While doing my daily browse of SimsVIP, I learned about the new free, optional event that launched today for The Sims 4. This event is called “The Sims 4 Triple Boost Week” and what it does is allow your Sims to gain skills or job progress three times quicker than normal for seven in-game days (you can’t have both at the same time) after talking with a Sims named Jasmine Holiday (either by phone or in person). This can be done as many times as you wish between the dates of August 22 and August 29, 2016.
So what does this mean for the Legacy Challenge, Wonder Child Challenge, Immigrant Challenge, and Apocalypse Challenge? Well, it will affect each challenge a bit differently. (Bear in mind the Boosts are OPTIONAL. If you don’t want to use them in your challenge, you don’t have to. I personally will not be using them at all because it feels a bit too much like a cheat to me.)