In the last chapter, Geneva and Graham tied the knot after dating for a couple of days. Now I think it’s high time to start working on getting generation 2 started!
Geneva: So… you wanna?
Graham: Teehee!
In the last chapter, Geneva and Graham tied the knot after dating for a couple of days. Now I think it’s high time to start working on getting generation 2 started!
Geneva: So… you wanna?
Graham: Teehee!
Welcome to another Featured Legacy of the Week! Each week we will randomly select someone from the pool of Simmers that sent in their Legacy’s info on our “Share Your Legacies with Us!” post. Those of you that haven’t sent in a Legacy yet are still more than welcome to do so. The more the merrier!
This week’s Featured Legacy is the Melodia Legacy by JudeSims. This is a written Legacy and is currently up to chapter four. JudeSims had to recently restart due to a corruption causing them to be unable to play their previous Legacy. Luckily that hasn’t stopped JudeSims from writing!
Happy Simming!
Sorry for the lack of updates with this family lately everyone! Let’s just say I went a bit insane with YouTube and ended up burning out a bit. So, I’m back to writing for a while because if I have to look at my video editing software for another minute I’m going to need a straight jacket.
*clears throat* Aaaaaaanyway, back to the topic at hand! The Europa Legacy! In the last chapter, Geneva met a rather handsome man by the name of SimGuruGraham. For those of you who were wondering if moving Graham into the family was Legacy legal… it is. I downloaded him from the gallery in a family of other Gurus (just like I would have if he were a #LegacyLove) and didn’t know his traits beforehand, so he’s fair game!
Geneva: So umm… reading together was… fun. But I was wondering, would you be interested in… going out for a drink or something?
Graham: Sure, that would be fun!
Geneva: Ok, great!
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know about an awesome event going on in the Official Sims Forums right now, The Story of the Month Club!
What is the Story of the Month Club, you ask? Well within the Sims Forums there is a section called “The Sims 4 Stories and Legacies” where Sims 4 story writers and challenge creators can share their work with others. There are tons of amazing writers there and The Sims is highlighting several of them in the Story of the Month Club.
In order to be featured in the Story of the Month club, writers are first nominated by others, then people vote on their favorite story for that month. The stories aren’t all Legacy stories, but a good many of them are. Check it out and make sure you vote for you favorites! A link to all of the nominated stories is found within the Story of the Month post.