Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Random Trait Generator

NOTE: If you complete the assigned Teen Aspiration before reaching adulthood you can either choose the assigned adult aspiration next, or choose one of your own. The Adult Aspiration is only listed as an optional choice, now.

Instructions for using the Random Trait Generator:

Our Random Trait Generator may seem confusing at first, but worry not, these instructions will help you.

First off, the generator will assign traits depending on the age of the heir/spare your generating for. To roll a trait and aspiration for a child, please do the following:

  • Input the parent’s traits in the parent trait boxes (NOTE: sometimes the 2nd and 3rd Parent trait lists don’t show up in their boxes right away when you click it. This is a known bug that we haven’t figured out how to fix. All you need to do is click the box a few more times and the trait list will appear!)
  • Leave the child trait blank
  • Click generate

This will give you a child trait AND child aspiration.

To get a Teen trait AND teen/adult aspiration do the following:

  • Input the parent’s traits in the parent trait boxes
  • Input the child trait
  • Click Generate

To get the final adult trait do the following:

  • Input the parent’s traits in the parent trait boxes
  • Input the child trait
  • Click the blue plus sign to the right of the child trait to add a teenager trait
  • Input the teenager trait
  • Click Generate

UPDATE FOR HIGH SCHOOL YEARS EXPANSION AND LATER: If you want to add an optional layer of randomness to your challenge, if you complete the assigned Teen Aspiration before reaching adulthood you can choose to use the assigned Adult Aspiration that the generator gives you. If you’d rather not do that, you can stick to your choice.

If you receive a trait or aspiration from a pack that you do not own simply re-roll to get something else. If you receive one of the 3 new vampire aspirations and do not want a vampire in your Legacy, feel free to re-roll until you get a non-vampire Aspiration.

Want to generate all traits and aspirations at once? Then head on over to this page!

We now also have a Toddler Random Trait Generator! Click here to access it!

The Random Trait Generators have been updated for The Sims 4 Get Famous.

Primary Parent

Secondary Parent

Child Traits

Provide any child traits that were previously generated



[…] Random Trait Generator […]

I can’t get this to work on my computer, only on my phone and it is very difficult and tedious to do it on the phone. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem and if they know how to fix it, this has been a problem for me for months.

What browser are you using? I haven’t had any issues myself and haven’t heard from anyone else having the problem.

When you say “can’t get it to work” on your computer, what do you mean? What is it doing? Just trying to see what the issue could be.

I’m using google and it only allows me to enter the first trait of the first parent and for the other traits and parent the drop down list doesn’t work.

Amber Wright

Hi, this has always been an issue for me too. You just have to click on and off the drop down list a few times and then it should allow you to pick the rest of the traits. If it refuses then just reload the page and try again. Sometimes it just takes a while.

This recently started happening to me too. I’m using firefox and before it worked fine and I never had a problem, but recently the list won’t drop down. It will for a few and then not for a couple and no matter how many times I refresh or click on them at least 2 don’t pop up. If I refresh sometimes the ones that didn’t drop down before work and the others that did work don’t. I just ended up using my phone and even that was a little tough.

This recently started happening to me too. I’m using firefox and the first trait for both parents work, but not the others. Sometimes the other traits work, but there’s always 2 that don’t. No matter how many times I refresh or click it doesn’t fix itself. I ended up using my phone, but even that was difficult. Again this started happening recently. Like within the past week.

Hmm did Firefox update recently? I’m wondering if the generator is just not playing nice with a recent update.

Have you tried clearing your browser’s cache to see if that fixes it?

I’ve always used Google Chrome and never really had a problem. Sometimes I have to click the traits a couple times to get them to show up, but I’ve never had it where they don’t work at all. I might toss an email to the generator’s creator just to see if he has any insight on why this might be happening. I know nothing about programming.

Im inputing everything that Im supposed to and the generator is no longer giving me adult aspirations

How do I incorporate new traits from new packs? Such as werewolf and highschool years

I’ve added all of the new traits to the generator through High School Years so everything should be on there. You should see them on the drop down list and they should also randomly generate when rolling traits.

The only thing that isn’t working yet are the new teen aspirations. I’m trying to figure out why they aren’t showing up.

There is a flaw in the random trait generator my founder has the following traits Creative, Foodie and ambitious but they won’t plug in. I was able to plugin the child trait creative but I couldn’t plugin the teen trait foodie or ambitious (which I believe is an adult trait). I think the reason is you may have forgotten that the founder could have any traits. The founder traits could possible be all adult traits and then you can’t plug in anything for child and teen trait or just a combination of teen and adult traits leaving you not able to plugin a trait into the childs trait. Second generation parents should fit your generator mold but the founder could screw it up everytime. I believe the foodie trait was a teen trait but it wasn’t listed.

Sorry disregard last email. I’m not sure what happenend but the first time I tried I could have sworn the traits wouldn’t come up, but I tried again after the first email and it worked fine the second attempt. I think the refresh fix the problem I had. Sorry for wasting your time and both of you keep up the good work behind the challenge and websites and everything you all have done. This challenge has made the game fun again. The games are good to but they can get stale.


No worries! Sometimes the traits don’t show right away for me either. Refreshing usually does the trick.

I’ve refreshed the page atleast ten different times. Sometimes I get a database error and sometimes the page actually loads, but when it does load none of the traits actually come up in the menus.

Also I’m using the newest version of firefox if you want to know my browser.


It should be working now. Our server basically lost its mind after everyone came here from blog post LOL. Things should be stable now.

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I am fairly new to this challenge. My question for this generator is that it chooses a gender. Obviously I can’t choose a gender for my Sim so say I have a girl but when I hit random it says boy and then chooses traits for a boy which are not necessarily fitting for a girl (bro trait anyone?) so do I keep hitting random until I get a girl or do I use the first traits I rolled regardless of gender and so my girl would have to be a bro? Confused about this part.

sex is only pertaining to if you plan to adopt. if the child is born rather than adopted ignore the sex. however if you plan to adopt you must use the random trait generator and it will tell you which sex to adopt and which traits to give the baby.

But girls can be bros… real life and Sims life. You use whatever trait you rolled.

Zanny Taylor

you can have female bros it mainly creates traits based on what the child sims traits are, so if one of their traits is bro that maybe why

I am having the same problem as mentioned by Keith Baker. I have refreshed a number of times, with no avail to all the options in choosing childrens first trait with the founders traits. Also, when I first opened the page I could choose teen and adult traits, but after the first refresh, I cannot open the options to teen or adult traits whatsoever. When will their be an update fixing these issues, and if there is a problem when it becomes time to choose, is there a just alternative to generating traits until the problem can be resolved?

Pinstar Legacy

Please let me know what browser you are using and what version. The calculator is still in beta and we’re working out bugs. Feedback like this helps us squish the bugs. Thank you for letting me know!

Hi, I’m having a similar problem to the others – I wasn’t able to enter my Founder’s traits, specifically Family-Orientated, Creative, and Ambitious. I tried using both Chrome and Internet Explorer.


We are working on fixing this 🙂 Sorry for the inconvenience!


I love this generator but you have forgotten that the founder could have any traits. I can’t randomly choose traits for my second generation because my founder has no child traits.


Yeah we didn’t realize that at first. We will be working on fixing this for a near-future patch 🙂 Sorry! The random trait generator is still very much in beta.

what do you mean “chile traits”? (“my founder has no chile trait”)

also, question. the children i will have in my Legacy challenge wont be able to have random traits? i have to choose them? :s

[…] gets right to his homework. Also, I rolled his traits on the random trait generator he is self assured and got the social butterfly […]

I’m having a similar problem here – I can’t select the traits that my Sim’s spouse has – he is clumsy, romantic and non-committal, but I am unable to find any of those options in the first Father box (I am able to select two of the traits from the other boxes if I put a random trait into the first box). I am using the latest version of Chrome on Windows 8, and I have also tried on my iPad, which has the latest iOS and up-to-date Chrome browser.


Yeah this is an issue that we are working on. Hopefully a fix will be out soon!

Last night I started playing the Landgrabs and I watched their son grow up into an Young Adult. I had him adopt a girl. The girl was a child and she came wearing a bike helmet and I had her change her appearance. I took of the helmet and she had pigtails and she was really cute. I then changed her outfits and I made her into a tomboy.

I was wondering, since I think Pinstar said that you should only randomize one trait at a time for your child, so what do I do, now that Ive got 3 traits here, do I just take the first one and then randomize again when she ages up?

Pinstar Legacy

We’re actually working on a ‘randomize one trait at a time’ feature into the calculator, so expect that out in the near future. I think your solution is a good one in the meantime.


My first generation legacy mother is Non-Committal, Romantic, Snob. Unable to have any of those in child trait for mother.

