere in the rules whether a spouse can have a job or is it just the founder/heir?!
Thank you!
Spouses can have jobs.
Thanks for the answer! I meant for the deviance points though, not to consume.
Is the positivity challenge allowed? It gives you a reward trait:
Kindness Ambassador (Reward Trait)
Kindness Ambassadors have stronger friendships and fewer Negative emotions.
It also requires you to change the sim’s aspiration to the challenge aspiration in order to complete it.
Hmm… let me check with Pinstar on this as I am not sure. I’ll let you know once he gets back to me.
Hey Guys! I sort of modified a minor element of the Legacy Challenge for personal play and thought I’d toss it out there as an optional rules addendum.
Once the household has one million simoleons cash on hand, they can opt to ‘buy’ (using the money cheat to spend the cash) a merit based speed up on age ups. Basically you follow the 100 baby challenge minimums to age up your toddler (all skills at level 3), child (A in school) and teen (A in school and one character trait in range if you have parenthood), earlier than their birthday. You can make it harder by also needing the child to complete their aspiration, or increase/decrease the character traits for teen. But I’ve found after gen 5 the challenge gets really way too easy and it’s taking ages to get through. So it gives you a good cash dump and also speeds up your generations to renew some difficulty and push through to that tenth gen!
Lemme know your thoughts!
Hi there ! Is it possible to go to festivals and so with our main character or it’s not possible at all to leave the house ? Thanks. 🙂
You can definitely leave the house to go festivals or do whatever you want around the world.
Great, thanks for your quick answer !
Hi! I’m very new to this challenge, had not heard of it until a couple of weeks ago. I started a few days ago and I’ve had my first birth and death. I’m trying to make sure I understand all of the rules because I’m trying to keep score (by the way do people post their triumphs and failures or keep it to themselves?) I have spent days reading the gems that are comments and found myself more confused about these few things.
Founder (ya female) married an adult (male) who died of old age the same day their toddler became a child. I was thinking meet a hot young BF and move him in, possibly marry- mostly the gardener and play thing. My understanding is he can move in with no cash and his traits and aspirations don’t count. Correct? But do the skills count? Does the career count? (Points)
does he have to complete his career before founder dies (she has about 10 days as adult left) if his points count? Should he leave the house after founder dies? Just wondering if his desires are worth focusing on, or focus on the bloodline.
If the heir meets a teen girl he fancies, can I move her in from manage household? If yes my understanding is she automatically primary spouse even before they can marry.
Only non legacy house sims can be aged with a cake?
(Sorry is this is too long just a few questions though)
Hello, can we count any skills/careers that spouses bring in with them as completed for their respective scoring sections?
For example, Father Winter (Clement Frost) has maxed out parenting, cooking, and baking skills. Once he moves in, do these skills count as being completed by the Legacy family?
For the Seasons pack, are we supposed to add freezing to the list of deaths we need? I didn’t even realize it was possible until a Bjergensen turned into a block of ice outside my house, and Grim showed up.
There’s freezing and also overheating added in that pack, in addition to several other deaths added by other packs. I count them as part of the goal, but I think it’s really up to you. As long as you do the base game ones, I think that’s the most important part.
This is correct!
[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Gameplay Rules […]
Hello! I’ve been playing my current legacy challenge for a while now, and have some concerns as well as one suggestion.
So I enabled same sex pregnancy in MCCC, and I’ve already had a few same-sex couples have biological children in my legacy. After reading a bunch of comments from others who had gay Sims who had biological children using donors, I’m afraid I might be breaking the rule against mods that grant unfair advantages. Would it be okay to keep this option enabled, since we have the ability to change a Sim’s pregnancy settings without mods and both are practically the same in terms of allowing same-sex couples to have biological children? And as a tangent, may we freely change Sims’ gender presentation/pregnancy settings using “Change Sim”?
Finally, to the suggestion: I’ve found that having vampires make the challenge a bit too easy, as they are immortal, and can gain some insanely powerful skills and abilities. Vampires can just stay in the house and rack up skills, money, aspirations, etc. for as long as we feel like keeping them around, since their being immortal means there are none of the pressures that come with impending death. Have you considered making a vampire-flavored Legacy Challenge that ups the difficulty, or add optional vampire rules and scoring?
