Sims 4 News – Game Set to Launch in Fall of 2014!

EA has announced that the Sims 4 will be launching in the fall of 2014.  This is a bit later than their original plan of “early 2014”, but I’m not really complaining.  A later launch date means that they are giving themselves more time for testing which will -hopefully- alleviate some bugs (and we all know the Sims can be a buggy game!).

The game is now also available for pre-order.  You can do so either through the official Sims website or through another online shopping site such as Amazon.

One thing about the Sims 4 that has me pretty excited is Emotions.  I’m really curious as to how these will play out in the Legacy Challenge.  Information on The Sims 4 can be found at

I really liked the Trait system in Sims 3 and I am glad to see that it will be making it’s return in the Sims 4.

I can’t give any details yet as to how the Legacy Challenge will work in The Sims 4, but I am hoping to get some information out soon.  Pinstar is reading through some information now, and will hopefully have something to share with you all soon.  It won’t be in-depth rules, but it might be a glimmer of what you can expect when the new game launches.

So now a question for our readers:

What would YOU like to see in the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge?  Was there anything specific in the previous challenges that you’d really prefer wouldn’t be in the new one, or maybe something you really loved that you want to see again?  We’d love to hear from you!

Posted by Mystic in Sims 4 News

ImaginingMystic’s Legacy Story – Chapter 2

We last left our family as they were about to *ahem* consummate their marriage.
And it looks like Generation 2 is on it’s way!  The lullaby music played, and Geneva is pregnant (hopefully with a girl so that the Matriarchy handicap doesn’t result in being a huge difficulty).

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 2 Stories

Looking for some fan suggestions for links!

Since Pinstar and I have been a bit out of the loop from the Sims Community for the last couple of years we thought it might be a good idea (and thank you to Polly for the suggestion) to ask the fans of the Legacy Challenge to submit to us any Legacy/Apocalypse/Sim of the Month sites and stories that they follow so that we can link to them here.  We’d also love any Custom Content sites that you visit frequently as we’d love to link to them as well.

If you have any suggestions, please either leave a comment here, or email me at

Thank you!

Posted by Mystic in Fan Suggestions

ImaginingMystic’s Legacy Story – Introduction

Well, it’s been a few years (several, in fact) since I’ve attempted to write a story for a Sims 2 Legacy Family.  In spite of being married to the challenge’s creator I’ve never actually successfully completed a Legacy Challenge.  I intend to finally remedy that.

I decided to follow the Sims 2 Legacy Challenge Advanced Rules as I think that adding more challenges to my Legacy family will help keep me interested longer than the 3 Generations I usually make it until I get bored and the family is swimming in Simoleons.  I will also be using Handicaps.

Rather than dive head first into Chapter 1, I decided to give a brief introduction to my founder.  I am still working on writing Chapter 1 and hope to have it up within the next week or so.

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 2 Stories

Want your Legacy family featured on the blog? Contact us!

Now that we’re starting to get the blog going and trying to get ourselves back into the Sims community we thought that we would start featuring Legacy stories from our fellow Simmers on a fairly regular basis.  If you would like to have your family featured, please contact us at  We will then let you know what you will need to send us in order for the story to be featured here.

Posted by Mystic in Guest Posts, Legacy Challenge Stories

Welcome to the Official Legacy Challenge Blog!

Hello everyone, and welcome to the new Official Legacy Challenge Blog!  My name is Christina, but some of you will probably know me as ImaginingMystic.  If you don’t know who I am, I am Pinstar’s wife. We met through the Sims 2 back in 2006.  We have both been pretty silent in the Sims world over the last several years as we have been busy starting a real life Legacy of our own.  Pinstar and I have two little boys, Alex is 3 and Cooper is 1 1/2.  As you can imagine we have our hands full.  That being said, I didn’t want to keep neglecting the gaming community that brought the two of us together in the first place so I decided to start up a blog where I could have all of the Legacy Challenge rules organized in one central location (as well as the rules for the Apocalypse Challenge and the Sim of the Month Challenge).  I also plan on posting the story for my current Sims 2 Legacy Family as I play it (though I don’t anticipate these updates being all that frequent as I am busy with our real family) as well as guest posts from other Legacy Challenge fans.

As many of you know, Pinstar has not been available to answer Legacy Challenge questions on the Sims 3 site for quite some time now.  So if you have questions, you may ask them here in the comments, or email them to me at and I will ask him and get back to you.

Finally, as news of the Sims 4 starts being released, Pinstar plans on posting his plans for the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge here as well.

If there is anything else that you would like to see here, please let me know!

Happy simming!

Posted by Mystic