Legacy Challenge

Tales From The Hard Drive: Finding Love In The Sims Legacy Challenge

I am super hecking late in posting about this as the video released when I was dealing with some incredibly stressful real-life stuff, but I wanted to let you all know (in case you missed it) that Pinstar and I were featured on PC Gamer’s series “Tales From The Hard Drive” where we discussed the Legacy Challenge for the Sims and how it played an important role in our meeting and eventually getting married.

If you want to watch it, check it out!

Posted by Mystic in General News

Updates to the Random Trait Generator

Hello everyone! With all of my recent playtesting for upcoming Legacy Challenge rule changes on my Twitch channel, I noticed that both the Strangerville Mystery and Beach Life aspirations do NOT require you to move to those locations to complete them (unlike City Native). Since that’s the case, I have added them to the random trait generator.

As always if you don’t have either the Strangerville or Island Living packs you do not have to do those aspirations and simply reroll.

(The Amazon links are affiliate links)

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules

Updates and the Future of the Legacy Challenge

Hi everyone! Apologies for the lack of updates lately. The holiday season really took a lot out of us and January didn’t really leave a lot of time to look into the new packs and what not.

First off, Pinstar and I have been talking and we think that we’d like to get back into working on the Legacy Challenge rules again. We don’t like the idea of just outright abandoning the challenge, especially when so many new packs have added some stuff to the game. So we will be slowly working on playtesting and updating the rules with the newer packs. This might take a while as we are a bit behind, but we will work on it when we can.

Also, NerdyBunny has updated her printable scoresheet! You can check it out on her Tumblr.

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules

The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Let’s Play 88 – Practical Magic

Kelsier has been doing really well with his alchemy, but having a Sim in the house that knows practical magic would really be… well… practical. Time to get him to learn some spells!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy

The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Let’s Play 86 – Vet Visit

Dixie isn’t feeling well, so it’s time for a visit to the vet. Can Imane bring her dog to the appointment without being harassed by paparazzi?

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy

The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Let’s Play 84 – Imane’s Star Rises Further

Imane has really made a name for herself as an author. People around town know who she is now and that means not even being able to take the dog to the vet without having people fawn over her.

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Let's Play, The Fantasy Legacy, The Sims 4