Here is this week’s Weekly Links List for October 16, 2017! As always, if I’ve forgotten anyone (and you’ve updated in the last 7 days) feel free to comment below so that I can add you next week!
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great week! As I mentioned in my Novella Movin Up On Challenge episode post yesterday, Pinstar and I were interviewed by Gita from Kotaku about the Legacy Challenge and how we met via the Sims 2. Huge thank you to Gita and Kotaku! We loved the article!
In the last chapter Crono aged up into Neo from the Matrix. Today we celebrate Marle’s birthday. I can’t believe she’s old enough to become an elder now!
Hello everyone! In last week’s chapter it seemed that everything that could have gone wrong… did… (darn that Murphy and his silly law!). I’m hoping that we can redeem ourselves at least a little bit in this chapter, but with the way things have been going, I’m not entirely hopeful. Also, I just realized that I have been forgetting to link the heir poll. So be sure to vote on that because we’re getting close to the point where I will need to choose the generation two heir.
Oh boy, if you thought that the last chapter of the Retreaux Legacy was full of bad luck, just wait until you see this one. Well… here we go…
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great week. I’ve been busy getting back into streaming on Twitch so the post schedule for this week has been a little wonky. Now that I’ve got things more or less figured out, I should be more on track next week! (I hope)
In our last chapter we celebrated Ayla’s birthday. She’s now a teenager! Let’s see what happens in this episode.
Hello everyone! In our last chapter, Ayla befriended a dog named Taylor and Ti-Ning opted to live the pretty princess lifestyle. Let’s see what our intrepid family can get into today!
Hey everyone! I know it’s been a while since I posted one of these, but things are getting back on schedule here, so the Weekly Links should go back to getting posted well… weekly! As always, if I’ve forgotten anyone (and you’ve updated in the last 7 days) feel free to comment below so that I can add you next week!
Hi everyone! What’s this? ANOTHER Retreaux Legacy chapter this week? Woah! I decided that since I am moving the Novella Movin’ On Up Challenge to Youtube that I could increase the frequency that I post the Retreaux Legacy stories here.
In our last chapter, Crono became a serial muffin burner. Almost every 5 minutes (or at least that’s what it felt like) he was making muffins in the kid oven and then forgetting about them, which caused them to burn. Let’s see what sort of shenanigans our intrepid family will get themselves into today!
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted a chapter in the Retreaux Legacy. The last few weeks of summer were insanely busy for me, but things have settled down now that my kids are back in school. In our last chapter, Crono aged up into a child. We were able to get him to Platinum aspiration status beforehand which means that he’s off to a great start!
Hi everyone! I know I said that I was going to wait until Friday to make a decision about this, but after looking at the poll results and doing some thinking about it on my own, I have made a decision about whether or not I am going to move the Retreaux and Novella stories over to my Youtube channel as Let’s Plays.
I was surprised at how many people actually wanted them to remain as written stories. Out of the 48 votes, 33% of you requested that they stay stories. While this isn’t the overwhelming majority, it was enough of you to make me think that maybe I shouldn’t move them both.
So instead I thought I’d come to a compromise and hopefully make everyone happy. The Retreaux Legacy will remain a written story. I prefer Sims 2 playthroughs as written stories. I love writing them and it kind of brings back some nostalgia for the old Sims 2 BBS days. So Retreaux will NOT be moving to Youtube.
However, I DO prefer doing Let’s Plays of Sims 4 playthroughs over writing them and to be honest, the Novella story was never very popular as a written series (at least compared to the Retreaux Legacy). The Movin’ On Up Challenge also seems to do better on Youtube than it does as a written story (at least in my opinion). So the Novella story will be discontinued here and restarted as a Let’s Play series on Youtube.
From now on, I think that is how I am going to work things. All Sims 2 challenges will be written stories here on the site, and all Sims 4 challenges will be Youtube Let’s Plays. I’m currently unsure whether or not I will do any Sims 3 challenge playthroughs. The game always tends to bug out for me.
I hope this works for all of you!