Rule update

1.01 Rules update for the Apocalypse Challenge

02-05-15_11-14 AM

After some feedback from the community and some additional playtesting on my part, I have some updates to the rules. The changes are as follows:


  • All TVs are now restricted under the eSport gamer restrictions. If you have been using a TV up until this point, you don’t need to restart just stick it in your family inventory.
  • Rocket Ships are exempt from the “Must be under a roof” rule in the Space Ranger restriction. They must still be within your house’s 8X8 area if Villain hasn’t been lifted, but see the screen shot above to see how you can pull that off without lifting Villain first.
  • Items in the family inventory (regardless of size) are now restricted, tied to the bodybuilder restriction. You may place items INTO family inventory, but may not take anything out of it until bodybuilder is lifted. For those of you with active challenges, you may pull out any items from inventory on a one-time basis before this rule takes effect so you can ‘rescue’ important items that you thought were previously accessible.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Other Challenges, Sims 4 News