Getting Started:
All this challenge requires is a pregnant sim. You don’t need to make a new family or new neighborhood to play this challenge; you can use existing Sims. The challenge begins the moment it is revealed to you that your sim is pregnant, either by taking a pregnancy test or naturally over time. You may use alien-pregnant male sims for this challenge as well. The moment you find out they are pregnant, note their current lifetime reward point total is. (It doesn’t matter what their current score is)
The Rules:
1. You may not drink any potions from the aspiration reward menu. That stuff probably isn’t safe for the little one(s).
2. The challenge should be played at normal lifespans with a ~3day pregnancy.
3. You may eat strawberries/Carrots and/or listen to specific music to influence the gender of the unborn. Ultimately, the gender of the child(ren) has no bearing on your score.
4. You may only gain aspiration points via Whims during the challenge. If you accidentally fulfill a lifetime want goal, simply don’t count those points. Only the aspiration points of the pregnant sim.
5. You may lock whims if you want to, but you may not cancel whims that appear. (It is OK for emotional whims to vanish due to a change of emotional state).
6. The challenge ends the moment your sim gives birth. They may give birth at home or the hospital. The number or gender of their child(ren) have no impact on your scoring.
There are two types of scoring for this challenge. Your base score and your score multiplier.
Your base score is their current aspiration reward point total minus their starting aspiration reward point total minus any points accidentally gained from aspiration reward goals.
So if my Sim had 1,000 aspiration reward points when she started the challenge and ended it with 3,000, her base score is 2,000.
The score multiplier is determined by the greatest number of +Happy moodlet points active at any point in time by your pregnant sim. Mouse over each moodlet to see its strength. Note that ONLY +Happy moodlets count. Other positive non-happy moodlets, like Inspired, confident etc do not count.
For example, if my sim was their happiest with a +1 pregnant moodlet, +2 decor + 2 Lazy Nap +1 Day Brightened, +2 Good Food… her score multiplier would be 8.
Your final score is your base score multiplied by your multiplier. In our example 2000 base multiplied by 8 = 16,000 points.
And that’s it! Want to try the challenge again? Just get another sim pregnant!
This sounds fun! I might make a new household for this anyway even though I don’t have to just because I like to keep my challenges separate like that, lol. I’d been thinking of making a world full of custom Sims that I play on rotation anyway. This could be my first family. 🙂