Now that we’re back home and no longer traveling I can finally get back to playing my Legacy family and working on the Legacy story.
It would seem that the walls in the Legacy household were not build to code. Snow should not be seeping in through the bottom like this. Yikes.
Lucerne received a pre-college makeover.
And so did Locarno. They’ll both be sent off to college soon.
Lucy: UGH! Why are the people in this household such SLOBS?! I’m kept late here every single day. I hate you all.
Did you ever stop to wonder, Lucy, if the feeling is mutual and we’re doing it on purpose? Because you may want to start doing so if you haven’t. Just saying.
Geneva has decided (or rather… I did) that it’s time to retire. She’s worked hard all of her Sim life and I think she deserves a break. It isn’t easy to be the founder of a Dynasty that is built from quite literally nothing.
Lucy from the bathroom while scrubbing the toilet: Great! Does this mean she’ll take over the cleaning?!
Nope, you’re going to see this through with me to Generation 10, Lucy. But think of it this way, you’ll be an expert at toilet scrubbing by the end of it! All those pregnant Sims puking into the toilet for 10 generations…
Geneva: Son… whichever one you are. Lucerne?
Locarno: Um… Locarno mom.
Geneva: Locarnomom? Why on earth did I ever name you that? Well, it doesn’t matter now. The point is, sonny, you’ve been living here loafing around for far too long. I think it’s time you and your brothers, Lucerne and Whatshisface left for college.
Locarno: Um… mom, I just won the Overachiever prize from school. I’m hardly “loafing around.”
Geneva: Eh? What’s that? The Overcheeser prize? Well why the heck should I care if you have mastered advanced cheesemaking?! It’s not paying the bills around here!
Wow… the stress of starting this Legacy and advanced aging is really starting to do a number on Geneva. Perhaps I should have retired her sooner.
And with that, Locarno decided to leave the Legacy household and pursue a college degree. Well… that’s what he thinks anyway. In reality I shipped him off to college and forgot him in the Sims bin. Perhaps one day I’ll make a dorm made entirely of forgotten spares and play them through college. That might actually be interesting.
Geneva: Good bye dear Locarnomom!
Lucerne: See ya man! I’ll miss you!
Not for long Lucerne. You’ll be following him shortly.
Geneva: Baden, it’s like I told your brother Locarnomom… you really need to quick baking bread and making cheese.
Lucerne: I’m Lucerne. And… bread and cheese making? What?!
Geneva: Loafing around. You heard me! Don’t change the subject to your desires of becoming a baker. We’ve all tried your easy bake oven muffins… you really need to pursue another career choice Baden. I’m sure you should be in a career field that allows you to be out in the sun. You’re so pale.
Well now… it appears we are about to be burgled.
You have no idea what you are getting yourself into. You really should just turn around and walk away.
Burglar: Well crap.
Geneva: Aha! My toast must be done!
Police Officer: Aha! I’ve got you now!
Geneva: You know, you wouldn’t have to Burgle if you understood the fine arts of graph making! I can show you if you’d like! It’s real easy, first you take a piece of paper and a pen, and then you get one of those there rulermahoosits!
Zurich is growing into a teenager. For his birthday he wished I’d pay more attention to him… it didn’t come true :/
Zurich: Oh! I have hands now!
Taking after your mother are you?
Time to ship Lucerne and Zurich off to college and forget about them! Yay!
Because she was forced to stay late again, Lucy has resorted to petty theft.
Go ahead and take the paper Lucy. It’s one less thing for you to recycle tomorrow.
Aww look, Geneva and Pinstar are now best friends.
Time for the twins to age up into teenagers.
At this point in the game I decided it was time I started adding in some custom content. I was sick of the default skin and hair, so I downloaded default replacements. Here is Lancy modeling her new skintone, hair, and eye color. If you want to download default replacements for your Sims 2 game check out The Sims 2 Default Replacement Database.
As always, I forgot to take a teenager pic of Baden. Oops.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I’ve decided that I am going to attempt to get a new chapter up every Saturday. Hopefully I can hold myself to that!
Happy simming!
Hey, that should be a new Challenge: Forgotten Spares. I didn’t retire my Elders. I make them go to work when they’re on maternity leave and stock up vacation. Then, they don’t work as elders. They live off vacation pay. BTW, what did you roll for her aspiration?
Oh my goodness, I completely forgot to say what her aspiration was. I should probably add that to the Chapter. Or perhaps leave you all in suspense until next Saturday… hmmm….
PS Locarnomom ROFL. I literally LOL’d and my 17yo (MiniFFR) said, what are you reading? Then, she promptly asked me to help her set up a Legacy Family of her very own. Her brother (Tsunami, 18 months) is more interested in making sure I don’t pay any attn to MiniFFR.