Happy Chrismahanakwaanzaka! Here are some updates and rulings for the Legacy Challenge in response to the changes made in both the November and December patches.
- The 11th death type, death by drowning, is now required to finish the “Collect every death type” point.
- * The Athletic and Business branches are now required for the “Get a sim to the top of each career” as well as the “Have a Sim reach the top of every branch”
- After it was found that ghosts were guzzling potions of youth built up for the Deviance score, you may release their spirits if you don’t want to risk a thirsty ghost finding your potions.
- You may fully utilize the new time off, vacation days, and family leave system introduced.
- Note that job promotion requirements and aspiration requirements have both changed…but the rules and scoring for these has not (Besides the additions of the two new careers mentioned earlier.)
- Added a new heir law to the heir selection page – Democracy. With Democracy you can have others vote on your heir.