The Sim of the Month Challenge is back!
For those of you that played The Sims 3, you may remember Pinstar’s monthly Sims Challenge called “The Sim of the Month Challenge” where players would get a new challenge every month based on a different Sim (or family of Sims). We have decided to bring this challenge back to The Sims 4. These challenges are perfect for anyone that wants to play a challenge in The Sims, but doesn’t necessarily want to invest a lot of time into longer challenges like The Legacy Challenge or The Apocalypse Challenge. We will be posting a new Sim every month for you to play.
Don’t worry if you start the challenge late, you can still play these Sims after the month has passed as they will always be available on The Gallery.
Also, do you plan on making Youtube videos, streams, or written stories for these Sims? If so, make sure to link your content in the comments of each new month’s Sim so we can link back to you in a post at the end of the month! We’d love to see how everyone did! If you aren’t a content creator, but would still like to share your progress with us, you can keep us updated on Twitter!
Now onto the general challenge rules:
Getting Started:
This set of rules, unless otherwise noted by that month’s sim, apply to ALL sim of the Month Challenges.
- Download the family or household lot listed in that month’s challenge. You may not add or remove sims from this household, change anyone’s age, gender, aspiration, or traits. You may, however, change their appearance if so desired.
- You do not have to start a brand new game if you do not want. Unless otherwise noted by that month’s challenge, you may move the family into any neighborhood and any lot, furnished or unfurnished, as long as they can naturally afford it. You may also give that lot any lot traits desired.
- Once you begin playing the family, the challenge begins.
- You must abide by any and all restrictions set by that month’s challenge. In addition, you may not merge additional family members in. Each month’s challenge will state the rules for if you can move other Sims in and under what conditions.
- You must play with normal aging speed and cannot use any objects that prolong a sim’s life or life stage. (You MAY plead with the reaper if a sim dies via non-age means). You may not become an altered sim type that prolong a sim’s life (IE Vampire).
- You may not use any cheats that would give you a gameplay advantage over someone who didn’t use them (Move_Objects to do some custom building is fine, for example). You may use any Custom content or mods as long as it does not give you gameplay advantages over someone who did not use them (in other words, purely cosmetic mods are fine).
Ending the Challenge and Scoring:
The challenge ends as soon as that month’s victory condition is met, if you fulfill a month’s explicit failure condition or if all of the original members of the family die. Sim of the Month challenges are never multi-generational by design.
Your score, should you complete the victory condition, is the number of sim days (rounded to the nearest whole number) it took you to complete the challenge. The fewer the number of days, the better your score. Good luck!
List of Sim of the Month Challenges:
Note: The Amazon links are affiliate links which means that we get a small commission for purchases made from that link. If you’d rather not use it, then you can purchase all Sims games on Origin.