Yesterday I worked on updating the Extreme Start for the Legacy Challenge so that players can use Del Sol Valley’s newest 64 x 64 lot when starting out. With the help of other Simmers I was able to come up with a new set of rules for this new start.
First off, this lot costs A LOT more than previous 64 x 64 lots so it requires a slightly different set of rules than the original Extreme Start. The changes are as follows for the normal extreme start:
- To use the new “Chateau Peak” 64 x 64 lot in Del Sol Valley use the cheat “FreeRealEstate On” to purchase the lot for free and bulldoze the house already on it. Once your Sim is moved in, buy the Knight of the Octagon Table and then use the money cheat to bring your Sim’s money to 0. Start in Winter as per usual. If you don’t want to do an extreme start on this lot, just buy the Knight as per usual and use the money cheat to bring funds down to §1800. Either way, be prepared for some VERY brutal weekly bills.
However, after much discussion, it was decided that some Simmers wanted even MORE of a challenge than the usual Extreme Start, so we have come up with the new Ultra Extreme Start! The rules for that are as follows:
- Start the game in Winter
- Use freerealestate on cheat to get the Chateau Peak lot for “free” (make sure to choose “Bulldoze lot when choosing Chateau Peak to move into)
- Move Sim onto the now empty Chateau Peak Lot
- Purchase the Knight of the Octagon Table and then use the money cheat to bring the Sim’s funds to 0
- The lot must have the “Celebrity Home” Trait
- In order to pay back the §35,000 “loan” for the lot, you must buy four additional Knights of the Octagon Table and one Viva La Landscape Painting before your founder dies (you may notice this will leave you $5 short on the loan, that’s because your Sim had $5 in their pocket when they bought the lot)
- You can have your Sims get married while you are repaying the loan
- Other objects may be purchased while your Sim is repaying the loan, just make sure all five objects are purchased before the founder’s death
- The five items bought to repay the loan must be kept in the family inventory and not placed on the lot. This restriction is lived once all five objects are purchased and the loan is considered repaid.
- Money can be spent however the player wishes as long as they make sure to save up for the loan repayment objects
Because of how difficult this start will be, it will be worth TWO additional points rather than one.
All rules for these new and updated Extreme Starts can be found on the main Legacy Challenge rules page!
Special thanks to Kotabuck, StormyDayz, TigerLover78, and SimsMomChelle for the help!
If you have any questions about this update, be sure to either comment below or Tweet us your question!
I will be working on more updates to the Legacy Challenge rules and how to score it for the new pack over the next couple of weeks. Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States, it’s unlikely that I will be updating more until next week. But for now, you have the option to start a new Legacy on the Chateau Peak lot. Good luck!
Thanks for the fast update! I’m definitely trying out the new Ultra Extreme Start. I’m already noting down ideas…
Good luck! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!