So I had a little trouble with this lol. When the baby was aging up to child I forgot my sims traits so I had to just randomly guess. Turrned out I was wrong, so I took the liberty to try to stay true to the rules and used the full CAS edit on the child to change to what it was suppose to be from the Generator. Though trying to input the parents traits into the generator I couldnt but it in the right order so I had to get it the best way I could. Am I still okay to play this sims? lol. I tried my best to stay true to the rules and fixed her in CAS but it might not be accurate with the way the Generator works right now.


Don’t worry about being super strict with the generator yet. It still has some bugs and some traits can’t be inputed. For the moment just picking traits randomly on your own, is fine.

I’m using Google Chrome for Android Mobile. I’m bringing up the list a number of times but am having trouble bringing up Ambitious, and most of the ones I need. Just wanted to feedback 🙂

Well, what you guys could do is edit the rules for creating the founder. Make sure one of the traits is coming from the child traits, the second one coming from the teenager traits, and the last trait coming from the adult trait……

Make categories for which traits they can choose based on age….

Children: Active, cheerful, creative, genius, gloomy, hot-headed, self-assured, art lover, bookworm, geek, music lover, perfectinist, glutton, insane, lazy, loves outdoors, neat, slob, evil, good, loner, mean, outgoing

Teenagers: romantic, foodie, childish, clumsy, materialistic, snob, bro, hates children, plus any children traits

Adults: ambitious, family oriented, noncommittal, plus any children and teenager traits


We thought about that, but we’d like to stay true to keeping the founder completely customizeable. We’re working on fixing the trait generator 🙂

Dear Pinstar!
Thank you for Legasy Challenge rules! We, all playes from Russia are very grateful to you for it. We want to ask you for a favour. Wuld you be so kind to give us the Random Trait Generator script please? So we could make it in Russian, for Russian players?
With love,
from Russia

Interestingly enough, while using the generator for my founder’s children, the child’s sex on this generator matched what my founders had naturally!

Pinstar Legacy

Pure luck 🙂 The gender is there if you are adopting, as you must select a random adopted gender. For naturally born children, the gender coin flip is already done for you in game, so ignore the result on the calculator.

[…] Pinstar’s Random Trait Generator, Acacia rolled the genius trait with the childhood aspiration of […]

Hi I am just wondering when you are going to update the trait generator because it does not have my sims traits in the drop down menu?

Hi! Do you use the trait generator every time the child ages or do we write down what we got the first time and use them traits? When my sim turned into a teen I had the genius trait show up for her age but she already had that one when she became a child.



Write down what you got the first time 🙂 Or keep it logged on your computer somewhere. Either way is fine.

[…] I’m a big fan of random trait assignment, I was thankful for the possibility to do so by this random trait generator. I don’t know why Maxis won’t let us roll the traits anymore, but well… at least […]

Im kind of new to legacy, or at least attempting to be legit at it lol. How do i do traits for twins?


Use the trait generator for one twin, write the info down, then click the button again to get a new set of traits for the other twin 🙂

that’s what I thought. It’s what I did but I wasn’t sure if it was correct or not. ty

[…] you are interested in this challenge, here are the various important links: Rules Succession Laws Random Trait Generator Challenge […]

So what if they complete their first random rolled aspiration.
Can I choose the second myself, or should I roll an new one for them?
The question is both for the children and the adults.

Using this generator makes exemplar far too difficult to use, without defaulting to firstborn. Even if both parents shared the family trait, there’s only a 10% chance to roll that trait for the child (based on over 50 rolls). Honestly, the chance of rolling a trait that is shared by both parents should be more like 33%, at least.

I agree that exmplar’s condition is unlikely to hit, which is exactly why it has the First Born rule as a backup, but it makes for interesting storytelling and even if only ONE heir got the nod over an older sibling due to the exemplar rule, you’ll be certain to remember that one child and make their generation an interesting one!

Also don’t forget that you can use the many failed attempts at Heirs (all your extra spares) for the ghost/death requirements, you can move them out, or you can just try to manage a full household (it’s hard, but not impossible).

I can not use this… First parent I can enter in traits, Cheerful, Lazy & Good.

Second Parent is Hot Headed (can enter) and Family Orientated/Ambitious, both of which do not come up as options :/


We’re working on fixing that. Sorry!

Thank you for the update! It’s greatly appreciated, everything you two do for the community.Love you to pieces.


The problem I am having is both parents are now required to use the randomizer. The second parent is not a member of the household, I don’t know his traits, and the game is waiting for me to select a trait so I can’t go back to see if someone knew his well enough to learn them all. I am going to roll a die instead, but requiring both parents is going to be a problem, at least for a strict matriarchy.

Just open up a notepad and jot down the traits of the potential father.

I have a question on aspirations. When my child turns into a teen, do I select the child aspiration or the adult aspiration?


Adult aspiration for teens.

Good, because that is what I did. Thanks!

I think something may be wrong with the trait generator. I’m playing with the Exemplar succession law (Ambitious) and so far I’ve had 12 children (AND used Youth potion) in order to squeeze out an Heir, but so far, out of 36 chances, I’ve not once gotten the Ambitious trait. My founder is Ambitious, Snob, Hot-headed and my Outsider/Spouse is Neat, Loves the Outdoors, Music Lover. Now, I’m either the most unlucky person on the planet or the Founder’s first trait isn’t working. Here’s a list of all my children’s generated traits:
1. Hot-headed Loner Glutton
2. Loner Glutton Noncommittal
3. Hotheaded Slob Geek
4. Lazy Snob Gloomy
5. Active Snob Gloomy
6. Self assured Snob Hotheaded
7. Hotheaded Self assured Geek
8. Music Lover Lazy Snob
9. Loves the Outdoors Snob Hotheaded
10. Hotheaded Lazy Gloomy
11. Loner Lazy Noncommittal
12. Hotheaded Glutton Active

Why am I being so harshly punished on traits (I’m working my butt off maxing aspirations and all kids have As in school) and Hotheaded is so apparent?

Nothing wrong at all actually. The Ambitious trait is actually one that ONLY appears on the adult slot. This isn’t my generator’s rule, this is actually a rule in the game. (If you make a child or teen in the game, you’ll notice that Ambitious is not availble for them. I built that restriction into the generator so that it would never give you ambitious for a child’s child and teen traits (because it would be impossible to pick on the ‘give child new trait’ screen) Thus every sim only gets ONE chance at the Ambitious trait. Contrast that to something like “Insane” which can appear at the child, teen OR young adult level, which would appear more commonly.

Wow, bad on me then for picking an adult trait. >.<

[…] the offspring Traits and Aspirations will be determine all every child by using the following generator: […]

I do not understand, this is the first time I’m actually going to start a proper legacy abiding by ALL the rules…

Soo… When my sim has a baby/grows to kid or teen what do I need to do to determine randomized traits?

When they age into a child, you can either generate all the traits at once, or generate them one at a time as they age into each category. Your choice, as long as you use the trait generator on the website and plug in the traits of the parents (as they have an impact on the final traits generated)

How are we supposed to generated the last trait for our Sim? The generator only generates the first 2 traits for me now? =/


Hmm… you’re supposed to be able to click that little plus on the side to add teen traits, but it’s not working. Going to contact our app builder ASAP!

It’s still not working. I guess we can use as a fallback option…

I thought that’s how it was supposed to work, but I wasn’t sure. Thanks! Hope it gets fixed soon. (:

Hi, I have been a simmer since the Sims 1 but never attempted the Legacy Challenge until now. It has been great fun. In my first attempt my founder died in a cheap stove fire. I am doing well in my second attempt. My question is how do I select the heir when there are twins? Do I just pick the first one named? I have to say the twin thing can be confusing if you aren’t paying attention. They don’t tell you you’ve got twins until you name the second. So you may think that the first time you put in the first and last name it didn’t take. Anyway just wanted to say great challenge. I am going back and playing the challenge on the Sims 2 and 3.

If you are using the first born or last born succession laws, the order in which you give the twins names is their formal ‘birth’ order. So whatever baby you named first is your first born.

I liked the old generator that gave us all the traits at once. Also, this one isn’t randomly generating adult aspiration anymore.

We are working on fixing that bug, and also working on giving you the option to pick the ‘all at once’ or the ‘one at a time’ so you can generate traits however you like.

Thank you Pinstar! I must say thank you as well for the Legacy Challenge. I’ve been playing it for years, and I just love it. My current legacy is in it’s 6th generation and doing very well financially. Thanks for all the fun and memories over the years!

If anyone’s interested: I was able to make the current version of the generator work using Opera version 11.51. You can give it a try downloading it from here:

Tried this and it *does* work. Do get the version Novbert said, I didn’t at first and it does *not* work with the newest.


The trait generator was just updated again. There is still a problem with adult aspiration not showing up under teens, but now at least the teen trait be added.

Hello. I’m having the same issue as GamerChick only now that I cant see the aspirations that are randomly rolled for the children. Are you working on a solution as we speak 🙂 the previous version worked well for me.


We are working on it. Sorry!

How do I roll an aspiration using this calculator..? Am I missing something?


