Hi everyone! I am going to be trying to stream my Sims 2 Legacy more often on my Twitch channel and I thought I’d post the VOD links here for anyone interested in checking them out! I streamed this earlier today. It’s a bit shorter as I have been dealing with some personal stuff (anxiety/depression) and I was just trying to get myself back into the swing of things. The majority of this stream discusses plans for the future, but there is quite a bit of (very derpy) gameplay as well. I’ll be linking these on the stream from now on!
You can find the most recent Twitch VOD at https://www.twitch.tv/videos/226952742
If you’d like to watch me play this family live, be sure to follow my Twitter and join my Discord server to find out when I’ll be live!
You can also check out some of the previous vods on my Twitch VOD collection. Sadly I don’t have all of the previous vods as they get deleted over time, but I’ll be more mindful to save them in the future!