While doing my daily browse of SimsVIP, I learned about the new free, optional event that launched today for The Sims 4. This event is called “The Sims 4 Triple Boost Week” and what it does is allow your Sims to gain skills or job progress three times quicker than normal for seven in-game days (you can’t have both at the same time) after talking with a Sims named Jasmine Holiday (either by phone or in person). This can be done as many times as you wish between the dates of August 22 and August 29, 2016.
So what does this mean for the Legacy Challenge, Wonder Child Challenge, Immigrant Challenge, and Apocalypse Challenge? Well, it will affect each challenge a bit differently. (Bear in mind the Boosts are OPTIONAL. If you don’t want to use them in your challenge, you don’t have to. I personally will not be using them at all because it feels a bit too much like a cheat to me.)
Legacy Challenge
You may use a skill or career boost ONCE per Sim and you will need to choose between Skills or Careers (you may not do both). Once a boost has been used for that Sim, no other boosts may be used for that Sim the duration of this event. We don’t want this boost to be overused in Legacy Challenges as it would result in the challenge becoming too easy. However, we understand that it sometimes gets a bit monotonous to have to go through and skill up/progress up careers for every Sim in the Legacy, which is why we are allowing the boost to be used once for each Sim.
Wonder Child Challenge
Your Wonder Child may NOT use the Triple Boost at all. This challenge relies far too heavily on the progress of skills and teenage careers for us to be able to allow this boost to be used by your Wonder Child. The child’s parents however, can use these perks freely as many times as you wish as they have no affect on the overall score of the challenge.
Immigrant Challenge
You may use the Triple Boosts for skills freely for this challenge as skills really aren’t the main focus of the challenge. Your Immigrant Sim isn’t allowed to have a job, though, so the career boost will be a moot point.
Apocalypse Challenge
Sorry guys, but you’re in the middle of an apocalypse. Jasmine Holiday is to be considered unreachable either via phone or in-person. No Sims in the Apocalypse Challenge can use these services. I thought about allowing you to call her on the phone once eSports was lifted or in-person once Diamond Agent was lifted, but then I realized that it would allow the other careers/skills to become much easier to earn and therefore severely decrease the difficulty of the challenge. The Apocalypse Challenge is not meant to be an easy challenge. Using these boosts would defeat the purpose of playing it.
Huh, I haven’t tried this boost thing but this is very interesting.
I’m doing a wcc and definitely use the get together club skill boost system to boost all the skill needed in which point you can maxed all 4 childhood skill in only 2 or 3 days. I don’t know how big of a boost it is but it is definitely a significant boost.
Yeah we never made an official ruling on the clubs, but the expansion released while we were in the middle of our big move to a new state so we never got around to it. I am going to eventually take a look to see how overpowered clubs are for the Wonder Child Challenge. If it turns out that it makes the challenge too easy, we’ll probably change the rulings around. But until then, I’d say just use your judgment on that.
You still need the perk point to unlock it but once you do I think it boost skill almost twice the usual, probably more with the emotional skill boost. I didn’t think it make them too easy but those who are good at micromanagement (at changing the activity so you can get more perk point) will get a lot of advantages.
Oh really? Yeah I never had much of a chance to play around with clubs. I’m going to need to take a closer look at that at some point! Thanks for pointing that out!