Challenge Accepted! An Interview with MySimsAddiction


Hello everyone, and welcome to another Challenge Accepted! I thought it would be fun to get to know some of the Simmers that play the Legacy Challenge, Wonder Child Challenge, and/or Apocalypse Challenge (and any other challenges that we post here), so I am going to be sending out interview questions to Simmers over the next few weeks. If you would like to participate, please let me know!

This week’s Challenge Accepted! interview is for MySimsAddiction. MySimsAddiction is a Youtube Let’s Player and also occasionally livestreams on her Twitch Channel. She currently has several Let’s Plays going on her channel including the Municorn Legacy Let’s Play.

Mystic: When did you start playing The Sims?
MySimsAddiction: I started playing the Sims a couple of years after Sims 1 came out. My dad actually, was the one that introduced me to the series! I remember him coming into my room one day asking me if I had heard of “The Sims” and of course I was like.. “No, what in the world is that?”. Shortly after he bought me the game, and the rest was history!
What made you decide to try the Legacy Challenge and/or other player-made challenges for the game?
I actually stumbled across someone doing a Legacy Challenge in the “Stories” section of the Sims 3 website waaaaayyy back in the day! Her name username was Candi020765, and she was doing an “Uglacy” where she tried to make the ugliest possible heirs. I absolutely fell in love with her stories and how funny it was and began to seek out many many other variations of players doing the challenge. Ever since then I have started more than 30 Legacy Challenges on my own (never finished). I loved the Legacy soooo much, a year ago I actually started uploading a Sims 3 Legacy to YouTube! Sadly, I didn’t finish, BUT now I currently have a Legacy going on in the Sims 4 on my channel and I am super determined to actually finish it!
What is your favorite game and expansion pack for the franchise?
I think my favorite game has to be The Sims 2. It may just be a nostalgia thing, but I have some really really great memories playing Sims 2 with my friends, and laughing over some really crazy Sims drama! Within the Sims 2 I have got to say – Open for Business was absolutely amazing! I have high hopes that someday that The Sims 4 will be as rich in content as Sims 2 and of course, I seriously cannot wait for the business content in Get to Work!
What is your favorite Sims challenge to Let’s Play/Stream/write about?
My favorite Sims challenge is the Legacy, hands down! It challenges me to stick with a certain family for a long period of time. It is really the best feeling ever to look back at your generations of Sims and see how far you have come!
Of all of your Sims, who is your favorite?
Ohhh mannnn. My Sims are like my little babies, I swear! I have a Sim named Missy Municorn who is actually my Sims 4 Legacy founder, and pictured above. She ‘used’ to be a unicorn and gave up her magical life to live among humans in Oasis Springs, but truthfully, she will always be a unicorn at heart. She’s really great, I love her lots!
Of all of the Sims games, what is your favorite lifetime wish/aspiration?
I love the Surrounded by Family lifetime wish in the Sims 3. It’s probably the one that I pick for my Sims the most. I just love the family dynamic in the Sims 3 and most of my game play involves big happy families!
Do you have any tips for people that are just starting out playing Sims challenges?
My advice for people starting their own Challenge in the Sims, would be to just have fun! It sounds so cliche, but sometimes challenges can get overwhelming and monotonous when you are just focused on checking off the requirements. Putting your own twist on it, or making up a really cool back story for your Sims can really bring life to the Sims on screen. Also, I would suggest taking lots of screenshots! It is so fun to look back at the memories you have made.
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions!