Parker Masque might be gone, but he’s not forgotten.
Hello everyone, below you will find the following changes to the Legacy Challenge Rules:
A new concept is being introduced. The first spouse brought into the house each generation (once that generation’s heir reaches young adulthood) is known as the “Primary Spouse” The distinction of “Primary Spouse” does NOT mean the spouse HAS to be the sim who helps bring about the next generation. The “Primary Spouse” distinction is, however, important for two scoring categories.
In the “Love” category, determining which spouse’s traits to consider for collecting unique traits only looks at “Primary Spouses” even if more spouses are moved in later in a generation and/or are used to produce the next generation. Any spouses moved in AFTER the primary spouse are ignored for the purposes of the love category.
When using the trait calculator to determine a new child’s traits, the ‘secondary parent’ section is whoever was involved in the child’s birth or adoption. Weather they are a Primary or secondary spouse doesn’t matter always use that child’s actual parent when using the trait calculator (whether it be a primary spouse, secondary spouse, non-spouse etc)
A rule change for the Creative category has also been implemented. In order to earn points in the creative category, only the Founder/Heir and their primary spouse have to be memorialized in each generation to earn that generation’s point. There is no rule against memorializing spares and secondary spouses, but they are optional for the purpose of the creative point.
A Sim may be memorialized at any time, even after their death. However the person doing the memorial work must have known the Sim being memorialized in life at some point (They don’t have to have been friends with them, just have met them at least once)