Running out of Townies? You can now use the gallery! Look up #LegacyLoves and grab some new potential spouse material.
The following changes are being made to the core Legacy Challenge Rules. as with this and all other Legacy Challenge rule updates, there is no need to restart your Legacy Family. Simply begin playing your families with the new rules going forward.
Spouses may no longer bring in any money with them when they move in/marry into the family. To prevent this, you may merge townies into families with one another prior to moving them in. A sim who is not the last member of their household will not bring any money into the household. Alternatively, if a sim does bring in money, use the money cheat to reduce the family’s new balance to whatever it was prior to the new sim moving in.
The restriction on the number of sims moving into the Legacy family house has been lifted. You may now move in as many sims as you wish, as long as none of them brings in any money. You may have spares get married if you so desire and create ‘cadet branches’ within the household.
There have been many reports that the automatic generation of random townies peters out over time, leaving the dating pool barren. To combat this I am easing up on the restriction of using gallery sims for Legacy Challenge spouse material. On the gallery, look up #LegacyLovers (name suggested by BossJinja) any and all families you find there can be brought into your world and become eligible spouses. You can even add your own entries! Simply make one or more sims in CAS, then upload them to the gallery wiht the #LegacyLovers tag. Please do not upload pre-played sims to that hashtag as it remembers their skills.
In order to properly memorialize someone you must do the following. Write a Song for a sim (Piano, Violin or Guitar skill 8+), Paint a High Skill Realist painting for a sim (Painting Skill 8+), OR compose and perform a Long Comedy Routine.(Comedy skill 8+ – This routine must be performed at least once during a party). You can also write a Biography (Skill 10) for a Sim.
There is no longer a penalty for bringing in more than 10 spouses over the life of your Legacy Family.
What about children from Legacy families? Since you can’t marry them until they are young adults anyway and there is no story progression, as long as they haven’t achieved more than level 10 or their child aspiration when loaded to gallery, I don’t think they would have any extra skills as adults. Plus we know for sure their traits are randomized since they were part of someone else’s Legacy Challenge.
That’s a good point. We could package the spares up when we move them out. 😉
I save my family once the next generation has all the kids at child, but not teen. So I just pulled all my six kids (Grey, Knight and Flux) into one household, generated a young adult female via genetics from one of the kids and generated a teen male via genetics of another. I picked interesting traits/aspirations for the teen and young adult, but I like the idea that the kids were randomly generated from legacy parents.
Legacy teens and young adults would be trickier because they had a chance to level abilities. With kids unless you hit max skill or aspiration, you lose all the progress when they become teens anyway.
Aging up a future spouse from teen to young adult was a bit of a mess when I tried it. I think I’ll just wait until teens age up to young adult now. Might put the generation a bit behind for making babies, but I haven’t had much trouble with that so far since you aren’t held back by maternity leaves. Aging up anyone visiting with a cake was a lot nicer in Sims3 than messing with moving Sims into your household.
Did you get to choose traits if you aged a visitor up with a cake in Sims3? I never actually did that in Sims3 since I knew if they had friends in school they weren’t too far behind to age up to young adult.
No, the traits were completely random, as well as the lifetimewish when aging up a guest in sims 3. I have to do that a lot because the NPC’s tend to get stuck in the aging process XD
Do the LegacyLoves have randomly assigned skill levels once they are in the game, like the other townies do?
That’s a good question about random skill levels. I guess we would have to test that out to see if a LegacyLoves Sim has anything by the time you add them to the Legacy family.
So in order to memorialize someone we have to do all of those things, not just chose one?
Just pick one of them. 😉
Are you sure? It reads as if you have to do al of it. Pinstar, could you please clarify that?
D’oh. You’re right. It should say “OR”. Sorry, fixing now.
And yes, you only need to do one.
Thanks for answering. Love your vids!
Is it #LegacyLoves or #LegacyLovers?
I think either would be fine. They both pop up when people start typing it out.
#LegacyLoves 🙂
It is supposed to be #LegacyLoves (that was my original suggestion anyway). I think #LegacyLovers makes just as much sense, I just, you know, dislike the confusion having two every so slightly different hashtags causes so I’d like to see it corrected, lol.
It should be fixed to #LegacyLoves now, sorry for the confusion!
Extremely disappointed in this rule change. Back in Sims 2, when an heir returning from Uni brought in $$, you allowed it with no problems. This so-called “windfall” in Sims 4 is no different than that, and yet you decided to change it. They are no different. Also, as I have noted in my blog and playing experience, the bill system in the Sims 4 is extremely high. My sims were paying almost $1200 in bills a week. IRL, my family of 4 pays less than $1300 a MONTH, minus food costs. It’s comparatively ridiculous.
