The Premise
You have big dreams. Dreams of wealth, dreams of a life of luxury, and dreams of living in that deluxe apartment in the sky. However, you have only enough money to rent the cheapest, dirtiest, and grungiest apartment in San Myshuno. It’s a start I guess. And the only way you can go from here is up.
Welcome to the Movin’ On Up Challenge, where you start with a single Sim, zero money, and must work your way up (using this apartment list) to be able to own the most expensive Penthouse in San Myshuno, Torendi Tower.
The Rules
- This challenge requires The Sims 4 City Living
- You must start with a single Sim fresh out of CAS – they can have any aspiration and traits that you wish (You can choose to make your founder an Alien or a Vampire if you wish. This will have no effect on the challenge.)
- Aging may be turned off or set to a longer life-span if you wish. This won’t really have a huge effect on the challenge.
- Move this starter Sim into the 1313 21 Chic Street Apartment, after they have moved in, decrease their household funds to §0. The apartment must be purchased unfurnished. (That’s right, you’re going to start off living in a completely empty apartment!)
- You many travel to any world you wish in order to satisfy your Sims needs (for instance they can travel to the Willow Creek gym or library if they need to)
- To earn money in the early game you may gather collectibles, rummage through trash along with all other traditional methods.
- You may choose any additional lot traits that you wish, but the ones that originally came with the apartment when you moved in must stay.
- No cheats except those used to decrease your money.
- You must furnish the apartment that you are currently living in. It cannot remain empty in an attempt to save money. You are required to fully furnish each apartment before making sure you can move on to the next one. (By fully furnish I mean you need to have a the same number of bedrooms/bathrooms listed in that apartments info, as well as a kitchen, and every room needs to have a functional purpose)
- You cannot move in a spouse/roommate until you’ve been able to successfully pay your first week’s rent and you have a place for them to sleep.
- If your spouse/roommate moves in with a job, they must quit their job upon moving in and take a new one. You must also decrease the family’s funds back down to whatever they had prior to the spouse/roommate moving in. This will essentially make it so that the spouse/roommate doesn’t bring in any additional money.
- You may only move in one spouse/roommate per generation
- Your Sim is allowed to have children (via either birth or adoption) and you can pick and choose any aspirations/traits that you wish
- You will be moving your Sim to every apartment on this list throughout the challenge (some are not included as the prices double with another apartment). You will start with the least expensive one (determined by rent + deposit) and work your way up.
- Once your Sim has the first week’s rent and deposit for the next apartment on the list and they have fully furnished the previous apartment (ie they have furniture in every room and each room has a purpose) they can move on to the next apartment. You must stay in every apartment long enough to pay the first week’s rent. You cannot simply move into one apartment and then quickly move into the next if you can afford it! This will prevent the challenge from moving too quickly.
- Every apartment must be purchased unfurnished. Your Sim must take the furniture from their old apartment with them and you are not allowed to choose to “sell all furniture” when you move. (You may, however, sell pieces of furniture as you upgrade to better items throughout the challenge. I just don’t want you selecting the “Sell all furniture” option when you move). Any furniture that you take with you can be used to furnish the new apartment.
- Your Sim and their spouse/roommate are allowed to have any job they wish, or you may own a business/restaurant, or to make it more difficult can only earn money through a craft (painting, music, writing, etc)
- This continues until your Sim and their family can afford to move into Torendi Tower (the most expensive Penthouse worth §109,445 unfurnished)
- This challenge will only end once you reach Torendi Tower. If your founding Sim dies before this happens, that’s ok. The next generation will continue working on it.
Completing the Challenge
Once your Sim and their family is able to move into Torendi Tower, the challenge is complete.
Can your Sim move on up to that deluxe apartment in the sky? (I sure hope someone gets this reference too, or I’m going to feel old!)
This looks like fun, I’m going to do it.
After I’m done with my legacy I’m totally doing this and I’m going to name the family the Jeffersons 😂
Haha awesome!
Are we supposed to be going back to 0 simoleons after every move?
Yeah, I was wondering this as well.
