Pinstar Legacy

New Sims 4 Expansion Pack: Get to Work

Fan Email Asset

Earlier today, I was able to participate in a conference call hosted by Rachel Franklyn (The Executive Producer in the Sims studio) and  Ryan Vaughan (Producer of Sims 4).

While the trailer was leaked earlier today, the conference call gave us some very juicy details about the first full expansion pack for The Sims 4.

The first expansion pack this coming April will be titled “The Sims 4: Get to Work”.

It is being touted as a combination of The Sims 2 Open for Business and The Sims 3: Ambitions

There are three new careers being added with this expansion pack, but not in the traditional sense. The three careers are Medical, Police, and Scientist. This helps explain the absence of these staple careers from the original game. Rather than include them as vanilla rabbit hole careers, the devs opted to save them for this pack which makes sense since they are being done in Sims 3: Ambitions’ style. Where as some of the other careers chosen for vanilla rabbit hole careers (such as secret agent and astronaught) would not be as feasable to do as a hands-on Ambitions style career. It also points to that they haven’t forgotten about the original careers that have been around since the Sims 1, they just wanted to expand on them.


The first of the three new careers is Medical. This is what we were told about it:

Your Sim will be able to diagnose and cure illnesses at a brand new hospital venue. There is a new surgery table item that a skilled doctor can use. (No word on what happens if a non-skilled Sim tries to use it). And for the first time in Sim’s history, your Sim can actually deliver babies! No details were given about the possible benefits of the new hospital births versus the home births but it DOES hint at possible story progression. If the game is to generate ‘ailments’ for your doctor Sim to deal with while on the job, presumably it will need to include women in labor. While this could just be random female Sims who are generated, give birth, and vanish from existence once they leave the hospital, the potential is there for townies or other non-player Sims to randomly get pregnant and need to come in for a delivery.


The second new career is the Detective career, an echo of the old Police career from earlier installments. Here, your sim is tasked with investigating crime scenes, finding clues, and will receive a new police station venue where you can interrogate suspects. This also hints at possible story progression as the game would have to generate crime scenes…and criminals for your Sim to investigate and interrogate. Just as burglars of the olden days existed as real NPCs in the world even after being generated just to rob your house, the same could be true with the criminals.

The third career is Scientist, who can experiment and craft new items with the brand new invention constructor. To quote Ryan Vaughan, “It [the invention constructor] is like a combination of a 3D printer and Jarvis from Iron Man”.

While it doesn’t look like this career will have its own venue, the complexity of the objects and the inventions sound like it will be vast. No confirmation of being able to make servos, but he did say you could “use your inventions for good or evil”. We will have to wait for more details to come in the following weeks to know exactly what kinds of inventions can be made.


Open For Business


The fourth new “Career” is that of a business owner. By every sound of it, this is exactly what we got from the original OFB in the Sims 2 and that is a GOOD thing. You can make ANY kind of retail business, from clothing to art galleries to bookstores. It sounds like you can sell both build mode items as well as your Sim’s own creations if you wish. You can hire and fire Sims, set prices, and shmooze the customers into buying. It was not made clear if restaurants where Sims order food or ‘club’ style venues where Sims pay a fee just to enter and stay on your lot will make a return, but with or without them, this is going to be a very awesome addition to the gameplay (and likely the subject of my next challenge).


Two New Skills

There are two brand new skills being introduced with this expansion pack. Baking and Photography.

Baking sounds like an expansion of the cooking skill in the same way that gourmet cooking is, and ties into the OFB, where your Sim can run a bakery to sell their wares.

Photography has me the most excited. When giving feedback about the announcement on the call, I presented a hypothetical idea of a Sim obsessed with toilet paper able to make an entire business selling it. Rachel Franklyn added “You could sell toilets along with the toilet paper and then use the photography skill to take pictures of toilet paper and sell those too.”

Let’s break that down a moment. “…use the photography skill to take pictures of toilet paper and sell those too.” If I am interpreting this statement correctly, this means that portraits are back in the game. If you are able to capture something via Photography and make it into an object depicting the subject originally captured, this missing bit of functionality could be making a return. There was no mention of painting and if it will be able to capture portraits for paintings the way that photography could with the camera, but presumably yes, if they’re developing the technology to accomplish that. Again, this is just speculation.


More information will be coming out in the following weeks so keep your eyes peeled. This is a very exciting time for the Sims 4!

