month of cookies

Eat Like a Sim’s Month of Cookies – Gingerbread Plumbobs

This week’s recipe is not actually a recipe from the game, but rather something that I came up with to put a festive spin on the most recognizable icons of the Sims… the plumbob! Since the holidays are gingerbread season, I thought gingerbread plumbobs might be a fun little cookie to make.

The plumbob has been around since The Sims 1 and is used as a device to identify the mood and needs of your Sim. Each game has changed the mechanics of how the plumbob works (The Sims 4 changed it to reflect the emotional state that your Sims are in for instance) but has never changed what its shape. It has always maintained its elongated diamond shape which easily identifies it, even outside of the game.

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Posted by Mystic in Eat Like a Sim Recipes, Featured

Eat Like a Sim’s Month of Cookies – Black and White Cookies

This week’s recipe is the The Sims 4 Black and White Cookie recipe. Sims can make this recipe at cooking skill level four. I’ll be honest and say that I don’t typically have my Sims bake cookies as they tend to gain weight too quickly as it is, but I saw this recipe on the recipe list and thought it might be fun to make in real-life. Hopefully they don’t go to my hips as quickly as the in-game version does! Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Eat Like a Sim Recipes, Featured

Eat Like a Sim – Month of Cookies – Coming Soon!

Month of Cookies

That’s right everyone! My popular, Eat Like a Sim recipe posts will be focusing on cookies for the entire month of December!

I will be posting a new Sim cookie recipe every week for you to make in real life! I have already compiled a list of what I’d like to make, and should have at least one new cookie recipe for you to make every week. Each cookie recipe is based on a recipe found in the Sims games (from Sims 1 to Sims 4). So get those baking hats on, you’ll be needing them soon!

Posted by Mystic in Eat Like a Sim Recipes, Featured, General News