Random Trait Generator

Teen Aspirations & The Trait Generators

I have made a change to how the Random Trait Generators and the Legacy Challenge Rules work for the Sims 4. Since Teens can now roll for Aspirations that also include teen-specific aspirations along with the original aspirations from previous packs, it made sense to change the wording on when to roll for aspirations.

When a child becomes a teenager, roll for the teenager aspiration (ignore what the adult aspiration says for the moment) and go with whatever is assigned. If your teenager is able to complete their aspiration before adulthood, then you can either choose to go with a randomly generated adult aspiration from the generator next (to add some more randomness to your challenge) or do what has been done in the past and choose the next one. It’s up to you!

The rules have also been reworded to reflect this.

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News, The Sims 4

Updates to the Random Trait Generator

Hello everyone! With all of my recent playtesting for upcoming Legacy Challenge rule changes on my Twitch channel, I noticed that both the Strangerville Mystery and Beach Life aspirations do NOT require you to move to those locations to complete them (unlike City Native). Since that’s the case, I have added them to the random trait generator.

As always if you don’t have either the Strangerville or Island Living packs you do not have to do those aspirations and simply reroll.

(The Amazon links are affiliate links)

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules

Get Famous Aspirations Added to the Random Trait Generators

Hello everyone! Over the course of the next week or two Pinstar and I will be updating some of our challenges for the new expansion pack, Get Famous. Currently we are still working on playtesting many aspects of the new expansion, so we don’t have any solid gameplay rule changes/updates yet. However, I did update the Random Trait Generators to include the two newest aspirations added in this pack, “Master Actor/Actress” and “World-Famous Celebrity”. So it is now possible to randomly get those aspirations when using the generators.

As always, if you do not own this pack, you can re-roll to get a different aspiration.

UPDATE: I just realized there was a new trait added as well (I need more caffeine today… I completely missed it at first) so that too has been added to the Random Trait Generators!

I will be keeping you all posted for any and all updates that we make to our challenges over the next several days, so stay tuned!


FTC: The Get Famous link is an Amazon affiliate link which gives us a small commission if it is used. If you'd rather not use that link to buy the expansion, you can purchase Get Famous on Origin.

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News, The Sims 4

Updating All Trait Generators Today

Hey everyone! Just a quick post letting you know that rather than posting the Weekly Links List today, I will be working on updating and fixing (in the case of the Toddler Trait Generator) all of our Random Trait Generators today.

Our plugin creator fixed a bunch of stuff and also made a new Toddler Trait Generator for us (using a different plugin than before). Once I get everything set up, we SHOULD have no more issues with the Toddler Trait Generator continuing to get stuck (or at least I hope we won’t).

I will be making a second post later today once everyone is up and running. Fingers crossed the transition goes smoothly!

Posted by Mystic in Featured

Updating the Legacy & Wonder Child Challenge to Include Toddlers


So many people were stunned yesterday to see that Toddlers were added to The Sims 4 in a FREE update to the game. Us included!
We’ve already gotten several questions regarding how toddlers will fit in to the Legacy Challenge and Wonder Child Challenge as well as whether or not we are going to update the Random Trait Generator. This update took us as much by surprise as it did all of you, so we were not able to get the Random Trait Generator updated sooner. We also are dealing with some real life stuff (a family member has been dealing with some health issues) so that needed to take priority.

Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Immigrant Challenge, Legacy Challenge Rules, Movin' On Up Challenge, Other Challenges, Sims 4 News, The Sims 4, Wonder Child Challenge

A Brief Update – Sims 4 City Living & The Legacy Challenge

Hey everyone!

I know I have been pretty quiet in regards to site updates lately, but real life has yet again gotten in the way.

I just wanted to give you guys a brief update on where we stand with Sims 4: City Living. We are in the process of updating the Random Trait Generator right now, though I am not sure how long it will take to get the new traits/aspiration in. We will NOT be making a 2nd random trait generator for the house traits. You can choose those as you wish for your Legacy families. Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News, The Sims 4

Random Trait Generator Updated for Latest Patch

Hey everyone! Pinstar and I are getting settled into the new house so expect to see more frequent posts from us in the next week or so!
I just wanted to let you know that the Random Trait Generator has been updated for the latest patch and now includes the “Kleptomaniac” trait. The Grilled Cheese aspiration is NOT on the generator as it requires certain criteria to be met in order to be activated.

An conflict issue between Goofball and Snob has also been corrected so those two traits should not appear together anymore.

If you guys find any further conflicts, please let us know!

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, The Sims 4

Latest Free Sims 4 Update, Aspirations, and Real Life Stuff!


Hi everyone! Hope you all are enjoying the new free content that released with The Sims 4!

We just wanted to let you all know that with our move to a new state imminent (we move next week, eek!) we will be slow to update the rules to include the new Grilled Cheese Aspiration, Gardener NPC, and Kleptomaniac Trait. Neither of us have had a chance to play the game in at least a month, let alone playtest it to figure out how these new items fit into the rules. Most likely we will update everything, including the Random Trait Generator in a couple of weeks once we get ourselves settled into our new house.

We apologize for the delay, but real life is extremely hectic right now and there is no way for us to get this out and ready before the move. Once we are all settled in, expect updates to the website to release more quickly. Until then, we apologize again for the inconvenience! See you all in a couple weeks!

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, The Sims 4