Recently, I’ve been doing a
Let’s Play on
Euphorial Queen’s Rosebud challenge. The challenge, at its heart, is to start with nothing and make it to $1,000,000.
During my series, I have chosen to focus on artistry and authorship to aid me in rapid money production. As the series went on, I found my basic “Inspiration Room” lacking, so I went on to create what I call the “Inspiration Vortex”
So what does the Inspiration Vortex do? Once all of the spots on the walls under the lights are populated with normal paintings, the desks decorated with decorative objects, and all the mood auras turned on, the room will provide everybody in it a +3 inspired and +3 happy environmental moodlet.
You may ask “Pinstar, what’s the big deal? You only need a +1 inspired moodlet to become inspired. Why go through all the trouble?” There are many reasons why having a +3 inspired and +3 happiness moodlets are powerful.
When a highly skilled artist or writer finishes a high quality painting or book, they will often gain a +2 confident moodlet. This moodlet is great if you are fine with your sim taking a break and going off to town to socialize…but if you wanted them to continuing painting or writing, that confident mood isn’t going to do their efforts any favors.
The solution? A +3 inspired moodlet will still retain inspired as a sim’s dominant mood, even when they gain a +2 confident moodlet (Barring additional confidence moodlets). This allows your sim to continue painting or writing under the effects of the inspired mood, despite their confidence without wasting time trying to get a temporary extra inspired mood to compensate.
The +3 happy moodlet also helps in several ways. Since Inspired is a good mood, the +3 happy moodlet will always be turned into 3 extra points of inspiration, leaving you at +6 inspired. This gives you a very strong emotional wall against negative moodlets that would otherwise sour your sims efforts. Even after immediately peeing themselves (Which causes a +5 embarrassed moodlet) a sim in an inspiration vortex will ignore that embarrassment and feel inspired instead.
Being at +6 inspired is important for another reason. At +8 inspired, a sim will enter the “Very Inspired” mood. This elevated version of inspired ratchets up the benefits of normal inspiration. You get even faster creative skill gains, higher effective skill, and thus even better chances for creating masterpieces and best-sellers. The extra +2 needed to push you up to the limit can come in the form of happiness moodlets or more inspired moodlets,
You can download the Inspiration vortex room for your self from the gallery here.
(Just make sure you make/buy paintings to place under all the lights and turn on all the mood auras).
If you want to see the Let’s Play that inspired the Inspiration Vortex, and see the concept evolve, check it out on my youtube channel here.
Happy Simming!