I would say that since the game now offers the ability to have same-sex couples have children, that no, you would not be breaking the rules. I have had two generations of same-sex couples in my Legacy using the CAS options. I think the comments that you saw are probably old back from before the CAS options were added in.
We have considered a Vampire Legacy, but just haven’t had the time to implement it.
Question about mermaids…
Can we have a Legacy of Mermaids? Are any of them powers ban/considering cheating? 🙂
I would say it’s fine since we allowed vampire/alien Legacies as well. That being said, we don’t currently own Island Living and cannot properly playtest the impact that Mermaids have on the Legacy rules. If you aren’t playing strictly for points, though, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
Hey just stated sims a few months ago and i was reading through the rules to do with spouses is there any rules about when you can have a spouse and is there any rules on when they can move in?
Please answer don’t want to pause my game and lose
Hi! Please don’t expect an answer from us right away. We typically only check comments once a day. Especially over the summer when things are busy in real life.
That being said, you can move in spouses whenever you want. You don’t have to wait a specific period of time.
Hi again! Sorry for posting another question so soon, but I figured I’d ask since I didn’t see any other comments about this. I’m using a mod that lets Sims get ultrasound scans that tell the number and gender(s) of the baby/ies, and it happens to grant a pretty powerful `12hr Happy +2 Moodlet. There is a small fee for the scan, and aside from the moodlet, the Sims receive only a photo. Given all of that, would you say this mod is Legacy Challenge legal? Thanks!
Yes, I think that would be ok. It doesn’t seem to give an extreme benefit or anything and the fact that it costs simoleons is a plus.
Are there any workarounds or allowable cheats for the townie young adult aging problem? In my game townies only age from teenager to adult, skipping young adult entirely (I’m playing with just base game, so maybe this is fixed in the expansions). I had a teenage heir and his teenage townie girlfriend and both aged up together on the same day, but she is now significantly older since he’s a young adult and she’s went directly to”full” adult already. Not sure if others have run into this issue and know how to fix it? And if it’s a non-fixable bug, would it seem acceptable to fix her age in CAS (limiting to those who I actively see age up, since I don’t know whose aging is doing what she they’re off-site in their NPC limbo)? This is the second generation where this has occurred (I thought I just misread ages the first time, but 2nd time I confirmed this is what’s happening).
Do death types count as fullfilled when you see the death animation or when a sim actually becomes a ghost? To word it differently, if you plead or use a death flower and save the sim, do you still count that death type for nature points?
Are you allaowed to have a job in the challenge?
Can you get a job right off of is there requirements to get a job like rag to riches
Hi! Is there any specific rules for get famous expansion?
The only thing that we added for that expansion is the option to try an Ultra Extreme Legacy, but that is not required!
I was planing on doing this challenge but with the knewly Realm of Magic pack that was released. I’m fairly certain that’s okay with the rules as we are allowed to have vampires and aliens in the challenge. I’m guessing that I just can’t have them take the immortality potion and if I have a sim of mine marry a sim that has by accident I’ll just have to move them out of the house when the time comes.
Hey so i dont think i saw how much money we start off with. If its there i missed it lol but how much do we start with to start with building the starter home? And do we have to build the starter home or can we buy one off the gallery?
It depends on how you are starting the game. If you are doing just a basic Legacy Challenge with no added difficulty then you get 1800 to start with. If you are doing either of the extreme starts, then you start with 0. And yes, you can use houses from the gallery. You don’t have to build them.
Are there any additional restrictions with the new Spellcasters? I know you guys said that you don’t want to update after Seasons, however, I believe some of the spells could be OP?
Also, thoughts on abusing the Scientisr career? (Spam transforming things to earn money?)
We’ll have to look into this. Unfortunately we currently do not have the Realm of Magic pack, so it will be tough to see what exactly everything does, but we’ll try to update when we can!
I’ve been wondering this too as my founder is a spell caster and so is their husband. I didn’t realize that you didn’t want to update anymore but is the aspirations for Realm of Magic added to the generator? Cause if not I was just planing on if I got an aspiration from another pack to use one of those.
Yes, the aspiration has been been added. I actually just recently purchased Realm of Magic, but haven’t has as much time as I would like to playtest the spells, so I’m not sure which ones need to be ruled out or not.
As for updating the challenge, we’re not planning on adding any new points or point sections to the scoresheet, but we will still update if something major comes down the line that might affect the challenge (ie spells).
