Sims 3

#MonthofSims Day 1 – Do you wanna build a snowman?

Screenshot-14#MonthofSims Day 1 – Do you wanna build a snowman? – Picture if you will, this terrifying zombie… this fiend of the night… singing the song, “Do you wanna build a snowman?” from Disney’s Frozen. Now, tell me, did you keep a straight face?

Oh yes… nothing is more terrifying than a snowman building zombie. Cower in fear as this undead minion constructs Olaf the Snowman who wants to give warm hugs. You will NEVER be safe if this is to continue!

Don’t know what the #MonthofSims Twitter event is? Check out my post about it!

Posted by Mystic in #MonthofSims

Introducing the #MonthofSims Twitter event!


As some of you know, the other game that I play a lot of along with The Sims 3 and the dozen or so indie titles that I love is Guild Wars 2. When 2014 rolled around one of the players started up a Twitter event called #GW2Project365 which involves posting a screenshot from the game once a day for a year. I thought it might be fun to do something similar for the Sims!

Rather than do the event for the remainder of 2014, I thought maybe I would start small and have this event last for the month of March. So I came up with the idea of #MonthofSims. If you are interested in participating all you have to do is the following:

-Post a screenshot from any of the Sims games (1, 2, or 3) once per day throughout the month of March with the hashtag #MonthofSims

-You can either upload the screenshot directly to Twitter or post it on your website and then link to there, either way is fine.

-Share the event with others so that more Simmers know about it. The more that know, the more that can participate and the more awesome Sims screenshots you get to see!

-HAVE FUN!  Enjoy posting silly, funny, sad, serious… basically any kind of Sims related screenshot that you wish (they do NOT need to be related to the Legacy Challenge, it can be anything Sims related!). Just make sure the hashtag #MonthofSims is included on the Tweet so that others can find your screenshots!

This will be a great way for fans to celebrate the game that they love so much, by sharing screenshots of their Sims with others.

I’ll start things off on March 1st on my Twitter page, but if you live in a different time zone and March 1st comes earlier for you than it does for me (I’m in EST) then feel free to get things started!

Posted by Mystic in #MonthofSims, General News

Legacy Challenge Let’s Plays!

So first of all… whoa! Neither Pinstar or myself had any idea that there were so many Legacy Challenge Let’s Plays on Youtube. You guys do some amazing work!
We didn’t actually have a section on our Links page for Legacy Challenge Let’s Plays, but now we do. So if you’d like to check out some really awesome videos, check out the links page and look for the Legacy Challenge Let’s Plays section.

If you have a Legacy Challenge Let’s Play and don’t see yours on the list, please contact me by either leaving the information in a comment below or emailing me and I will add the link!

Posted by Mystic in General News

The Fantasia Legacy – Chapter 3

Chapter 2 ended with Hermione and Wei getting a start on Generation 2 of this Legacy. Hermione became pregnant on the first try; so we expanded the house a little bit. Here is the interior:

Screenshot-71As you can see, it’s still not much, but at least they have room for the new baby now!

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Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 3 Stories

The Fantasia Legacy – Chapter 2

We last left Hermione with the discovery that Lenny Smith-Jones, one of her potential husbands, is rich. Sadly this means he is out of the running to be the Generation 1 spouse. So, now it’s up to Wei! With any luck, he won’t be rich as well and Hermione and he can tie the knot soon.

Fantasia Legacy 2.1Ok Hermione, let’s see if Wei is rich. We’re at his house now. This is his roomate, Lang. Talk to him a bit to see if you can figure out how much money they have.

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Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 3 Stories

The Fantasia Legacy – Not this week…

Hi again everyone!

I was originally going to do my Legacy Chapters every Saturday, but with my new job as an editor for an awesome Indie gaming website and my other gaming website, not to mention a busy real life schedule with my kids, I just don’t have the time to play The Sims 3 often enough to write chapters weekly. So I think I am going to push this to every 2 weeks just to give me time to get the screenshots taken and the chapters written. If I get a week where I have more time to play then I will get one out two weeks in a row, it just really depends on timing.

So with that in mind, I am not going to be posting a new chapter today, but I do plan on having one up next Saturday. I just didn’t have enough time to play this week to get enough screenshots for another chapter.

See you all next week and happy Simming!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 3 Stories

Myrna Carae – January 2014 Sim of the Month

headshot_originalThis month brings us Myrna Carae. Myrna poses a greater challenge but you have greater flexibility in how you meet her goals. You can download her here.


NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with Pinstar’s Sim of the Month Challenge you can read the general rules, here.

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Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Sim of the Month Challenge

December 2013 Sim of the Month Challenge – Fred Fernberger

 Fred Fernberger
Sim of the Month: December 2013

(NOTE:  If you have never done a Sim of the Month Challenge before and would like to know more, you can find more information on the Sim of the Month Challenge Page.)


Fred Fernberger was never what you would call a “Normal” person. A day dreamer, Fred has always had difficulty remaining grounded in reality. To him, life should be a fairy tale, with happy endings for everybody. Unfortunately for Fred, life isn’t a fairy tale and up until now, his own life did not look like it was headed for a happy ending.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Sim of the Month Challenge