The Sims

Legacy Challenge Rules Update (for the November & December patches)

Legacy rules change

Happy Chrismahanakwaanzaka! Here are some updates and rulings for the Legacy Challenge in response to the changes made in both the November and December patches.


  • The 11th death type, death by drowning, is now required to finish the “Collect every death type” point.
  • * The Athletic and Business branches are now required for the “Get a sim to the top of each career” as well as the “Have a Sim reach the top of every branch”
  • After it was found that ghosts were guzzling potions of youth built up for the Deviance score, you may release their spirits if you don’t want to risk a thirsty ghost finding your potions.
  • You may fully utilize the new time off, vacation days, and family leave system introduced.
  • Note that job promotion requirements and aspiration requirements have both changed…but the rules and scoring for these has not (Besides the additions of the two new careers mentioned earlier.)
  • Added a new heir law to the heir selection page – Democracy. With Democracy you can have others vote on your heir.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

We Now Host the Sims 2 Apocalypse Challenge!

littlenemo-nuclearHey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that we are now hosting the rules for the Sims 2 Apocalypse Challenge! They were originally hosted by the Apoca-Borg website, but the owner of the site has recently asked that we take it back over. Currently I have Pinstar’s original Sims 2 Apocalypse Challenge core rules up, and I am working on adding the additional rules for the expansions. It’s a HUGE challenge so it will take some time to get it all up, but if you are interested in checking out the core ruleset for the Sims 2 base game, then head on over to the Sims 2 Apocalypse Challenge rules! I will also be adding a scoresheet in the next couple of days as well.

This is rather appropriate timing too… I won’t say more than that though 😉


Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News

The Legacy Challenge and Game Updates

Granite Falls

A lovely teaser shot of the upcoming world, Granite Falls.

With the recent announcement of the upcoming Outdoor Retreat game pack coming to the Sims 4, you might be wondering how the Legacy Challenge will fit into the game changes as they are released.

During the Sims 2 days, Pinstar worked hard to bring updates to the Legacy Challenge as the updates to the game came out. We were unable to keep up with that in The Sims 3 due to real life demands, but we are hoping to be as active with the Sims 4 and its game updates as we were with The Sims 2.

We will be trying to implement challenge changes within a couple of weeks of the game being updated, but it may take time to playtest all of the changes.

As for the upcoming game pack, not much is known about what it will add to the game, so we can’t say for sure how it will affect the challenge, but we will keep you posted as we learn new information and HOPEFULLY give you an idea of some of the changes that will be made to the Legacy Challenge to accommodate it!

What do you all think the new game pack will include? We’d love to hear your speculations!

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Eat Like a Sim’s Month of Cookies – Sims 2 Santa Cookies (with an Announcement!)


If you’ve played The Sims series for as long as I have, then you probably remember the Sims 2 Santa Cookies recipe. This recipe was available through the Sims 2 Holiday Stuff Pack, and if you were lucky enough to receive the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection for free from Origin, then you already have this recipe available. If your Sims made these cookies and then went to bed, Santa would appear to bring them gifts (and also pee in their toilet several times).

It was always fun to decorate my Sims 2 Legacy family’s house for Christmas, bake the Santa Cookies, and then eagerly await the arrival of Santa in the middle of the night. Sure there was a chance the Christmas tree would catch on fire, but hey, the anticipation was worth it!

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Posted by Mystic in Eat Like a Sim Recipes, Featured

The Europa Legacy – Chapter 4 – The Courting of SimGuruGraham

Hello and welcome to Chapter 4 of the Europa Legacy! If you haven’t read the previous chapters, they can be found here.

Sorry for the lack of updates with this family lately everyone! Let’s just say I went a bit insane with YouTube and ended up burning out a bit. So, I’m back to writing for a while because if I have to look at my video editing software for another minute I’m going to need a straight jacket.