Do you mean traits or aspirations?


(Apart from the child aspiration I mean…)

Should it generate an aspiration for teens?

Shouldn’t it..? How else should I find out what my kids’ aspirations are..? I don’t suppose we get to choose them ourselves..?


Please refer to most recent update post as well as the instructions on the Generator. This is an issue that we are aware of and are working on 🙂 In the meantime, please follow my instructions written on the generator on how to get an adult aspiration for a teen until a fix can be made.

I saw them! Thanks so much!

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Random Trait Generator […]

Is this a bug? One of my parents’ traits is Ambitious (he’s Ambitious, Goofball, and Outgoing) but Ambitious isn’t an option in the drop down menu for parents.

Errr. Never mind, it showed up when I tried again. Weird, but okay! 😛

You can’t select ambitious from the dropdown menu in the middle, for some reason..

Pinstar commented above that Ambitious is only an adult trait per the game design. When giving children/teens traits, it will never show up in the child or teen list only when you give them their Adult trait so he built that restriction into the trait generator as well.

They asked about the parents’ dropdown menus though, not the kids’ one.

I have noticed, as I said above, that ambitious is not an option in the middle/second dropdown menu. You can select it from the first and third though.

I’m running google chrome and this page seems to be constantly trying to execute something, perhaps an incomplete script? Currently it just says “Connecting…”


Hmm… strange, it’s working fine for me and I also use Chrome. Have you tried using a different browser?

Okay so I’ve read everyones comments but it doesn’t matter how much I refresh etc, I still cannot put in all of my founders traits. She’s romantic, materialistic and non commital. What should I do? She’s pregnant but I can’t play until this is fixed, because I don’t have the Childs traits properly genertated 🙁

We are working on fixing all the bugs. In the mean time, just put in as many of her traits as you can. It’ll just make the children *slightly* more random if one of the 3 parent traits is missing, but not game breakingly so. No need to put your whole challenge on hold.

Hey, the random trait gen isn’t working at all for me. There’s no family oriented trait under primary parent trait 1, also no options at all for trait 2 and 3. Same with Secondary parent. Are you working to fix this?

We JUST rolled out an update to fix these issues. Give it another try and let me know if you have any other problems.

Hey guys,

Quick question, the generator gave me the Friend of the World aspiration. Currently, though, that aspiration is bugged because you can’t have more than 1 BFF without making the others enemies. Once reaching 1 BFF, would it be fair to use the cheat to complete that milestone or what are your recommendations?

[…] Istnieją także pewne zasady i wskazówki, których można się trzymać. Twój założyciel The Legacy Challenge to jedyny Sim, nad którym masz całkowitą kontrolę. Każdy Sim, który dołącza do rodziny, musi być losowo wygenerowanym mieszkańcem miasta albo dzieckiem, które urodziło się w rodzinie lub zostało przez nią adoptowane. Gdy dzieci rodzą się lub są adoptowane przez rodzinę, ich cechy i aspiracje muszą być wygenerowane losowo. Możesz w tym celu wykorzystać nasz własny generator cech losowych. […]

[…] Há algumas regras e diretrizes que você também pode seguir. O fundador do Desafio do Legado é o único Sim sobre o qual você vai ter controle total. Qualquer Sim que entrar na família deve ser um morador gerado aleatoriamente ou uma criança que nasceu ou foi adotada por ela. Quando crianças nascem ou são adotadas pela família, seus traços e aspirações devem ser gerados aleatoriamente. Você pode usar o próprio Gerador de Traços Aleatórios do Desafio do Legado. […]

[…] famiglia, i relativi tratti e aspirazioni devono essere generati a caso. È possibile servirsi del generatore di tratti a caso della Sfida […]

I just started my first legacy family and I married a sim who brought in 20,000. I am trying to use the ‘Money’ cheat but it doesn’t change the amount I have at all. I even looked it up to make sure I was doing it right. Help!

I have not actually played with the money cheat myself so I can’t advise you on what you might be doing wrong when using it. That said, it is a valid method for dealing with the incoming 20k if you didn’t merge the spouse to a common household prior to moving them in.

The money cheat didn’t work for me but I found one that did in case anyone else has issues:

Sims.modify_funds +/-###

Well, I’m not sure if this is the previous cheat you tried, but the cheat that I did after I ‘inherited’ the 70,000 simoleons (in my case) was a very simple: ‘money ‘ . Just a note about that, it won’t work if you haven’t written in ‘testingcheats true’ in yet.
The cheat you specified was also one I saw when I was looking for the cheat (I looked around TwistedMexico’s Official/Unofficial cheat guide), but I just thought that the ‘money one was a bit simpler.

[…] when I used the Random Trait Generator to determine her trait, she rolled the one trait I’ve been dreading and hoping to avoid […]

Got a pron – used this generator to randomize my child and got

child trait: geek
teen trait: goofball
adult trait: snob

Now my problem is, that because my sim is a goofball, I cannot choose snob – wth??

So… yeah…

Maybe you would help me and suggest what I shall choose instead of snob then???

That is a bug, roll again. Thank you for pointing it out.

Hi, I really love the concept of the legacy.

My boyfriend made a rendom generator too for me a few time ago, but it’s a generator for the career and for the skills of the sims (because without it I usually end up playing always the same thing lol).

I find it really practical 🙂 So your trait generator is perfect to complete my randomly generated sims!

did you turn testingcheats on first? you have to keep turning cheats on, i think they automatically toggle off when you go into manage worlds or create a sim.

Pinstar Legacy

I do not have them on during my play through of the challenge.

oops, I meant to reply to the money cheat thread. You need to turn testingcheats on before you use the money cheat, otherwise it doesn’t work.

[…] Exemplar – Escolha um traço. Esse traço deve pertencer a um dos possuídos pelo fundador. Herdará o filho que possuí-lo. Havendo disputa ou ausência do traço, deve-se seguir a regra do “Varão” (para essa lei deve fazer uso do Gerador de Traços Aleatórios). […]

So I adopted a child and rolled male for the child. I couldn’t tell what gender the babies were, so I chose a baby named Bobbie. Turns out she was a girl. What now? And how do you tell the gender of adopted children?

Pinstar Legacy

Just roll with it. Since the game gives no clear gender indicators that’s as good as you can do.

Actually I’m pretty sure green shirt is boy and yellow shirt is girl.

[…] 2nd to be the founder of my strict equality creative legacy. Her traits, which I decided to abuse Pinstar’s trait calculator to generate, are: Romantic, Creative, Childish. Her lifetime aspiration is to have a Big Happy […]

Hi I have a single sim and I want them to adopt and I was wondering what I should do when it comes to traits because there is only one parent, should I just try to randomise on my own or is there a way around that?


For the Legacy Challenge, a spouse is actually required both for traditional births as well as adoption. Your Sim doesn’t have to marry that Sim, per se, but they do need to have a second Sim moved in that will count as the
“Primary Spouse”. That Sim can be male or female, doesn’t matter 🙂

Primary Parent: Cheerful, Good, Loves Outdoors
Secondary Parent: Cheerful, Ambitious, Self Assured
Child comes out gloomy? Is this a bug or can the child randomly have neither of the parents traits?


Nope, not a bug 🙂 The child can still receive random traits. There is a chance that the parents’ traits will pass down, but there is also a chance that they will get a completely random one. Sometimes they won’t get ANY of the parents’ traits. It’s really just luck of the draw.

I rolled lazy and neat, but can’t get them both for my sim. Do they conflict?

Sorry for my stupid question but i’m new in this challenge i just want to know if i have another child do i give him/her same traits as the previous child? and if not how do i generate the other child’s traits?


You randomly generate the traits of all children in the family using the Random Trait Generator.

I encountered a situation where I think there are incompatible traits. My child was hot-headed, and for her teen trait it rolled gloomy. When she had her birthday and I went to set her trait, gloomy was not there. I have not had a chance to try creating a teen Sim in CAS to see if the one trait knocks out the other, but I thought I’d let you know.

Love your challenge, always have! You’re the best!

Pinstar Legacy

Thank you for the feedback. We tried to catch all the incompatible traits but the calculator will occasionally still generate them. In cases like that, just re-roll.

[…] named Gemma. Who already has all three traits planned out, because I’ve generated them over here. I’ll reveal them to you as she ages up, […]

[…] gained the trait goofball and her aspiration is bestselling author. I used this to randomly generate but I might use this one next gen because it doesn’t rely on parents […]

[…] other sims can’t bring money into a marriage, no changing current aspiration, use their trait generator to get children’s traits and aspirations. More can be found on the website. Also, this is my […]

I don’t know why, but my adults all have 4 traits and there is only place for 3 in the generator. Is this normal or what should I do?


Only three should be traits, the other is the passive trait that you get from the aspiration that you choose. That one doesn’t apply to the trait generator.

