Hey everyone! Just a quick little post to let you know that an update to the Legacy Challenge rules will be coming soon to include the changes made to the game in the December patch. This patch had a much bigger change to the game the the previous two, so Pinstar is working on playtesting a few things to see how they will tie into the changes of the challenge.
For the most part, the changes probably won’t be huge, so don’t worry about pausing your Legacies until you hear from him, at most it may just change some point values in the Nature section. I am going to guess that using the given vacation days will be allowed (seeing as that has always been the case in the past), so I would say use those as you see fit as well.
Also, feel free to use the “Move Objects On” cheat to your heart’s desire. A build mode cheat such as that will not affect gameplay and is therefore allowed in the Legacy Challenge as it always has been.