I never made that an official rule, but if you want to add more of a challenge for yourself, then go for it 🙂
So, what aspiration rewards can we use? Can we use the youth potion?
Oh good question! That’s something I didn’t think about when I wrote the rules. That being said, go ahead and use whatever aspiration rewards you want. Youth potion included. I don’t mind if your founder lives an extraordinary amount of time.
This looks like a great challenge! Can’t wait to finally get a piece of the pie for my simmies! Should be ok as long as they don’t burn the beans in the kitchen or on the grill 😀 (I couldn’t resist finishing some of the song. Sorry :P)
This is awesome, I live in the second appartment on the list, ready to move the the neighbouring room with gremlins lol. I have a question though … I have a lovely little baby daughter to continue our family dream, but in the old fashioned theoratical way, women can’t give their last names to their children (IRL). Do I have to make babies until I have a boy to keep up the legacy? Or can I use my one daughters last name for future children. I meana appartments don’t offer immense room for a big family hehe
Names are easily changed to anything you want. Just click on the name box(es) to edit once you’ve taken them to a mirror or dresser to change their appearance or plan an outfit. Makes it so much easier than cheats or going to town/city hall to change their name. Anything you could change about yourself can be changed, really. Not sure what you mean about women not being able to pass on their last name, though. It’s done all over the world. Naming customs vary drastically from place to place. ‘Datter’ is added to a woman’s name for a girl’s last name in Scandinavian places, for example. Just like ‘son’ is added to males’ first names to make a last name for their son…such as Johnson. They have a similar custom in Russia. In my case I will never change my name. I’m known by it as a writer, and giving up my name implies my husband is more important than me.
This is The Sims. A game that has been known for it’s progressiveness for almost 2 decades now. Lesbian, gay, straight, alien, vampire, even werewolf. In 4 you can even be transgender. So trust me when I say EA isn’t going back to women changing their name because of a man.
Another idea I had when I started this challenge (to make it more challenging and fun) was to incorporate some career restrictions into it. So, if you play it on normal, you would have roughly 6 weeks for a Sim’s entire young adult and adult life. That would be about 3 apartments, considering that you spent about 2 weeks in each apartment. With 15 apartments on the list, that’s enough for about 5 generations. So I considered this:
1st Generation, Street Performer – You must only make money via tips from performance based activities (ie. violin, guitar, singing, comedy routines, or acting as the living statue).
2nd Generation, Craftsperson (requires Get to Work) – You must have a retail store and skill in a craft (ie, painting, woodworking, writing, photography, etc.), and sell the items you have produced in that retail store.
3rd Generation, Servant (may require Dining Out) – You must have a service oriented business (ie. a restaurant, a photography studio, if you can make money off of training people, any other ideas?)
4th Generation, Professional (requires Get to Work) – have any one of the Get to Work careers
5th Generation, Businessperson – have one of the business careers…not too sure about this one yet, as it seems kind of boring
Alternatively, if you don’t have the expansions, you could be restricted to the lower paying careers and work upward as you move up.
To start out in the 1st generation, you must only stay in your neighborhood (you can’t afford to travel), and you need to earn enough money for your chosen musical instrument/comedy mic/living statue costume. You can only do this by rummaging through garbage cans (only cans outside of buildings), stealing posters or snow globes, or stealing objects from people. If you go into the bar to wash up or use the bathroom, you must also buy food from the bar. Once you get enough money to buy your musical instrument/statue costume, you may then only busk for tips on outdoor locations. *One note, if you choose the comedy path, you can’t carry your mic with you. So you must buy your mic, put it in your household inventory, then go to the bar and buy the mic for free to set up in the bar. Then go back home, and you must money cheat to pay $200 for a permit to perform your comedy at the bar. This is the only career where you may perform in the bars. Also note that you have to find a computer to write your comedy routines.*
Then, when you get to your next apartment, you can start licensing your work (music or comedy). Your third apartment, you can start playing in bars all over the city (ie. you are getting more renowned).
Not sure about particular rules for the other generations yet.
Anyway, just a start on some ideas for expanding.