I just attempted to generate my G3 heir’s third trait. His mom is childish, cheerful, and lazy; his dad is goofball, active and neat. His child trait was geek, and his teen trait was neat. The aspiration generator gave me “lazy” as his third trait–but the game doesn’t allow neat and lazy to coexist. I went into CAS to confirm this–it’s not possible. I redid the aspiration generator and got goofball, which is allowed.

You might want to tinker with the generator so that it won’t try to generate neat and lazy at the same time. Thanks!

Pinstar Legacy

This is a known issue, there are a few trait conflicts that it doesn’t catch. Re-rolling like you did is exactly what you should do if you get this.

[…] Twinkle! She has her dad’s hair and eye color. Using Pinstar’s random trait generator I rolled cheerful as her trait (just like her Mama!) and Whiz Kid as her […]

With Outdoors Retreat being released, people are already adding sims to the Gallery with the new Squeamish trait. Has this already been factored into the Random Trait generator? Can I go ahead and have kids and start putting in traits?


Not yet! We need to inform the Trait Generator’s creator of the change. Hopefully it will be up soon!

there is also a new aspiration.


Yep we know 🙂

Hi! Would you have any idea of when the update for outdoor retreat should be? I created a founder with the squeamish trait and started playing before realising that the generator wasn’t ready. So I’m waiting patiently now. lol Thank you!


We submitted it to our Trait Generator’s creator and he said he would get to work on it as soon as possible. So hopefully within the next few days!

Hmm..I am not seeing the Squeamish trait in the list of traits even though you said it’s updated…


Huh… it should be. Going to message the trait generator’s creator ASAP!

i aged up the baby without looking the father’s traits
and had to recall memories
i picked “slob” instead of “snob” 🙁

Pinstar Legacy

It happens, don’t worry about it 🙂

I think that the game pack Outdoor Retreat have give us e new traits with delicate traits and if I’m not mistaken, this new feature is not in the generator.
Do I put Neat instead ?

Thanks for all


We are working on getting it added right now. There was an error that kept it from being updated, but we are working on it. You can just use neat for now and remember that it’s squeamish, that’s fine 🙂

Thanks a lot for addition of Squeamish ^^

I am loving your site and I am using this random trait generator all the time. I am just sad because it’s missing both : Squeamish and snob? Could that be fixed?Thanks in advance 🙂


Snob is missing? It shouldn’t be… it’s been there in the past. Yikes. Gonna have to contact our trait generator guy again.


Actually I just checked, snob is on the list. It is all the way at the bottom. Squeamish is still missing though, we’re working on that.

Sorry for the “snob”-thing, I just realized that the reason why it was missing för me was because it was interfering with my other traits! 🙂 Thanks for a quick answer and for the help! Love your site! 🙂


No worries! Glad you figured it out 🙂

I have a mod that lets me keep the books that I’ve written. Is that ok for the legacy challenge?


Yes, I would say that that is fine!


Just thought I’d let you know that I found a few incompatible traits when using the generator. My sim aged from teen to YA- he has the lazy and bro trait, I rolled and got neat. rolled again and got ambitious. Both I think aren’t compatible with lazy. rolled again and got genius, which of course fits 🙂

Pinstar Legacy

We’re trying to peg down the incomparable trait issues, until then, just do what you did and reroll.

Have you ever considered optimizing your generator for mobile devices? I don’t know if it’s possible for you to do so, but it would be incredibly helpful. Usually when I play, I come to this website on my phone, because it’s convenient and I don’t want to minimize the game and open up my browser. It sometimes slows down my computer. But the drop down menus are kind of buggy on my phone. Sometimes if I click too fast on the second or third menus after just having input the one before it, it won’t give me any options and I have to close it and reopen. I use iOS 8.3 or whatever the heck iPhones are on now. Maybe even if it isn’t an app, just a mobile version of the website. Maybe something to keep in mind if you have the time and capability?

Other than that I LOVE this generator. It’s so helpful and it makes it feel more real when I don’t hand pick the traits and aspirations myself. Thanks for all the hard work!!

I believe I am experiencing a bug, but I guess in theory it could be the art of randomness. I’ve been plugging in my sim (Family Oriented, Creative, Perfectionist) with a multitude of partners with different traits. However, the same results for the children traits keep appearing. My sim is on child 14. About every other child, the last few in a row, have been given mean or evil. My teens too have been experiencing a similar issue, if they missed the evil/mean trait on the child lot they end up getting it in their teen traits! So I’m plaguing my gene pool with Evil and Mean Sims.

Pinstar Legacy

I’ve heard word of anomalies with the RNG, but it could just be bad luck too. It seems to be working fine. What you might want to try is just roll 5 times first just to refresh the seed and then take whatever the 6th roll is.

I am also experiencing the evil trait bug.

I’m doing the 100 Baby Challenge. My matriarch is creative, family oriented, and romantic. 4 out of her 10 children are evil, while not a single father is evil.

The 100 Baby Challenge explicitly states that I am not allowed to re-roll traits, so that is not an option for me.

Pinstar Legacy

I’m not familiar with the evil trait bug, but I’ll look into it. Traits CAN generate that are not present on either parent. In fact that there is a 1/3 chance that a completely random trait will be picked. Why it keeps coming up evil, I’m not sure. I didn’t set it to specifically favor certain random traits over others (if they aren’t present on the parents that is)

Hi Pinstar,
Thank you for the generator. My teenager got the romantic trait which seems to be should be an adult only trait considering she can’t use it until them it seems a waste.


Again Thank you

Pinstar Legacy

There are the occasional bugs and quirks with it. Thank you for reporting this. If you ever get a result that you can’t use in game, just re-roll and use the next result.

[…] home must always stay on the same lot, and so on. Traits for children are chosen using this handy trait generator, as there is currently no randomisation option for traits in the […]

[…] used the random trait generator to give her a […]

Would you consider adding jobs to this randomizer too please. Thanks.

Pinstar Legacy

If I ever have a challenge that requires random jobs, probably. Until then I’d suggest assigning each job a number then go to and generate yourself a random number 🙂

My kid got perfectionist, mean, and family oriented. Not the best trait combination ever.

🙂 nice

[…] Speaking of random, my founder was created lovingly by me in CAS, but traits and aspirations of all children born into the legacy will be randomised using this generator. […]

Hi. One of my child achieved two of her childhood aspirations!
when i opened aspiration selection window, there was a list of adult aspirations. not a childhood aspiration.
so i choose it myself, as painting aspiration.
but when my child grown up as teenager, trait selection window popped up to me.
when this time, do i have to select adult aspiration as i choose before? or i have to select the new aspiration from random trait generator?

Pinstar Legacy

When you generate a child, and indicate that it is a child, it should randomly generate one of the four childhood aspirations, and then give you an adult one when you generate a teen.

Nono, i mean, i generated child and select randomly generated childhood aspiration and i completed it. So, i selected second childhood aspiration and completed it too. Then i wanted to select third childhood aspiration, but it looks like that third childhood aspiration is not allowed. I had to select new aspiration of my child from adult aspiration list.

Is it sims bug? Or original feature?
If it is original feature, then do i have to re-select adult aspiration when child grow up to teenager?

Pinstar Legacy

Once you complete an aspiration, you may freely pick the new one; you don’t need to generate it. Now when your child does age into a teenager, you have to take the adult aspiration generated, but until then, you’re free to pick a new childhood aspiration every time you complete one, it’s only the first one that is randomly dictated.

[…] also wanted to start off completely random. The Random Trait Generator will greatly come in handy down the line but being that I had no parents for my founder to pull […]

Hi guys, seems to be currently not working.


Sorry for the late reply, we were away for the weekend. It seems ok to me right now, what was it doing?

Apologies! False alarm. I think it may have been a glitch with the mobile website, as I went on my desktop and it worked just fine 🙂

It might be just a statistical blip, but in 20 Offspring I’ve yet to roll an artistic protegy (or however it’s spelt in English) – Scamps, Butterflys and Whizkids but no artistically inclined kids in my house.

I know 20 tries isn’t saying much and the kids grow out of it , but I thought I’d post, just in case.

Pinstar Legacy

As far as I can tell, the randomizer is as random as a website plugin can get. I’ve gotten that roll when using it before, so there is no block against getting it at all. Keep in mind that if you 100% finish one of the rolled aspirations, you are free to choose any of the remaining ones if your sim kid has time left before teen.

[…] then stick to a strict succession laws after that so it is going to work this way. Heirs will use Pinstar’s random trait generator for both their childhood trait and childhood aspiration and their teen trait and aspiration. […]

What do I do if the child was the product of an alien abduction?


It depends on what your Legacy heir laws are. But as a general rule, if the alien baby is related to the founder or heir (I can’t remember how abductions work in Sims 4… is the alien baby in the family tree of the Sim that was abducted?) then they can become heirs themselves, providing your species law allows it.

There’s Foodie trait missing in the child traits.

[…] First trait is chosen randomly, using Pinstar’s Random Trait Generator; […]

Just wondering you’ll be adding the recently patched in jealousy trait?


