
Weekend Long Charity Event to Benefit St. Jude Childrens’ Hospital

Hi everyone! This post isn’t necessarily Sims related, but I wanted to let you know that Retromaniacs, the Twitch Stream Team that I am a member of is running a weekend long charity event for St Jude Childrens’ Research Hospital! We have an amazing lineup of streamers playing many different retro games. All donations go towards St Jude’s via the Tiltify website!

If you’d like to check it out, we are live starting today, February 23rd until Sunday February 25th!

I will be live there tonight (Friday, February 23rd) at 6pm EST attempting a couple of Sims 2 speedruns!

Come hang out! We’ll be casting from Daikon’s channel!

If you can’t make it to the streams, but still would like to donate to the cause you can head to the Tiltify donation page!

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News

Mystic’s Sims 2 Legacy Stream – Feb 8, 2018

Hi everyone! I am going to be trying to stream my Sims 2 Legacy more often on my Twitch channel and I thought I’d post the VOD links here for anyone interested in checking them out! I streamed this earlier today. It’s a bit shorter as I have been dealing with some personal stuff (anxiety/depression) and I was just trying to get myself back into the swing of things. The majority of this stream discusses plans for the future, but there is quite a bit of (very derpy) gameplay as well. I’ll be linking these on the stream from now on!

You can find the most recent Twitch VOD at

If you’d like to watch me play this family live, be sure to follow my Twitter and join my Discord server to find out when I’ll be live!

You can also check out some of the previous vods on my Twitch VOD collection. Sadly I don’t have all of the previous vods as they get deleted over time, but I’ll be more mindful to save them in the future!

Posted by Mystic in Discord, Legacy Challenge Stories

Mystic is Streaming the Sims 2!

Hey everyone, I decided to get back into occasional Sims streams on my Twitch channel. At the moment I am focusing primarily on The Sims 2 and working on a brand new Legacy challenge (don’t worry, the Retreaux Legacy isn’t going anywhere!). If you are interested in checking it out I will be live this morning starting at around 9:30 am EST! You will need to have a verified email address to chat with me in real-time on Twitch, but if you’d rather just watch and not chat, that’s fine too!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Live Streams, Sims 2 Stories

The Sims 4 Vampires – Beginning a Vampire Legacy

Hey everyone! We were lucky enough to get an early access/review copy of the upcoming Sims 4 Vampires Pack from EA. I decided that rather than going through all of CAS and build/buy mode (which I know A LOT of other Youtubers can do much better than me) that I would start off a new Legacy Challenge with a Vampire Founder for an all-vampire Legacy Challenge.

Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News, Sims 4 Stories, The Sims 4

Live in 10 minutes with more Sims 4 Fantasia Legacy Fun!



Just letting you all know that I’ll be live in 10 minutes (1pm EST) on my Twitch channel with more Sims 4 Fantasia Legacy fun! The chat voted last week and Menolly is our generation 3 heiress! Can’t wait to see what happens today!


It is completely free to join, follow, and watch on Twitch if you don’t already have an account.

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Sims 4 News, Sims 4 Stories, The Sims 4

Live Sims 4 Legacy & Cool Kitchen Stuff Gameplay at Mystic’s Twitch Channel Today!

TwitchMysticRealmHey everyone! Just a quick little post letting you know that I am making my grand return to streaming today, August 12th, at 1pm EST at my Twitch channel. I will be continuing my Sims 4 Fantasia Legacy and checking out all of the new awesome kitchen content in the Cool Kitchen Stuff pack.

If you have never used Twitch before it is completely free to join and watch streams. You do not need to pay anything and can just sit back and watch.

Feel free to join in the conversations in chat and ask me any questions about The Sims 4, my Legacy family, and the new expansion pack!


Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Rules, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 News, Sims 4 Stories, The Sims 4

Challenge Accepted! An Interview with Fallon of SimNationTV!

Fallon Legacy

Hello everyone, and welcome to another Challenge Accepted! I thought it would be fun to get to know some of the Simmers that play the Legacy Challenge, Wonder Child Challenge, and/or Apocalypse Challenge (and any other challenges that we post here), so I am going to be sending out interview questions to Simmers to learn more about them and how they got into the Sims. If you would like to participate, please let me know!

This week’s Challenge Accepted! features Fallon of SimNationTV. Fallon is one of three co-hosts on the SimNationTV podcast on their channel and frequently will stream Sims 4 from that channel as well. You can also find Fallon’s and the rest of the SimNationTV crew’s past broadcasts on their Youtube channel. Here is what Fallon has to say:


Mystic: When did you start playing The Sims?
Fallon: Started with Sims 1, and have been playing ever since. I think I still have the cd’s somewhere!
What made you decide to try the Legacy Challenge and/or other player-made challenges for the game?
I had never done the Legacy challenge before, I normally don’t play with aging turned on in my games, aha. I wanted to try something new and at the time I had gotten turned off to Sims 3 and Sims 4 was about to come out so I thought it was a good time to try.
What is your favorite game and expansion pack for the franchise?
I really like Sims 4. I think the goofy ways they act are so cute, especially the faces they make sometimes, and I also prefer the way these sims look over the Sims 3 version….I know people don’t like the “plastic” hair but by god, it’s 1000 times better than Sims 3 base game hair. But my favorite expansion of the ones that I played would probably be Nightlife for Sims 2 because you could have the Grilled Cheese Aspiration, which is freaking awesome. Also at that point in the series it was the first time you could have your own car. It was like an updated version of Hot Date which was also fun.
What is your favorite Sims challenge to Let’s Play/Stream/write about?
I must admit the only challenge I tried was the Legacy Challenge. I knew that it was pretty popular by now though. I’m a big baby when it comes to having my sims grow old.
Of all of your Sims, who is your favorite?
I actually don’t have a favorite sim. I always try to make a sim version of myself, and sometimes I make sim versions of my family, but other than that I make random sims with random names. That way I can have them do super awesome and amazing things that I can’t do in reality.
Of all of the Sims games, what is your favorite lifetime wish/aspiration?
Grilled cheese aspiration!!!!!!!! Who doesn’t love grilled cheese?!
Do you have any tips for people that are just starting out playing Sims challenges?
Hmmm, I would say don’t stress about it. I don’t think the challenges are meant to punish you, but give you a sense of direction and an opportunity to play in a way that you might not normally play. I have all the feels for you though if you get sad thinking about your sims growing old and dying, because I hate to see any of my sims die in the game, well….except that one time…..but I wanted some ghosts to haunt my house……anyway! You don’t have to play for points if you’re worried about it =P
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, Fallon!

Posted by Mystic in Challenge Accepted!, Featured, Legacy Challenge Stories

Challenge Accepted! – An Interview with Cristina321

Cristina Interview

Hello everyone, and welcome to another Challenge Accepted! I thought it would be fun to get to know some of the Simmers that play the Legacy Challenge, Wonder Child Challenge, and/or Apocalypse Challenge (and any other challenges that we post here), so I am going to be sending out interview questions to Simmers to learn more about them and how they got into the Sims. If you would like to participate, please let me know!

This week’s Challenge Accepted! features Cristina321 a Sims 4 Twitch streamer and Youtuber. Cristina frequently plays Sims 4 challenges created by us on her Twitch channel and will upload the videos to Youtube for you to watch whenever. She has played the Wonder Child Challenge, Apocalypse Challenge, and the Legacy Challenge. Here is what she has to say:

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Posted by Mystic in Apocalypse Challenge, Challenge Accepted!, Sims 4 Stories, Wonder Child Challenge