Legacy Challenge Rules Update 0.96

Parker Masque might be gone, but he's not forgotten.

Parker Masque might be gone, but he’s not forgotten.

Hello everyone, below you will find the following changes to the Legacy Challenge Rules:

A new concept is being introduced. The first spouse brought into the house each generation (once that generation’s heir reaches young adulthood) is known as the “Primary Spouse” The distinction of “Primary Spouse” does NOT mean the spouse HAS to be the sim who helps bring about the next generation. The “Primary Spouse” distinction is, however, important for two scoring categories.

In the “Love” category, determining which spouse’s traits to consider for collecting unique traits only looks at “Primary Spouses” even if more spouses are moved in later in a generation and/or are used to produce the next generation. Any spouses moved in AFTER the primary spouse are ignored for the purposes of the love category.

When using the trait calculator to determine a new child’s traits, the ‘secondary parent’ section is whoever was involved in the child’s birth or adoption. Weather they are a Primary or secondary spouse doesn’t matter always use that child’s actual parent when using the trait calculator (whether it be a primary spouse, secondary spouse, non-spouse etc)

A rule change for the Creative category has also been implemented. In order to earn points in the creative category, only the Founder/Heir and their primary spouse have to be memorialized in each generation to earn that generation’s point. There is no rule against memorializing spares and secondary spouses, but they are optional for the purpose of the creative point.

A Sim may be memorialized at any time, even after their death. However the person doing the memorial work must have known the Sim being memorialized in life at some point (They don’t have to have been friends with them, just have met them at least once)

Posted by Pinstar Legacy


But I was under the impression that only 1 outsider could be in the Legacy household at a time, wouldn’t that make the Primary Spouse distinction sort of redundant?

Pinstar Legacy

That rule was changed awhile back when a method for removing the outsider’s cash windfall was discovered. Now there is no limit, so the distinction is required.

So does that mean that if you move in more than 1 Outsider that you can only accept the 20k once per generation? Do I need to be manually checking that they aren’t the last of their household?


The 20K shouldn’t be brought in at all any more. A previous rule change made it so that spouses (ANY spouse) can not bring in any simoleons at all. https://simslegacychallenge.com/legacy-challenge-version-0-95-rules-update/

If money is brought it by mistake, it can be removed using this cheat: Sims.modify_funds +/-###

I’m a little confused by the 20K also. I just started the legacy challenge and just moved my first sim spouse in and they didn’t bring any money with them and thought that was how it was supposed to be but then I watched pin stars live legacy challenge and his lady’s spouse brought in 20K… Should I use the money cheat to get 20K or what? Cause they are married and pregnant now and still have no walls, just a few things on the lawn.

Pinstar Legacy

It was after my spouse brought in 20k that I realized how overpowered that was…so I updated the rules to state that no spouses can bring in any money. That early game poverty is supposed to last awhile and be part of the challenge.

Wow, thanks for that update. I was a bit worried on how am I supposed to memoralize everyone in the family before they die (my household runs at full capacity all the time). This change makes getting points in the Creativity category much simpler.
One question though: If I opt for creating paintings for my founder pair, should they be masterpieces, or is it enough if the sim painted them has 8+skill?

Pinstar Legacy

8+ skill “High Skill Realism” is the painting you are going for, it does not have to be a masterpiece.


Yes! Love the Creative Points rule change!

I’m still confused about the Primary Spouse.

Asiago is eldest. Bocconcini is youngest. Last Born rule so Bocconcini is heir. Asiago is going to marry first so if he moves his spouse in, she becomes the Primary Spouse? I then have to keep her around to get all the points for two (which two?) scoring categories? I guess Asiago is just going to have a really long engagement long distance.


I was going to answer this, but now I’m not sure if my answer is right. I’ll wait for Pinstar to get back xD

Since Pinstar hasn’t answered, I figure I’ll take a shot at this one. Note that his ruling is obviously superior, I’m going strictly based off what he posted above. Take mine as a guess, please. That said…

“The first spouse brought into the house each generation (once that generation’s heir reaches young adulthood) is known as the “Primary Spouse” “

So, Bocconcini is younger and is the heir. If Asiago gets married and brings in a spouse before Bocconcini reaches young adulthood, then she is not the primary spouse. On the other hand, if Asiago gets married after Bocconcini reaches young adulthood, then she is, at least according to the rules as written.

I’m not entirely sure that was the intent – the reference to the heir makes me think it should be the heir’s first spouse, but then again, since multiple branches living in the same house might bring in and keep spouses, maybe not… Still, as written, at this time, the primary spouse is the first one brought in after the heir reaches young adulthood.


Pinstar Legacy

I think that is accurate, the heir being a young adult or not would signal the cutoff between secondary spouse of the last generation and primary spouse of the next generation.


What about ghosts? Let’s say the 9th heir meets the founder’s ghost, Can (s)he memorialize the founder?

Pinstar Legacy

I’m still testing out the ghosts and have not made a formal ruling on how to treat ghosts with the Legacy Challenge.

How do you memorialize a founder/primary spouse living or dead in a painting or song? Sorry I am having trouble understanding this concept? Thanks!

Pinstar Legacy

They can be living or dead. The only requirement is that the person doing the memorializing has to have known them in life.

What is a “unique spouse trait/s”

Pinstar Legacy

The goal of the Love category is to collect primary spouses with unique traits. Each primary spouse who has traits that NO other primary spouses have had will add to this score. In order to maximize your score in this category, all 9 primary spouses have to all have all completely unique traits compared to each other. (It’s fine if they share traits with your heir or spares)