With the release of The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Game Pack yesterday, we have updated our Random Trait Generators to include the two new aspirations added in this pack. The new aspirations are Jungle Explorer and Archaeology Scholar.
Along with the updates to the trait generator, Pinstar and I will be sitting down and figuring out what changes and updates we need to make to the Legacy Challenge with the addition of a few of these new packs (including Cats & Dogs). We are going to try and has this out this upcoming weekend and will be making updates as needed. I’ll keep you posted on any updates and changes that we make.
Is there anything specific that you’d like to see changed or updated? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll discuss it!
Thank you so much for keeping your wonderful Legacy Challenge updated to reflect changes introduced by new expansions.
I’m sure what I’m about to ask is already on your to-do list but will the new collectibles simply add to our selection of collections to complete, without changing the quantity of collections needed for scoring purposes (for example, would 13 collections still earn us 5 points?)
Thank you, too, for updating your random trait generator so quickly!
Your hard work and efforts are much appreciated!
That’s on our list of things to look at 🙂 We’re going to take a look at all of the collections that have been added and see what changes (if any) we need to make to the current scoring rules. We’re hoping to get this all hashed out this weekend. I’m also going to have Pinstar look into your previous question as well!
I think the Parenthood bonus points is a bit confusing. At the top of the scoring page it says you can get a total of 103 points, however, in the breakdown of the Parenthood section it says you get a point for EACH bonus trait obtained. This would add up to alot of points. I think if your intent is to keep the score at 103, then it should say you get a point when your family has obtained all the traits at least once.
Yeah this is one of the things that we’ll be looking into this weekend. We’re hoping to overhaul/update a bunch of the rules/points with all of the packs that have been released and we’ll make sure that everything adds up properly.
We reworded the rules so that they make more sense. The total points are still 103, we just worded the Parenthood section incorrectly!
Perhaps you could consider a rule concerning the lot traits?
I have been playing around with a homemade rule, where I change them every week to new random lot traits . It can be a great help or a great challenge, but it often create some fun/weird/entertaining situations. The only one I would avoid is Grody as it makes sims really sick. (and it stops being fun really fast).
Whatever you decide, thank you both for all your effort. I really like the legacy challenge, it makes the game so much more fun to play, even though I have yet to finish one 😉
I did complete the wonderchild challenge though, so thank you for that as well 🙂
Thanks for the suggestion!
We decided a while back not to include lot traits in the challenge and let people choose them as they wish. You are welcome to change them however you want. You can choose ones that will make life difficult for your Sims or easier.