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

The Sims 4 Apocalypse Challenge is Coming

Inspired by the Boston Scenario of the original Sim City, The Apocalypse Challenge starts things with a bang!

Inspired by the Boston Scenario of the original Sim City, The Apocalypse Challenge starts things with a bang!


Originally created in The Sims 2, the Apocalypse Challenge challenged your Sim to move in to a region devastated by a nuclear disaster and rebuild it from within. This challenge is getting a full update for The Sims 4 that will be released before the end of the month.

The challenge features a laundry list of restrictions that make life difficult for your Sims, but with a catch. While most challenges that you play have rules and restrictions that apply for the whole challenge, the Apocalypse Challenge’s restrictions are temporary. Through in-game actions you are able to remove various restrictions from your sims, making life a little easier as you play. However, this challenge introduces strategic elements to it. Lifting one restriction means NOT lifting another until later, thus you must plan out carefully your family’s plan of action.

Continue reading →

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Sims 4 News

Creating an “Inspiration Vortex” in Sims 4

vortexRecently, I’ve been doing a Let’s Play on Euphorial Queen’s Rosebud challenge. The challenge, at its heart, is to start with nothing and make it to $1,000,000.

During my series, I have chosen to focus on artistry and authorship to aid me in rapid money production. As the series went on, I found my basic “Inspiration Room” lacking, so I went on to create what I call the “Inspiration Vortex”

So what does the Inspiration Vortex do? Once all of the spots on the walls under the lights are populated with normal paintings, the desks decorated with decorative objects, and all the mood auras turned on, the room will provide everybody in it a +3 inspired and +3 happy environmental moodlet.

You may ask “Pinstar, what’s the big deal? You only need a +1 inspired moodlet to become inspired. Why go through all the trouble?” There are many reasons why having a +3 inspired and +3 happiness moodlets are powerful.

When a highly skilled artist or writer finishes a high quality painting or book, they will often gain a +2 confident moodlet. This moodlet is great if you are fine with your sim taking a break and going off to town to socialize…but if you wanted them to continuing painting or writing, that confident mood isn’t going to do their efforts any favors.

The solution? A +3 inspired moodlet will still retain inspired as a sim’s dominant mood, even when they gain a +2 confident moodlet (Barring additional confidence moodlets). This allows your sim to continue painting or writing under the effects of the inspired mood, despite their confidence without wasting time trying to get a temporary extra inspired mood to compensate.

The +3 happy moodlet also helps in several ways. Since Inspired is a good mood, the +3 happy moodlet will always be turned into 3 extra points of inspiration, leaving you at +6 inspired. This gives you a very strong emotional wall against negative moodlets that would otherwise sour your sims efforts. Even after immediately peeing themselves (Which causes a +5 embarrassed moodlet) a sim in an inspiration vortex will ignore that embarrassment and feel inspired instead.

Being at +6 inspired is important for another reason. At +8 inspired, a sim will enter the “Very Inspired” mood. This elevated version of inspired ratchets up the benefits of normal inspiration. You get even faster creative skill gains, higher effective skill, and thus even better chances for creating masterpieces and best-sellers. The extra +2 needed to push you up to the limit can come in the form of happiness moodlets or more inspired moodlets,

You can download the Inspiration vortex room for your self from the gallery here.
(Just make sure you make/buy paintings to place under all the lights and turn on all the mood auras).

If you want to see the Let’s Play that inspired the Inspiration Vortex, and see the concept evolve, check it out on my youtube channel here.

Happy Simming!

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, Other Challenges, Sims 4 News, Strategy & Tactics

Sims 4 Career Top 3 Charts

business careerWith the introduction of two new Sims 4 careers and the rebalancing of the existing ones. I took some time to do some deep analysis of the new career landscape. Many of the nitty gritty details of the careers can be found on the Career guide I wrote for SimsVIP right here.

However, while I was writing up the guide for the trees, I began to notice some things. If you take a step back and look at all the careers, side by side, you start to see patterns. It was from this further analysis that I present to you my guide to the Sims 4 Top 3 Charts! I will give you the top three career/branches for each category. Some of the choices are based purely on hard data, others have some subjective components to them. Without any further ado. Here are the Sims 4 Career Top 3 Charts! Note that all of these rankings are based on reaching the top level in that given career/branch.