Made a post regarding this today to help answer this question 🙂


The generators have been updated to include jealous as of this morning!

Will the new trait “Jealous’ be added?


Made a post regarding this today to help answer this question 🙂


The generators have been updated to include jealous as of this morning!

Any chance the new Jealousy trait will be added soon?


Made a post regarding this today to help answer this question 🙂


The generators have been updated to include jealous as of this morning!

Hey, FYI, I rolled lazy and music lover as a teen, then neat as an adult. Spent about five minutes looking for it in the traits list but it turns out neat conflicts with lazy. 😛


Eek, thanks for pointing that out! I will let our programmer know about it!


Our programmer updated the generators this morning and the conflict should now be fixed. Thank you for pointing it out! 🙂

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Random Trait Generator […]

I just noticed that the newly added trait Jealous isn’t on the appropriate lists.


Made a post about this the other day:

We’re working on it 🙂 Just a bit of a delay because of all the real life stuff going on.


The generators have been updated to include jealous as of this morning!

[…] of their homes and day to day lives as well. Traits for each heir sim must randomized using this handy dandy trait randomizer tool found here. There aren’t deadlines for completing this and you […]

Heya, love the Challenge. Any idea when you will update the Random Trait Generator to include the new Jealousy trait?


It is on there already 🙂

What if you’re using CC Traits? Would that be considered cheating? Or will you work on an “other” option in the future?


I don’t believe CC traits or aspirations are allowed in the Legacy challenge. It would be too much for us to keep track of so we stick with only traits/aspirations that come with the games.

[…] seus traços e aspirações devem ser gerados aleatoriamente. Você pode usar o próprio Gerador de Traços Aleatórios do Desafio do […]

Love the new look!


Thank you!

are the new traits from the sims 4 get together going to be added at some point?


Yes. I sent the request in to the Trait Generator’s Creator the other day. I imagine there may be a delay due to the upcoming holidays. I made a post about it the other day when I made the rules update.


It’s been updated now 🙂

Super stronka!!!!!!! 🙂

[…] traits MUST BE chosen at random using the Random Trait Generator. Aspirations must be selected with this as […]

[…] wondering how I determine a kid’s aspiration and traits, when aging up, I use the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Random Trait Generator. I use it for almost every sim, even when I’m not playing a challenge. I just love the idea […]

My sim had goofball & geek, and the generator gave him snob. But snob & goofball conflict.


Re-roll for now 🙂 I will let our random trait generator guy know! Thanks!

I want to make my founder a klepto but that hasn’t been added yet. Will that be added soon? Thanks. 🙂

When will be the new trait that was added in the last update?

Before one could have Aspitations! Why that is not there more? It is hopeless seriousness! I would like that comes back !

[…] Children’s traits are decided through this trait generator […]

Hi i finded your site only recently, so just like to ask what trait use if the child is alien, for we have only 1 parent triat, the other is only alien tech (N) whit no trait. thx

[…] But instead of the music lover trait, Josias receives the creative trait making use of the random trait generator. Abel, on the other hand, receives the same trait as Marley; being a music lover but instead, he […]

[…] within the game decide. As for their traits, I am using the Legacy challenge trait generator found here. Thanks for […]


Can I create a partener if i use the random traits? i will use your trais generator

I need to know if I need to start my game all over. I adopted a male child, I totally forgot to use the generator before the adoption now the generator is suggesting to adopt a girl. Do I start over or just use the traits suggested regardless of the sex. Thank you


Nah I wouldn’t worry about that. Just use the traits that you were given and ignore the gender this time. Just make sure to use the generator beforehand next time 🙂

Thank you, I will 🙂

use trait

is City Native an aspiration a CHILD can have in the new aspiration? if not, it is coded incorrectly into the generator or something. thanks!


City Native shouldn’t be showing up at all in the generator. We took it out due to the fact that it requires that Sims live in San Myshuno. Is it still showing up?

It is coming up as a child aspiration


Huh… Ok I’ll take a look and see why. Sorry for the confusion, it shouldn’t be there!


Ok it should be gone now!

Please, update to The Sims 4 City Living.


It’s already been updated. All of the new traits are in. We are not adding City Native to the generator as it requires moving to San Myshuno which doesn’t really work with the Legacy Challenge.

[…] a Sim ages, you need to use the Random Trait Generator on the original Legacy Challenge. It is amazing. Anything I could come up with for a Randomizer […]

[…] will use Pinstar’s random trait generator for both their childhood trait and childhood aspiration and their teen trait and aspiration, you […]

[…] dejar que el azar elija su aspiración y su primer rasgo usando la calculadora que encontrarás aquí. (NT: En la última sección de este artículo encontrarás las traducciones necesarias para […]

[…] glasses since both parents have them, so I’ll take care of that when she becomes a Teen. Her trait is Cheerful from her father. She’s got the Rambunctious Scamp […]

The generator isn’t working. I put in all of the parents’ traits and when I hit generate the child’s trait remains blank.


I just tested it and it worked fine for me. Not sure why it is doing that for you. Have you gotten it to work yet?

Nope. It still leaves everything blank.

will you be updating to add toddler traits to this?


Yes, though I don’t know when. We need to send it off to the person that created it for us. To be honest, we haven’t even had a chance to look at the traits yet. Dealing with a family member’s health issues right now and that needs to take priority for us. We’ll try to get it done when we can though.

Thank you guys, for all that you do. I know I speak for everyone when I wish the best possible outcome for your ill family member. Take good care!

In the mean time you could use this: It’s a random number generator. Just number the toddler traits from 1-8.


Thank you! Good to know there is an alternative while we wait for ours to update.

One of my sims had an alien baby and I don’t know the pollinators traits – should I just skip them?

What about toddlers? Does the trait matter for the challenge?

Just saw the comment above, nvm sorry!


Yeah we’re still waiting to hear back from the person that helps us with the trait generator as we aren’t quite sure how to add the Toddler traits ourselves. I know how to add traits for the other age groups, but since Toddlers are a completely new age group, I’m not entirely sure how without breaking everything. So I’m waiting to see what he says 🙂


Scratch that. I was able to figure out how to make a completely separate trait generator for the toddlers. It’s all ready to go! 🙂

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Random Trait Generator […]

Hello! I’m trying to make an offline version of this generator for personal use as I’m not always online to use this. Is there any way for me to have a look at the code behind this?

Oh never mind. I figured it out and coded it myself. Thanks for this generator!

Jessica Miłek

mi to nie działa

[…] childrens trains must be randomly generated. I use this: (thank you legacy challenge for making this […]

The aspirations don’t seem to be showing up with mine…


I just tested it and it seems fine. They appear under the generated traits. Which trait generator are you using? The all traits at once one or the regular one?

[…] that. * Use Random trait calculator for traits and aspirations for every sim a good one to use is TOTAL POINTS Once again I point you to here for most precise and easy to understand points system […]

[…] not allowed to choose the traits you have to use a trait generator like this or this […]

[…] am going to be using a random trait generator for my legacy to keep everything interesting, and I will be adding “bad” traits to the first […]

Are you allowed to pick the first aspiration of the adult heir or does that have to be randomly generated as well?

I do not have adult aspirations on the regular random trait generator. It appears that the sims have made a change in the game. It used to be that you would pick your adult aspiration going into a teen but I just aged my teen into an adult and its asking me to choose an adult aspiration to replace the teen one.


Huh. This is the first I’ve heard of this. I haven’t had a chance to play the game in a couple of weeks. I’ll check it out next time I get around to playing and see what’s going on.

I want to make something like this, but taking into account previous generation traits. As though, the trait skipped a generation or three! Obviously, there would be less of a chance with each generation, but the chance would be greater than an unrelated trait.

I’m not sure if this has been answered already, but I was wondering how this works? Does it give a higher chance of the child having one of the parent’s traits? How is that worked out?
I’ve seen people talking about the ‘first trait’ as though that one is more likely to be passed down – is this true? Because when I’ve used it I assumed order didn’t matter and just did them in alphabetical order.
Just curious really, as I am using this for my Build Newcrest Legacy.

Has this been updated for Vampires/Bowling?

[…] the creator of Simmerland who i found the rules of the Alphabet Legacy Challenge and the creator of the legacy challenge who I found the trait generator […]

hi, what trait we select if a parent is Thec sim, i mean for male abducted the alien parent don’t have trait. Any idea?