We’re leaning towards allowing the spells though, since it does take some time and practice for your Sims to learn them. If they had been given instantly, we’d probably lean towards no. I’ll have an official ruling on this eventually though, we just need more time to play the pack.
I think the ones that stand out the most are what appear to be age freeze and immortality spells/potions. On one hand, they might seem like cheating, but on another hand, vampires are allowed. Haven’t tried them out for obvious reasons, but if they do just that, perhaps have age freeze allowed but not immortality, thus allowing them to have the same rules as vampires?
Lemme post it again for visibility, just in case.
After looking up, immortality potion does indeed make them ageless (though they can still die in a self made fire, which my sim just did, hence me asking about rules again). So like vampires, but wizards instead. How does that fit into rules? I gotta say, I wouldn’t mind my founder being around for longer and eventually moving out or something to be a townie.
Also, there is a potion fills all needs and is extremely cheap to make. I wonder if that needs rules, also; though, I suppose, it does make the game boring so it’s probably up to the player.
Sorry for posting so much, I just want to know if my founder is to be forever young or not.
Um, I’m sorry if this is a bother but can I use a mod to allow sims with houses get married and have children autonomously? I feel like it might help solve the ‘town’s being too underpopulated after a few generations’ problem.
Can my sim and her spouse have a job?
Yes they both can.
I got the Discover University pack and was wondering how it works with aging and your other family if your sim goes into university accommodation (I may end up making my sim go to uni from home but it would be good to at least have one with the uni experience without having to wait). I just don’t want my main household to age while my sim is away if possible! You can’t make your first sim go really as you don’t have enough money at the start!
HI i’m really confused is there a specific amount of kids you have to have per generation and what do we do once we have had all the kids and are ready to move onto the next generation?
You’ve probably already figured this out, but putting a reply here for others.
There is not a specific number of kids you have to have in a single generation. Depending on the succession laws you picked you may have to have more kids than you would like if you went straight matriarchy/patriarchy and kept getting the wrong gender.
Once you’re ready to start the next generation you can move out the spares, you can kill the spares off, or the spares can live at home until they also die of old age. And you can do any combination of the above. Just remember that any you kill or move out can’t become heir if something happens to your heir. Up to you and how much space you have left in the house due to the limit on Sims you can have in the house at one time.
With tiny living stuff pack, is the micro home perks too powerful for the challenge?
I am currently playtesting this now to see how we are going to work those in.
Can my current heir move into the dorms at the universities or do they have to go from home?
I would say they should go from home so that the other family members don’t age up while they are away.
Since you guys are no longer intending on updating this challenge, would you be horribly offended if somebody were to try and clean it up and update it, and then post it? Giving credit where credit is due, of course.
Honestly, Pinstar and I have been talking about this and we don’t want to outright abandon the challenge. I think we are going to work on trying to get things rolling again with it.
Hi! I am not quite sure I understand… When the teen heir become a young adult, he become the heir, but his parent that was a heir, am I aloud to move him/her out when that happens?
Thank you!
My male sim just had an alien pregnancy, and that baby will turn into a toddler soon, so what should I do for the traits? Use the dad and human mom? Or randomize the traits?
I know Pinstar isn’t updating this challenge anymore as he feels it’s pretty complete but I’ve come up with some added rules for Discover University for anyone who desperately wants to send their kiddos to college but don’t quite know how to handle it within the confines of the challenge. Nothing too complex and no extra tasks to complete; just structuring it within the existing challenge.
– Any Sim in your household YA-Elder may go to university at any time.
– Each Sim in your legacy household is limited to a maximum of one degree. This prevents them from being able to fast track in every single career by getting every degree first.
– University students may move away to attend uni but they must move back to the legacy house immediately upon graduation.
– Aging may be turned off while your Sims are in uni, but must be set back to normal immediately upon graduation.
— Alternatively, you may keep aging on if you want more of a challenge, but in that case, you must make sure aging is set to Only Active Household so your legacy family is not aging while you’re playing your Sims at uni.
I know turning aging off and getting a distiguished degree means your Sims can start at level 8 of their chosen career on day one of Young Adulthood which may seem really unbalanced, but that’s why Sims are limited to only one degree. Then they can only fast track in very specific careers and can’t knock out half the careers in the game in one lifetime. They’re restricted to only what their degree covers. Also, you can choose to keep aging on if you still don’t like the idea of turning it off. 🙂
Can the spouse have a job to earn money???
