Featured Legacy of the Week – The Reinhardt Legacy by Ace0fJacks!


Ace0fJacks’ founder Kristofer with his soon-to-be wife, Everly!

Hello everyone! Sorry that this is a few days late! Pinstar and I had a busy week!

Welcome to another Featured Legacy of the Week! Each week we will randomly select someone from the pool of Simmers that sent in their Legacy’s info on our “Share Your Legacies with Us!” post. Those of you that haven’t sent in a Legacy yet are still more than welcome to do so. The more the merrier!

This week’s featured Legacy is the Reinhardt Legacy by Ace0fJacks! The founder of the Reinhardt Legacy is Kristofer Reinhardt and Ace0fJacks is going with the Patriarchy, Traditional, and First Born succession laws. Check it out!