The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy 11 – The Broken Everything

In the last episode it was the cake that was broken. This time? It seems like just about everything is broken. Including my Sims. Especially Feyre.

On the plus side, we have a surprise new family member in this episode! And no, Feyre wasn’t pregnant. You’ll see!

You can watch this episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy House Builds, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy 10 – The Broken Cake

We’re almost done having both a toddler and an infant under one roof! Soon we’ll have a child and a toddler! I wonder which one will be more difficult?

You can view this episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below:

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy 9 – Toddler + Infant = Chaos

Oh boy. I don’t think I planned the spacing of these kids out properly. I should have waited until Morrigan was a bit older before having Feyre and Darsh have another child. This family just got a lot more chaotic!

You can view this latest episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy House Builds, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy 8 – Baby #2 Already?!

What’s this? A Sims video on a Wednesday? That’s right! I have been considering increasing my Sims videos to twice per week and discontinuing Booktube on my channel. So this could become a regular thing for my Legacy series (one vid on Wednesday and one on Friday).

In this episode the arrival of baby #2 is imminent and I am no where near prepared! I also discuss a little bit about my excitement that Seasons was announced.

As always you can view this episode on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below.

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy House Builds, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy 6 – You Get a Promotion! And YOU Get a Promotion!

Wow, Feyre and Darsh must really be good at their jobs. Both of them are getting promotions at a pretty good rate. At this rate they’ll be at the tops of their careers in no time! Also, Feyre is getting close to finishing her Aspiration. Let’s do this!

This episode is available on my Youtube channel and can also be viewed below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy House Builds, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

Feel Free to Add Your Own House Builds to #LegacyHouseBuilds on the Gallery!

Hi everyone!

Earlier today a commenter asked if they could build Legacy houses for the #LegacyHouseBuilds Project that I have been working on and the answer is absolutely yes!

If anyone has any interest in building houses for the #LegacyHouseBuilds Project you are more than welcome to use the hashtag on any builds you make that you place in the gallery. I’d love to see what everyone comes up with!

In fact, I might even start doing some video house tours of some of the builds that I see on my Youtube channel if I have time.

I’d really love to get the community involved in this project as everyone has their own unique build styles and ideas so it will really add a lot more variety to what is already up on the gallery for this. Plus, I can’t build houses as quickly as I would like right now as real-life has been a bit hectic.

So if you would like to participate, go ahead and build your own houses that will benefit Legacy challenge players (large lot, lots of bedrooms & skill up items, etc) and post them on the gallery with the #LegacyHouseBuilds hashtag. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy House Builds, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy 2 – The Day Vlad Forgot How to Vampire

Hi everyone! Sorry that the second episode for this series is so late. I ended up having laryngitis for a good portion of last week and was unable to use my voice for a few days. I’m hoping to get two episodes up this week to make up for it!

Today’s episode focuses on Feyre continuing to master her painting skill, seeking out a potential spouse, and dealing with Vlad the Vampire who… seems to have forgotten how to do vampire things.

You can watch either on my Youtube channel or by simply watching the embedded video below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

#LegacyHouseBuilds – Mansion Baron Tier 1 House Tour

Hello everyone! I have been busy making houses for the #LegacyHouseBuilds hashtag on the Sims 4 Gallery. Today’s house is the house that you will need to complete the first tier of the Mansion Baron aspiration. This house is also a solid option for a ~§50,000 Legacy house as it has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, plenty of space, and lots of skill up items. So if you have a Legacy Sim with the Mansion Baron Aspiration this is the house that you will need for the first tier, which is to have a house worth §50,000 as well 15 works of art. Below is a tour of the house!

Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Featured, House Builds & Tours, Legacy House Builds, The Sims 4

Two New #LegacyHouseBuilds Up on the Gallery

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know that there are TWO new houses up for the Legacy House Build Project! There is a §30,000 and a §50,000 house available for download on the Gallery now! You can find them by search either for EA ID Pinstar1161 or the hashtag #LegacyHouseBuilds.

Both houses come equipped with almost all skill building items and have lots of space for growing families. The 50K house should last your family for quite a while as it has a ton of space and room to grow. I don’t plan on making another house until 100K, so it should be good until then!

Posted by Mystic in House Builds & Tours, Legacy Challenge Rules, Legacy Challenge Stories, Legacy House Builds, The Sims 4

Introducing the Legacy House Build Project!

Hi everyone! I mentioned last week that I was starting to work on a Legacy House Build Project for people that enjoy playing the Legacy Challenge (or other similar challenges) for the Sims 4 but don’t like building houses. I am going through and building houses for various stages of the Legacy Challenge. There will be lawn living lots, early starters, later starters, mid-range houses, and mansions. I’ll also be building houses that will help your Sims skill up certain skills faster.

I currently have three houses available for download on the Gallery. None require packs at the moment (I will make sure to note if future houses need packs). You can check them out on the Legacy House Builds page.

This page has been linked under both “Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules” and “House Builds & Tours” on the menu of this website for easy access!

More houses to come soon!

Posted by Mystic in General News, House Builds & Tours, Legacy Challenge Rules, Legacy Challenge Stories, The Sims 4