Uh oh. This chalk outline of a Sim body can only mean one thing. I’m starting a Movin’ On Up Challenge story! I started this challenge about 8 or 9 months ago, but never got around to finishing it. I had started a Let’s Play on my Youtube channel, but as most of you know, I have decided to focus more on this website than I have been on Youtube or Twitch (mostly thanks to ISP data issues). So I thought it would be a great idea to get a story started. Y’know since I made this challenge and all. And it’s high time I actually FINISH a challenge gosh darnit.
So let me introduce you all to our hapless vict… I mean challenge founder, Arwen Novella (if you can’t tell by her name, the naming theme in this challenge will be after characters from various novels. Arwen, is from Lord of the Rings.) I’m pretty sure Arwen has no idea what she’s about to get into or she wouldn’t be smiling like that.
Arwen loves the city life. She has wanted to move to San Myshuno since she was a little girl. And now that she finally lives here she wants to experience everything that the city has to offer. Both good and bad. In order to afford a better place in the city she knows that she needs to excel in her career and she wants nothing more than to move through the ranks and become an expert in her field. The other reason she adores the city so much is the food. There are so many fine restaurants and amazing little food carts that she is never lacking for anything new and adventurous to eat. She also hopes to one day find love here in the big city. But in the meantime she is fine with dating and seeking out Mr. Right.
What this translates to:
Aspiration: City Native
Traits: Ambitious, Foodie, Romantic
Can Arwen start from nothing (no money and a completely empty, broken down apartment) and move on up to a deluxe apartment in the sky? We’ll see! Chapter 1 starts next week!
[…] Novella Movin’ On Up – Introduction […]
[…] everyone! Last week I introduced you to my new Movin’ On Up Challenge founder, Arwen Novella. This week will be taking our […]