Here is this week’s Weekly Links List for October 16, 2017! As always, if I’ve forgotten anyone (and you’ve updated in the last 7 days) feel free to comment below so that I can add you next week!
Hey everyone! I know it’s been a while since I posted one of these, but things are getting back on schedule here, so the Weekly Links should go back to getting posted well… weekly! As always, if I’ve forgotten anyone (and you’ve updated in the last 7 days) feel free to comment below so that I can add you next week!
Hi everyone! I know I said that I was going to wait until Friday to make a decision about this, but after looking at the poll results and doing some thinking about it on my own, I have made a decision about whether or not I am going to move the Retreaux and Novella stories over to my Youtube channel as Let’s Plays.
I was surprised at how many people actually wanted them to remain as written stories. Out of the 48 votes, 33% of you requested that they stay stories. While this isn’t the overwhelming majority, it was enough of you to make me think that maybe I shouldn’t move them both.
So instead I thought I’d come to a compromise and hopefully make everyone happy. The Retreaux Legacy will remain a written story. I prefer Sims 2 playthroughs as written stories. I love writing them and it kind of brings back some nostalgia for the old Sims 2 BBS days. So Retreaux will NOT be moving to Youtube.
However, I DO prefer doing Let’s Plays of Sims 4 playthroughs over writing them and to be honest, the Novella story was never very popular as a written series (at least compared to the Retreaux Legacy). The Movin’ On Up Challenge also seems to do better on Youtube than it does as a written story (at least in my opinion). So the Novella story will be discontinued here and restarted as a Let’s Play series on Youtube.
From now on, I think that is how I am going to work things. All Sims 2 challenges will be written stories here on the site, and all Sims 4 challenges will be Youtube Let’s Plays. I’m currently unsure whether or not I will do any Sims 3 challenge playthroughs. The game always tends to bug out for me.
I hope this works for all of you!
The Toddler Random Trait Generator has been rebuilt from the ground up thanks to the help of our awesome “Plugin Guy”. The issues that were occurring on the old generator should no longer be an issue as it’s a completely different plugin that works in a different way than the old one did.
You should no longer experience stuck traits. You might get repeats of the same trait (that is normal as there are only 8 traits and repeats will occur), but they shouldn’t be “stuck” anymore.
Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates on this story last week. I didn’t have as much time as usual to get posts up as I had houseguests. I’ve missed writing about Arwen! As you can see by Arwen’s face above in our last chapter we had a few issues with apartment pests, breaking objects (due to goblins), and not checking in at the right kind of park. However we struggled through and hopefully this chapter will go a bit better for our fearless founder.
Ahhh here we go. Another day in the life of Arwen Novella, a single social media grunt hoping to move up the ranks of her job so that she can escape a filthy, grungy apartment and move into something more suitable to her tastes. In the previous chapter, I had Arwen write a children’s book, but forgot to have her self-publish it until the following day, so that is what she is doing in the screenshot above. It will be bringing in a whopping §3 per day. We all have to start somewhere, right?
EA and The Sims announced today that The Sims 4 will be coming to the Playstation 4 and Xbox One consoles on November 17, 2017!
In the announcement, The Sims stated: “Since our initial launch on PC, we have made several updates to the base game, ranging from the addition of Ghosts, Pools, New Careers, to the world of Newcrest, to give your Sims space to continue to grow; overhauled the Create a Sim tool, to provide expanded gender customization options; and most recently, added Toddlers as a new playable life state! All of these great updates will be available to players at launch when you play The Sims 4 on console.”
So it sounds like all of the free updates that we have received to the game since the PC launch in 2014 will be made available to console players from the start. If you are a console gamer and want to play the Sims, now is your chance!
Want to learn more? Check out the latest video on The Sims’ Youtube channel!
Hello everyone! Below are the links from the past week for stories, Youtube Let’s Plays, and Twitch streams that involve our challenges. As always, if I’ve missed anyone, please let me know! Continue reading →