Yes, of course. It can be anything you like.
I’m looking forward to the update that you guys come up with. I’ll likely change some things up for mine, as I have all of the packs, but I will be excited to start over when your update is released. I know it’s difficult finding time for things like this when real life gets in the way, and for that, I thank you both!
I do request that in your update, could you let on if there is a strict legacy member? As in, can we choose to do a strict matriarchy? And is it the first born, last born, or do we choose which child will be the legacy? Etc.
I think there’s already an option to play a strict matriarchy/patriarchy. You can choose whether the firstborn or lastborn is heir (firstborn/lastborn girl in a strict matriarchy, for instance), choose based on who has the most completed aspirations/skills upon aging to YA, choose based on a public vote, or even choose the winner of a physical fight.
[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Gameplay Rules […]
First of all, I hope all of you are staying safe.
I have a couple of questions on some of the newer features. First and foremost, since splitting households no longer grants an automatic $20k or more to the new household, this could be problematic in the first couple generations because the new household either starts out with no money at all or reduces the household funds to rent/buy a new place to live. What will be the official legacy rules on this new feature?
The next few questions have to do with Discover University. Since university in Sims 4 doesn’t grant an additional age group or freeze aging for the home lot, playing the heir in Britechester robs us of at least 15 days with the rest of the household, and takes up well over half the Sim’s young adulthood. (I vastly prefer the Sims 3 system, but that’s besides the point…) Would it be possible to make it so that heirs who complete degrees at university (vs. at home) grant us an additional point per heir/generation to make up for the time lost with the legacy household? Or perhaps we can have the option of having aging be either Active Household Only or completely halted per SnarkyWitch’s suggestion without granting any additional points?
Thank you both for continuing to update the Legacy Challenge this far into the game’s release.
Can I use a Homeschool Mod?
If you leave a non-heir sim in the legacy house, do they count for obtaining points?
Yes, as long as they stay in the household.
I want to make sure that I am playing fair. I have the SNBank mod with a bank venue in my town. I just started the challenge on an empty 64×64 lot with $1800 and would like to know if applying for a loan to buy a small starter house would put me at an unfair advantage since the money has to be paid back or you get some nasty late fees?
Can heir(ess) become a spellcaster or just marry one?
Hi! I recently started my first legacy challenge!
I have a question about memorializing Sims that I cannot find an answer to, and an answer to a different question confused me.
2nd Gen – memorializes 1st Gen
Does 3rd Gen memorialize 2nd Gen or 1st Gen?
There was a comment at one point that they need to be memorialized by someone who knew them when they were alive – but the way the rule is written in some places it seems like it is saying they need to memorialize the Founder/Primary Spouse.
Maybe I am just not as familiar with the terminology and am misreading something, but 5th Gen is never going to have known the Founder right, so they have to memorialize their own parents?
Sorry if this a silly question. Thank you!
I am just starting this legacy challenge. I used to do these several years ago in my preteen/teen days and was reading about it and got inspired to do it again. Can we use the My Story option in CAS? It almost looks like the job it says you have is actually going to happen in gameplay? Never used it before.
Hello! I’m trying to achieve the point for most kids born in a single generation and I’m wondering at what stage of life can we move out spares? Do they need to get to young adulthood first or can we move them out as teens?
Whats the rules (if any) on stuff like hacking under the programming skill? Allowed or not?
My family so far is the founder, his girlfriend, and their daughter—an eligible heir. I’ve seen a similar question asked, but I’m wondering whether I can visit a lot specifically while controlling a non-founder and non-heir (i.e. the girlfriend). She is a Freelance Programmer, but the family doesn’t own a computer. Can I have her go to the library and do her work while the founder and heir stay home? Or does she need to bring everyone with her?
Hello! Back again with a new legacy. I can’t get enough of this challenge and replay it over and over again, it’s so fun. Been a massive legacy challenge fan since The Sims 2.
Just one question: are step-children eligible to earn points in the legacy challenge? My heir’s spouse (the primary spouse) came with a daughter from a previous relationship. The daughter is biologically related to the primary spouse, but not to the heir. My heir is her step-father.
I think I remember Pinstar saying anyone in the legacy household can earn points, and technically, step-children are related to the family by marriage, so I thought there might be a chance she’d be deemed eligible for points. If not, I can kick her out when she’s a teen and call it a day, lol, but it’d be nice if she could earn points.
