Legacy Challenge Updates

Get Famous Aspirations Added to the Random Trait Generators

Hello everyone! Over the course of the next week or two Pinstar and I will be updating some of our challenges for the new expansion pack, Get Famous. Currently we are still working on playtesting many aspects of the new expansion, so we don’t have any solid gameplay rule changes/updates yet. However, I did update the Random Trait Generators to include the two newest aspirations added in this pack, “Master Actor/Actress” and “World-Famous Celebrity”. So it is now possible to randomly get those aspirations when using the generators.

As always, if you do not own this pack, you can re-roll to get a different aspiration.

UPDATE: I just realized there was a new trait added as well (I need more caffeine today… I completely missed it at first) so that too has been added to the Random Trait Generators!

I will be keeping you all posted for any and all updates that we make to our challenges over the next several days, so stay tuned!


FTC: The Get Famous link is an Amazon affiliate link which gives us a small commission if it is used. If you'd rather not use that link to buy the expansion, you can purchase Get Famous on Origin.

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News, The Sims 4