We last left our family with Lancy getting her first kiss from Jake. Aww, how sweet.
Have I mentioned how much alike Lancy and Aaron are? It’s actually kind of creepy.
The one thing that Lancy has in common with Geneva is that they both enjoy cooking and have a passion for the Cuisine hobby. They regularly watch the “Yummy Network” together.
Lancy: Oh, mom! We should totally go on a cruise! I hear the food is spectacular!Geneva: A cruise?! Are you insane youngun’?! Sure the cuisine is wonderful until you are leaning over the edge of the rails puking your guts out due to sea sickness. No way, no how are you getting me on one of those consfarnding contraptions! They fly way too high in the sky for me!
Lancy: Um… fly? They don’t fly.
Geneva: What? Of course they fly! Haven’t you ever played a Final Fantasy game?!
Aaron: *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* Another long day at the office. Can I retire yet?
No. You’re the one that chose the LTW of Professional Party Guest. Not me. You’re seeing this one through dude.
Aha! It would seem that Geneva has finally maxed her Cuisine hobby and can now be in “The Zone”. This will be counting for my “Family Hobby” score. Now I just need to make sure the rest of the heiresses can keep this up!
Cuisine Hobby Person (forget her name): Congrats on reaching maximum interest in the Cuisine Hobby! Here is a plaque commemorating this most auspicious occasion!
Geneva: Why do I suddenly have a burning desire to make ALL OF THE LOBSTER THERMIDOR?!?! Time to get cooking!
Yep, Geneva reached max cooking skill and max interest in the cuisine hobby. Shortly afterwards she went on a lobster thermidor cooking spree as Sims are wont to do when they reach the max in the cooking skill. The fridge was getting emptied incredibly quickly.
Lancy: Geeeeeeeeeeorge Washington never told a lie, so he ran around the cooooooooorner… stole a cherry pie! How many cherries were in that pie? 1… 2…. 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8…
Hmm.. yeah, we’ll leave her to that.
Seeing as Geneva is getting close to the end of her life and still needs to reach perma-platinum, so, I decided to let her and Aaron have a little date. They both decided they wanted to woohoo in the car. Who am I to deny them that?
Lancy: Hey Mom! Hey Dad! Whatcha doin’?
Hey look! Jake joined the Ministry of Silly Walks! Congrats Jake!
Jake: What? No! I’m trying to sneak over to the house to deliver a gift to Lancy!
Really? Could’ve fooled me.
Well jeez. No wonder you were walking so funny. Where the heck were you hiding that?!
Jake: You don’t want to know.
Kaching! Time to sell this thing for some extra money! Yay!
I mean…. *ahem* thanks for the gift Jake.
With the money we got for selling Jake’s gift, we were able to upgrade the house a little bit. It’s really starting to look like a nice little home now!
Lancy just earned herself the Overachiever title which gave Aaron a nice Platinum boost. He hasn’t reached perma-platinum seeing as his LTW is to become a Professional Party Guest, but he’s getting there!
Speaking of perma-platinum… Ta-da! Geneva has just earned it. I don’t normally take screenshots with the Plumbbobs in the picture, but I thought this event warranted it. She didn’t actually complete her lifetime want which was to become a Rock God, but instead just earned it by staying platinum fairly often throughout her life. The Freetime expansion added a mechanic to the game that let Lifetime fulfillment gradually increase over time until the Sim reached a permanently platinum status.
Lancy: Ooh! Look! We have a stereo now! Let’s dance outside in the freezing cold!
Geneva’s life bar is almost empty and it’s almost 6pm. I’m fairly certain this is going to be her last day, so I decided to let her spend her remaining time with her husband. As much as these two annoyed me at times, the one thing that they always were was loving and loyal to each other. Never once did either Sim decide to cheat on the other, and they always rolled wants to kiss and hug each other.
Geneva: Aaron, I feel that my life is coming to a close. Ironically enough, this is the most lucid I’ve been in a while. I remember all of the good times and all of the bad times that we have had. But most of all, I remember you. I remember everything about you and I am going to miss you and our family so much. Please think of me when I’m gone.
Geneva: It would seem my time has come.
*Hawaiian music plays*
Aaron: Farewell my love.
Geneva: Farewell to you too my dear. Ooh a Pina Colada!
Geneva: Goodbye…. everyone…. *fades away*
Goodbye Geneva. You may have annoyed me at times, but you were a wonderful founder. I’ve had many Legacy Founders throughout the years and you definitely kept me the most entertained of all of them. I’m going to miss you and your crazy shenanigans.
Excuse me… it appears I’ve been chopping onions.
Farewell, Geneva!