Continue reading →

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Sims 4 News

Legacy Challenge Rules Update (for the November & December patches)

Legacy rules change

Happy Chrismahanakwaanzaka! Here are some updates and rulings for the Legacy Challenge in response to the changes made in both the November and December patches.


  • The 11th death type, death by drowning, is now required to finish the “Collect every death type” point.
  • * The Athletic and Business branches are now required for the “Get a sim to the top of each career” as well as the “Have a Sim reach the top of every branch”
  • After it was found that ghosts were guzzling potions of youth built up for the Deviance score, you may release their spirits if you don’t want to risk a thirsty ghost finding your potions.
  • You may fully utilize the new time off, vacation days, and family leave system introduced.
  • Note that job promotion requirements and aspiration requirements have both changed…but the rules and scoring for these has not (Besides the additions of the two new careers mentioned earlier.)
  • Added a new heir law to the heir selection page – Democracy. With Democracy you can have others vote on your heir.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

New Careers! Exploration Stream Tonight!


The wait is over Business and athletic careers are here! (Along with the Move_Objects cheat and a whole ton of new stuff.) Look at that infographic (Provided Courtesy of EA). Pretty informative! Or is it? The simmer in me is not content with merely the titles. I want to see more! How much does each level make? What are the promotion requirements? What is the salary like? What are the rewards? How are the different branches unique?


If you are asking the same question then you are in luck! Tonight at 8PM Eastern Standard time I will be streaming The Sims 4 on my account with the specific intent of exploring all the details of each level of each of these new careers, and each of the branches! Come join in the fun, hang out and learn the juicy details of these new jobs along with me!


You can find my stream here

Missed the stream? No worries! A recording of my stream will be posted on my Youtube channel the next day.

An update to the Legacy Challenge rules will be coming within the week.

No changes to the Wonder Child Challenge rules will be caused by this update.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Sims 4 News

Wonder Child Challenge Completed!

top10tipsfinalFor those who have not been following it, I have been doing a full Let’s Play series on my own Wonder Child challenge. For those of you who are looking for some tips and tricks on playing the challenge yourself, you may want to give the series a watch. You can find it here:

For those of you who think you’ve beaten the challenge handily, see if you can beat my own personal high score of 429 points. Lastly, if you want to grab Athieania (my Wonder Child) and her sister Tess, you can find them on the Gallery.

Lastly, I created a top 10 tips video based on what I learned while creating and playing through the Wonder Child Challenge. You can find it here:

The Finale contains a hint at what my next big challenge will be. I’m not ready to announce anything formally yet, but you can bet this is where you’ll find any news and rules related to it when I do!

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, Other Challenges, Wonder Child Challenge

The Legacy Challenge Rules update 1.00

"Cold" By tcc007

“Cold” By tcc007

With the point charts finally finalized, the only thing left to tackle was to rule on ghosts.

See our updated and revamped scoring page for more details.


Major Rule updates:


  • You may use the death flower to guarantee success when pleading with the reaper to save a dying Sim.
  • You may NOT use ambrosia to resurrect a dead Sim. (You may cook it and have living sims eat it if you wish)
  • You may invite ghost Sims back into your family. However, they no longer earn your Legacy family any Legacy Challenge points. They may not purchase potions of youth and any completed skills, aspirations, or other Legacy Challenge scoring methods do not count for them. They may not take a job. They cannot memorialize other Sims. If they were a member of the Legacy Challenge family.
  • Ghost Sims can still be memorialized but only by Sims that knew them in life.
  • An invited ghost who is no longer welcome may be moved out just like unwanted family members.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Introducing The Wonder Child Challenge!


Wonder Child

Like the new features of child rearing? Think you’re a pretty good Sim parent? Interested in a shorter but more intense challenge than the Legacy Challenge?


Presenting the Wonder Child Challenge! Test your parental mettle when you try to raise the most skilled, successful and educated child from birth to young adulthood. (You can also find a link to the Challenge in the drop-down menu above under “Other Challenges”.)


Here is a video to help get you started. Below that is a link to the rules of the challenge.


Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Other Challenges, Sims 4 News, Sims 4 Stories

Pinstar’s Quick Tips on Making Friends

07-29-14_5-06 PMNeed some tips on making friends in the Sims 4?

Be it job requirements or aspirations, getting lots of friends can be a tough hurdle. I share some tips on how to overcome that hurdle in this video.



Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Strategy & Tactics