I’m doing my first official legacy challenge and have a pretty good grasp of the rules from watching other streams, but one thing did come up that idk if it’s against the rules or not.
With Eco Living, you are able to marry for an inheritance. I accepted with the conditions because I was already engaged to someone. We got married, and I immediately got 20k added to my funds, but then when the move household screen came up, I didn’t transfer any money with my spouse, so I’m pretty sure that’s from the inheritance.
Is it against the rules to take that money or no? I wouldn’t think so because the offer approached me, I didn’t really go looking for it, you know, but I could be wrong since it is an unfair advantage. Someone please let me know asap, thank you!!
Hi all –
A friend just introduced me to to Legacy Challenges and I’ve spent the last month or so learning the rules and starting my own (sim) family! Part of getting my head around everything has been making/editing my own score sheet, and part of that has given me some Questions. The two that I can’t rectify are Athletic & Popularity. If there’s any guidance y’all can share, I’d greatly appreciate it!
Athletic Points – There’s literally not enough Aspirations in the base game to get 10 points. My count comes out to 29 Aspiration options (including Grilled Cheese). How is a player without all expansions supposed to get the last 2 points?
Popularity Points – Similar issue for this one; base game provides 7 Event options. For this category, you’d be limited to 2 points if you Gold’d each one. If we were being generous and counting the last Popularity Point as “Gold Medal in all *available* Events” then you’d top out at 3.
Has anyone else run into these issues? If so, what workaround have you found? I was able to square the things like Death Types, Knowledge Points, and Careers by looking at how many options the base game gives – that way expanding your game isn’t a punishment for a Legacy play, just more options to the same goals. Thanks!
You’re misunderstanding how they’re counted. It’s not the number of unique items that are counted for completing Aspirations or Event points, it’s the total. It doesn’t count the fact that I’ve completed Best Selling author 3 times as one aspiration, but 3 aspirations. The only time they care about the unique count is when counting if you’ve completed everything at least once.
Ok quick question, can I use cas.fullesitmode to allow my female sims/ their spouses to have children with another female and vice versa, or does that need to be done when I create the Legacy sim, thanks 🙂
[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Gameplay Rules […]
I got that message that I needed to get married within 7 days to get inheritance money…..
Is the “married for money” fair game ?
I’d say no.
I can’t stand having to do the same aspiration in back to back generations. One of my just born twins now has the same aspiration as his uncle. Might reroll it.
What are the 10 or 13 collections we are supposed to accomplish? It’s not listed under Nature? 🙁
Hello! Super excited to do this challenge for the first time! I have quick clarification question: Since Eco Living came out, I get random calls asking about inheritance money. Specifically: the one that gives you 2k for asking “Under what conditions?”. Should I ignore those calls or, if I do, remove the money from my sims funds?
Hope this makes sense.
Question, I just started this challenge and was wondering if I can use the Memorable Events Mod? I’m trying to follow most of the rules above.
Hi! My Sim has been abducted by aliens and he’s now immortal, should I do something about it? Is it specified in rules somehow?
How do I know when to age up sims? Do they have to age up naturally? Is there a limit on how many kids I can have per generation?
Hi! I just started my legacy family and I wondered: can everyone in the household earn points? Also spares’ spouses and cadet children? Or only heir, heirs spouse and their children?
Thanks a lot!
I was wondering about the use of the Prompt Resurrection potion?
I didn’t see anything saying it cannot be used. This doesn’t resurrect an already dead sim, it is an insurance policy of sorts. After drinking, as long as the buff is active, the sim will automatically be brought back to life. Once it ends, all bets are off.
And I suppose while i’m at it. What about the potion of immortality?
I haven’t used it yet, but from what I can understand, it’s a way for an elder sim to never die. This isn’t as good as being a vampire, but if vampires are allowed in this, why not this potion.
Hi!I want to try the legacy challenge and I have a couple of questions.
First can I put Penny Pixies as a lot trait as it isn’t a cheat, hack or mod?
Also… is it possible to use the hidden objects cheat to get items in Build mode that are free of cost?
Hello! just read that it’s not possible in another reply.
can i have a ghost pet?
My Sim died on Christmas day. Can I set his death holiday to the day before? I dont wanna get rid of the Christmas holiday. 🙁
You can create as many holidays as you want per the rules, so this, from my understanding, wouldn’t be against the rules.