*clears throat* Aaaaaaanyway, back to the topic at hand! The Europa Legacy! In the last chapter, Geneva met a rather handsome man by the name of SimGuruGraham. For those of you who were wondering if moving Graham into the family was Legacy legal… it is. I downloaded him from the gallery in a family of other Gurus (just like I would have if he were a #LegacyLove) and didn’t know his traits beforehand, so he’s fair game!

10-08-14_3-11 PMGeneva: So umm… reading together was… fun. But I was wondering, would you be interested in… going out for a drink or something?

Graham: Sure, that would be fun!

Geneva: Ok, great!

Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Featured, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories, The Europa Legacy

Legacy Challenge Rules Update Coming Soon!

Sims 4 jobs

Hey everyone! Just a quick little post to let you know that an update to the Legacy Challenge rules will be coming soon to include the changes made to the game in the December patch. This patch had a much bigger change to the game the the previous two, so Pinstar is working on playtesting a few things to see how they will tie into the changes of the challenge.

For the most part, the changes probably won’t be huge, so don’t worry about pausing your Legacies until you hear from him, at most it may just change some point values in the Nature section. I am going to guess that using the given vacation days will be allowed (seeing as that has always been the case in the past), so I would say use those as you see fit as well.

Also, feel free to use the “Move Objects On” cheat to your heart’s desire. A build mode cheat such as that will not affect gameplay and is therefore allowed in the Legacy Challenge as it always has been.

Posted by Mystic in General News

Story of the Month Club on the Official Sims Forums – Get Your Votes In!

12-16-14_10-03 AM

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know about an awesome event going on in the Official Sims Forums right now, The Story of the Month Club!

What is the Story of the Month Club, you ask? Well within the Sims Forums there is a section called “The Sims 4 Stories and Legacies” where Sims 4 story writers and challenge creators can share their work with others. There are tons of amazing writers there and The Sims is highlighting several of them in the Story of the Month Club.

In order to be featured in the Story of the Month club, writers are first nominated by others, then people vote on their favorite story for that month. The stories aren’t all Legacy stories, but a good many of them are. Check it out and make sure you vote for you favorites! A link to all of the nominated stories is found within the Story of the Month post.

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories

Eat Like a Sim’s Month of Cookies – Gingerbread Plumbobs

This week’s recipe is not actually a recipe from the game, but rather something that I came up with to put a festive spin on the most recognizable icons of the Sims… the plumbob! Since the holidays are gingerbread season, I thought gingerbread plumbobs might be a fun little cookie to make.

The plumbob has been around since The Sims 1 and is used as a device to identify the mood and needs of your Sim. Each game has changed the mechanics of how the plumbob works (The Sims 4 changed it to reflect the emotional state that your Sims are in for instance) but has never changed what its shape. It has always maintained its elongated diamond shape which easily identifies it, even outside of the game.

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Posted by Mystic in Eat Like a Sim Recipes, Featured

Featured Legacy of the Week – The Chronicles of Andra Stafford by Jendowoz!

Andra Stafford

Jendowoz’s founder, Andra Stafford

Welcome to another Featured Legacy of the Week! Each week we will randomly select someone from the pool of Simmers that sent in their Legacy’s info on our “Share Your Legacies with Us!” post. Those of you that haven’t sent in a Legacy yet are still more than welcome to do so. The more the merrier!

This week’s Featured Legacy is a written Legacy by Jendowoz called The Chronicles of Andra Stafford. As of writing this post, Jendowoz is up to chapter 17 of the story. The Legacy was founded by Andra Stafford and the story is written in the first person (as if Andra were writing an autobiography).

Happy simming!

Posted by Mystic in Featured, Featured Legacy of the Week, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories

Eat Like a Sim’s Month of Cookies – Black and White Cookies

This week’s recipe is the The Sims 4 Black and White Cookie recipe. Sims can make this recipe at cooking skill level four. I’ll be honest and say that I don’t typically have my Sims bake cookies as they tend to gain weight too quickly as it is, but I saw this recipe on the recipe list and thought it might be fun to make in real-life. Hopefully they don’t go to my hips as quickly as the in-game version does! Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Eat Like a Sim Recipes, Featured