[…] then stick to a strict succession laws after that so it is going to work this way. Heirs will use Pinstar’s random trait generator for both their childhood trait and childhood aspiration and their teen trait and aspiration. […]

[…] will use Pinstar’s random trait generator for both their childhood trait and childhood aspiration and their teen trait and aspiration. […]

[…] I’m aware that the official rules allow you to pick the last trait of your heir to make it easier, however I will not do this. All of the traits and all of the aspirations of the spares – should there be any – will be rolled using Pinstar’s The Random Trait Generator. […]

[…] generarli all’interno del gioco dopo il passaggio di età vi forniremo due link. Il primo link prevede l’inserimento dei tratti di entrambi i genitori, quindi del donatore e della […]

What about non-eligible children in your home, do you have to roll their traits or can you pick them? My example is an alien baby of my second oldest male, I chose strict equality and it is the female turn. I have 3 eligible girls, so if all three die then the alien would technically end up in the line of succession (old generation is dead so no more competitors). I also am thinking of adopting an out of wedlock child born in a different household into mine (so would never be an heir) and would like to know if I need to make those traits random or if I can pick. Basically, I am playing side characters for fun and not to keep spares ready. I apologize if this is covered somewhere, I tried looking as much as I could and searching for it proved a challenge.


You can pick traits for non-eligible children. The Trait Generator only needs to be used for eligible kids.

[…] Her babies will have random traits assigned using Pinstar’s Toddler Trait Generator  and Random Trait Generator […]

What happened to Ambitious?????

Fixed. I input some of the traits incorrectly when I updated the generator yesterday. Sorry about that.

Oh. Wait I see what you are talking about now. They aren’t showing up in Trait 1 or Trait 2’s list. Hmm… I’m going to need to mention that to the plugin creator. That’s not something I know how to fix.

Charlie Slocombe

the family oriented trait isn’t there

Fixed. I input some of the traits incorrectly when I updated the generator yesterday. Sorry about that.

There’s no option for family-oriented or ambitious. Also, my secondary parent has 3 adult traits so I can’t input them into the generator.

Fixed. I input some of the traits incorrectly when I updated the generator yesterday. Sorry about that.

Oh. Wait I see what you are talking about now. They aren’t showing up in Trait 1 or Trait 2’s list. Hmm… I’m going to need to mention that to the plugin creator. That’s not something I know how to fix.

As a few others have said, several traits seem to have disappeared from the list today. I tried refreshing, but no luck. Also, I’m missing the same traits (family oriented and ambitious) mentioned in the comment above.

When I updated it yesterday they must have not been added properly. Fixing right now. Sorry about that.

No worries. Thanks!

The parent traits have toddler traits?? Why???

That’s a good question. Going to see if I can figure out why.

is there a way to get a chart to track the family? Like a sims family tree

You could use something like if you want something more detailed than the in-game one.

Hey, I’m now on generation 4 and the trait generator has given me four generations of neat foodie sims. Is it meant to be this skewed in favour of children always being really similar to their parents? I’m getting a bit bored of neat foodies!

No it shouldn’t be. I’ve run several tests and only rarely see it give too many of the parents’ traits. Sometimes I don’t even get any of them.

Is this currently up to date with all the packs ?

It should be! I don’t believe the latest Toddler pack added anything new, so it should be up to date.

[…] Exemplary – Choose a stroke. This trait must belong to one of those possessed by the founder. He will inherit the son who possesses it. If there is a dispute or absence of the trace, the rule of “Man” must be followed (for this law he must make use of the Random Trait Generator). […]

dont like the new update if you have triplets all with diffrent traits you have to restart it for every child its a bit annoyiing

I’ll mention that to the person that made the generator for us. That is pretty tedious and I didn’t even think of that. I’ll see what we can do.

Wait, I’m confused now, what do you mean by restart? I just went back and looked at the generator and all you need to do to generate another child (for triplets or twins) is just hit the “Generate Child” button again. You don’t need to restart it or input the parents information again.

That works for generating the toddler and child traits, but generating teen traits for multiples is more complicated (because you have to put in the previous child trait). I aged up triplets recently, and I had to put in the parent and child traits for each one.

yes its very annoying I usually have multiple births sometimes up to sextuplets and to enter the parents traits in six times gets really annoying is it going to be changed or stay the same

Hi, just wondering how the algorithm determines which traits you get based on the parents traits? Like, is it just going to give you a high probability of getting a parent trait and a smaller probability of any other trait, or is it more complicated? Sorry if you’ve answered this elsewhere!

Honestly, I’m not entirely certain. The trait generators were made by a friend of ours, but I’m pretty sure there is a higher chance of getting a parent trait than than there is a random one, I’m just unsure of the percentages and such. I can ask next time I see him.

[…] igazságos, ha a játékosoknak teljesen random jellemvonásokkal kellene játszaniuk. Ajánlott a Pinstar’s random jellemvonás generátor használata, ahol a szülők és a gyermek már meglévő jellemvonásai alapján kap új […]

[…] All traits & aspirations were selected using Pinstar’s Random Legacy Trait Generator with the exception of Toddler traits which were selected using Create a Random Sim: The Sims 4 […]

Any update on when the trait generators will be back?

Working on it right now. Hopefully they will be up later today.

Our generator should be working again! Sorry about the extended downtime!

It’s still not working for me.

It was working fine until today. There is something wrong with the security certificate. it’s been renewed but the website isn’t recognizing it. Trying to contact my hosting service now.

The generator keeps giving me the same traits for children as the parents with no variation, is this normal? It’s even happening with my single parent who has adopted children

the dropdown menu is not working for me, it just says “please pick a trait”

Yeah I was just informed of this. I am trying to figure out what’s wrong. Sorry about this.

is there a generator for teens??

Teens get the adult aspirations so whatever aspiration you get for “adult” goes to your teen.

[…] randomized when a baby is born or a sim ages up. You can use any random trait generator (e.g.…rait-generator/ or or just roll dice. Exception: You may […]


Hey, my sim just aged up into a teenager, but I got the big happy family aspiration which requires you to be an adult to complete it. Am I allowed to re-roll for the aspiration?


Hi, my sim just aged up into a teenager, but I got the big happy family aspiration which requires you to be an adult to complete it. Am I allowed to re-roll for the aspiration?

Keep that aspiration. It will be valid once they are an adult. It’s rare that the Sims can really do much to complete their aspirations when they are teenagers anyway.

[…] niño, sus rasgos y aspiraciones deben generarse al azar. Para ello, el desafío Legacy cuenta con su propio generador aleatorio de rasgos que podéis […]

hi. what trait for alien parent (male pregnant have his trait, ok. but tech alien??)

[…] des enfants. Vous devez donc utiliser le générateur aléatoire du Legacy Challenge de Pinstar : Le générateur a besoin des traits des deux parents, il vous faudra peut-être aller dans la […]

So the drop down boxes still aren’t working (looks like a common problem based off the other comments). I have tried on 2 browsers, 3 different devices, and 2 different internets. I’ve tried the other generator and that page is marked unsafe so it will not let me proceed. Guess this means I get to fail the challenge right on the first baby.

Don’t give up. I had the same thing happen to me. I am up to Generation 5. I am sure the owners of the page will fix it.

Thank you for fixing!!! 🙂

[…] fra Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge for å få tilfeldig personlighetstrekk og aspirasjon til barna. Den krever alle 3 personlighetstrekkene til begge foreldrene. Hvis du ikke vet alle […]

Well hell… My toddler to child trait ended up being Glutton for my 2nd born, Violet. Hopefully she won’t turn into a big blueberry. I wish I had named my first child Veruca.


[…] one of them I use this Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Random Trait Generator, which my friend Rebecca introduced to me. In order to use this generator, you input your […]

on the off-chance this isn’t dead: could you make the generator code open-source, or at least the algorithm? other generators don’t take into account the parent traits but this one is kind of inconvenient to have to keep pulling up, it’s a bit clunky

[…] Exemplar – Escolha um traço. Esse traço deve pertencer a um dos possuídos pelo fundador. Herdará o filho que possuí-lo. Havendo disputa ou ausência do traço, deve-se seguir a regra do “Varão” (para essa lei deve fazer uso do Gerador de Traços Aleatórios). […]

The traits

pouting because my traits don’t feel random at all. Seems like they are repeating and always the worst of the non blood parent.

Is there going to be an update to add the paranoid trait? TIA

Yes, I am adding it today along with the new aspiration.


I just started my legacy family, my first since Sims 2. Your Laws of Succession prompted me to do some research into real-life rules of succession. Thanks to you, I now know the difference between agnate and cognate primogeniture!

Anyway, I “tweaked” the laws of succession a bit to suit my own legacy family. Basically, it’s a patriarchal strictly traditional firstborn system, with a few twists:

1. The Founder is female and human.
2. A child is eligible to be the next heir only if they can trace their ancestry back to the founder through females only (matrilinearly). Note that this implies that the title of heir will most often pass from uncle to nephew. This system is called uterine primogeniture, by the way, and was used because the mother is always known with certainty.
3. Females are ineligible to be heirs, unless there are no eligible males.
4. The next heir (heir-apparent) is the oldest eligible child of the oldest member of the current heirs’ siblings. (Sisters, actually, since males cannot produce eligible children.)
5. The women of the family are not allowed to try for baby (successfully) unless they are married to a man living in the legacy house. (Note: they are allowed to woohoo, and they can try for baby with someone other than their husband.) If they break this rule, ALL of their children become ineligible.
6. Aliens, vampires, and their offspring are ineligible.