> You may send your Legacy on vacation, but all family members must go
Is this point apply only to Selvadorada vacations, or Batuu and Granite Falls must be visited with whole family as well? What about infants?
If my primary spouse were to die before I have any eligible children, can my heir get married to someone else?
Can I change my aspiration if it’s impossible to achieve? My sim started with the Master Chef aspiration and chose the chef branch instead of mixology. After achieving the Master Chef I chose Master Mixology in order to earn the points for completing both food aspirations in a single generation but one of the milestones is to chose de mixology branch but you cannot go backwards on your career. Now I’m stuck and I don’t know if I can switch aspirations or this count as a bad event or I can complete grill cheese instead.
You can quit the career and restart from the bottom, allowing you to change the branch.
The problem was never that he was into porn but for the fact that he started looking for the local ones to meet in person is what baffles me.
Whenever I confront him about his way about, he kept mumbling and saying he went to gym blah blah blah. Hiring a haker was the best part of it because it was never something he saw coming. Hackers like SniffingnoseATrepairmanDOtcom will surly reveal what is hidden as long as it is a mobile device. You can find more for yourself on deep web on Dark basin forum to be precise. You should be able to hire more hakers for yourself.
So, I have a question…
I found a lady that my founder likes, but she’s a single mom. Can she still become my primary spouse? What do I do with her kid(s)? Are they considered spares while our kid will be the heir?
I know your comment is 2 months old now but I figured I’d still answer for you and anyone else who sees this!
From SimPenguin, November 24, 2015: “Sorry if this has been asked (I tried to read all the questions above): My Heir married a female who already had two children. Can I move in the step-children and, more importantly, what can I use them for? Can they contribute money to the household from jobs and skills? Can I count their various achievements (skill levels/aspirations/careers) in my total?”
From ImaginingMystic, November 29, 2015: “They can contribute money to the family but they will not count for points, so anything that they do (reach the top of a career, max an aspiration, etc) will not count to the overall score of your family. Usually it’s recommended to move any Sims that don’t count out of the family once they become teenagers or young adults.”
Reading other questions and answers, I believe the answer is yes she can be your primary, see above for what to do with them, and yes they are spares.
Hi, I was just wondering if we were allowed to use WonderfulWhims and Slice of Life
Any mod is okay, from what I understand, as long as it doesn’t give you an advantage over someone who doesn’t use it.
My Founder got married yesterday, and they finally have enough money for me to start building up a “house.” However, when I went into build mode, the household inventory popped up and it turns out that her husband brought a full starter home’s worth of furniture with him! Am I allowed to use this furniture or sell it and use the money, or do I have to either keep it there or sell it and cheat away the money earned?
That’s tough. I would’ve sold all the stuff then used the money cheat to return the household finances back to what it was before you sold them.
Also, I don’t think anyone updates this page anymore. Just a random Simmer passing through the rules once more here.
Not sure if anyone’s still following here, but here goes nothing….
First of all, I chose to have a founder with violet eyes and the heir as the firstborn male who inherits the violet eyes. However, after having 8 children, none of them got the eyes. I’m beginning to worry that the odd eye colors simply don’t get passed on and I don’t really know what to do (I never played with a sim having that eye color before)…..Since I have so many children already, I’m gonna go for the “have 10 children in one generation” point. But what should I do? When running tests in CAS, randomly generated children for the two sims do get violet eyes as often as they get brown eyes (the mom’s eye color). I don’t really want to fail the challenge on the first generation and I would like to not go back on my decision to have a certain trait from the founder be passed on through all 10 generations.
There’s another thing that confuses me too….I get that I need to roll for the adult aspiration when a child grows up. But after the one I got is complete, do I have to roll again or can I choose whichever aspiration I want after that? And if I have to roll every time, how is it possible to complete all the aspirations for points? Since personality traits get passed on, I noticed the random trait generator tends to give similar aspirations (at least for the children, I rolled for each one of them as they grew up and all of them so far got the Artistic Prodigy aspiration – that’s 6 times in a row). Is it okay to choose the aspiration after the one I randomly got is completed, or is that cheating?
Thank you so much in advance and sorry for the long post.
Hi, I was wondering, can I add extra rules/requirements to the challenge? For example, I was thinking of making the founder start out as a teenager, who cannot age up until they have an A in school. And requiring all toddlers to max out all skills, and all children to complete at least one aspiration and have an A in school, and all teenagers to have an A in school too and not allowing teens to have jobs (except the original founder), so that only household members between the ages of young adult and elder can bring in money through jobs.