I’m definitely doing this challenge and adding the job stuff for all the generations! Great idea thanks. I’ll give you both credit as I will be posting the challenge on my youtube channel! Thanks again.
(If you’re wondering what my youtube is it’s klassy simmer! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCrJ9Zqj4L-ymw2HHIrtYSbA)
I’m working on this challenge now!!! Check it out! I love it so far!
Normal or long life span ??
[…] ultimate goal is to move into the most expensive apartment in the city. Read more about the rules here. A list of the apartments and their order can be found […]
I nearly finished this challenge, my 2nd gen family just moved into Salt house, so now just need to save up enough money to afford the penthouse
Finished now. it took two gens to complete but they got their penthouse, The Family is called Mallow and are on the gallery too. it got harder too especially when the 2nd gen heir had triplets, they were certaintly fun as infants and toddlers
Yay! Congrats! And yikes! Toddler triplets D:
I’d really appreciate/love a list of minimum furnishing requirements for every ‘type’ of room. Like a kitchen must have ‘one counter, one fridge, one stove, one table, one chair’ etc. Thoughts?
That’s a really good idea! I’ll see if I can come up with something!
I’ve just started this challenge and I’m going to play it that I have to buy 1 item from each sub category. So if I click on bathroom I have to have 1 of each sub category of bathroom items (toilet, shower, rug etc)
I was wondering if u could buy stuff from the flea market
My daughter and I both are working on this challenge.. and it seems we both went for heirs too soon based on the fact that it keeps putting you back into 1 bedroom apartments after it already put you into a 2 bedroom apartment. I can see how the apartment list works from a money standpoint, but from a space standpoint, it doesn’t really work. Have you put any thought into rearranging it a little?
Yeah the same thing happened to me. I just don’t know how else to arrange the apartments aside from how much they cost. Do you have any suggestions?
I’ve just started this challenge and was wondering this, too. To get around it, I’m going to bend the rules a little so that bedrooms/bathrooms may be added but never taken away. Each room will cost an additional charge of 15% of the total move cost, in addition to furnishings/etc, to be given to the renovator – by which I mean I’ll just decrease my family’s funds a particular amount before starting to build!
So, at a 15% charge for a new room in 19 Culpepper House, it’ll cost a measly §173 (it’s a slapdash job, yeah? Paper thin walls and so on) … but at Fountainview Penthouse, one room will cost §5065. I might jiggle around with the prices a bit, but that’s essentially where I’m headed! Also, each new bedroom must have space for at least one single bed and one dresser, and new bathrooms must have space for one toilet, one sink, and (maybe) one shower. Any thoughts?
I was just wondering what we do when we move in our spouse/roommate. I know that we can’t choose the “Sell all lot furnishings” option, but it says when you are transferring sims between households that any furniture from the other household will be moved into the household inventory. Do we just sell those furnishings and then just decrease the money back to what it was before? Thanks!
This sounds fun! But… Can I put the life span on long? It would make it more possible to do in one gen…
[…] originally created by the creators behind the Legacy Challenge. You can find the full ruleset here, but in short it is a tweaked version of the Legacy Challenge. You start at the cheapest of cheap […]
Thanks for this, I really wanted a challenge that would fit a vampire!
I would like to clarify something. It says you need the same amount of bedrooms as the description says. So I would need two beds even if I’m playing as a single sim? Or can I make an office room or something?
Also, vampires don’t need toilets or stoves, should I still put those up?
I suppose you could buy other things instead as long as they are around the same price as what you would have bought if your Sim wasn’t a vampire. I’d say you can use your own discretion for this! The bedrooms should stay bedrooms though, even if you aren’t going to use them.
[…] Meet Connor Dodge. He was an active, music loving, family-oriented sim. Connor had always dreamed of living in the city, becoming a musician and making it BIG! He had always wanted to be a City Native. Fresh out of college, Connor had read about an exciting job opportunity in the big city of San Myshuno, and he just couldn’t pass it up. Without thinking twice, he bid goodbye to his folks in the country and was off to the city. Yep! He was ready to undertake the Movin’ On Up Challenge by ImaginingMystic. Read more about the challenge here […]
Awesome! So far it has been very challenging and fun to play!
