Super, duper pretty, right? I’ve had some pretty Sims in in my games, both in the Sims 2 (my old Legacy founder Isabella Legato) and now Luna here in Sims 3. In fact… Luna looks a lot like Isabella. It’s like Isabella has been reincarnated in my new game.
Now that Luna is a young adult, it’s time to find her a husband so that we can continue on with this silly challenge (*looks at her husband* I kid! I kid!… sort of… no really I kid). I figure what better way to get to know someone than sticking your face in a trough of ice cold water? These two will be friends in no time.
Come on you two! Be friends! Have babies! *cackles maniacally*
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute. Who is this guy standing nonchalantly by this light post? He looks familiar. And he’s cute! Is that… is that… BEEKEEPER BABYSITTER?!
Oh my gosh it is. He’s already friends with Luna and he’s cute. HEY LUNA! Get your face out of that bucket with that unknown guy and get over here and talk to your old babysitter!
Beekeeper babysitter’s name is Joshua and he’s a super friendly guy. Luna and he hit it off right away.
Joshua: So wait… you’re saying I used to babysit HER? Seriously? I think I would have remembered her.
Well… you didn’t babysit her as an adult you doofus. She was a baby then.
Joshua: Oh! Um… doesn’t that make this a bit weird then?
Perhaps, but come on man! This is a LEGACY CHALLENGE! Weirder things have definitely happened. So get with the romancing; I like you and you are moving in.
Joshua… what… what on earth are you wearing? Oh man… we are getting you a new wardrobe once you move in.
Luna is graduating and to celebrate she invited Joshua over for some flirting and hopefully a proposal. They are already best friends thanks to all the time they spent together when she was a baby. Apparently changing all those dirty diapers keeps friendship alive and well.
Ok, ok it IS a little weird. I mean… he changed her poopy diapers. It’s WEIRD, but you know what? I don’t care. They love each other and no amount of poopy diapers will stop them.
Awww so cute. And… a bit weird.. but let’s not focus on that.
Excuse the crappy picture, I forgot to put the walls up when I took this shot, but Luna proposed and Joshua accepted. They then held a private little ceremony in the living room while Neville and Peaches looked on.
And yes… Peaches is still freaking here.
Now that they are married, it’s time to well… you know.
(Don’t think about the weird, don’t think about the weird, don’t think about the weird…)
No baby lullaby played, but that’s ok. Luna is still young and Joshua has only just become an adult, so we have plenty of time. Luna apparently thought that this was proper woohoo attire. But her outfit is nothing compared to this…
I don’t even…
I just can’t…
Ok Joshua that’s it. We’re giving you wardrobe makeover. You really should get a spot on “What Not to Wear”.
Because he looks a bit like Doctor 10 from Doctor Who, I decided to dress him as such. He looks MUCH better now.
Speaking of makeovers… it’s time to do one on the house. It’s long overdue. Luna apparently wasn’t thrilled with this idea, but too bad. So, everyone is waiting out on the front lawn while I redecorate.
And here is the finished product! It has 4 bedrooms, and a huge dining room and kitchen since Legacy families tend to get quite large. I’m very happy with it. Notice that Peaches is now on the front lawn. I intend to keep him out there for the remainder of this Legacy since he doesn’t seem to want to go away.
Also, I’d like to point out that Wei is still alive. He’s 111 at this point. Good grief. It figures the most annoying Sim ever is going to hang on for all eternity just to spite me.
I am going to be ending the chapter here. I realize it’s a shorter one, but it’s a busy day for me today and I, unfortunately, don’t have much time to write. I’ll try to get an extra long one up next week.
Until then, happy Simming!
is there no more???
I am taking a bit of a hiatus from writing the chapters as I’ve been busy with other things. Hoping to get a new one up in a couple of weeks!