I actually want to ask about the no changing aspirations rule. Every townie I have married into my family has had Master of Mischief as their aspiration, in multiple games with completely different families that I’ve started. I don’t like playing mean Sims so the pranks thing isn’t something I like. Is anyone else having this trouble?
You are the first person to cite that as a problem. In my own tests, I’ve encountered a healthy variety of townie aspirations. Perhaps bad luck?
Maybe I’ll just try to uninstall and reinstall. It’s just so weird, and it’s happened five times now.
Happened to me, too, several times. I wouldn’t mind to play with this aspiration, but in the first generation it’s not doable, at least not for me.
Perhaps it would be allowed to, once per townie brought in, randomly generate visitors an aspiration with a generator similar to the one for children, but using their own traits and the traits of the sim you intend to match them with?
I’ve uploaded some young adults and children, all traits randomized using the trait generator. I plan to upload more. Although with the young adults, I did fix their wardrobes a bit to make them more reasonable and tweak their features to make them more conventionally attractive. Sometimes the random ones just aren’t very pretty. (Not that they have to be “pretty,” since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but yeah.)
[…] date was over, Estrella came back to the house to hang out. Since the Legacy rules for spouses were just updated, lifting the restriction on moving folks into the lot, I took a gamble and had Clem ask her if she […]
quick question, are we allowed to use the new mod that allows males of the proper age to get pregnant? i love the pregnancy part, but hate that i am unable to have a pregnancy if my heir and spouse are both male.
I’ve uploaded some young adults, teens, and children also. However, I made two batches and pulled one because I wasn’t sure it’d work. The first batch I made were all related (played with genetics for the look instead of just “new sim”) and so I pulled it after thinking about it a bit, because I was concerned the relationships would cause problems. So I made a second batch just using “new sim” instead, so they’re all roommates, and shared that one. Does anyone know if the sims being related would cause issues for people trying to marry them? (I don’t want sudden unexpected step-kids or something, you know?)
I just made mine brothers/sisters or roommates.
On spouses, can we now take spouses who live in town, provided they don’t bring in money? Or is that a no-go since they’ll often have skills already?
Thanks, and by the way, very much enjoying this challenge…
No-go for now.
Would it be possible to consider this as an option for adding more townspeople to choose from?
An adult sim/s running an “orphanage”. One or two adult sims with randomized traits and a bunch of kids with randomized traits.
My most recent child sims were both social butterflies, and had to make so many child friends, but none of the townies had any kids. (The one kid grew up to a teen and my sim lost all social contact with them for some reason, maybe a bug?)
The kids can be friends for the children and then potential mates when they are all grown up.
Just to confirm as I am confused – on your youtube demonstration of the legacy challenge with sims 4 you moved in a townie which added 20k to the funds… And now it says no funds allowed in? Is the youtube video outdated or?
Yes the video is outdated. The rule change occurred recently.
Funny, cause my founder married a townie whose aspiration is Master of Mischief. I hope their son heir won’t marry someone with the same aspiration. will try to import sims from gallery for future spouse if any chance i won’t get someone eligible from town.
It seems somehow my original question was deleted without being answered. I asked if the original sim you place in your home can write their own biography, also when memorializing is it just the founder and spouse and the in each following generation just heir and spose needed to be memorialized. Because what happens if you have ten kids just to try and get just one thats eligible to be an “heir”?
Sorry, not sure how that happened! No, Sims can’t memorialize themselves. Spares can be memorialized too, not just the founder/heir and their spouse.
How do I reduce the money the spouse brings in. You mention the cheat then never reveal the code to accomplish this task.
I haven’t searched the #LegacyLoves yet as I have only just begun my attempt at the Legacy Challenge (less than a Sim week in) so I haven’t needed it yet.
My question is do the legacy loves have to be single Sim households comprised of just one young adult?
The reason I ask this is what about children for your later generation heirs/spares to be friends with. What about making a mother/father pair in CAS then generating a child in CAS using genetics? This would give you a blank slate couple with child that could be moved into town like the young adult Legacy Loves but it would just provide randomish children for friendship and possible eventual love when they age up in due time.
Oh no Legacy Loves can be whole households and even merged into them if need be.
Thanks, I figured it would be better to pre-seed the dating pool with child Sims as soon as an heir becomes a child so they can hit young adult at about the same time.
To bad some form of story progression wasn’t included in TS4. At the very least they should allow for townie Sims to auto Woohoo with a chance roll for try for baby. That wouldn’t require a full blown story progression algorithm, just a roll of the digital dice. Oh, well.