I decided to follow the Sims 2 Legacy Challenge Advanced Rules as I think that adding more challenges to my Legacy family will help keep me interested longer than the 3 Generations I usually make it until I get bored and the family is swimming in Simoleons. I will also be using Handicaps.
Rather than dive head first into Chapter 1, I decided to give a brief introduction to my founder. I am still working on writing Chapter 1 and hope to have it up within the next week or so.
Geneva’s personality points are as follows:
Neatness 4
Geneva’s Lifetime Want is to become a Rock God. Her Turn Ons are Blonde Hair and Glasses and she hates Stink.
As for the aspects of the Challenge that I am going to follow they are:
Family Hobby – Cuisine
Legacy Tree
I will not be starting the Open For Business, Pets, or Bon Voyage Legacy Rules for Generation 1, but I do plan on adding a Family Business and a vacation home later on.
The Handicaps that I will be using are:
One Way Street
Aspiring To Do It the Hard Way
Free Roaming Ghosts
You may have noticed that I am doing the Legacy Tree with an eXtreme start. This means that Geneva starts out with this:
The cheapest bed possible and an apple tree.
I am hoping to get Chapter 1 written out soon.
Don’t forget that if you would like your Legacy family to Guest Star on our blog to email me at mysticlegacychallenge@gmail.com!
I’ve never read a Sims 3 legacy before! I have to say that I really like the advanced rules. Pinstar should do an advanced ruleset for Sims 3. I love the one about the tree. I believe Sims 3 trees don’t live forever, but you could do something about having to have a tree or its direct descendant growing in the same spot for the entire legacy.
I will mention it to him! Truth be told though, he was never as fond of the Advanced rules as he was of the Sims 2 Core Rules. I think he felt he made them too difficult to follow. I personally really like them though as it adds more of a challenge to the game and keeps things interesting for longer.