Legacy Challenge

The Fantasy Legacy #29 – Two Birthdays for the Price of One (Cake)

We have not one, but TWO birthdays in this episode! Not only is Darsh becoming an elder, but the moment we’ve all been waiting for is here! Morrigan is becoming a young adult, which means we are fast approaching the start of generation 3! Oh my gosh!

You can view this episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below.

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy #28 – The Creation of BBQ-apalooza

Seeing as this game has a lack of summer holidays, I thought it was time to create our own and prepare for it. Thus, BBQ-apalooza was born.

Time to get ready for it! Wait… what’s wrong Amren? OH NOOOO!

You can watch this episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below.

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy #27 – Thunderstorms Are Scary

A few members of the Legacy household are NOT fans of this giant thunderstorm. Fleur is especially not a fan of the loud booms.

You can watch this episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below.

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy #26 – Mystery Playful Object

Welp, this episode drove me crazy. I have no idea what was causing that playful emotion, but having everyone randomly “Very Playful” was a bit alarming. I still don’t really know what caused it.

You can view this episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy #25 – Skill Up Day

It’s Skill Up Day and everyone has a skill that I’d like them to increase so it’s time to get everyone to work!

I’m also working to try and get Emotional Control up a bit on Morrigan and Amren.

You can view this episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy #24 – Amren Learns Photography

I decided that it would be a good idea to have someone in the family learn photography for portrait making and whatnot and Amren hasn’t really been learning anything lately. So she was chosen.

I also could use some opinions on the focus of this channel come September. Let me know in the comments section of the video, or in the comments below this post!

As always, you can watch this episode either on my Youtube channel, or by watching the embedded video below.

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy #23 – More Portrait Shenanigans

Let’s see if we can finally get a portrait of Feyre! Also Amren ages up into a teenager. I also discuss some upcoming schedule changes for the rest of the summer (though my Sims 4 content will be unaffected by the change).

You can view this episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy 20 – The Start of Morrigan’s Teenage Years

Today the Fantasy family has a lot to celebrate! First off, it’s Morrigan’s birthday, and secondly it’s the day before New Year’s Eve and they all decided that it would be fun to have a night on the town. It’ll be nice to get out of the house for a bit!

You can watch this episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4

The Legacy Challenge Rules Have Been Updated for Seasons!

Hello everyone! We hope you all are having a great weekend. Pinstar and I were able to get the rules updated for the Legacy Challenge for Seasons a lot sooner than we thought we’d be able to!

Everything has been updated at this point. We have made changes to the following aspects of the challenge:

If you have any questions please let us know in the comments below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Rules, The Sims 4

The Fantasy Legacy 17 – Punk Rock Snowpal

Hooray! A bonus Saturday episode of the Fantasy Legacy! I was so excited to finally have Seasons that I just HAD to do an extra episode this week!

You can view this episode either on my Youtube channel or by watching the embedded video below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4