
Featured Legacy of the Week – The Fondue & Orphan Legacies by Marz!



Marz’s Fondue founder, Cheese Fondue.

Welcome to another Featured Legacy of the Week! Each week we will randomly select someone from the pool of Simmers that sent in their Legacy’s info on our “Share Your Legacies with Us!” post. Those of you that haven’t sent in a Legacy yet are still more than welcome to do so. The more the merrier!

This week’s Featured Legacy of the Week is actually TWO Legacies by the same person, Marz. Marz has a cheese naming-themed Legacy called the Fondue Legacy and an “orphan” themed Legacy called the Orphan Legacy. The fondue Legacy is founded by Cheese Fondue and all of his descendants are named after types of cheeses. The Orphan Legacy is founded by Annie Orphan, and all descendants are named after famous orphans (such as Harry Potter). You can check out both Legacies at Marz’s blog. The Orphan Legacy was originally a livestream. All pre-recorded episodes of those can be found on her Youtube channel.

Now I think I need to go eat some cheese. Nom nom nom.


Marz’s other founder, Annie Orphan

Posted by Mystic in Featured, Featured Legacy of the Week, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Stories

Featured Legacy of the Week – The Ridley Legacy by Valpre

Valpre's founder Riley Ridley

Valpre’s founder Riley Ridley

Welcome to another Featured Legacy of the Week! Each week we will randomly select someone from the pool of Simmers that sent in their Legacy’s info on our “Share Your Legacies with Us!” post. Those of you that haven’t sent in a Legacy yet are still more than welcome to do so. The more the merrier!

This week’s featured Legacy is the Ridley Legacy by Valpre. You can find all of the chapters for Valpre’s story on The Ridley Legacy blog. As of writing this post, Valpre has gotten up to Chapter 20. The succession laws for the Ridley Legacy are patriarchy, strict traditional, and living will.

Posted by Mystic in Featured, Featured Legacy of the Week, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories

Eat Like a Sim – Sims 4 Signature Cake

When Pinstar celebrated his 32nd birthday I decided to make him a special birthday cake for the occasion!

The Sims game franchise has always been an integral part of our lives. He and I met through The Sims 2 back in 2005, so I thought that making him a Sims related birthday cake would be pretty fitting. Especially for the very first recipe that I post here. Seeing as the Sims 4 recently released, I thought it might be a good idea to find a cake recipe from the game that I could use. I was intrigued by the Sims 4 Signature Cake recipe. Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Eat Like a Sim Recipes, Featured, Sims 4 News

What I learned from my failed Legacy…

Elrond Mortified

Those of you that follow me on Youtube and Twitter probably know by now that my Sims 4 Legacy Let’s Play series on Youtube has ended in failure. My heir, Elrond Fantasia, died of embarrassment after his girlfriend rejected his marriage proposal and I had no eligible spare to take his place. As bummed as I am about this new turn of events, I am also realizing that I have learned a lot from my mistakes in this Legacy.

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Posted by Mystic in Featured, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories, Strategy & Tactics

The Europa Legacy – Chapter 2 – The Sylvan Glade

Hello everyone! Welcome to chapter 2 of the Europa Legacy. If you haven’t read chapter 1 yet, you can find it here.

10-01-14_8-06 PM-3It took Geneva a couple of tries, but she finally traversed the inside of the mysterious tree and made it to the Sylvan Glade. How freaking gorgeous is this place?! I spent a good 30 minutes in here taking as many screenshots as I could. Enjoy a few of the shots that I took before we continue with this chapter:

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Posted by Mystic in Featured, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories, The Europa Legacy

Featured Legacy of the Week – The Reinhardt Legacy by Ace0fJacks!


Ace0fJacks’ founder Kristofer with his soon-to-be wife, Everly!

Hello everyone! Sorry that this is a few days late! Pinstar and I had a busy week!

Welcome to another Featured Legacy of the Week! Each week we will randomly select someone from the pool of Simmers that sent in their Legacy’s info on our “Share Your Legacies with Us!” post. Those of you that haven’t sent in a Legacy yet are still more than welcome to do so. The more the merrier!

This week’s featured Legacy is the Reinhardt Legacy by Ace0fJacks! The founder of the Reinhardt Legacy is Kristofer Reinhardt and Ace0fJacks is going with the Patriarchy, Traditional, and First Born succession laws. Check it out!

Posted by Mystic in Featured, Featured Legacy of the Week, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories

Sims 4 Legacy Challenge FAQ!

Hi everyone! We’ve added a much needed FAQ page to the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge rules. You can find it on the drop down menu above located under “Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules”, or you can also view it here.

We compiled a list of questions that we feel were asked the most often, but it’s possible we missed a few important ones. If you have one that you’d like us to add to the page, please let us know here or in the comments section of the FAQ page.

Hopefully this will help alleviate some of the confusion surrounding the challenge!

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

New Scoresheet!

We have a new scoresheet to share with you all today courtesy of a Legacy Challenge regular, Drew. You can download a copy of it from here, as well as on our Scoresheet page.

Take a moment to check it out! We now have 4 different scoresheets available for you to use in your Legacy families. Choose the one that suits your needs best!

We will also have a FAQ sheet up within the next day or so, so stay tuned for that!

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

The Europa Legacy – Chapter 1 – Meet Geneva

Hello everyone! If you follow my Let’s Plays on Youtube, then you may remember me saying that I wasn’t planning on doing a written Legacy for the Sims 4. Well, I’ve changed my mind (surprise, surprise). The thing is, I got my start in playing Legacy families back in Sims 2 as a story writer for them and I miss it. So, I decided to get back to my roots and start up a written Legacy to go along with the Fantasia Legacy Let’s Play, Animator Legacy Livestream, Saifai Legacy Let’s Play (Sims 3), and Retro Legacy (Sims 2). Holy cow that’s a lot of Legacies. And before you ask, yes, I am indeed insane! 🙂

Now then, let me introduce you to the founder of my newest Legacy:

10-01-14_3-56 PM

This is Geneva Europa. If you can’t tell by her name, I will be doing a European city naming theme for this Legacy (similar to my original Sims 2 written Legacy that I started on our old Legacy Challenge website). Say hi to everyone, Geneva!

Geneva: Huh? Who? What? Sorry was browsing the web. What did you say?

*sigh* We’re off to a good start.

Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Featured, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories, The Europa Legacy

Featured Legacy of the Week – The Sims 4 Legacy by Jacqpinks!


Hello everyone, and welcome to another Featured Legacy of the Week! Each week we will randomly select someone from the pool of Simmers that sent in their Legacy’s info on our “Share Your Legacies with Us!” post. Those of you that haven’t sent in a Legacy yet are still more than welcome to do so. The more the merrier!

This week’s featured Legacy is The Sims 4 Legacy by Jacqpinks which can be found on her Facebook fan page. The founder of Jacqpinks’ Legacy is her Simself, Jacqui. The Legacy is posted on a Facebook album where all of the photos are viewed in a collage so that you see parts of the story play out all at once. Don’t forget to give her Facebook fan page a like as well!

Posted by Mystic in Featured, Featured Legacy of the Week, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories