Hello everyone! It’s been ages since I sat down to write a Sims story. It’s something that I’ve been wanting to do again for quite some time and now that I am no longer Twitch streaming (thanks ISP data cap!) I actually have the time to do so again. I got my start in Sims lit with writing a Sims 2 Legacy story about the Legato family way back in 2005. I never finished the Legacy (actually… ironically enough I have NEVER finished a Legacy), but I really do want to at some point. One thing that I thought would be fun would be to start with a Sims 2 Legacy and work my way up to Sims 4. Yeah, it’s going to take time, but since I’m not recording it or streaming it, I actually think it may not take as long as either of those two options would have.
So without further ado… let me introduce you to our founder, Marle Retreaux (pronounced “Retro”)!
First thing’s first. I want to apologize for the picture quality. Apparently I forgot to set the snapshot quality to high and the size to large before starting this story. I THOUGHT I had, but I guess the settings didn’t save for whatever reason. So the first chapter will have a somewhat shoddy picture quality.
So who exactly is Marle Retreaux you ask?
Well, Marle is a Taurus who loves to have fun. She is pretty friendly once she gets to know someone but can be a bit shy around strangers. She has a habit of not cleaning up after herself. And she absolutely hates exercise of any kind. She’d much rather sit on her armchair reading a book than doing any sort of physical activity. (For those wondering this translates to Neatness – 5, Outgoing – 5, Active – 3, Playful – 8, and Nice – 4)
Marle’s ultimate goal in life is to raise 20 puppies or kittens (which is sooooooo not going to happen).
Now, a few things about the challenge and family in general. I will only be following the Core Rules for the Sims 2 Legacy Challenge, NOT the Advanced rules. I don’t do very well keeping track of points, so it will be much easier for me to do the original challenge than the advanced one. So there are no point handicaps or additional challenges here. We are starting on the standard 6 x 5 lot with §4600. There is a naming theme here, and those of you that are well-versed in old-school video games might have already figured it out. I will be naming every Sim in this Legacy after characters in old/retro video games starting with Chrono Trigger (where Marle’s name comes from). I plan on using several games over the course of the next nine generations for name ideas.
As for the house… well, you probably know how Legacy Challenges start. There isn’t really much to it right now. It’s a tiny one room shack with a deck. Since this isn’t an extreme start, Marle at least has a roof over her head. Though that’s about all she has.
As you can see, the interior leaves much to be desired, but she DOES have everything that she needs to start her new life as a Legacy founder. Including a double bed so that we can *ahem* get working on Generation 2 as soon as she finds a suitable spouse. Which, for those wondering, I am hoping to stick to NPC spouses only since NPCs (Gardeners, Maids, Delivery people, etc) tend to bring in less money than standard Townies. I don’t want to make the Challenge too easy right off the bat.
Seeing as we need money in order to have a successful Legacy, the first thing that I have Marle do is look for a job. The jobs offered on this particular day are Gamer (hey! that’s perfect for our theme!), Police Officer, and Oceanographer. Even though the Police career track pays the best early on, I felt that Gamer made the most sense from a theming standpoint, so we went with that.
Ah, the neighborhood welcome wagon is he… wait… that guy looks familiar.
Holy Picard, it’s Spock! I forgot I made a Sim to look like Spock for a Legacy challenge that I never actually played. Gosh. This was years ago. I completely forgot about him. Imagine my surprise when I see Spock randomly walk up to Marle’s house.
The rest of the welcome wagon included two Sims whose names I no longer remember. Marle hit it off pretty well with all of them and they hung out like this for a few Sim hours. At the end of the day, Marle was already friends with Spock. Sadly, she can’t marry him as he is a player-created Sim. Oh well.
After the welcome wagon left, Marle was a bit hungry so I had her make a sandwich… which at this point is about the only thing she is capable of cooking. Here’s a little Sims 2 Legacy tip too… buy the small fridge not a full sized one as it counts as both a fridge and a counter. That means less stuff that you have to buy early on!
The next morning Marle set off for her first day at work as a N00b. I always have to chuckle when I look at the beat up old junker that comes to pick Sims up when they first start their jobs. It really gives you a sense of accomplishment when they are later picked up in a limo (or helicopter).
Ok cool! Thanks to a lucky draw on a random chance card, Marle earned herself a promotion on her first day at work. Now why can’t real life work like that? That earned us some extra money!
Since the chance card promotion happened super early in the day, Marle had a large chunk of the day left to herself. So I sent her down to Sim Center South. This is actually my favorite community lot for early Legacy Challenge stuff. Most things there are free, your Sim can work as a Barista for extra money, you can grill hot dogs for food, and it’s a great place to meet new Sims. Sadly, no eligible NPCs showed up, but it did give her a chance to earn a few extra Simoleons as a Barista.
With all of the extra money that Marle earned, I decided to have her order a pizza to see if we could get ourselves an eligible NPC and… huzzah! We did! Meet Ti-Ning Hanby (I wish I knew how these names were generated). He’s a very strong possibility as the generation 1 spouse! He’s also blonde, which is one of Marle’s turn-ons!
He’s not too shabby looking either (if you can see in the fuzzy picture… *sigh*)
All-in-all the first couple of days of Marle’s life as a Legacy founder have gone quite well! I’m super excited to see where this Legacy takes us and I hope you guys are as excited to read it as I am to write it! Happy Simming!
Chapter 1.1 Screenshot Outtakes/Bloopers:
Something is very wrong with that dude’s wrist.
Nice start! I’ll be watching! And, hopefully learning 😉
YAY! I love Legacies stories, especially Sims 2 ones. Really going to enjoy this series! 🙂
Great start! I still love TS2. Best game ever!
[…] Retreaux Legacy Ch 1.1 […]
Yay! I always love a good sims 2 legacy or any legacy. I’ve binged watched your sims 3 legacy on Youtube and the Sims 4 one also (didn’t finish that one yet though) Sorry about your twitch streaming but I’m so look forward to your legacy story.
Thank you! I’m glad you are enjoying! Hopefully I can get back to Youtube once my kids are back in school in September since uploading a Youtube video uses far less data than streaming for several hours a day. But for now, I’m really enjoying written stories 🙂