[…] Rules […]
[…] Rules […]
For Sims 4 Seasons, selling items that are gained from rummaging through the attic box should be forbidden. It’s too easy to get infinite money from that box.
Hello, we have to roll for the traits of the adopted children, right… What about the biological ones? Do we need to roll them too. I’m pretty sure I’ve read that we can choose our children’s traits… Not sure tho.
Yes, you will be rolling for all of the kids whether they are biological or adopted.
If we wanted to do the makin money scenario with our founder as well as the ultra extreme start, we would just make the first of the 4 knights and the Viva La Landscape painting our first purchases right? Or would we just need to make sure that all of them are purchased before the founder’s death?
I know you said that the Lottery is NOT allowed in this challenge, but the chances of winning it is REALLY low. And I don’t really like making my sims skip out on holidays because they get a sad moodlet. Would it be okay to participate in the Lottery if we’re not using the point system, or to take a penalty if we are using the point system?
afaik sims dont get the sad moodlet from minor holidays (like lottery, neighborhood brawl, rebate day etc), only from major holidays (like winterfest, new year’s eve, love day etc) so you should be able to skip it without any issue. i routinely skip all of the minor holidays and i’ve never noticed them getting sad about it! you could test skipping it on another save file to see if they get the moodlet just to be sure and to avoid the “no restarting after bad events” rule though
Can you switch child Aspirations before they finish one? Does the childhood Aspiration count, so I can change Aspirations as a Teen and Adult?
Why are we only allowed to adopt babies? Like, why aren’t we allowed to adopt toddlers or children when their traits are randomized as well?
Hi, i wanted to know if a mod that adds more traditions to the game is fair game. My founder was into self-care (high manteinance) but I don’t see traditions related to either practicing wellness or doing any kind of self-care actions. Also, the amount of traditions available for holidays is really low (and doesn’t offer much). A mod would solve this, but would it be considered as having an advantage over other players? If so, I’ll figure the holidays out and that’s it but I do like the idea of characterization in the holidays.
Yeah I think that would be ok!
I wanted to play a Legacy in San Myshuno. Are there any rules you could make for apartments/penthouses?
Hi, I’m actually playing a different challenge right now, but since I’ll start a legacy too at some point and the same question will pop up there too (and the current challenge I’m playing is following some of the legacy challenge rules too) I wanted to ask it here.
So how about growing (potential) spouses up early, is it legal? Say I have a teenage sim who is dating a guy I’d want her to marry when she grows up. But I don’t know if the NPC teen will grow up in three days or three weeks or something in between. Can I use a birthday cake to grow him up or should I just wait or search for an adult spouse? I know I’m not supposed to grow legacy members up early so I wanted to know if this goes for future NPC spouses too.
Do we have to pick the same aspiration when a teen ages up? Or, is it okay to reroll again for a new one?
Are there rules for lifespan? Can you pause aging or does it need to stay on?
Aging does need to stay on. We usually recommend the “normal” lifespan setting for Legacies.
What are the rules for werewolves since they can access the immortality trait? Does that make them like vampires, where you can deal with their immortality as you wish, or like spellcasters, where they theoretically can access immortality but aren’t allowed?
I have a question? Am I allowed to play as all members of the household? Or just the founder ant=d let the others do their own thing?
Quick question: One of the rules says “they cannot move into a new house.” Does this include things like remodeling their current house? For example, the house my current Legacy family lives in is one I built myself, but I wasn’t a very good builder at the time and I found a much nicer house in the Gallery I want to import onto that lot instead. Assuming my family has enough money to afford it, am I allowed to demolish their current house and place the new one? If not, to what extent am I allowed to demolish/remodel their house?
I belive that it means you can’t move into a new lot. It should be fine to remodel.
Are we allowed to accept self discovery trait changes?
Been wondering that too since I just started a legacy challenge recently. Until they say other wise I’ve decieded that as long as the self discovery doesn’t replace a current existing trait that the sims has it’s okay to accept it. (Like I can’t have a non-commital sim become loyal or family oriented.)
My computer suddenly started treating this website as a dangerous site. I’ve reported that it’s safe twice, but figured you should know since you created it. The succession rules part doesn’t say “dangerous,” just this part of the site.
