EA Headquarters

Pinstar is at The Sims 4 Creator’s Camp!


Now that we’ve been given the “OK” to announce this, we wanted to let you all know that Pinstar was invited to The Sims 4 Creator’s Camp at EA headquarters. He will be there this week. While we can’t discuss what is going on there until later in August, we can say that this is an exciting opportunity for him as a challenge builder in the game.

We are super grateful that EA considered him for this opportunity and I can’t wait to hear what he’s seeing while he’s there. We will post more information once we’ve been given the nod from EA to do so. I will answer any questions that I can, but for the moment, that probably won’t be much. Also, bear in mind that I am not there myself, so I don’t know much of what is going on until I speak with Pinstar.

For more information on Creator’s Camp, check out SimsVIP’s post about it.

Posted by Mystic in Sims 4 News