OK, I might be missing something radical here – but it feels like after the first apartment things get very easy moneywise since you are allowed to keep your furniture? Or am I just misunderstanding something and this particular gap between apt. 1 and 2 is fairly small compared to other apartments?
It gets more difficult later on once the apartments become much more expensive than the previous apartments.
[…] The Sims 4 Movin’ On Up Challenge […]
So, I finally re-started this challenge again and I am having so much fun!
[…] The Sims 4 Movin’ On Up Challenge […]
[…] Here’s the link to the challenge: https://simslegacychallenge.com/sims-4-movin-challenge/ […]
This challenge is really fun. I’ve been trucking along pretty successfully. The only part I’m getting sick of is decorating the entire apartment again every time I move. So far I’ve been able to move immediately after I pay my first week’s rent- which means I feel like a third of my time is spend furnishing.
Also, I made the mistake of choosing the Astronaut career and the rocket ship won’t fit into my house after I moved last week! I’m trying to get around this by putting my rocket ship on a business property that I won’t ever actually put a business on. That got me thinking that that would be a cool expansion pack. Sims Real Estate or Sims Vacation Home where you can own multiple properties.
Anyway, great challenge.
The Jeffersons
I’m 32
Those first two apartments are BRUTAL. I got so sick of the never-ending stream of rats, bugs, weird smells, sparks and leaks that I just let my Sim spend her last three days in 19 Culpepper House hibernating in her coffin while the apartment fell apart around her. When I moved her out, every possible apartment problem was active and at its worst. Not that having Gremlins is much better, but seriously, f*ck Needs TLC apartments.
Ahahaha! Yeah they definitely are the most frustrating. My Sim barely ever slept in those first two apartments. There was always something to wake her up. At least it gets better from there.
Can we adopt pets? I’d assume so, but I wanna make sure.
Yes you can!
If we have enough money to rent the next apartment furnished without selling our old apartment’s furniture, can we go ahead and do so? I’m not much of a home designer, so I’ve been furnishing by saving the default furnishings of the apts to the gallery as styled rooms so I can place them when I can afford it, and if I can already afford to rent it furnished I might as well do so since all it’d really do for me is cut out the middle man, so to speak.
Yeah that is ok. The only reason I do that is so that each time your Sim goes to a new apartment you essentially have a blank slate with which to work with when it comes to decoration. But if that’s not really your thing, then by all means keep the furniture. I’ll try and update the rules soon. I’m leaving for a trip soon, so my time is limited this week. But I’ll get to it when I can.
Nice, thanks.
This is the first time i am attempting to do some sort of challange. I hope i do this correctly, and make a fun creative story to go along with my sims challange. Any beginner advice would be great.
Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll be happy to help!
As far as advice, don’t take it too seriously. The challenges are just meant to be for fun so don’t stress if you don’t do something right 🙂
1. Are allowed to renovate walls/re-space things?
2. Are we allowed to sell furns that won’t fit in a home? For example, I have a ton of decorations and workout equipment I bought while I was in 19 Culpepper, that won’t fit in 17 Culpepper, can I sell the excess? Or do I need to keep those?
3. Are there any rules for/against disabling aging in the Options menu? Not sure I wanna take the plunge into becoming a vampire (especially since I’ve heard that they’re not entirely as “immortal” as one would think) since I’d like to not die, and don’t want kids.
4. I haven’t done ALL of the research, but wouldn’t starting a fresh CAS as a vampire be easier on the paycheck since you’re not paying money to bite people? Especially since coffins are cheaper than beds. This might just be me nitpicking though, sorry in advance if I am.
1. Yes as long as you keep the same number of bedrooms/bathrooms listed in the apartment’s info.
2. If they don’t fit you could always keep it in your family inventory for the next apartment. That way you don’t have an influx of cash when moving into that apartment.
3. Honestly, turning off aging is fine. I should probably add something the rules for this. This isn’t a generational challenge. Your Sim doesn’t really need to age or have children. I see no reason why aging can’t be turned off or, at the very least, set to a longer lifespan.
