It’s finally time for Pinstar and me to update our Sims 4 Legacy Challenge rules and to do that, I need to do some playtesting! I thought it would be fun to make this into a Youtube series so that you all can post suggestions and questions as we go!
Legacy Challenge
How to start a Sims 2 Legacy Challenge in 2025!
The website will be updated for Growing Together soon!
Hi everyone, Pinstar and I are in the process of selling our house and have been extremely busy with that and moving to a new state and what not.
We have not had a chance to even purchase Growing Together yet, let alone play it. With that in mind, we also haven’t been able to playtest it for rule adjustments. We will try and get this all updated as soon as we can, but with all of the showings happening at our house, there will be delays.
Thank you for your patience!
Paradox Announces a Competitor to The Sims
On Monday, March 6, Paradox Interactive announced a new game called Life By You. It appears that it will be a simulation game and a competitor to The Sims franchise.
Paradox Interactive is responsible for incredible games like Cities: Skylines (a successful competitor to Sim City), Crusader Kings (Sims meets RPG set in medieval times), and may other games. Not only that, but Rod Humble (a creator of Sims 2 and Sims 3) is also on the team working on this new game.
With this sort of gaming pedigree, Pinstar and I are extremely optimistic that this will be a viable competitor for a franchise that has had a monopoly on this particular type of life Sim genre for decades.
Also, for those of you wondering, yes, if we are able to make a Legacy Challenge (along with any other of our challenges) for this game, we will be.
Paradox will be releasing more info on March 20th, so stay tuned!
Introducing The Movin’ On Up Legacy Challenge
Have you ever wanted to combine the Movin’ On Up Challenge with the Legacy Challenge? Well now you can with this new combo challenge, The Movin’ On Up Legacy Challenge! Good luck and let us know how you do!
Mystic will be starting a Let’s Play series of this challenge on her Youtube channel soon, so keep an eye out!
Mystic’s Sims 2 Legacy Series is Back!
If you follow me on Youtube, you know I had a video series going for my Sims 2 Legacy family. I took a break when real life got in the way, but they are back now with a new video! The generation 3 kids are currently in college.
New Guide: The Best & Worst Expansions For The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge
I am hoping to also turn this into a video, but I am not sure when that will be posted yet. Hopefully by the end of the week!
I would also love to hear how you would rank the expansions, so let me know in the comments!
Legacy Challenge Succession Laws Ranked by Difficulty – A New Guide!
We have a new guide up for you all today. For those of you that are unsure which Legacy Challenge Succession Laws to choose for your Legacy, this guide ranks them in order of difficulty and complexity. Hopefully this helps make your choices easier!
Planning Legacy Guides for Sims 4 Free to Play

Hello everyone! With the announcement of The Sims 4 going free to play on October 18, I wanted to start working on some Legacy Challenge related guides to post on the website. I have a list of guides that I want to post, but I would love your input on whether I should add others!
Here is what I have so far:
- How to start a Legacy Challenge in the Sims 4
- How to make money early on in the Legacy Challenge
- Finding a spouse
- Succession laws ranked by difficulty and which to choose
- Building Legacy Houses
- All packs ranked for how they work with the Legacy Challenge
Let me know what you think in the comments below!
Teen Aspirations & The Trait Generators
I have made a change to how the Random Trait Generators and the Legacy Challenge Rules work for the Sims 4. Since Teens can now roll for Aspirations that also include teen-specific aspirations along with the original aspirations from previous packs, it made sense to change the wording on when to roll for aspirations.
When a child becomes a teenager, roll for the teenager aspiration (ignore what the adult aspiration says for the moment) and go with whatever is assigned. If your teenager is able to complete their aspiration before adulthood, then you can either choose to go with a randomly generated adult aspiration from the generator next (to add some more randomness to your challenge) or do what has been done in the past and choose the next one. It’s up to you!
The rules have also been reworded to reflect this.