I also changed the time when the heir-apparent succeeds the current heir, since male heirs-apparent can’t produce any eligible offspring. The heir-apparent becomes the official heir when:

1. The current heir is male or both the current and heir-apparent are female
a. The heir-apparent reaches full adulthood, or
b. The current heir is an elder and the heir apparent is a young adult or older, or
c. The current heir dies.
2. The current heir is female and the heir-apparent is male
a. The heir-apparent reaches young adulthood, or
b. The current heir is an elder and the heir apparent is a teen or older, or
c. The current heir dies.

If the former heir is still alive, they can remain in the house or be moved out, but the intent is that they will stay to mentor the new heir.

Yes, these rules are misogynistic and xenophobic, but I thought they would be fun to play, with women being the power behind the throne, so to speak. Also, most orders of succession were historically misogynistic. Lucky for me, my sims can’t join the #MeToo movement.

Please don’t flame me if you are offended by these rules – it’s just a game after all.

I would trade my first born child for a generator that remembers the traits of the parents so i don’t have put it all in every time

[…] When a child is born, traits and aspiration are randomly generated from the parents’ existing traits. […]

Both generators refuse to work for me. Worked just fine yesterday, but now it won’t one neither of my two computers, and neither on explorer or chrome (tried both on both computers). If the webpage works at all, it won’t let me choose the parents traits. Anyone knows how to fix it?

Hi Amanda. I’m having a lot of site issues today and I’m working on trying to fix them. The generators might be down for a bit while I figure out what’s going on as it seems the latest website update broke my plugins. Hopefully they will be up soon!

Ok, I think I fixed the issue and the trait generators should be working now! Let me know if you have any problems. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I’ve been having a lot of trouble today with the Trait Generator. Usually I simply have to try for the traits a few times before the drop-down list appears; today sometimes the menu never appears on some or all of the traits. Once I got a 404 database error. I’m disappointed since I am such a fan of your Trait Generator and frustrated because the ads keep reloading while the generator malfunctions.

Sorry you’ve been having trouble with it. I’m not encountering any of the issues myself, but I will ask around to see if anyone else is and if there is anything I can do to fix it. WordPress has been kind of wonky the last couple of days.

I think the latest update may have changed the childish trait in the game so it’s only available for Adults. I couldn’t find it for my teenage Sim with the trait generator rolled it.

Thanks for letting me know! I will check this in-game in a few min and update accordingly!

I just checked and it’s definitely still there for teens!

[…] Traits will be chosen at random. […]

[…] the Random Trait Generator to generate traits and aspirations of […]

The plus sign that was next to the child trait has disappeared. It used to be there after we generated a child, but it is only available before we generate a child and we have to pick a trait before we can generate a teen. We used to be able to generate a teen straight away and also having to reset the parents entirely wasn’t something we had to do as well. I am using your generator for my 100 baby challenge and I only need to change the father sim and reentering the mother’s information each time is becoming time consuming.

The plus sign is still appearing for me. What browser are you using?

Every time I have used the generator, it has given me Whiz Kid as the child aspiration (with possibly 1 exception), and it doesn’t give me a different aspiration unless I reroll it. Obviously this makes it difficult for collecting aspirations, so my question is can I reroll the generator to get a different aspiration? Sorry if this has been asked before, it’s just obviously frustrating to get the same aspiration over and over again, and I’d like to have a little variation in my family rather than having all the children play chess all the time lol

Hey, guys! You have to update with The Sims 4 Realm of Magic.

Sorry for the delay! It’s been a busy few weeks. I will update that right now!

I have many custom traits, and want to be able to use them. Is there any way to make them compatible with the challenge?

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[…] ……と書いたところで、試しにランダム特性をつける方法がないかと検索してみたら、レガシーチャレンジの説明がまとめられた Web サイトで、親の特質を入力すれば子供の特質をひとつ選んでくれるオンラインツールが公開されているのを見つけました。順々に入力していけば、願望も特質も全部親を参考にランダム生成できるみたいです。100世代目指してプレイしているとは言え、うちは好きなことしてフラフラと方針を変えてて、厳密なルールを守っていないのでレガシーチャレンジとは違うんですが、このランダム特質は今後マネしてみようかなと思いました。 […]

[…] 生まれてくる子供たちの特質と願望はすべて指定のオンラインツールで決める。 […]

[…] 兄の愛を一身に受け、小学生になった台湾No.1です。最初の特質はズバリ「悪人」でした。これを見たとき笑ってしまいました。レガシーチャレンジの特質生成ツールは片親だけの情報入力でも機能するんですね。まあ、名前からして人の憎悪を引き出すための煽り文句だし、「幼稚」で「意地悪」な父親を持つ非嫡出子なら、そりゃ性格もひん曲がりますよね。それでも、初出の特質なので、レガシーチャレンジ的にはおいしい展開です。 […]

[…] レガシーチャレンジは養子をとるときも指定のランダム特質生成ツールで性別を決めないといけません。ゲームのランダム機能が思いっきり女の子に傾いているなかで、さらにウェブツールにも嫌われて今回も女の子になってしまいました。引き取れる子供一覧を見ていたら、女の子はたいてい名前がすでに使ったもので、被らないものを探してみたらこの子ともう一人黒髪のアジア系の子しかいなくて、じゃあめずらしいほうということでこのブルックリンに決めました。最近は本当に白人らしい白人のシムがいなかったですからね。あとから気付いたんですけど、養子って引き取ってから自分の好きな名前に変えられるんですよね。だったら赤ちゃんを引き取っておけばよかったなと思わんことはないけど、あとの祭りです。 […]

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Hi! Are, or will all the trait generators, rules, and etc be updated for everything released after Realm of Magic?

So far the generators are updated. We are still working on updating the rules.

what if your legacy sim has traits from the kawaii staci trait pack

We don’t include traits/aspirations from mods. Otherwise we’d have way too many. We include only the ones from the game.

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Random Trait Generator […]

[…] I picked the gender of the baby here. […]

[…] Other traits randomized via parent traits using the Legacy Generator. […]

[…] レガシーチャレンジは養子をとるときも指定のランダム特質生成ツールで性別を決めないといけません。ゲームのランダム機能が思いっきり女の子に傾いているなかで、さらにウェブツールにも嫌われて今回も女の子になってしまいました。引き取れる子供一覧を見ていたら、女の子はたいてい名前がすでに使ったもので、被らないものを探してみたらこの子ともう一人黒髪のアジア系の子しかいなくて、じゃあめずらしいほうということでこのブルックリンに決めました。最近は本当に白人らしい白人のシムがいなかったですからね。あとから気付いたんですけど、養子って引き取ってから自分の好きな名前に変えられるんですよね。だったら赤ちゃんを引き取っておけばよかったなと思わんことはないけど、あとの祭りです。 […]

[…] Kind heran, musst du das Bestreben und Charaktermerkmal per Zufall auswählen. Dazu kannst du z.B. diesen Zufallsgenerator benutzen! Setze immer die Charaktermerkmale der Eltern ein, auch wenn das Kind adoptiert ist. […]

[…] Choose the traits and aspirations of children/teens/young adults with this random generator: … generator/– You can’t peek at what a child is going to look like when they are older in CAS.– If […]

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Random Trait Generator […]

[…] 2nd to be the founder of my strict equality creative legacy. Her traits, which I decided to abuse Pinstar’s trait calculator to generate, are: Romantic, Creative, Childish. Her lifetime aspiration is to have a Big Happy […]

I use same gendered parents first trait, opposite gender parents first trait if a duplicate second. Then I use RPG dice for aspiration and third trait when the time comes.

Arron Wanliss

At Last! Human Sounding Text To Speech 2020 (NEW). Don’t take our word for it, hear a free demo now. Write a reply here:

[…] with no re-rolls. You get what you get on the first try. You may use the in-game randomizer or Pinstar’s trait randomizer. Pinstar’s trait randomizer is a bit more realistic as there is a chance of inheriting traits […]

i didnt seem to find evil in the list

Is there Realm of Magic aspirations in the rolls? I’m just wondering because I’ve been randomly rolling (not for a child but just to see if it would come up) but I haven’t seen it and I thought it would be easier to just ask.

it doesn’t work😢😢

IS this generator still working? I can’t seem to get a dropdown with any traits

[…] The Sims 4 Legacy Random Trait Generator is a fantastic tool to use for planning out your children. It’s based on a very simple idea which you’ll understand right away. […]

Can there be a update for the new spa day refresh please. Thnxxxx <3

Yes, I’m working on it right now! I’m so sorry it’s late. This last week has been very busy and I haven’t had any time to play the Sims.

