Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a fantastic weekend so far. I wanted to post an update about my fantasy-name themed Legacy family that I had previously been posting as a Let’s Play series on Youtube. If you saw my Twitter announcement, then you know that I am no longer posting videos on Youtube. However, I felt kind of bad just leaving the Legacy family unfinished, so I’ve been playing them a bit in my spare time and have been taking a few screenshots a long the way so that I can update you all every now and then on their progress. I’ve also been doing a really good job of keeping track of points using HillieE’s point tracker! I’ll make sure to try and keep you all posted on points as I go as well. This isn’t going to be a story per se, it will be more of just a casual update series. So, without further ado, let’s get into this update!
As you can see in the picture above, I’ve added yet another new building to the Legacy lot. The one in the far back center is going to be what I’m calling a “museum” where I will be putting all collectibles that we acquire throughout the challenge. Everything else is the same with the lot with the exception of the Halloween decorations. It just so happens to be fall in my game right now, so I figured adding some Halloween decorations would be appropriate for both the game and real life.The biggest update for right now is that the heiress, H’aanit, has aged up into a teenager! Her newest trait is “Materialistic” and her new aspiration is “Leader of the Pack”, so I guess it’s finally time to start up that Legacy club so she can successfully finish that aspiration! I’ve also been doing REALLY well at keeping up with her Character Values. The only one I don’t have “in the green” for her yet is Emotional Control, but I’ve been having her jog to clear her mind pretty frequently so she should be getting there soon.
I’m aiming to have all of her character values as close to max as possible before she ages up into a Young Adult. Which I have plenty of time to work on. One of the things that has really been helping her Conflict Resolution value is Yumiko’s “Chief of Mischief aspiration” which I have also been working on. Yumiko has A LOT of people that don’t like her so I’ve been having H’aanit try to fix all her relationships.
Yumiko has also been promoted to the Oracle branch of the Criminal career so we’ve been working on doing lots of hacking and devious deeds on the internet. So far, she’s been doing quite well in this new branch and has already gotten another promotion.
The other big update for the family is that not only has Morrigan been progressing well with her Comedian career, she has finally completed the “Joke Star” aspiration (something that was actually awful for me… I don’t like the Popularity aspirations as I am a big introvert in real life, haha). This was a big accomplishment and I believe it’s actually the first time I’ve finished this aspiration. Hooray!
I opted to give Morrigan a new Aspiration to work on and decided to choose “The Curator” (as you are allowed to pick the new aspiration after already completing one). This is the biggest reason I decided to make a museum on the back of the lot. I figured she’ll be collecting lots of things to put in there.
There really isn’t anything to update in regards to Primrose or Amren. If I’m being honest, I’ve kind of been ignoring both of them (such is the life of a Legacy spare) so that I can focus on my heirs. They are doing alright though. Amren did get one promotion in her Art Critic career and Primrose is still a child. I imagine she’ll be reaching teenagerhood in the next update.
I hope you all enjoyed this update. I feel bad that I am no longer working on this Let’s Play, but it’s been a lot of fun to play it for myself and to work on just occasional updates for you all. I’m hoping to get another one of these posted in the next couple of weeks (I’m aiming for a twice a month post schedule of this).
Current Point Total: 16
Generations: 3