Can you use the multiple traits mod?
I don’t know if anyone’s asked about this yet, because it is fairly new, but with the ‘tutorial challenges’ are we allowed to keep that reward money?? To clarify for anyone who hasn’t played since these became a thing, they’re a little set of tasks like ‘create an object’ and ‘earn 250 simoleons’ etc., to help your sim out in a save or household.
I haven’t looked into these myself, but how much money is reward once the tutorial is over? If it’s a lot we may need to decide if we want to allow it or not, but if it’s a small amount, it is probably ok.
A few questions. Initially I was using a random generator for aspirations but then I got confused by something (can’t remember what, it was ages ago) and then I thought you didn’t need to use one. My current heir is doing one that I chose. Should I then change the current heir’s aspiration based on a randomiser? Also I didn’t realise that you HAVE to use the random generator, I’ve been using the randomiser from the game. Should I make a new child and make them heir and use the random generator? The founder is an elder so I’d need to get on that. Also can family members earn points for multiple aspirations or only the initial one? Do they have to roll for the new aspirations? Sorry for the ramble.
A lot of people have started using the in-game trait randomizer and that’s totally fine too! The only difference (I think?) is that our randomizer will factor in what traits the parents have and increase the likelihood of those traits showing up for their children. I don’t believe the in-game randomizer does that, but I could be wrong. Either way, you don’t need to restart!
I think it’s possible for Sims to now get >3 traits due to random game events, so using the site’s randomizer can be problematic for Sims with a lot of traits (especially if you don’t remember the original ones).
Would be nice if note could be added that the in-game one is okay to use.
Also, I don’t think the in-game randomizer allows randomization for aspirations, how should that be handled? One of my heirs has 5-6 traits, but I don’t know which ones to select for randomizer.
The Sims originally only start with 3 right? And then more get added with in-game events? I’m actually in the process of playtesting how this is going to work right now so I’m trying to figure it out myself lol.
Because if they originally start with 3 then you can just make note of those original 3 as their “base” traits to use in the randomizer.
As for the aspirations, if you’d rather use the in-game randomizer for traits you can still use our randomizer for aspirations and just ignore whatever traits ours gives you and focus only on the aspiration. At least for now. I’m trying to figure out the best way to go about this, lol.
Meant to reply, but it looks like the original 3 traits will show under CAS. So if you just go into CAS, it will show the original 3 traits as icons (the additional ones are obscured).
I know it’s been said that the rules will stay as they are with no updates. With the release of Life and Death and the complete overhaul of the death system, will there possibly be a change just for this pack? I think it changes enough of the big stuff to warrant an update if it’s possible.
Yes! I’m actually working on playtesting for an overhaul right now because of how many changes Life & Death added. It may just take a while for me to get it all together.
There’s so many comments over the last 10 years that I could not take the time to see if this question has been asked already, but at what point can I marry off my heir? I’m transitioning into Generation Two soon and I don’t know when the possible heirs should get married. Is it up to me? Or are there certain things (prerequisites) that need to happen first? I’ll also be asking Google and Reddit because I do need a speedy answer as the founder and her spouse are gonna die any day now lol. BUT if I find an answer, I will surely bring it back here to this question thread. Sorry if this was a lot also 🙂
It’s up to you! There is no time limit on when to marry off an heir. Take as little or as much time as you want.
For the freelance career stuff do you have to complete all the different types or just one of them? I’m currently doing the artist one but do I need to also do the writer and programmer ones as well? Sorry if this has been asked before, I did a ctrl + s search but didn’t find anything.
Also in an earlier comment you said that you are playtesting for the rules for life and death. Where will this update be just so I can keep an eye out for it. Like, will it be on this page or another one?
Thanks for you help 👍
I’m definitely keeping this one bookmarked.
I’ll be starting my legacy after the newest expansion, the Businesses & Hobbies Pack, comes out. A way to earn money with a family business and build an honest to goodness family legacy! One on the very same lot they live in! That can also develop their skills! 👀 Count me in!
i seriously can’t wait. I’ve got my Founder and origin story made, succession rules and story determined, trackers set up, rules collated and everything. And with the Life & Death pack adding wills and the like it’s even better. Especially since I’ve chosen the Living Will law for this family. Now we gets actual wills to do that XD
It’ll be my very first legacy challenge. I’m definitely looking forward to it.