Mansion Baron

#LegacyHouseBuilds – Mansion Baron Tier 1 House Tour

Hello everyone! I have been busy making houses for the #LegacyHouseBuilds hashtag on the Sims 4 Gallery. Today’s house is the house that you will need to complete the first tier of the Mansion Baron aspiration. This house is also a solid option for a ~§50,000 Legacy house as it has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, plenty of space, and lots of skill up items. So if you have a Legacy Sim with the Mansion Baron Aspiration this is the house that you will need for the first tier, which is to have a house worth §50,000 as well 15 works of art. Below is a tour of the house!

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Posted by Mystic in Featured, House Builds & Tours, Legacy House Builds, The Sims 4