Legacy Challenge

E3: Discussing the next generation of the Legacy Challenge

Sims 4

Let me share with you some thoughts that are bouncing around in my mind in regards to how the Legacy Challenge might take shape after watching the new E3 Sims 4 Gameplay Trailer.

Personality Traits: While there are fewer per sim, they seem to have a much more powerful effect on said Sim and how they interact with the world. This bodes VERY well for the Legacy Challenge. I *hope* they have a randomize button in the game as I intend to carry on the tradition of ‘customize the founder, random for everyone else’.

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Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Sims 4 News

All-new and remastered Let’s Legacy up on Youtube!

Hey everyone! Now that I have my new computer, I have restarted my Let’s Legacy series on Youtube. I decided to start fresh from the beginning now that everything looks clearer. You can see the new video below!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Let's Legacy, Sims 3 Stories

The Fantasia Legacy – Chapter 9

Hello everyone! Sorry that there has been such a big delay in getting another Fantasia Legacy chapter up. It’s been busy here and I’ve been trying to set up a new Youtube Legacy as well (which will need to be restarted anyway… argh). I was also having some issues uploading images onto WordPress, but that seems to have been resolved.

Screenshot-284In our last chapter, I had just finished building the Fantasias a new house. This house is MUCH more spacious with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a huge kitchen and dining room.

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Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 3 Stories

The Legacy Challenge Strategy and Tactics #1 with Pinstar

Hey guys, just a quick little update from us! Pinstar has started a new Youtube series called “The Legacy Challenge Strategy and Tactics”. If you want to know his tips and tricks for starting a new Legacy family in The Sims 3, check it out below!

Posted by Mystic in General News

All-new Let’s Legacy series now up on Youtube!

Hey everyone! I’ve been wanting to do a Let’s Play series on Youtube for the Legacy Challenge for a while now and I finally got around to recording my first episode. I’m brand new at this, so it’s probably a bit rough around the edges. I hope you enjoy! This will become a regular series for me in conjunction with The Fantasia Legacy.

You can view the first episode here:


Posted by Mystic in Let's Legacy, Sims 3 Stories

A primer on The Legacy Challenge and emotions in the Sims 4

Sims 4 Emotions

Back in the Legacy Challenge in the Sims 2, there was a condition called “Social Bunnies need love too,” that could earn you points. If your Sim got so lonely, so desperate for attention, they could hallucinate an imaginary invisible friend in the form of a bunny. These bunnies came in three colors and if you got a blue and pink one to spawn at once (from two different sims) they would begin to romance with each other. It was a neat little Easter egg and it was also hard as heck to do.

Since then, very little about the Legacy Challenge has involved sending your Sim into specific moods other than the concrete benefits of a high mood on job performance. With the introduction of Emotional states in the Sims 4, this opens up new possibilities for challenging setups and possibilities to score points.

While we do not know enough about emotions yet to form concrete game-play mechanics within the context of the Legacy Challenge, this does spawn some possibilities. If there are some actions that can *only* be performed while under the thrall of a specific emotion, such things could be worth points. Likewise if there are some emotional states that are more difficult to achieve, like the aforementioned double opposite gender imaginary rabbits, those too could be worth points. Combine the two: A difficult action that can ONLY be done while under a rare emotion and you’ve certainly got a candidate for points. Managing your Sims emotional states will be important to the new Legacy Challenge.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Sims 4 News

The Fantasia Legacy – Chapter 6

In the last chapter of the Fantasia Legacy, all of the family members celebrated a birthday. Wei became an elder, Hermione an adult, Luna a teenager, and Neville a child. At this point, I’ve more or less decided that Luna will be the heiress as I like the traits that she is ending up with.

Screenshot-159Love is in the air and it’s time for the spring festival here in Twinbrook. Everyone rolled a want to go to the festival so off they went!

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Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 3 Stories

The Fantasia Legacy – Chapter 5

Hello everyone! I had initially posted that I would only be posting my Legacy chapters every other Saturday, but I’ve been playing A LOT of The Sims 3 lately, so I decided to go back to posting chapters every Saturday instead.

We last left the Fantasias after celebrating both Luna and Neville’s birthdays. Luna aged up into a child and I had forgotten to mention that her newest trait is Socially Awkward, which was randomly rolled. I swear I feel like the game WANTS her to be just like Luna Lovegood. Neville aged into a little toddler Gollum.


Now it’s time to celebrate Wei’s birthday. He will become an Elder.

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Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 3 Stories

The Fantasia Legacy – Chapter 3

Chapter 2 ended with Hermione and Wei getting a start on Generation 2 of this Legacy. Hermione became pregnant on the first try; so we expanded the house a little bit. Here is the interior:

Screenshot-71As you can see, it’s still not much, but at least they have room for the new baby now!

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Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 3 Stories

The Fantasia Legacy – Chapter 2

We last left Hermione with the discovery that Lenny Smith-Jones, one of her potential husbands, is rich. Sadly this means he is out of the running to be the Generation 1 spouse. So, now it’s up to Wei! With any luck, he won’t be rich as well and Hermione and he can tie the knot soon.

Fantasia Legacy 2.1Ok Hermione, let’s see if Wei is rich. We’re at his house now. This is his roomate, Lang. Talk to him a bit to see if you can figure out how much money they have.

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Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 3 Stories