The Sims 2

Legacy Challenge & Wonder Child Weekly Let’s Play List – Week of 1/12/2015


Hello everyone and welcome to another Legacy Challenge & Wonder Child Weekly Let’s Play List! Each week we will post a list of new Let’s Plays and chapters in separate posts so that you can check out what others are doing and stay up to date with them. I will be posting the Let’s Play list today and the written story list tomorrow (which means that the Let’s Play list will be posted each Monday and the writers list each Tuesday).

Here are the new Legacy Challenge & Wonder Child Let’s Play episodes for the week of January 12, 2015:

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Posted by Mystic in Featured, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Sims 2 Stories, Sims 3 Stories, Sims 4 Stories

Legacy Challenge & Wonder Child Stories List – Week of 1/5/2015


Hello everyone! As I mentioned in yesterday’s Legacy Challenge & Wonder Child Let’s Play List, I am posting the Stories list today. This list will contain the most recent chapters of written Legacy and Wonder Child stories written by members of the community.

Just like the Let’s Play list, since this is the first one, I will be including stories that have been updated through the entire month of December up until today. Next week will start the weekly updates list, and each week after that will feature weekly updates.

Here are the new Legacy Challenge and Wonder Child Stories for the week of January 5, 2015:

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Posted by Mystic in Featured, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 2 Stories, Sims 3 Stories, Sims 4 Stories

We Now Host the Sims 2 Apocalypse Challenge!

littlenemo-nuclearHey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that we are now hosting the rules for the Sims 2 Apocalypse Challenge! They were originally hosted by the Apoca-Borg website, but the owner of the site has recently asked that we take it back over. Currently I have Pinstar’s original Sims 2 Apocalypse Challenge core rules up, and I am working on adding the additional rules for the expansions. It’s a HUGE challenge so it will take some time to get it all up, but if you are interested in checking out the core ruleset for the Sims 2 base game, then head on over to the Sims 2 Apocalypse Challenge rules! I will also be adding a scoresheet in the next couple of days as well.

This is rather appropriate timing too… I won’t say more than that though 😉


Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News

Eat Like a Sim’s Month of Cookies – Sims 2 Santa Cookies (with an Announcement!)


If you’ve played The Sims series for as long as I have, then you probably remember the Sims 2 Santa Cookies recipe. This recipe was available through the Sims 2 Holiday Stuff Pack, and if you were lucky enough to receive the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection for free from Origin, then you already have this recipe available. If your Sims made these cookies and then went to bed, Santa would appear to bring them gifts (and also pee in their toilet several times).

It was always fun to decorate my Sims 2 Legacy family’s house for Christmas, bake the Santa Cookies, and then eagerly await the arrival of Santa in the middle of the night. Sure there was a chance the Christmas tree would catch on fire, but hey, the anticipation was worth it!

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Posted by Mystic in Eat Like a Sim Recipes, Featured