Hi, this is my first Legacy Challenge and I just aged up my kids with the generator but it gives me a Child Aspiration of Rambunctious Scamp which doesn’t exist anymore. I looked online and Carls Sims Guide seems to say Motor but also said that it was outdated in 2018. Hoping this is on a fix list? Thank you! This website has been a lifeline! <3

There may be something that I’m doing wrong but I’m using this to my legacy challenge and I put in both parents traits (FYI my kids are growing up into children) and press “generate traits” and nothing come up.

Not jusr you, this is weird, it’s happening now to me too. I used to use this all the time I don’t understand why it won’t just let me press ok without selectint a child trait.

For whatever reason, on both my phone and PC using Google Chrome, nothing happens when I click generate child, even though all the traits are filled in for the parents. 🙁

Broken for me too and I use this all the time for my legacy 🙁

Hi, same for me, when trying to generate a Child nothing comes up when I press ‘generate Child’. Can you please fix it? It’s been a great help in my 100 baby challenge so far!

If you leave the child trait blank as directed in your instructions, the generator does nothing but laugh at you. So maybe edit the instructions so we know how to do this.

I’m trying to age up my toddler to a child, so I cannot input a trait – there is none to input.

Thanks for this challenge! I have a problem though, I can’t generate a child trait. I input both parents’s traits, but when clicking the button for generating a child trait, it does nothing. I am aging up a toddler to a child and have no previous traits.

I’m having the same problem when aging up my toddlers, I click generate and nothing happened. I’ve tried Edge and Chrome and nothing is working. Weird thing is that it was working like half an hour ago.. I’m gonna have to randomise 🙁

To my fellow simmers who aren’t able to generate the child trait- i just tried using the “all traits at once” generator and it worked! For now what I am doing is just grabbing the child trait and the child aspiration, and ignoring the rest until they age up, at which point I generate again. I hope this helps!
Here is a link:

Thank you! I was getting really frustrated with this, and now that you say it this solution is really obvious! You really saved my legacy and/or sanity.

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Random Trait Generator […]

Is this site a bit dead now? A few bits and pieces don’t seem to work anymore and I haven’t noticed responses about it. Bit of a shame if that’s the case because I’ve just started my first ever legacy challenge.

I am still working on the site, though life does get in the way a lot. I made a post yesterday about the Trait Generator not working correctly and am currently working to try to fix it with the app developer.

Are there other pages that you’ve noticed are down?

Does anyone now how to download sims4 on iPad, computer or laptop.

You have to download Origin first and then purchase

Hello! The generator is not working anymore 🙁 Hope you manage to fix it soon, I am so used to it for my gameplay!

Hi, just letting you know that the generator doesnt work for generating first (toddler) trait! Hope it gets fixed, it is truly a great tool!

Hi, we are still trying to figure out what is causing this as it doesn’t seem to be anything obvious. Our app developer has been working on it and I’ll keep you all posted for when it is fixed. In the meantime the “All Traits At Once” generator works fine if you want to use that one.

“Thirding” this, you cannot randomize the first child trait anymore, the “generate child” button does not engage. You have to have a first child trait in place before you can engage the “generate child” button

I finally got the parent traits to work (wouldn’t work at all yesterday on phone and computer), but the generate child option won’t work now.

Yeah the generate child option has been broken for a while now and we’re still trying to figure out what’s wrong with it. Hopefully we can figure out a fix soon! In the meantime the “All Traits At Once” generator works fine if you’d like to use that one instead.

Hi, I’m having an issue where when I add all the parent’s traits in and try to generate, the generate button allows me to click it but it never generates.

It also doesn’t give me all traits at once option either

[…] El sim fundador debe ser el único que controles durante el Legacy Challenge. Cualquier otro sim que se una a la familia debe ser un residente generado aleatoriamente o un niño nacido en la familia o adoptado (con aspiraciones y rasgos al azar que podés crear en este generador oficial del desafío). […]

I am having trouble getting it to generate the first child trait. I can input all 3 traits for each parent, but nothing changes when I click the Generate button unless I’ve entered a first trait for the child, which obviously just gives me the teen trait and aspiration. I have resorted to using the random button in the game for now, but I am curious if this is a known issue. For reference, this issue has occurred the same way for me in Safari on an iPhone running iOS 15.5 on in Firefox (Version 102.0) on a Windows 11 PC (Version 21H2, Build 22000.739).

this is stupid

Shannon Johnson

Do we have to roll for spares children if they aren’t in the legacy household?

I am having issues generating the child’s trait. It only works for teenage or adult traits.

This has just been fixed. There was an error in the coding that we just found.

I have the same problem on my android phone and windows laptop with chrome.

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Random Trait Generator […]

Thank you so much for fixing this generator!

[…] 2人の特質は公式のシミュレーターで決定しました。 […]

[…] 使用個性和期望的隨機產生器:Random Trait Generator […]

All I get for teen aspirations after 7 re-rolls is high school year aspirations which I do not have the pack for. I gave up and just put all of the teen aspirations into the spin the wheel app I use as a name picker. Figure that is as random as anything else.

That might actually be an error with the generator. I will take a look at it momentarily. Thanks for pointing it out as I missed it!

Sadly the random trait generator and the random all traits generator don`t work 75% of the time. There`s just no possibility to select the traits as the dropdown menu doesn`t show at all… For now, it used to work after a few times refreshing. But today I see it stopped working altogether. I can`t roll any traits, as no drop-down menu shows up. I tried several times on my iPhone with safari doesn`t work at all. And I tried several times on my laptop with google chrome doesn`t work either… will try another internet browser now.

Hmm… that’s really strange. I haven’t had any issues using them recently. I primarily use Google Chrome, but it seems fine on Microsoft Edge too.

Hii, I have a Chingyu’s 100 traits mod, as well as the more than 3 traits mod, and seeing this generator makes me wonder if that’s against the challemge rules?

I’ve generated 4 children of the same parents, and all of them have the exact same traits (except 1 who has two of the same traits and 1 different)

Hello, I had a question.
Both of my parent sims have discovered/changed traits through the Growing Together gameplay. Which traits should I use for generating their child’s traits? Just the first 3? The 3 they became an adult with? 3 random traits of the five they have? Or can I choose which 3?
Thanks 🙂

Hey! I was just wondering if the generator has been updates with the new child aspirations from Growing Together? If not will you add those in the future? I already tried generating multiple children and all I got were the base game child aspirations.

Hi, just wondering if there are any plans to update the generator for the Lovestruck pack?

Yes, sorry for the delay, life has been hectic! I will be trying to work on that later today!

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Random Trait Generator […]

[…] Sims 4 Legacy Challenge – Random Trait Generator […]

Hello, I really like your challenge and this generator. I’ve been having issues with it though. A few days ago it took forever to load and the drop down lists were kind of bugged. I could only choose the first trait and the second trait box started blinking and finally the first trait was erased. It started working again though but now I’m having an issue with the traits not loading at all for any of the boxes. I’ve tried it on Chrome, on Edge, in incognito mode and on my phone but I can’t get it to work anywhere. My sim just aged up to a young adult so it’s so sad it won’t work, I’ll have to work around it. I know the one for all traits exist, but as I am missing a lot of the expansions and packs it’s rather annoying to use.

Could you please take a look to see if anything is wrong? I would greatly appreciate it as I love the generator.

Thank you for a super fun challenge and all your work with it during these years.

Sorry for the delayed response, I was away when the generator broke (great timing LOL). It should be fixed now. If you ever have an issue with it again you can use the “All Traits at Once” Generator as that one wasn’t affected when the other generator broke!

Haha yeah it’s typical that things break just when one is away. Thank you so much for fixing it! Really love this challenge.

I’m having the same issues as Jas above. didn’t notice it though until my sim aged 🙁 I really love to play this challenge, and have several going with various results. The generator has been amazing (even though I have never managed to get an heir inherit by the “Exemplar” succesion law :,D), so would love it if you could take a look at it. Thank you in advance <3

Sorry for the delayed response, I was away when the generator broke (great timing LOL). It should be fixed now. If you ever have an issue with it again you can use the “All Traits at Once” Generator as that one wasn’t affected when the other generator broke!

I’ve tried it every day since the 21st and it’s still broken unfortunately 🙁 I choose the wrong time to do the legacy challenge it seems

I’m having a similar problem, takes forever to load and then when it does you can’t choose a trait it just comes up with please select a trait in the dropdown boxes and nothing else

Oh forgot to mention, I’ve tried it both on my computer and on my phone and its the same thing. I honestly thought something was wrong with my computer until I tried to do it one my phone.

Same here 🙁

Sorry everyone! I was away last week and didn’t get a chance to see what was up with the trait generator.

The “All Traits at Once” generator is working just fine if you want to use that in the meantime ( while I try and fix the one at the time generator.

Actually scratch that, it should be fixed now!

Sorry for the delayed response, I was away when the generator broke (great timing LOL). It should be fixed now. If you ever have an issue with it again you can use the “All Traits at Once” Generator as that one wasn’t affected when the other generator broke!

Cheers for that 🙂

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