4. Hmm that’s a good point that I didn’t think about. I’ll have to think about that to decide if having a vampire makes this too easy.
Ty for replying. That helps a lot to get the rules situated for me. I’m a very detail oriented person.
First off I think that this has been an amazinf challenge so far! I’m on my 4th apartment and my sim is almost an adult. I’m trying to cover all the apartments in the least amount of time or generations possible. My sim’s boyfriend hates children. I was planning to have him move in, have a baby with her, then move out. After this I want to move in her best friend. Am I able to do this, or is it against the rules?
I don’t have a problem with that, especially since they have to quit their jobs and have their funds removed when they move in anyway.
Ok, thank you so much for replying! This has really helped!
Ok, thank you so much for replying, this has really helped!
The way I’m doing it is, between apartments, I have to upgrade every single item in the apartment before I move into the next. So the cheapest apartment has the cheapest items in it (I didn’t try to style it) and it’ll move up in price and worth.
[…] plan is for this short story to be the first of a series based on the Moving On Up Challenge. But as it stands, it is my first ever and very hastily cobbled together entry for the SimLit Short […]
I just started this challenge about a week and a half ago. Since I have a job and college the challenge is taking its slow sweet time. My sim just got married at the love festival and had a little girl. Her husband, I send him off to do odd jobs because I don’t like to play with him. lol.
Am I allowed to send him off to due odd jobs? It doesn’t rake in a lot of money so I would like to think yes. Am I also allowed to cheat my sims age up? Like for the kids? Toddlers are fun to play with for about two seconds.
Are we also supposed to live in the apartment for at least ___ amount of days. Like two days at least or??
[…] 拡張パックのCity Livingを使った、都会で成り上がろうという内容になります。 こちらのページに詳しく載っています。 […]
[…] You can find this challenge here: Movin’ On Up Challenge […]
“•To earn money in the early game you may gather collectibles, rummage through trash along with all other traditional methods.” Is a job allowed or are we only able to make money with tips and collectibles? Is “traditional methods” considered a career?
I get to my second apartment and lose interest. If we were allowed to skip to the highest we could afford after a week in the starter apartment, that would be nice. I cheated my money down to zero after moving, but it didn’t make it fun enough (especially when all rooms were fully decorated the day I moved in)
Just curious, is the reference to the song Spirit in the Sky?
The Jeffersons! That was a line from the theme song of the television series The Jeffersons. “Movin’ On Up” was the theme song. “To the apartment in the sky” referred to the penthouse.
To make the challenge more hard I modified the amount of times a sim can move per lifetime. They can only move from the time they are a teen to an adult. They have to have a teen by the time they are an elder so that sim moves on with the challenge. A teen can move once before aging up. A young adult can move three times. An adult can move four times. This prevented me from finishing the challenge too fast since I have my lifetime as extra long. I also made sure my sim finished their aspiration by the time they moved the second time as an extra challenge
I have finished this Challenge twice, and here I go again. I’m going to “try” to continue the “Legacy” after the family has reached the Penthouse. I might incorporate some kind of challenge (careers?) at that point.
[…] The Sims 4 Movin’ On Up Challenge […]
[…] ここでふと、別シナリオにも手を出したくなりました。別データで「資産家への道」をやりつつMovin’ On Up Challenge、ムービンオンチャレンジ、成り上がりチャレンジをやっていきます。元の記事がこちら。https://simslegacychallenge.com/sims-4-movin-challenge/シティーリビングのアパートで、安アパートからスタートし、順々にグレードの高い物件に引っ越して、一番高いマンションに住めたらクリアというものです。「資産家への道」でスタートすれば、ルールである「所持金0からスタート」をすぐ満たせるので思いつきました。別のシリーズとして記事も書いていきます。 […]
I know this post is old but I’ve just recently started this challenge (again). Nobody seemed to have the same problem as I did as in my sim died when he tried to fix the broken appliances in Culpepper apartment. Does it mean I have to start all over again from the start? I’m bummed.